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Predictions for new 19 Kids and Counting - returning 3/12


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They'll exploit Jill's midwifery training to make it look they're not totally controlling assholes. "See? We let her go out of the house and everything!". They'll neglect to mention that Jana has to go along to chaperone.

There will be at least one trip to Silver Dollar City, or a similar amusement park, showing the adult children being forced to go on kiddie rides with their "buddies".

They'll play up the John David fixing up a house story line in an attempt to attract a courtship. In the end, Smuggar will move into that house with his 2/3/4/5 kids.

Jordyn will remain the saddest child on the planet.

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1) The trip to China/Japan - probably 2 episodes.

2) Jessa and Jinger volunteering at the cafe.

3) Anna expecting the third grandchild.

4) JD courting and marrying one of the local Query girls (he seems shy and perhaps getting hitched to a girl he's known all his life would be best for him).

5) Jill continuing with her midwife practicum (but no brick and motar college degree/diploma).

6) Joseph enlisting in the army.

7) JD taking flying lessons.

8) Jana moving to Chicago to work at Gothard headquarters (to find a Godly Gothard Guy).

9) Hannie plateauing in her education. :(

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Amy tweeted( a tweet I can't find, maybe she erased it?) there will be some big surprises this season :think: .

Yeah . . . surprises. They get a new lamp, hang out with Kirk Cameron, and it turns into the Pris and David show

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I think a courtship -> engagement is possible. With the speed of many fundie courtships, they could totally knock that out in one season. It's more likely to be JD than one of the j'slaves though. He's probably a prime catch for some small time sahd looking for a headship. The j'slaves might be seen as too high maintanence, and I think jimboob has his standards set too high. He's not going to loosen those reigns for anyone less fundie than himself. Poor girls :(

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I think a courtship -> engagement is possible. With the speed of many fundie courtships, they could totally knock that out in one season. It's more likely to be JD than one of the j'slaves though. He's probably a prime catch for some small time sahd looking for a headship. The j'slaves might be seen as too high maintanence, and I think jimboob has his standards set too high. He's not going to loosen those reigns for anyone less fundie than himself. Poor girls :(

I think there may a double courtship of the twins. They need to have something new to keep the ratings up

With JD having a house and getting independent it seems likely. Also Jana has been very quiet.

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Famy is definitely the black sheep of the family. She comes from an out of wedlock relationship, she wears pants, and gives pieces of her heart to multiple men. I wonder if Boob and Mullet are secretly disappointed in his sister for having a baby out of wedlock. Do they put up with Famy on the show because they have to? There's really no point to her.


Amy Jordan Duggar, Keeping sweet since 1986!

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The Army will never happen. Even though it'd technically be the adult's decision, I'm sure Boob and Mullet would be against it. Boob can choose who you marry, and what you do with the rest of your life. Whoever decided to make him all powerful must've been smoking pot when they did it. Bad choice!

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1) The trip to China/Japan - probably 2 episodes.

2) Jessa and Jinger volunteering at the cafe.

3) Anna expecting the third grandchild.

4) JD courting and marrying one of the local Query girls (he seems shy and perhaps getting hitched to a girl he's known all his life would be best for him).

5) Jill continuing with her midwife practicum (but no brick and motar college degree/diploma).

6) Joseph enlisting in the army.

7) JD taking flying lessons.

8) Jana moving to Chicago to work at Gothard headquarters (to find a Godly Gothard Guy).

9) Hannie plateauing in her education. :(

I think you could be spot on with the exception of 6. For a variety of reasons, that won't happen. There is a small chance it will happen by the time James is legally old enough to leave the compound on his own, but not before.

And I'd add - Josh goes on a diet and exercise regime, only to abandon it by the time the episodes actually air.

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I think you could be spot on with the exception of 6. For a variety of reasons, that won't happen. There is a small chance it will happen by the time James is legally old enough to leave the compound on his own, but not before.

And I'd add - Josh goes on a diet and exercise regime, only to abandon it by the time the episodes actually air.

I agree about the diet and the army. I also dont expect a wedding. They may have someone begin courting, but they wouldnt burn the wedding in a regular episode. They need to dangle that carrot out there to try and get picked up for the fall.

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Supposidly Mullet is pregnant too. I wonder if we'll see a double home birth. What big ratinigs for TLC.

Where did you hear that Michelle is pregnant? Do you have anymore information?

Welcome to FJ!

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Someone will get their license.

Someone will get their braces put on or taken off.

Someone will yell "NIKE" when they're all out in public and everyone will need to look at their feet so the immodesty will not burn their retinas.

J'chelle will continue to talk in her stupid baby voice.

Anna will give birth while cleaning the bathroom- Jill will be there to cut the cord and wrap the baby up in a blanket while Anna continues cleaning the bathroom. Anna will slip the baby in some baby sling and keep cleaning so Smuggar can come home to a clean castle.

Boob will continue to eat away at the ozone layer with his daily AquaNet habit.

Smuggar will gain 30 more pounds and develop some health problem.

The howlers will singlehandedly tear the TTH down while Boob and J'chelle have sweet fellowship in their bedroom.

Famy winds up pregnant out of wedlock. They quickly usher her off to some foreign country under the guise of her being on some tour promoting her music career.

One of the crew decides to write a tell all book exposing just how horrible the Duggars truly are in real life.

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Where did you hear that Michelle is pregnant? Do you have anymore information?

It's pretty clear from recent photos that she's not pregnant. If by some chance she is, she's not far enough along for an announcement of any sort.

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Wait a minute....Amy broke up again? Dang, how many is that? I was really hoping this one was a keeper. O well, she's still young.

1) Jill might actually become a "real" midwife.

2) JD will talk more about his future plans.

3) Smuggar will get in shape. If not for himself...his kids.

4) Pris & David will give birth on tv as well.

5) They all decide to visit Brazil. NOT!

6) Josiah decides to take a mission trip...alone.

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Michelle is how old? 46? I seriously doubt she's pregnant. If she is, I can't imagine it will end well.

I think a prior poster is probably right; we'll see Anna's baby and Priscilla's baby. David has his issues, but I don't see him allowing Priscilla giving birth to be shown on television.

its funny you say that as when david annouced priscillas pregnancy I posted a stiring comment which was promptly taken down

'wow congrats what wonderful news I pray that tlc gives you your own show so we can see Priscilla give birth"

so I gather he aint down with that!

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My gut is that the season is already in the can. Anything that happens from here out is probably VSE material. I dont know that David wants to subject himself to us the public anymore than he has to. His blogging has died down SIGNIFICANTLY since pecangate and his appearance in David v. Josh episode. I think he's smart enough to know that the internet is not his friend and we will shred him for every misstep.

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I'd love to see one of the J'Slaves walk out, and Boob and Mullet actually have to parent their kids. Wow. How crazy would that be?

Or how to spin her leaving for TLC! :o

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-Smuggar is going to lose 5kg (10pounds maybe?) & then rebound terribly. He will give up & start tagging things with #fatactivism on instagram.

-One of the girls will start courting a Bates. I want to say Jana, but as she is the glue that holds the family together I think it will be Jill The Snitch or Jessa.

-JD will have purchased some new earthmoving equipment.

-JimBoob will have a 'family project' that basically involves him talking about it & motioning with his hands, whilst JD & Joseph partake in hours of unpaid backbreaking labor which Boob reaps all the rewards from.

-Josie will still look & act like an 18 month old

-The will be some kind of accident involving a howler

-Michelle will have a plaster cast on her arm or be limping with no explanation

-Anna will have baby 3.

-Josh will be looking at buying a Chick-Fil-A franchise. (JB will front the money for it)

-There will be a freak storm one night, causing the alarms to not go off, which are set to go off early because they have a flight to catch. In the rush to get to the airport Johannah will be left behind, nobody will realise this until they are on the plane to Toyko Narita Airport.

-There will be at least one visit to a doctor & maybe a podiarist appointment for Michelles birthday present.

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Trip to a foreign country where Boob will try to "speak" the language as he did in El Salvador, or someone else will say something insensitive about the culture, or both, and no Duggars will learn anything from visiting this foreign country. Oh, and a dentist visit.

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Trip to a foreign country where Boob will try to "speak" the language as he did in El Salvador, or someone else will say something insensitive about the culture, or both, and no Duggars will learn anything from visiting this foreign country. Oh, and a dentist visit.

Domo Arigato Mr Robato.

I hope they watched this educational video before going to Japan


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The j'slaves will form a union and go on strike for higher wages and better working conditions.

...I have hope...

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My gut is that the season is already in the can. Anything that happens from here out is probably VSE material. I dont know that David wants to subject himself to us the public anymore than he has to. His blogging has died down SIGNIFICANTLY since pecangate and his appearance in David v. Josh episode. I think he's smart enough to know that the internet is not his friend and we will shred him for every misstep.

I agree. They have finished taping what we will see with the exception of toilet birth #2.

I think we will see the focus on the older kids and Josh and less on the younger ones.

No big surprises for us, just the annoucement of grandbaby #3 which might be a surprise for viewers that don't check online.

We will see Asia first, an hour special or 2 episodes

I suspect we will see a Josh weight loss or healthly eating type epsiode

Josh & Anna announce #3

John continues to fix up his house

Jill doing the midwife thing, maybe Jana making apperances doing the same(but we know she is just chaperoning

Josiah doing college Minus accounting classes along with any other kids taking any classes to show us how well the program works

Pricillia baby shower and goodwill shopping trip (most likely Michelle giving Pricillia pointers on thrift shopping for babies)

Priscillia baby update or birth

Erin Bates courtship visit annoucement and Bates family visit

Some charity type Christmas episode complete with the carolling and bringing cookies to a nursing home or firestation

Trip to silver dollar city

Going to Little rock and visiting friendly chapel and a check up for Josie to show us she is doing great

The filler will be the usually packing, piano playing, Duggar time stuff.

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