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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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We have several school districts in the area that offer varying kinds of homeschool programs. Quite a few of them end up offering diplomas through the districts. Under those circumstances with offering teachers, material, and diplomas, do these districts then get to claim them as students and get funding to provide the services? I can't imagine the districts offer the services without getting payment from the state. It could be a way for the districts to spend less per pupil than having the students in class and yet have some input into the program and be funded for it.

I'm not sure. That would be an interesting concept. Like I said, in our state there are very, very few districts that will let homeschoolers become involved in anything. Most of the time, it is just extracurriculars, especially in pay to play districts. Kind of their way of getting around the no scouting rule through the high school athletic association. Our old district wouldn't even do that because they were closely watched because they HAD been fined for bribing kids to play and approving open enrollments that shouldn't have been.

Nearly all of the instances local to me resulted in rulings of if the kids want public school "perks" for lack of a better word, they need to be public school students. We e-school now, so we get the perks as we're technically in a public charter school. When we traditionally homeschooled, my children were not permitted to be involved in any sort of school related activity. I've even heard of homeschoolers not being allowed to be prom dates of public schooled children.

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Those are NOT LEGOS! Not everything that stacks is LEGO!

I'm defending a national treasure of my homecountry here and what ever that is it's a much inferior product ;)

I think they're MegaBlocks. They're more appropriate for kids Michael's age because they don't require as much fine motor control and they can't really be eaten/swallowed like legos.

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Those are NOT LEGOS! Not everything that stacks is LEGO!

I'm defending a national treasure of my homecountry here and what ever that is it's a much inferior product ;)

They're probably the knockoff shit that doug phillips (the tool) sells.

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Josh is tweeting about two bills being voted on in the Arkansas Senate Public Health Committee. One requires drug testing on welfare recipients. The other would ban abortion at the point a heartbeat can be detected. For many women, this point comes before they even know they are pregnant.

Also, was it Florida that tried drug testing welfare recipients, and it turned out to be a massive waste of government money?

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Josh is tweeting about two bills being voted on in the Arkansas Senate Public Health Committee. One requires drug testing on welfare recipients. The other would ban abortion at the point a heartbeat can be detected. For many women, this point comes before they even know they are pregnant.

Also, was it Florida that tried drug testing welfare recipients, and it turned out to be a massive waste of government money?

Yup, although it was only for people receiving TANF. It cost the state almost $120K to conduct the tests, and saved less than $80K in denied benefits because only about 3% of people failed or refused the tests.

http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/18/us/no ... .html?_r=0

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Could be Duplo? http://duplo.lego.com/

I vote MegaBlok, they look exactly like the two bags we have - the shape of the nubs/pebbles is the key. Duplo tend to look more like big Lego, and are more Lego-y colors. Megabloks are okay, but not great (we didn't end up with any Duplo) - the sets we have came with a lot of the 1x1 and 4x1 blocks, so you can't really build a lot with them. And they don't fit together as tightly as Lego , which is fine for little kids and their level of hand strength, but when you try to make a tall tower, it doesn't work well. Speaking from experience. ;) But definitely too big to be much of a choke hazard.

My son's moved up to Legos, so I'm trying to convince him to "loan" his Megabloks to his cousin.

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Could be Duplo? http://duplo.lego.com/

Nope sorry, Duplo is basically enlarged LEGO, doesn't have that rounded end.

I honestly think it's nice to see some fundie-kids with actual toys, even non-genderspecific( :o ), not the usual VF-junk, be it real LEGO, knock-offs or something completely different.

It's kind of funny, in Denmark "patriot" really is not a very nice thing to say about someone and "patriotism" or "national pride" is to us, what "liberal" is to some parts of the US population, but still I get a little defensive when my American friends use "LEGO" as shorthand for any toy that falls in the "clear geometric shape, that somehow attaches to others of it's kind"-category.

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Josh is tweeting about two bills being voted on in the Arkansas Senate Public Health Committee. One requires drug testing on welfare recipients. The other would ban abortion at the point a heartbeat can be detected. For many women, this point comes before they even know they are pregnant.

Also, was it Florida that tried drug testing welfare recipients, and it turned out to be a massive waste of government money?

Isn't the heartbeat detected on the first visit? If the bill says heartbeat via ultrasound then that would give women no window whatsoever...What I don't get is doesn't Josh relaize women can just go to another state (though inconvivent). Living in Southern Utah the closest Utah provider is 300 miles away but women just go to NV or AZ.

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Isn't the heartbeat detected on the first visit? If the bill says heartbeat via ultrasound then that would give women no window whatsoever...What I don't get is doesn't Josh relaize women can just go to another state (though inconvivent). Living in Southern Utah the closest Utah provider is 300 miles away but women just go to NV or AZ.

It depends on when the first visit is and the method used. I think normally the heartbeat can be heard by doppler at 10 weeks and is usually visible on ultrasound at 8 weeks but there is variability for many reasons such as the weight of the woman, position of the embryo, and point of attachment. We went through that with a family member last year and those were the normal dates as well as I can remember. Dr's offices vary in when they tell women to come in for the first visit, but I expect if someone is considering aborting that an urgent appointment would be made. A very pro-active woman could test 8 days after potential conception and conceivably get a medical abortion before missing a period or the pregnancy detectable by ultrasound. I'd hate to see things come to that though.

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I vote MegaBlok, they look exactly like the two bags we have - the shape of the nubs/pebbles is the key. Duplo tend to look more like big Lego, and are more Lego-y colors. Megabloks are okay, but not great (we didn't end up with any Duplo) - the sets we have came with a lot of the 1x1 and 4x1 blocks, so you can't really build a lot with them. And they don't fit together as tightly as Lego , which is fine for little kids and their level of hand strength, but when you try to make a tall tower, it doesn't work well. Speaking from experience. ;) But definitely too big to be much of a choke hazard.

My son's moved up to Legos, so I'm trying to convince him to "loan" his Megabloks to his cousin.

Ah, thanks. We only had Duplo so I didn't know about Mega-whatevers at all.

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I vote megabloks too

If smugger is loosing weight, him calling out Mcdonalds will only be the tip of the berg. Now every obese person will be trash to him. His vice for food was the only thing that made him slightly human to me. A human ass, but still a human.

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Nope sorry, Duplo is basically enlarged LEGO, doesn't have that rounded end.

I honestly think it's nice to see some fundie-kids with actual toys, even non-genderspecific( :o ), not the usual VF-junk, be it real LEGO, knock-offs or something completely different.

It's kind of funny, in Denmark "patriot" really is not a very nice thing to say about someone and "patriotism" or "national pride" is to us, what "liberal" is to some parts of the US population, but still I get a little defensive when my American friends use "LEGO" as shorthand for any toy that falls in the "clear geometric shape, that somehow attaches to others of it's kind"-category.

Judging by where the toys are... it appears that smugs is the only one actually playing...

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Nope sorry, Duplo is basically enlarged LEGO, doesn't have that rounded end.

I honestly think it's nice to see some fundie-kids with actual toys, even non-genderspecific( :o ), not the usual VF-junk, be it real LEGO, knock-offs or something completely different.

It's kind of funny, in Denmark "patriot" really is not a very nice thing to say about someone and "patriotism" or "national pride" is to us, what "liberal" is to some parts of the US population, but still I get a little defensive when my American friends use "LEGO" as shorthand for any toy that falls in the "clear geometric shape, that somehow attaches to others of it's kind"-category.

Definitely Mega Bloks. I work for LEGO and I, too, get defensive when non-LEGO toys are called LEGO. Also, the plural of LEGO is LEGO, not LEGOs. Just an FYI. /LEGO snobbery

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It depends on when the first visit is and the method used. I think normally the heartbeat can be heard by doppler at 10 weeks and is usually visible on ultrasound at 8 weeks but there is variability for many reasons such as the weight of the woman, position of the embryo, and point of attachment. We went through that with a family member last year and those were the normal dates as well as I can remember. Dr's offices vary in when they tell women to come in for the first visit, but I expect if someone is considering aborting that an urgent appointment would be made. A very pro-active woman could test 8 days after potential conception and conceivably get a medical abortion before missing a period or the pregnancy detectable by ultrasound. I'd hate to see things come to that though.

I am currently pregnant, and we saw a heartbeat on ultrasound at my first OBGYN visit at a little over 7 weeks. It is absolutely ridiculous to expect women to obtain an abortion before that point. Many factors could prevent a woman from obtaining one by then: not knowing that she is pregnant (especially if she has an irregular menstrual period), not having the money at hand for an abortion and/or travel to obtain one, and, FFS, taking some time to decide whether she wants one! I think that many women, even the most pro-choice, need some time to weigh whether it is the right decision for them when it happens: that of course, is part of choice. If Joshie & co want to force women to rush the decision to beat the clock on this arbitrary deadline of heartbeat, they may actually tip some women over into having abortions who may not have otherwise, because they didn't have time to think. And as for the issue of traveling a great distance for an abortion, of course, like all punitive restrictions on abortion, it adversely affects lower-income women, who are less able to afford travel, time off from work, or childcare for existing children to take such a trip.

Damn, my ears are steaming! :evil: As someone who waited a very long time for a wanted pregnancy, I think I feel even more strongly about this than ever. If I were broke, or not in a stable relationship, or any number of other things, I would resent this being growing inside of me, and perhaps not be inclined to take care of myself or it, and nobody should be forced to go through this against her will! [/rant]

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I don't think anyone can understand the enormity and trauma of an unwanted pregnancy until they have experienced one.

Even with access to affordable and legal abortion on demand it is fucking scary, and the hormones of early pregnancy make it even more difficult and complex.

Having to rush to beat an arbitrary clock would make it even more difficult and traumatic, and, as mentioned above, would certainly push women who were unsure about continuing their pregnancy to abort in haste while the option was still available to them.

But none of the proposals Josh and co support are about the welfare of women and children or about ensuring women make the choice that is right for then. It's all about making abortions almost impossible to obtain and about piling on the shame, social stigma and emotional blackmail. It is in nobodies best interest for a woman to continue with a pregnancy she does not want and give birth to a child she cannot support simply because she was shown an ultrasound by an anti choice doctor or activist and shamed into cancelling her abortion whilst in a highly emotional state, and the heartbeat thing just takes it a step further.

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[ @ ] duggarslovejesus March for life. #theduggars #19kids 2d

We agreed not to speculate so I'm not going to, but admit it, you all are thinking what I'm thinking.

Also, Josh is holding one of his children!

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We agreed not to speculate so I'm not going to, but admit it, you all are thinking what I'm thinking.

No speculation. Not this year; maybe next.

But is Justin trying to tell us something?

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No speculation. Not this year; maybe next.

But is Justin trying to tell us something?

Is that a girl's coat or just a leftover from Dougie's titanic extravaganza?

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Seriously. If you would complain and think it was wrong to see a child doing something like this for the other side (like a child who is a proud atheist, or a child holding a pro choice sign), you shouldnt make your own children do it.

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No speculation. Not this year; maybe next.

But is Justin trying to tell us something?

He's looking fabulous.

That is an odd sign Justin's giving. And if its been drilled into them not to reveal that their mother is pregnant I can see one of the more lively howlers enjoying dropping broad hints.

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We agreed not to speculate so I'm not going to, but admit it, you all are thinking what I'm thinking.

Also, Josh is holding one of his children!

Is that Nate Paine in the back row? It kind of looks like a Paine, and their website says that he's in Little Rock, Arkansas doing "prison ministry".

Also, totally speculating... in my brain.

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Is that Nate Paine in the back row? It kind of looks like a Paine, and their website says that he's in Little Rock, Arkansas doing "prison ministry".

Also, totally speculating... in my brain.

I think that is him... We know that right after this pic is taken Smuggums jets off for DC while Boob and Mullet take of for San Juan. Were the Paines supervising? I wonder why the Waller silence this week too... so much to speculate!

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