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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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Smugs is definitely losing weight. My theory is that he was encouraged to do so for a story line for the show. They'll need more than just a third pregnancy/birth to keep a half season afloat. Expect to see Josh return to his normal habits in the coming weeks and months.

But in the meantime, he'll be a holier-than-thou asshole about any overweight people he encounters.

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You all beat me to it, but I'm lovin Josiah's fabulous look.

Part of me is thankful that there is no parenting going on any more, so that Josiah can get away with being as fabulous as he wishes. The lifestyle is stifling enough, but the 90's-era matching J'child outfits would be torture for him now, I'm sure.

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[ @ ] joshduggar Time for a wash! @teamdojo1 2h

[ @ ] teamdojo1 Good thing you "know people"! @joshduggar ;) 2h

[ @ ] joshduggar Yep! Lol 2h

[ @ ] tammieloohoo If we went through one here, it would be an ice wash :/ 1h

This is "kind of" work related, right? Even though smuggums has posted before that he's plugging for the owners...

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If the rest of the Bateses are around, they probably had Michaela watching all the little kids. Like when they went on that rafting trip and left her to watch 7-8 small children by herself.

Don't forget Grandma Duggar. I'll bet she's got Lost Girl/Miracle Child/Howler duties, but she had best not be slacking on the laundry or Dairy Queen will have another meltdown upon arriving back to TTH.

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Don't forget Grandma Duggar. I'll bet she's got Lost Girl/Miracle Child/Howler duties, but she had best not be slacking on the laundry or Dairy Queen will have another meltdown upon arriving back to TTH.

Sadly, the first time I heard the term "Dairy Queen" was in the movie "Cane Toads: An Unnatural History". So the image that springs to mind is this one:


(DQ is the one on the left as you look at the picture, and is referred to as a "he", snicker!)

I'd post a link to the YouTube clip but I couldn't get the sound to work and I don't know if its my iPaid, or the actual video that is the problem...

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It won't let me post the image, but this picture here: instagram.com/p/VLMThRxmLL

See? They know black people! They're bestest friends! To prove it, let's put them on an episode!

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It won't let me post the image, but this picture here: instagram.com/p/VLMThRxmLL

See? They know black people! They're bestest friends! To prove it, let's put them on an episode!

That episode already happened. When the Duggars went to NYC in 2011, they stayed with a black family in Queens. I can't remember the family's name though.

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It won't let me post the image, but this picture here: instagram.com/p/VLMThRxmLL

See? They know black people! They're bestest friends! To prove it, let's put them on an episode!

OMgoodness! They have a Black family on their show, not adopted but a family. Wow. Ok, ok, ok. I need to DVR this and get popcorn. (Rest assured, I am Black so seeing someone like on the show is amazing.) Keep the judging to a minimum. lol

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That episode already happened. When the Duggars went to NYC in 2011, they stayed with a black family in Queens. I can't remember the family's name though.

I think this is recent. Look at Anna's tummy. And they're at the TTH.

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Hey Duggars, its a good time to be trotting out your "black friends" for the cameras, since your "good friend" State Senator Jason Rapert, with whom you are often photographed, turns out to be a racist tool:

http://maddowblog.msnbc.com/_news/2013/ ... ch-efforts

""Rapert is seen telling a public crowd in 2011:

"I hear you loud and clear, Barack Obama. You don't represent the country that I grew up with. And your values is not going to save us. We're going to take this country back for the Lord. We're going to try to take this country back for conservatism. And we're not going to allow minorities to run roughshod over what you people believe in!".

.. It's certainly rare to hear anyone, especially elected officials, talk in public about stopping "minorities" in the 21st century, and yet, here we are."

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I think this is recent. Look at Anna's tummy. And they're at the TTH.

The top and bottom one look recent, but what about that middle one? That's a little bitty Josie, and there's no Michael.

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The top and bottom one look recent, but what about that middle one? That's a little bitty Josie, and there's no Michael.

I get the impression that the person who posted this may have added the middle picture to show her IG followers who she is talking about and just used a stock Duggar pic to show the 19 kids.

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I read "elected unopposed" somewhere. (On a thread here or at Duggars without Pity.) This would mean he ran for two positions; the one he really wanted and the family talked about which he lost and the position of constable for which he was the only candidate. Are you allowed to run for two positions? Are the Duggars just lying to us again and this is the only position he ran for? The other position (can't remember what it is called) might just have been at the last election.

I still want to know why he was sworn in at a Petrol Station at midnight. Really, is this a proper position or not?

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Wow, drug testing for welfare recipients and an abortion ban? It's like he tells himself "I wasn't enough of an over-privileged, under-educated jackass last week. I'll have to try harder this week."

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IIRC, JD lost the race for alderman in an earlier election and did run for constable last election. He was unopossed.

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I thought he was "appointed" or something. I think he ran for alderman. Is that the same thing as constable? Whatever he is, at least he's dressed well and not wearing jeans and some ugly coat a la Joshie boy

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That is not a bad picture of JD. I hope he courts and marries soon.

I'm totally "liking" this shit just because I love your avatar.

The Duggar pic was posted one day ago. Anna looks like it was a few months back... Guess it took a few months to make the collage?

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That is not a bad picture of JD. I hope he courts and marries soon.

There were a few comments last season from Jim Bob pushing him to get married. I hate the idea of anyone getting married just to please his father. I hope he has the strength to stand up to this and get married when he wants to and to the girl that he chooses. He gets time away from the family when he is out driving the tow truck and he would meet a wide range of people through this job. With this experience, I think he is probably far more grown up than any of the others. I WOULD like to see him out of that shared room with all the howlers.

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I am currently pregnant, and we saw a heartbeat on ultrasound at my first OBGYN visit at a little over 7 weeks. It is absolutely ridiculous to expect women to obtain an abortion before that point. Many factors could prevent a woman from obtaining one by then: not knowing that she is pregnant (especially if she has an irregular menstrual period), not having the money at hand for an abortion and/or travel to obtain one, and, FFS, taking some time to decide whether she wants one! I think that many women, even the most pro-choice, need some time to weigh whether it is the right decision for them when it happens: that of course, is part of choice. If Joshie & co want to force women to rush the decision to beat the clock on this arbitrary deadline of heartbeat, they may actually tip some women over into having abortions who may not have otherwise, because they didn't have time to think. And as for the issue of traveling a great distance for an abortion, of course, like all punitive restrictions on abortion, it adversely affects lower-income women, who are less able to afford travel, time off from work, or childcare for existing children to take such a trip.

Damn, my ears are steaming! :evil: As someone who waited a very long time for a wanted pregnancy, I think I feel even more strongly about this than ever. If I were broke, or not in a stable relationship, or any number of other things, I would resent this being growing inside of me, and perhaps not be inclined to take care of myself or it, and nobody should be forced to go through this against her will! [/rant]

I have been a member here for quiet a long time, but rarely ever post. I'm currently 16 weeks pregnant, due July 21. My husband and I heard the baby's heartbeat via ultrasound at 6 weeks 1 day. So, if we could hear it that early, then there really is very little to no window. I found out very early that I was pregnant, I was only 3 weeks 1 day. In gestational age the embryo was only 1 week 1 day. My primary care doctor was amazed that I found out so soon, 5-6 days before my period was due. We heard the heartbeat via doppler at 12 weeks 1 day.

These people and the GOP will do everything in there power to ensure that abortions are banned in as many states as possible. Until they have a uterus and vagina, they don't get to make decisions regarding them.

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Until they have a uterus and vagina, they don't get to make decisions regarding them.

I don't think people with uteruses should have the right to make decisions about other peoples' uteruses either.

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There were a few comments last season from Jim Bob pushing him to get married. I hate the idea of anyone getting married just to please his father. I hope he has the strength to stand up to this and get married when he wants to and to the girl that he chooses. He gets time away from the family when he is out driving the tow truck and he would meet a wide range of people through this job. With this experience, I think he is probably far more grown up than any of the others. I WOULD like to see him out of that shared room with all the howlers.

I'd love to see JD marry a non ATI girl who he met in his tow truck rounds. Although that might mean that the howlers got even less freedom later on. But it would be great tv to see him trying to organise a wedding with a non fundie girl who didn't want to talk about contraceptive choices at the alter and who wanted alcohol at the reception and a defrauding wedding dress.

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