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Duggars Exploit Holocaust Again


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It appears that Smuggums is attempting to move away from the used car "business" and move into the political realm of the anti choice movement as the official duggar spokesman. Because a completely uneducated lazy oaf is totally the spokesman the movement needs.


Note: Posting your phone number online is a bad call, smuggums.

eta: Fuck you, Michelle:

Brutally executed? You're comparing the brutal execution or millions of live people to the "murder" of fetuses? I know semantics arent your thing, but there is a difference between an execution and a murder. Victims of the holocaust werent "executed," they were murdered.

I bet they didn't watch any of the footage or view any of the photos in that museum. At least, that's what I'm going to keep telling myself as I really don't want to believe someone could look at that and compare it to abortion. Some of the news footage is so graphic it was shown only on tv's kept in pits so that young children could not see it. The stupid, it burns! :angry-banghead:

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Anyone who can come away from the Holocaust Museum with the immediate thought of furthering their own political agenda is heartless and narcissistic.

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This was years before the Duggars were there, but when I was at the museum there was an exhibit about eugenics and I'm pretty sure I remember some information about forced sterilization. (It's kind of hard for me to remember when and where I first heard about something about the Holocaust, but I do think this was part of the exhibit.) They also had a wall that had life-size picture of kids who had been experimented on. It was not part of the permanent exhibit upstairs, so I don't know if it was still there in 2010, but it's possible they're referring to forced sterilization or eugenics (fundies love to throw that out about Planned Parenthood). Still, their wording leaves much to be desired.

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Anyone who can come away from the Holocaust Museum with the immediate thought of furthering their own political agenda is heartless and narcissistic.


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My comment still wasnt approved. Glad to see that they are appropriately vetting the others to provide only accurate information.

I keep hearing about the woman's 'choice'. It's a child, a LIFE, not a choice.

I am, right now, 34 weeks pregnant. This baby that is inside me right now is a living human being. It's a separate life from mine. It is not my 'right' to take that life.

The Constitution says that we have the right to life. Therefore abortion is unconstitutional, not to mention sinful.

And to answer a question someone asked about what if someone was going to abort their child. Yes, I would help them all I could. I would help them find a family that would be thrilled to adopt their baby adn raise it. I would help them find medical care.

There is no such thing as an 'unwanted' child. There plenty of people in this world that want a child and cannot have one, or another, or any at all. They would take any and all children they could, regardless of medical problems.

EVery child, no matter what, is a blessing of God. Abortion is murder, plain and simple. There's no grey area here. Abortion is the ending of a life. It is wrong.

I have great compassion for the women who have gone through this experience, b/c either they do not realize what they have done, or they do and must live with the knowledge that they terminated their child's life. I am so thankful for God and his forgiveness, and I hope that all the women who have had abortions will find God's forgiveness and speak out against this horrific act.

Mrs P

January 28, 2013 at 4:04 PM Add Reply

Mrs P, please cite your source. I am unaware of any place in the constitution where you are guaranteed a right to life. Perhaps you learned your constitutional law degree at the same place as smuggles? The bill of rights, constitution, and declaration of independence are different things...

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And the girls wouldn't be allowed to read it, because they'd be defrauded by her chronicling of her brief flirtation with Peter.

Not to mention the part where she describes the female genitals...

And then I think she even asks Peter where babies come from... and he says he's not sure, but that he observed two cats having sex once, soooooo yeah.

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I don't suppose there are any Holocaust/Jewish groups out there who would issue a statement against this kind of vomit inducing bullhonkery? Anybody got connections?

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But Buzzard, do ya think Ms.P would help the mother while she's on maternity leave? Support her? I bet Ms.P wouldn't because she's 1 of those bitches that believe that sex is only used for procreation in the world that relvoves around her opinions. She probably wouldn't help because she thinks that the women who are aborting their fetuses are according to her assumptions wanted sex anyway, provoked men with thieir unmodesty or makes up rape, which is sickening. I thought that according to Jesus you weren't supposed to judge what the poor did with your donations, just be happy to help them, not be happy to help them because your reward is going to Heaven. Will she help the baby and mother recieve support if a mother decides to go thru a pregnancy and/give them support, or will she just tell the mother to put on her bootstraps because she commited adultery and that's her punishment for not getting married before having sex?

I'm betting on the last part.

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This is the "letter to the father"that appears in the website the Duggars endorse.

It makes me so angry - it's manipulative and divisive and needlessly emotive and JUST SO WRONG.

Do you have to induce rage in me so early in the morning?

That letter is so wrong I don't even want to dissect it. The tone is disgusting. In some cases, the law is plain wrong (no, threatening divorce is not a tort).

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But Buzzard, do ya think Ms.P would help the mother while she's on maternity leave? Support her? I bet Ms.P wouldn't because she's 1 of those bitches that believe that sex is only used for procreation in the world that relvoves around her opinions. She probably wouldn't help because she thinks that the women who are aborting their fetuses are according to her assumptions wanted sex anyway, provoked men with thieir unmodesty or makes up rape, which is sickening. I thought that according to Jesus you weren't supposed to judge what the poor did with your donations, just be happy to help them, not be happy to help them because your reward is going to Heaven. Will she help the baby and mother recieve support if a mother decides to go thru a pregnancy and/give them support, or will she just tell the mother to put on her bootstraps because she commited adultery and that's her punishment for not getting married before having sex?

I'm betting on the last part.

Let's not forget that she is probably also against those pesky welfare programs that would help the mother provide for her child (I mean "Blessing from God!") should she choose to keep and raise it. :roll:

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Let's not forget that she is probably also against those pesky welfare programs that would help the mother provide for her child (I mean "Blessing from God!") should she choose to keep and raise it. :roll:

She will pray for them. God will bless them because she has so ordained it. That is enough, Amen.

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These mindless pro-lifers NEVER have a concept that prior to the mid 1800s, abortion was not illegal at ALL, never was in our society. It was considered part of menstral regulation and best left up to women to handle, particularily any actions done before quickening. It was part of the movement to shut midwives out of practice and force women to see OBs that led the AMA to push for making abortion illegal. Even then, most doctors were queitly providing abortions, or there never would have been an avenue for the undercover, HIGHLY senstionalized reporting practices in Chicago that led to the public outcry to ban abortions.

I've been to the Holocaust museum twice. It is incredibly sobering to realize there was a name for those like myself (one quarter Jewish by blood) and that had my great-grandparents not migrated, I might not be here today after that nightmare. Incredibly sobering to observe and to walk through for me.

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Once again, I'm going to mention the story of an actual Holocaust survivor - Dr. Henry Morgantaler:


As a survivor, his conscience was bothered by the women who were turned down for abortions, who later showed up in the ER after botched attempts.

Excellent post. Illustrates the point beautifully. :clap:

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Excellent post. Illustrates the point beautifully. :clap:

That was really interesting. I hadn't heard of him before, nor was I familiar with the history of abortion laws in Canada. He was very gutsy, putting himself at personal and professional risk like that.

It would be amazing if he could sit down with Duggars & co. and explain to them why it's important to have safe and legal abortion available. They are so stuck in their own little bubble of like-minded people that it's conceivable they've heard about abortion from another perspective.

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My comment still wasnt approved. Glad to see that they are appropriately vetting the others to provide only accurate information.

Mrs P, please cite your source. I am unaware of any place in the constitution where you are guaranteed a right to life. Perhaps you learned your constitutional law degree at the same place as smuggles? The bill of rights, constitution, and declaration of independence are different things...

Bitch, please. Helping someone find medical care does fuck-all if they can't pay for it. Having someone adopt the baby does nothing if they cannot/do not want to be pregnant, nor deal with the legal/mental/emotional difficulties of adoption.

There are also way fewer people in the world who would adopt any or all children, regardless of any issues, than she thinks. If that were true, there wouldn't be hundreds of thousands of kids in the US in foster care, while another group of potential parents sit on waiting lists for a healthy white infant.*

*This is not meant to bash people who have done private infant adoptions. People should know what they want, what their limits are, and stick to them before bringing a child into the situation.

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That was really interesting. I hadn't heard of him before, nor was I familiar with the history of abortion laws in Canada. He was very gutsy, putting himself at personal and professional risk like that.

It would be amazing if he could sit down with Duggars & co. and explain to them why it's important to have safe and legal abortion available. They are so stuck in their own little bubble of like-minded people that it's conceivable they've heard about abortion from another perspective.

It's no exaggeration to say that he single-handedly changed abortion laws and access in Canada. Thanks to him, I saw a HUGE change during my lifetime.

Prior to using the Charter of Rights argument that criminalizing abortion violates a woman's security of the person, he used the defense of necessity. Anti-abortion groups ignore the fact that outlawing abortion does not eliminate abortion - it merely eliminates safe access to abortion. Today, with access to the internet, how do these people think it would be possible to prevent women from looking up info on DIY abortions?

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