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Duggars Exploit Holocaust Again


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We can bring up the abortion debate when you Duggar fucks put funding into social programs for young families (WIC and HeadStart would be a good start) and then improved the adoption system in America.

Of course, you'll still lose then, because ectopic pregnancies and conditions incompatible with life/well-being will still exist, but at least I might hate you a little less.

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One of my good friends is Jewish and it pisses him off whenever these fundies compare abortion to the Holocaust. To say both are similar in that innocent lives were killed is completely stupid and offensive. Women who go in for abortions don't just go in there because they're completely heartless and selfish, whatsoever. Women go in there to get this procedure done due to possible severe complications that could occur, rape, or due to financial issues. The Nazis didn't think before shooting innocent people-they just shot them for the sake of it. To compare that to abortions is pathetic. Do these people seriously think that by comparing those two things would make pro-choicers to suddenly change their minds? No, it wouldn't.

Even then, what a woman does to her body is HER CHOICE. If a woman, whom you have never met in your entire life, gets an abortion, how does that have a direct effect on your life? It doesn't. If they really care about children, start helping those children who are homeless and on the streets-they're the ones who you should focus on the most and not a fetus in a mother's womb.

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I was privileged to tour the Documentation Center Museum in Nuremberg a while back.


My half-day visit there certainly dosn't make me an expert nor even an armchair historian on the topic, it does provide me with several differences between the Holocaust enacted upon Jews, Gypsies, Poles and other Slavs by the National Socialist Party ... and the legalization of abortion. Here are the ones that come to mind pretty quickly, please feel free to use them as you wish over on the disgusting Duggar site.

Since the death of Jesus of Nazareth, some of His followers have found it politic to point to living Jews as "cursed from their fathers' generations" -- there has not been any corresponding, two-millenia-old politics against unborn children. This is Reason #1 why it's pretty stupid to consider the Holocuast against the Jews as parallel to the so-called Holocaust against unborn children.

Some Jewish people throughout history have been business successes and consolidated power to an extent that made some other people nervous -- unborn children have never gone into business, certainly not banking, TTBOMK. Reason #2 not to call the effects of legalized abortion "a holocaust." Nobody sees a child, born or not, as powerful.


Jewish people have been known to be clannish and to choose - or to be encouraged - to live in their own neighborhoods where their practices and lifeways took on at best an exotic air, at worst a mysterious, dark tone -- unborn children make no such choice and in fact in all cultures are considered a wonderful mystery when they are wanted. Reason #3 that it's fatuous at best, and criminally exploitative at worst, to co-opt "holocaust" to describe the fact of legalized abortion. The Holocaust was able to happen in large part because of the ignorance of cultures about each other, and the tension encouraged by extremists on both sides to be suspicious of the other. Over milennia, unborn children are universally understood to be, for the most part, a happily mysterious thing.

The one place where I do see parallels between the attitudes of those who made the Holocaust happen, and the attitudes in the present-day abortion debate, is between the Nazis who promoted hatred of the mysterious, demonized "other" - the Jew ... and the Patriarchialists who promote fear and loathing of the mysterious "other" - the woman.

IN both of those cases, the perpetrators tell their followers: "There isn't enough food/room/power to go around, so we Aryans/males [choose one] must keep the lesser beings in their place." "We can't trust them; they have gained power far beyond what they should have; they want to take over," both Nazis and Patriarchialists say about their strawmen enemies.

That's what caused the thing called a Holocaust, you despicable Duggars. The terminations of pregnancies in cases that are none of your hillbilly business -- those are not caused by millenia-long campaigns of hatred and suspicion.

(Glad the OP posted this, because it really got me thinking. I'm gonna object the next time I hear anybody in my circles use "holocaust" and "abortion" in the same sentence/paragraph. Which means I might be finding a new congregation, but hey, that's been coming for some time, now.)

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Someone should send all this to the Holocaust Museum. I wonder why TLC has not told him to STFU about this subject.

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This is why they need to be canceled, between supporting the 'RAPE IZ LEGIT' guy and now this. How can leghumpers seriously support these people?

No you dumb, whitetrash fucks....abortion is nowhere NEAR like the Holocaust.

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I wished they'd had the gall to visit Aushwitz during their so called European tour. Then again, Dim Bulb would start preaching...

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^They should also read the graphic novel Maus or watch the Schindler's List. Then they can see how horrible the Holocaust was for the people that went through it and see that it can't be compared to abortion. Aborted babies don't have to go through a slow horrible death by gassing or starvation. They never had to dig their own graves, knowing that after they are done that they will be killed.

Also, when was the other time that the Duggars exploited the Holocaust?

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Also, when was the other time that the Duggars exploited the Holocaust?

They posted Ray Comfort's "documentary" 180 prominently on their website, and Anna keeps pimping it out on her instagram.

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^They should also read the graphic novel Maus or watch the Schindler's List. Then they can see how horrible the Holocaust was for the people that went through it and see that it can't be compared to abortion. Aborted babies don't have to go through a slow horrible death by gassing or starvation. They never had to dig their own graves, knowing that after they are done that they will be killed.

Also, when was the other time that the Duggars exploited the Holocaust?

But but graphic novels depicting mice and men are of the devil, because Gothard says so! and anything not approved by comfort and his cronies is also of the devil! and temptation! and induces logic!! *clutches pearls*

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Someone should send all this to the Holocaust Museum. I wonder why TLC has not told him to STFU about this subject.

TLC always makes sure to disclaim that they don't necessarily support the views held by their subjects... the same disclaimer put on every TV or movie commentary ever! And a few times they've overtly expressed it on the show, like when the Duggars went to the Creation Museum. They interviewed people about how old they believe the earth is. Two or three of the people were identified as crew members, and the one I remember laughed in disbelief when asked if he believed the world was 5,000 years old, and said, "No. I don't."

If anything, TLC will benefit from the publicity generated by any controversy that their ignorant statements cause.The crazier their beliefs seem, the more trainwreck watchers will tune in. They already have a core demographic of people who like the Duggars, so the more radical they are and the more their patriarchal bullshit comes to light, they can only increase their numbers. 'All publicity is good publicity' is pretty much fact when it comes to reality TV. The ratings for Jon and Kate + 8 were best in the final season when their divorce/cheating/scandal showed up in all the tabloids and talk shows. People enjoyed seeing the marriage fall apart, and people will enjoy seeing the dark side of the Duggar family beliefs tear them apart, too. Humans are sadists :|

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TLC always makes sure to disclaim that they don't necessarily support the views held by their subjects... the same disclaimer put on every TV or movie commentary ever! And a few times they've overtly expressed it on the show, like when the Duggars went to the Creation Museum. They interviewed people about how old they believe the earth is. Two or three of the people were identified as crew members, and the one I remember laughed in disbelief when asked if he believed the world was 5,000 years old, and said, "No. I don't."

If anything, TLC will benefit from the publicity generated by any controversy that their ignorant statements cause.The crazier their beliefs seem, the more trainwreck watchers will tune in. They already have a core demographic of people who like the Duggars, so the more radical they are and the more their patriarchal bullshit comes to light, they can only increase their numbers. 'All publicity is good publicity' is pretty much fact when it comes to reality TV. The ratings for Jon and Kate + 8 were best in the final season when their divorce/cheating/scandal showed up in all the tabloids and talk shows. People enjoyed seeing the marriage fall apart, and people will enjoy seeing the dark side of the Duggar family beliefs tear them apart, too. Humans are sadists :|

So far TLC hasn't let the Duggars say anything obviously controversial. They can wax sentimental about how cute their fetuses are, and promote people and things that hold controversial views, but TLC has never let them come out and say "abortion is wrong" or "gays are going to HELL", lest they be accused of promoting views that half the population vehemently disagrees with. If TLC is going to up their ratings with a good scandal, they'll do it by airing compromising footage of the family. Because then it's the family that's controversial, and not TLC themselves.

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Ew. Do these people even understand the concept of genocide? Seriously, this comparison is offensive and small-minded to no end.

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Ew. Do these people even understand the concept of genocide? Seriously, this comparison is offensive and small-minded to no end.

Pretty sure they skipped that class at homeskool. Their only concept of the holocaust is the diary of anne frank (movie, of course) and 180.

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When blastocysts are rounded up into Ghettoes by gun- and German shepherd-wielding assholes, there might be a comparison. Maybe.

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Menfolk can't read The Diary of Anne Frank- it talks about her having PERIODS OH NOOOEESSSS!!!!!!

And the girls wouldn't be allowed to read it, because they'd be defrauded by her chronicling of her brief flirtation with Peter.

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I have such an issue when anyone compares the Holocaust to abortion.

For me it is a deal breaker. It tops birthers and Palin supporters. I'm an accepting person but a body has to draw the line at complete ridiculousness.

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I have a few deal breakers. Off the top of my head, the recent ones are:

abortion = holocaust

milk = rape

pet dog = slavery


Does this have something to do with those vegan nutters who run around calling people blood mouths?

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Does this have something to do with those vegan nutters who run around calling people blood mouths?

WHAT?! Inquiring minds want to know!

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WHAT?! Inquiring minds want to know!

Thats pretty much the context it was used in. Since the cow cannot consent to having her milk taken... milk is rape. I proceeded to pour rape juice in my coffee and smile.

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It appears that Smuggums is attempting to move away from the used car "business" and move into the political realm of the anti choice movement as the official duggar spokesman. Because a completely uneducated lazy oaf is totally the spokesman the movement needs.


Note: Posting your phone number online is a bad call, smuggums.

eta: Fuck you, Michelle:

Michelle recalls, "Our family visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. The designers of the museum did an incredible job telling the tragic story of over 6 million Jews who were brutally executed. The purpose of the museum is to educate others on what happened, so that hopefully, something like this will never happen again! A couple of weeks after we went to the Holocaust Museum it dawned on us that there is a holocaust taking place right here in America!"

Brutally executed? You're comparing the brutal execution or millions of live people to the "murder" of fetuses? I know semantics arent your thing, but there is a difference between an execution and a murder. Victims of the holocaust werent "executed," they were murdered.

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