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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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No it wouldn't be weird it would be damn dangerous if he ever became a senator not that is going to happen as he is a lazy douche bag that doesn't know hard work even of it came up and bite him on the ass.

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No it wouldn't be weird it would be damn dangerous if he ever became a senator not that is going to happen as he is a lazy douche bag that doesn't know hard work even of it came up and bite him on the ass.

This is where we can actually be thankful for his lack of work ethic. That fact will save us from having this guy as a senator or in any other political role.

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Josh Duggar â€@joshduggar

RT @NathanWurtzel: Super Bowls never lost power when George W. Bush was President.

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Smugs: What the freaking fuck does the Nouvelle-Orléans stadium losing power at the S.Bowl have to do with whoever is sitting in the WH??

When your Bush was President the whole city was drowning, 'member that? Or are you that much of a dimbat?

Also, Smugs, do you know a bit about the whole Enron debacle? It has to do with energy, and a certain George W Bush was friends with their CEO...


Smugs doesnt know anything about Katrina because that was before he was "FREE" ergo, no Teevee.

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This is where we can actually be thankful for his lack of work ethic. That fact will save us from having this guy as a senator or in any other political role.

I'd like to think that I'm thankful for Josh's aversion to anything that could bring him success. But I kind of wish he'd stop humping people's legs and try to make something of himself in politics. We'd get to see him go out with a bang, he'd make far right theocrats look stupid, and he'd split the conservative vote. Unfortunately, he's exactly where the movement leaders want people with his level of talent and intelligence; being as useful as a leghumper can be whilst staying out of the way.

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I'd like to think that I'm thankful for Josh's aversion to anything that could bring him success. But I kind of wish he'd stop humping people's legs and try to make something of himself in politics. We'd get to see him go out with a bang, he'd make far right theocrats look stupid, and he'd split the conservative vote. Unfortunately, he's exactly where the movement leaders want people with his level of talent and intelligence; being as useful as a leghumper can be whilst staying out of the way.

Its only a matter of time before he steps up to try and make a run for something and has his own "legitimate rape" comment. It will be a meme of EPIC proportions!

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Hmmmm....now that would indeed be EPIC. And, Minerva, you make good points. It may be better to have him try to run for office, embarass himself and the far right, fall on his face and slink back to the car lot, rather than cheer from the sidelines. We would still be saved. And it would be a lot more fun to watch. :twisted:

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He could try and run for office. Then someone compile the greatest hits of his twatter and instagram.

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He could try and run for office. Then someone compile the greatest hits of his twatter and instagram.

I'm sure many have saved his remarks and pics about "short buses" ect.. Would NEVER be elected to anything!

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He just seems like any normal 20 something enthusiastic about politics. Except he has been forced to get married and have children instead of getting a degree. He is living vicariously through other people who didn't have such a stifling, restrictive and uneducated background.

Admittedly he is still an arrogant ignorant prick but that nothing new in politics!

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He could try and run for office. Then someone compile the greatest hits of his twatter and instagram.

We're already working on that with these threads :D although I think we should do more screen capping so if he ever deletes twats or i-gram pics, we'll still have evidence *mhuahahaha*

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I've said this before, but I still can't believe he's allowed to take pictures in there. Your phone is supposed to stay off, and in some buildings, off your person. He'd get escorted out in a snap if he pulled this elsewhere.

While I agree its an etiquette thing for a spectator, I do find it amusing that for all 4 work stations we can see all of, there is a cell phone out on the desk, with two of them clearing being on.

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It would be weird to see Josh as a Senator.

Not gonna happen. In fact, I will donate to his campaign if he does. The countless hours of amusement we could have editing his speeches to a soundtrack of "every sperm is sacred" would have me peeing myself.

He has a homekool diploma printed on a dotmatrix printer, likely with the spools still attached. I'd love to see him put his "college plus" diploma up to the criticism of the voters.

Oh, yeah, and lets not forget he doesnt know the difference between the constitution and the bill of rights.

If smuggles is gonna run, he's going to have a very hard time explaining the nearly 100k posts we have on his dumb ass.

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[ @ ] mackynziesmom Glad to be together! #datenight 1h

[ @ ] aperfectlily We're watching your wedding on YouTube again- and then your pic showed up on my IG feed. Thanks for your Godly example 1h

[ @ ] scott_cupcake20 You are very pretty 1h

[ @ ] teamdojo1 He's home!! Praise The Lord! Enjoy your date night! @mackynziesmom @joshduggar 1h

[ @ ] mkornshelle Happy wife...happy life!!! 31min

[ @ ] feedthatbaby Jealous! 10min

[ @ ] melex287 Rxixixkxlxoxoxoxoxoxoodjjcoldndnfffnfnfnfnfjfnfechhfhdhdhhdhhshhgxhdhhhsjdjdidi 3min

Back to his old habits of flaming cheese at the marketplace grill!

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No it wouldn't be weird it would be damn dangerous if he ever became a senator not that is going to happen as he is a lazy douche bag that doesn't know hard work even of it came up and bite him on the ass.

Yeah, no need to worry about that. For all his faults, Jim Bob does/did have a good work ethic. Luckily Josh didn't inherit this. Although John David did, i'd worry far more about him.

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He has a homekool diploma printed on a dotmatrix printer, likely with the spools still attached. I'd love to see him put his "college plus" diploma up to the criticism of the voters.

I keep reading that as "dominatrix printer."

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He just seems like any normal 20 something enthusiastic about politics. Except he has been forced to get married and have children instead of getting a degree. He is living vicariously through other people who didn't have such a stifling, restrictive and uneducated background.

Admittedly he is still an arrogant ignorant prick but that nothing new in politics!

I agree. He's not running for anything. He will never have the right credentials for that.

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He fits right in with many Arkansas politicians, if they can get elected, our Joshie probably can.

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[ @ ] joshduggar "Ribbon cutting" 21min

Not to be TOO literal... but cutting or "opening" handcuffs generally signifies letting someone go, not locking them up. So is smugly now in favor of releasing criminals? Maybe loosening drug laws?

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Back to his old habits of flaming cheese at the marketplace grill!

His face does look like he may have lost some weight. I know it's been said time and time again, but the difference between Josh on 14 kids and Josh now is appalling. He's only a few years older than me but looks to be in his 30s. :?

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