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Predictions for new 19 Kids and Counting - returning 3/12


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I wasn't sure which Duggar thread to post this on so I picked this one. Whoever is in charge...if it should go somewhere else just let me know or move it. About a month ago I was talking to a customer of mine who lives in Colorado and he is a volunteer on the ski patrol at Granby Ranch (for those of you who don't know; that is where the Duggars went skiing in one of the episodes). I hadn't seen the episode until a few weeks ago when I was getting ready for work and it was on TLC at 5am (central time). Of course I was excited because that is where my customer volunteers and it was cool to see it. During the episode they are shown making pizzas (complete with some of TLC's little blurbs like "the Duggars used 300 pounds of cheese to make the pizzas"-not really 300lbs but you get the jist). Anyway...I couldn't wait to talk to my customer about this. So last week I am talking to him and I brought up the episode and asked if the pizza place was at the hill or somewhere local. Well he tells me (and this is the point of this post....what self rightous fucks these assholes think they are) that it was indeed taken at the hill. And there is a bar in this restaurant also. The Duggars DEMANDED that all of the alcohol be taken out of the bar before they would let their kids in there to make pizzas...beer taps and all. Where there should be alcohol bottles there is wood. ALSO one of the ski instructors that was supposed to give them a lesson was 5 minutes late due to circumstances that she couldn't control-she was fired on the spot.

I know there have been other posts about them being rude in public and things like that. And it just pisses me off that they come across as this "we love everyone because we are so Christ-like...ohhhhh look at us....we have 19 kids plus a few fetuses and we are GODLY, WORDLY, etc". :snooty: :snooty: They are pieces of shit!!!!!!!!!!!! They claim to be accepting and loving of everyone in the world UNDER THEIR TERMS. Someone needs to pop the bubble and EXPOSE THEM. It just makes me wonder else goes on we aren't shown about this supposedly WONDERFUL family.

OK..rant over. :dance:

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I can't find any hardcore fundy schools in Arkansas, but there are at least 5 Baptist colleges in the state, and Oral Roberts University in Tulsa wouldn't be more than 100 miles away. {although I did just look at their dress code & curfew at http://www.oru.edu/parents_and_visitors/faqs.php and it looks mighty liberal by Duggar standards!!} I would say that perhaps Jinger would be allowed to go to college instead, but she doesn't frankly seem that academic. If Josiah could go off to a fundy college that would take some of his College Plus credits, I think that could actually be a selling point for him as a College Plus shill--"hooray, thanks to College Plus, I get to start college a semester ahead, etc."

I can envision Jinger being allowed to move in with the Bates family so that she can attend Clown College for music. I'm not sure how talented she is (hard to hear her contributions to the Duggar "musical" stylings over their usual cacophony), but she seems to have some interest in music and her parents might consider this an acceptable course of study. Isn't there a Bates daughter (Tori?) who goes there and who will need a chaperone once Erin leaves?

I think Josiah is likely to bolt if allowed too far from the compound.

Edited for riffle.

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I wasn't sure which Duggar thread to post this on so I picked this one. Whoever is in charge...if it should go somewhere else just let me know or move it. About a month ago I was talking to a customer of mine who lives in Colorado and he is a volunteer on the ski patrol at Granby Ranch (for those of you who don't know; that is where the Duggars went skiing in one of the episodes). I hadn't seen the episode until a few weeks ago when I was getting ready for work and it was on TLC at 5am (central time). Of course I was excited because that is where my customer volunteers and it was cool to see it. During the episode they are shown making pizzas (complete with some of TLC's little blurbs like "the Duggars used 300 pounds of cheese to make the pizzas"-not really 300lbs but you get the jist). Anyway...I couldn't wait to talk to my customer about this. So last week I am talking to him and I brought up the episode and asked if the pizza place was at the hill or somewhere local. Well he tells me (and this is the point of this post....what self rightous fucks these assholes think they are) that it was indeed taken at the hill. And there is a bar in this restaurant also. The Duggars DEMANDED that all of the alcohol be taken out of the bar before they would let their kids in there to make pizzas...beer taps and all. Where there should be alcohol bottles there is wood. ALSO one of the ski instructors that was supposed to give them a lesson was 5 minutes late due to circumstances that she couldn't control-she was fired on the spot.

I know there have been other posts about them being rude in public and things like that. And it just pisses me off that they come across as this "we love everyone because we are so Christ-like...ohhhhh look at us....we have 19 kids plus a few fetuses and we are GODLY, WORDLY, etc". :snooty: :snooty: They are pieces of shit!!!!!!!!!!!! They claim to be accepting and loving of everyone in the world UNDER THEIR TERMS. Someone needs to pop the bubble and EXPOSE THEM. It just makes me wonder else goes on we aren't shown about this supposedly WONDERFUL family.

OK..rant over. :dance:

The Duggars are assholes and that is fucked up that the ski instructor got fired. I bet Mullet demanded that all the liquor be removed from the restaurant. We can't forget her leaving the NICU to protest a liquor license.

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I guess everyone that was there was just beside themselves. Good news for us is my customer didn't even know who they were until he googled them! There is hope yet!!!

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I stood in line 2 years ago to get a book signed (pictures are posted here). They were all entitled fucks. They had 2 handlers bringing them starbucks, the howlers were all over the store - and they had a good number of sections "moved" so that their kids didnt see the books...

I dont know if this is the last season, I truly hope that it is. I think that they will be able to squeeze one more out of TLC, selling either a marriage or another baby (or both). I think people are pretty much done with them, though. If you read the FB page, very few of the leghumpers have cable - which means no advertising money - which means game over.

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I wasn't sure which Duggar thread to post this on so I picked this one. Whoever is in charge...if it should go somewhere else just let me know or move it. About a month ago I was talking to a customer of mine who lives in Colorado and he is a volunteer on the ski patrol at Granby Ranch (for those of you who don't know; that is where the Duggars went skiing in one of the episodes). I hadn't seen the episode until a few weeks ago when I was getting ready for work and it was on TLC at 5am (central time). Of course I was excited because that is where my customer volunteers and it was cool to see it. During the episode they are shown making pizzas (complete with some of TLC's little blurbs like "the Duggars used 300 pounds of cheese to make the pizzas"-not really 300lbs but you get the jist). Anyway...I couldn't wait to talk to my customer about this. So last week I am talking to him and I brought up the episode and asked if the pizza place was at the hill or somewhere local. Well he tells me (and this is the point of this post....what self rightous fucks these assholes think they are) that it was indeed taken at the hill. And there is a bar in this restaurant also. The Duggars DEMANDED that all of the alcohol be taken out of the bar before they would let their kids in there to make pizzas...beer taps and all. Where there should be alcohol bottles there is wood. ALSO one of the ski instructors that was supposed to give them a lesson was 5 minutes late due to circumstances that she couldn't control-she was fired on the spot.

I know there have been other posts about them being rude in public and things like that. And it just pisses me off that they come across as this "we love everyone because we are so Christ-like...ohhhhh look at us....we have 19 kids plus a few fetuses and we are GODLY, WORDLY, etc". :snooty: :snooty: They are pieces of shit!!!!!!!!!!!! They claim to be accepting and loving of everyone in the world UNDER THEIR TERMS. Someone needs to pop the bubble and EXPOSE THEM. It just makes me wonder else goes on we aren't shown about this supposedly WONDERFUL family.

OK..rant over. :dance:

Wow. I can imagine if you're family feels convicted not to drink alcohol. That's fine. I get that. Personal decision. But to DEMAND that all alcohol be removed from any location that your family visits? Self-righteous and un-Christian. No where did Jesus command his followers to act like asses.

BTW I can imagine Michelle being a complete bitch to Jesus himself when he turned that water into wine. :naughty: Some humble Christian my ass.

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ALSO one of the ski instructors that was supposed to give them a lesson was 5 minutes late due to circumstances that she couldn't control-she was fired on the spot.

So...Duggar time is only for God's Chosen Fundies, then? :lol: What a brilliantly clear example of their hypocrisy.

I think Josiah is likely to bolt if allowed too far from the compound.

That might be a good reason to send him away though. If he bolts from home, that'll look really bad for JB & M's lifestyle pitch. If he goes to college and stays fundie, it's win-win! If he slips away quietly from college they can spin it as evil worldly influence (even at a fundie college) and use it as an excuse as to why they discourage the other J kids from going.

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I stood in line 2 years ago to get a book signed (pictures are posted here). They were all entitled fucks. They had 2 handlers bringing them starbucks, the howlers were all over the store - and they had a good number of sections "moved" so that their kids didnt see the books...

I dont know if this is the last season, I truly hope that it is. I think that they will be able to squeeze one more out of TLC, selling either a marriage or another baby (or both). I think people are pretty much done with them, though. If you read the FB page, very few of the leghumpers have cable - which means no advertising money - which means game over.

I think a courtship/marriage or another J baby wouldn't give the show a lot of life. I think Mullet's baby days are over. Josh and Anna don't have the appeal to make the show last with M baby 3. The Duggars don't have a lot of mainstream appeal. I haven't looked at the FB page in a week. I do recall some leghumpers saying they watch the show via Amazon Instant Video and through DVDs.

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I hope to goodness that they only get one more season.

As for a double home birth - yeah, not likely. Even if Michelle was actually able to carry a baby to term (preterm would risk her out of a home birth) and happened to actually go into labor on the same day as Anna (the odds of that happening would be staggeringly small), her cesarean with Josie should prevent her from ever having another vaginal birth. Especially one at home.

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What I hope happens is that the Jslaves tell Michelle and Jimbob that they are useful neglectful parents who need to start parenting and doing the housework, then go off out for the day with Amy while they struggle to actually parent their horde of small children.

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Michelle will contunue trying to convince us she "trains"the children by using only her whispery-sweet voice(im still convinced she has a wooden spoon hidden in the pockets of her voluminous skirt&maternity blouse ensembles)

"Daddy"will come up with a real neat idea like trashbag-slip&slides.And Im sure we'll watch another kid learn to drive on grass(whoever is younger than Joy.

Joy will become even more over-it than last season when she became one of the big-girls,forced to take on a toddler size buddy&stuck in the house with the other SAHDs.

TLC will decide which kid hasn't had a birthday episode yet.

Bates visit

Pricilla&David baby-shower-maybe Jill will assist their midwife-no toilet babies for them though.

J&A update on the little M's.Maybe baby#3

More film making by Josiah

Jackson gets put on ritalin(ya right..he might need it though IMO)

and..hopefully Josie will start communicating without sign-language...

O-&cousin Amy will get KU,so we won't see her

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I also cannot wait to see Erin Bates' wedding hair! I am thinking giant deep south beauty queen hair, with a tiara on top!! And she will have a long train, and a bazillion Duggar & Bates & Payne bridesmaids (wearing blush & bashful dresses, I hope).

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I also cannot wait to see Erin Bates' wedding hair! I am thinking giant deep south beauty queen hair, with a tiara on top!! And she will have a long train, and a bazillion Duggar & Bates & Payne bridesmaids (wearing blush & bashful dresses, I hope).

I agree about the hair, but I think they would see a tiara as sinful - too much pride.

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Michelle will contunue trying to convince us she "trains"the children by using only her whispery-sweet voice(im still convinced she has a wooden spoon hidden in the pockets of her voluminous skirt&maternity blouse ensembles)

"Daddy"will come up with a real neat idea like trashbag-slip&slides.And Im sure we'll watch another kid learn to drive on grass(whoever is younger than Joy.

Joy will become even more over-it than last season when she became one of the big-girls,forced to take on a toddler size buddy&stuck in the house with the other SAHDs.

TLC will decide which kid hasn't had a birthday episode yet.

Bates visit

Pricilla&David baby-shower-maybe Jill will assist their midwife-no toilet babies for them though.

J&A update on the little M's.Maybe baby#3

More film making by Josiah

Jackson gets put on ritalin(ya right..he might need it though IMO)

and..hopefully Josie will start communicating without sign-language...

O-&cousin Amy will get KU,so we won't see her

I also think Jackson might need riatlin. I've said this before but he is also a bit babyish for his age. Another prediction is that Joy will start taking care of Josie more.

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I think I can take anything except another trip to the skating rink. For some reason that really irritates me. It's not logical but I can't abide it.

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Wow. I can imagine if you're family feels convicted not to drink alcohol. That's fine. I get that. Personal decision. But to DEMAND that all alcohol be removed from any location that your family visits? Self-righteous and un-Christian. No where did Jesus command his followers to act like asses.

BTW I can imagine Michelle being a complete bitch to Jesus himself when he turned that water into wine. :naughty: Some humble Christian my ass.

Don't you remember in Josh and Ana's wedding, her dad said the water was turned into grape juice?

Guess they are so christ like that they can change the bible as it suits them.

As for this next season. I'd love to see Ana have triplets, just to watch Michelle's head spin around and pop off. :D

Honestly, one of their other kids needs to get on the courtship wagon or they won't have a show much longer. Boob better get JD or Jana out there or his gravy train will be coming to a stop.

I wonder if we'll see and Erin & Chad wedding.

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Salex, they weren't far from the fabulous Praying Hands sculpture as well!

[today's fun fact-- Ned Flanders of The Simpsons is an ORU alum]

I agree with several of y'all that if the Duggars don't cough up a courtship this year [and ideally an engagement as well] they are finished after this season.

And thanks for the Granby Ranch tidbit, Canthelpbutlook!! At least Josh appears to be willing to chow down in the presence of alcohol.

I grew up around lots of folks who will swear up and down that Jesus didn't really turn the water into wine -- every other word in the Bible is true--but that ONE PHRASE is a mistranslation, don'tchaknow?? :roll:

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A question from a non-American: does Aldi has any alcohol in their stores in the USA? Walmart surely does, doesn't it? If so, then how can these assholes frequent those shops with all their innocent little kids?!?

By the way, I wouldn't be amazed at all if Smugster has tried some beer during his midnight fast food/internet/tv sessions...

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Another season means more lost opportunities for real growth for these children. Maybe it's my bias showing but the kids seem less mature than their counterparts in the outside world. As their numbers grow and life goes on, it's hard to imagine that they would all stay under one roof or within one community. How do the Duggars prepare their children to deal with people who have different views? I'm not saying the outside world is all sweetness and light, nor should it be. But it breaks my heart that there is so much the outside world has to offer the kids, while still allowing the kids to retain their own belief system. What are they afraid of?

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A question from a non-American: does Aldi has any alcohol in their stores in the USA? Walmart surely does, doesn't it? If so, then how can these assholes frequent those shops with all their innocent little kids?!?

By the way, I wouldn't be amazed at all if Smugster has tried some beer during his midnight fast food/internet/tv sessions...

I don't know if Aldi sells alcohol. There are some Walmart stores that don't sell alcohol.

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Don't you remember in Josh and Ana's wedding, her dad said the water was turned into grape juice?

Guess they are so christ like that they can change the bible as it suits them.

As for this next season. I'd love to see Ana have triplets, just to watch Michelle's head spin around and pop off. :D

Honestly, one of their other kids needs to get on the courtship wagon or they won't have a show much longer. Boob better get JD or Jana out there or his gravy train will be coming to a stop.

I wonder if we'll see and Erin & Chad wedding.

I was just thinking that Anna could be pregnant with twins and that's why they're keeping her pregnancy a secret????

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