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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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San Juan is in California, right? A long way from Arkansas?

So Josh & Michelle left their kids at TTH and flew to Washington for at least two days. Jim Bob & Michelle have left their kids at TTH and flown to San Juan. These are the people that we are all suppose to look up to as the perfect example of parenthood?

I can almost understand Michelle leaving her kids. She has the older kids really well trained to look after the younger ones and she stopped being the primary carer a long time ago. I don't understand Anna at all. There is no way I could have left my 18 month old child and gone away for two days - not even if I was leaving the child with its father. Maybe I am just weird but I was too attached to them to leave them for long when they were babies and toddlers. Is Anna not attached to her children or is she actually very attached but following the headships orders to leave them?

Of all the things to hate on the Smuggars for....I can't get mad at them having a weekend away and leaving their kids with their aunts. Mike's not a breastfeeding infant; he's not too young for a few days away from Mom and Dad. Mac is probably having a ball with the Lost Girls.

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OMG Anna's teeth :shock:

I know, I can't look at them. I always think she's chewing gum with her mouth open. I'd hate to sit across from while she's eating. It'd be nice if her headship would allow her to get some braces.

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I can't fuss about Anna's teeth as I think mine are worse than hers. Yes, she could get braces, but apparently the teeth don't bother her that much. For various reasons not everyone with a few crooked teeth can get braces.

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Anyone else getting a "Brokeback Mountain" vibe from that hat :lol: ?

:lol: He kinda reminds me of K. D. Lang in a cowboy hat. Somebody with talent should do some photoshopping....



Apologies to Ms. K. D., who has more talent in her pinkie fingernail than Smuggams has in his entire ampleness.

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[ @ ] mackynziesmom Headed home! 2h

[ @ ] jimmy1826 you guys are so beautiful 1h

[ @ ] loupdedrew Bet you both miss the children. 1h

[ @ ] johnnyangel805 Stop by the Smokewood gril in xna yo say hi to chef john 1h

[ @ ] kathobi Well done good and faithful servants! :) 1h

[ @ ] tammieloohoo Have a safe trip. 34min

[ @ ] jnbholtfamily Hi josh and Anna! @mackynziesmom This is Kharis! 18min

[ @ ] carlislemelanie Proud of you two for standing up for those that cannot speak for themselves! God bless you. In Christian Love, Melanie @mackynziesmom @joshduggar 12min

Well, the fun times are over... back to reality (which in his case means not working and playing with his phone).

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Of all the things to hate on the Smuggars for....I can't get mad at them having a weekend away and leaving their kids with their aunts. Mike's not a breastfeeding infant; he's not too young for a few days away from Mom and Dad. Mac is probably having a ball with the Lost Girls.

It's not that I am mad at them - just puzzled. Smug & Anna leave the kids once a week, every week, to go out for "date night". That I completely understand. I think it is really healthy for a couple to have some time for themselves away from their kids. Then last weekend they left them for the day to go to the Arkansas Political thing. Now they have left them for two nights to go to an Anti-Abortion Rally.

IMO, leaving the kids at TTH is no different to leaving them in childcare. There are people there who love the kids and care for them and you know they are safe. I just don't understand how people who claim you should never put your kids in childcare or send them to school can leave them so easily. Doesn't it break Anna's heart to leave them overnight?

*I had three kids by twenty three so I have heard the argument about missing out on a being young A LOT. I don't think I missed anything by having kids young. Josh & Anna's case is a little different, as they have missed out on doing things because of their religion rather than because they have kids.

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Puerto Rico. But yes, long way from home!

A little out there. Oops. (Not quite as bad as SOTDRT though, right?)

Puerto Rico makes it worse.

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It's not that I am mad at them - just puzzled. Smug & Anna leave the kids once a week, every week, to go out for "date night". That I completely understand. I think it is really healthy for a couple to have some time for themselves away from their kids. Then last weekend they left them for the day to go to the Arkansas Political thing. Now they have left them for two nights to go to an Anti-Abortion Rally.

IMO, leaving the kids at TTH is no different to leaving them in childcare. There are people there who love the kids and care for them and you know they are safe. I just don't understand how people who claim you should never put your kids in childcare or send them to school can leave them so easily. Doesn't it break Anna's heart to leave them overnight?

*I had three kids by twenty three so I have heard the argument about missing out on a being young A LOT. I don't think I missed anything by having kids young. Josh & Anna's case is a little different, as they have missed out on doing things because of their religion rather than because they have kids.

I don't know - I spend 24/7 with my 4 year old. Alone. My husband is an over the road truck driver. So once every three months, when I get the chance? I leave her with Grandma and Grandpa for a weekend and go do my own thing. (Which is typically just spending time alone, in my pajamas, soaking in the bathtub and drinking wine.) Do I miss my daughter? Yes. But, it's important for her to have that time, just as it is for me to have my time.

So? I can't see myself getting annoyed at them for leaving the kids with family who loves them. (And I'm sure they're having a ton of fun with their younger aunts and uncles.)

I can snark at a lot of things they do. I can't understand most of their madness. But this? Again, as it's been said? Not the hill to die on. They felt strongly about this rally, and Smuggar probably got paid to speak. ( :roll: ) So I can see them leaving the kids for the weekend.

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A little out there. Oops. (Not quite as bad as SOTDRT though, right?)

Puerto Rico makes it worse.

No worries, San Juan Capistrano is in CA so I could totally see where you got it. :)

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[ @ ] joshduggar Just another beautiful day in Springdale! 2h

[ @ ] johnnyangel805 Love there new cop cars 2h

[ @ ] mrsking1 God bless all police officers including my hubby!! 2h

[ @ ] carlislemelanie Thank God for police officers! 2h

[ @ ] loupdedrew Decent #gas prices compared to #Chicago 1h

[ @ ] tammieloohoo Yea, gas is cheaper than here in WI too. Funny how that was what I first looked at. :p 51min

[ @ ] swaggtoc47 Yah way better gas $ than up here in mass. $ 3.31 28min

[ @ ] loupdedrew @tammieloohoo just another reason to move south. ; ) 16min

Anyone think smuggles follows the cops on a scanner in the hope that he can tow and/or purchase the impounded car?

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[ @ ] joshduggar Great turnout at Capitol Rotunda in Little Rock for School Choice rally 2h

[ @ ] julifunandlove awesome 1h


[ @ ] joshduggar Jim Walton speaking now at Arkansas Education Summit in Capitol Rotunda 1h

[ @ ] julifunandlove Check out @duggarslovejesus for an inside scoop of pics! Im a hige fan of this account!!!! 1h

[ @ ] fakejoshduggar It's a Tuesday morning. You were in Washington, D.C. last week, little rock this morning. When exactly do you work? 11min

Is it the "school choice" rally or the "Arkansas Education Summit?" Either way, the fact that a Duggar and "education" are used in the same sentence is laughable.

Kudos to fakejoshduggar for their recent awesome snarky pictures and comments!

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Do we think TLC is picking up the tab for the Caribe Hilton (home of the Pina Colada--or so the hotel claims)? I see its close to San Juan's convention center: http://www3.hilton.com/en/hotels/puerto ... ?WT.srch=1

but I haven't been able to find out what conventions were going on earlier this week (curse you, Wayback Machine).

I guess we will get to see footage of Michelle's modest swimsuit, and Jim Bob attempting to HAB-LA ES-PAN-YOL with the desk clerks. And probably some cringeworthy moments when the entire dimwitted Duggar family reveals their ignorance of Puerto Rico being part of the United States.

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Do we think TLC is picking up the tab for the Caribe Hilton (home of the Pina Colada--or so the hotel claims)? I see its close to San Juan's convention center: http://www3.hilton.com/en/hotels/puerto ... ?WT.srch=1

but I haven't been able to find out what conventions were going on earlier this week (curse you, Wayback Machine).

I guess we will get to see footage of Michelle's modest swimsuit, and Jim Bob attempting to HAB-LA ES-PAN-YOL with the desk clerks. And probably some cringeworthy moments when the entire dimwitted Duggar family reveals their ignorance of Puerto Rico being part of the United States.

I'm not sure that its TLC because the crew appears to be different. I wonder if this is an anniversary adventure (forgetting the fact that their anniversary is in July) while they film the J'slaves and grandma holding down the fort.

I also cant find any hint of a conference, which is odd considering their MO is to media whore whenever possible. So, TLC is my guess.

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If TLC is involved they are probably footing the bill. If it some other non-TLC event, it could be other producers footing the bill. Who knows maybe Boob and Mullet decided to splurge on a trip.

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If TLC is involved they are probably footing the bill. If it some other non-TLC event, it could be other producers footing the bill. Who knows maybe Boob and Mullet decided to splurge on a trip.

If the Duggars are paying bet Jim has asked for a discount cos he is a tight wad.

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If TLC is involved they are probably footing the bill. If it some other non-TLC event, it could be other producers footing the bill. Who knows maybe Boob and Mullet decided to splurge on a trip.

There's no way they are footing the bill. They have someone following them around with cameras - even if it's not TLC? Boob definitely found a way to get the free trip AND probably profit somehow.

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If the Duggars are paying bet Jim has asked for a discount cos he is a tight wad.

"el discounto supremo grande? 19 blessings con deliveriedo by wife-o!"

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I agree, if they are paying for it, of course Boob will ask for a discount. It reminds me of that Primetime special about the Bates family. Gil asked for a discount at a motel when they went to Big Sandy.

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Is it the "school choice" rally or the "Arkansas Education Summit?" Either way, the fact that a Duggar and "education" are used in the same sentence is laughable.

Kudos to fakejoshduggar for their recent awesome snarky pictures and comments!

The Duggars homeschool. How would they know ANYTHING about public education? Ergggh. This boy pisses me off so bad. I want to punch in his pasty face.

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From schoolchoiceweek

National School Choice Week provides an unprecedented opportunity, every January, to shine a spotlight on the need for effective education options for all children. Planned by a diverse and nonpartisan coalition of individuals and organizations, National School Choice Week features special events and activities that highlight support for school choice programs and proposals.

Didn't really look around the website but I'm assuming Smugs is there because he wants all public school children to learn about the flying spaghetti monster?

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From schoolchoiceweek

Didn't really look around the website but I'm assuming Smugs is there because he wants all public school children to learn about the flying spaghetti monster?

I'm guessing it's basically a place where religious right-wingers go to ask for tax credits or vouchers for homeschooling. That was always a significant issue in JB's platform when he was involved in politics.

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Anyone think smuggles follows the cops on a scanner in the hope that he can tow and/or purchase the impounded car?

I would be surprised if John David didn't have a scanner, especially now that he's a constable. In small rural areas here there is no system for allocating towing, being first is a necessity. Smuggers may have one at home, just to be "in the know."

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