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Famy's interview with the examiner - new season confirmed


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She's annoying and he probably doesn't like her family. He's young and probably wants to not be tied down and married right now.

Plus, can you imagine those family holidays? Damn. I'd run.

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So to be clear here. What has kept Famy so busy? :?: She occasionally babysits, goes to the gym, goes shopping, goes out with friends, lives in her parents' house, plays with her dog, traveled to Oklahoma to see Reed, goes to Nashville 3-4 times a year.

She is 25 or 26 (older than Josh), has never held a full-time job, rented her own apartment or pursued post-secondary education. Perhaps going on the mission to South America affected Amy and she truly wants to help in Haiti. She may have chosen a more fundy-lite group to go with. It seems, that she is using the mission work as attention grabbing. Amy seems like a typical spoiled young adult who won't do anything unless there is something in it for her. :(

I think she'd have to choose a more fundy-lite group. She's specifically said she and uncle Jim Bob don't agree on everything (read: boyfriends, kissing, pants); there's no way Gothardite missionaries would let her tag along with them. The Duggars wouldn't go near her with a ten foot pole if she wasn't related to them. Or a screaming fan.

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Of course, Princess Famy would feel betrayed by that, especially with the whole ring shopping.

Which is nutty. My husband and I went ring shopping off and on for a couple years before we actually took the plunge. We knew we wanted to get married SOMEDAY from about month 6, but finances and family problems meant it still took a couple years, and I think that's a good thing. We had/have the rest of our lives to be together, we don't have children yet, what difference does it make? Looking at some sparklies isn't a binding betrothal contract, Amy, and divorce is a messy pain in the ass even when it's mutual, friendly, and everyone is reasonable. Protip- mutual, friendly, and reasonable are not adjectives that describe most divorces.

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Given the fact that Amy is a nationally recognized individual, if she had any talent at all, she would have already made it in the music industry.

I think Amy's voice is ok, but not great. I also think that part of the reason she hasn't made it is because she barely performs. She doesn't do a lot of gigs. On her website, there is no booking info.

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I think Amy's voice is ok, but not great. I also think that part of the reason she hasn't made it is because she barely performs. She doesn't do a lot of gigs. On her website, there is no booking info.

So, basically she's lazy. No surprise there.

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There are 1000's of singers that do'nt have that great of a voice that have had successful careers. Famy has yet to "hit it" simply because she is lazy she has the money and the conections so really it comes down to lack of motivation. Come on she maybe the "wild one" but she still was raised in a culture where the biggest success a women can have is getting married anything else is just treading water

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