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Predictions for new 19 Kids and Counting - returning 3/12


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Josh's genes don't matter, only Anna's do -- she's the one who would have to ovulate 2+ eggs at the same time. (And there's no hereditary tendency for identical twins.)

Yes, exactly!

Probably should've kept on reading before addressing this :doh:

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The Duggar facebook page has an updated cover photo:


Someone pointed out that since that if that is Anna behind Josh and you detract the 2 grandchildren, there are only 18 kids in the picture... who is missing?

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The Duggar facebook page has an updated cover photo:


Someone pointed out that since that if that is Anna behind Josh and you detract the 2 grandchildren, there are only 18 kids in the picture... who is missing?

The only person missing is Michael. Jordyn, Mackynzie, and Josie are in the wagon. Josh through Jennifer are on the bike along with Jim Bob, Michelle, and Anna.

Edited to add: Actually, it's pretty hard to see who is on the bike behind JoHannah. It's possible that it's Josie, since she's so small. Which would mean that Jordyn, Jennifer, and Mackynzie are in the wagon.

Looks like the season premiere is going to be March 12th.

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Thanks :) I wonder why he's not in the picture.. and it goes to show how tiny Josie still is, too. But we mustn't talk about the precious addition like that.

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Thanks :) I wonder why he's not in the picture.. and it goes to show how tiny Josie still is, too. But we mustn't talk about the precious addition like that.

The photo isn't new, it has been around for a while.

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Oh, right. I just assumed since they're using it to promote the upcoming season it would be new. tsk.

I think they just added the premiere date to the pic and uploaded it again. Many people have been asking when the new season will start.

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I think they just added the premiere date to the pic and uploaded it again. Many people have been asking when the new season will start.

OH... sadness... march 12th it is :(

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When it comes to ratings for the new season. I predict they will be low. The show will be competing against other reality shows and scripted shows on both cable and broadcast.

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Part of me would dearly love to see her get up in Boob and Mullet's faces and slam them for what goes on.

Makes me wonder if having her visit the Duggars is part of a throw them under the bus strategy on TLC's part.

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Makes me wonder if having her visit the Duggars is part of a throw them under the bus strategy on TLC's part.

That seems very possible. I don't follow the 19Kids FB page, but it's possible that JB and J'chelle have no idea about what she did with that family of 11 and they are being set up for a very embarassing episode.

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Makes me wonder if having her visit the Duggars is part of a throw them under the bus strategy on TLC's part.

Oh, please, please, let that be true. I'm sick of seeing Boob and Mullet being caved in to. Having the older children pitch in and help with the younger ones occasionally (say, to take them to the park once in a while, or watch them until mom and dad get home from work) is one thing... having them taking over the parenting roles is another matter. TLC (to date), The Today Show, Anderson Cooper, etc. haven't asked the hard questions or forced B&M to answer for their actions (apparently, because if they try that approach, no interviews -- at least, that's what I suspect)... it's about time someone does. From what I've seen of Supernanny, she isn't afraid to confront parents re: their methods.

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The takedown of the Duggars is inevitable.

It's human nature to enjoy watching smug, hypocritical assholes get knocked down. Even if people don't follow the boards and have only watched the show, I think most have figured out by now that the Duggars are now a million miles away from their buy used, save the difference frumpy-dumpy days of the first specials. People are curious about what's going to happen to these unmarried, over-worked, undereducated adult daughters. They want to know what will happen when the first kid leaves on his own or announces he's gay on his youtube channel. Because someone is going to bolt from that lifestyle eventually, and someone is almost certainly going to be gay. And who knows what lengths Josh will go to get attention after the show ends and his 13 year old leg humpers grow up.

I doubt TLC will go full board, simply because I have a feeling Boob is still controlling some of the content. But after the show? Keep an eye on TMZ.

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Yes, exactly!

Probably should've kept on reading before addressing this :doh:

Yes,yes,flyaway pointed that out&I adressed it..silly mistake(about which side of the family twins run in)

Not sure what I should have kept reading before addressing the subject though..

&probably should've kept reading yourself(pg.6 I believe)-then you would have known it was already pointed out&addressed ;)

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As much as I'd like to see Jo Frost rip the Duggars a new one, it ain't gonna happen. Boob and Mullet would only tolerate Frost's presence on their show if she agreed to stifle herself on camera, or settled for criticizing inconsequential things. Boob and Mullet cannot tolerate anyone voicing cold, ugly truth to the kids about themselves or their parents.

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Yes, exactly!

Probably should've kept on reading before addressing this :doh:

Yes,yes,flyaway pointed that out&I adressed it..silly mistake(about which side of the family twins run in)

Not sure what I should have kept reading before addressing the subject though..

&probably should've kept reading yourself(pg.6 I believe)-then you would have known it was already pointed out&addressed ;)

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No way JB would allow a woman to direct him or speak to him the was Jo speaks to the parents she deals with. Although it would be great to see her go off on them, the best we are likely to get is her mildly criticizing their tardiness & offering suggestions while complimenting them on everything else...

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What I predict are the following:

-Michelle rambling on how healthy Josie looks, with a few shots of her holding Josie to show us critics that she does care for her children.

-A trip to the dentist with the howlers

-Jessa defending their choice of wearing flip flops for any activities

-A glimpse of Anna being a housewife and how grateful and special it is for her to be a SAHM while Smuggar "works"

-Smuggar being shown at the car lot, "working hard"

-Howlers getting sick

-Random special guests showing up at their home. How will they handle an additional 15 members?!

-A visit with the Bateses

-Famy introducing her boyfriend to the show and then announcing on Twitter that they're no longer together but remain "friends"

-A staged scene of the children doing something nice for Grandma Duggar and/or Michelle

-Michelle and JB speaking at some huge event. Will JB finally get over his fear of public speaking?!

-Random "field trips" for educational purposes

-The older Duggar girls saying how they love living at home and how they're waiting for God to bring them their future husbands

Oh wait, that was last season..and the season before that, and before that...


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The takedown of the Duggars is inevitable.

It's human nature to enjoy watching smug, hypocritical assholes get knocked down. Even if people don't follow the boards and have only watched the show, I think most have figured out by now that the Duggars are now a million miles away from their buy used, save the difference frumpy-dumpy days of the first specials. People are curious about what's going to happen to these unmarried, over-worked, undereducated adult daughters. They want to know what will happen when the first kid leaves on his own or announces he's gay on his youtube channel. Because someone is going to bolt from that lifestyle eventually, and someone is almost certainly going to be gay. And who knows what lengths Josh will go to get attention after the show ends and his 13 year old leg humpers grow up.

I doubt TLC will go full board, simply because I have a feeling Boob is still controlling some of the content. But after the show? Keep an eye on TMZ.

Once the show ends, Josh will slowly see his twitter and IG followers unfollow him. Like you said the teen leghumpers will grow up. But I do see some of the fundie teens following him for years to come. In the years after cancellation, the Duggars will scrambling around for apperances at Christian or homeschooling conferences. Those speaking gigs will dry up. I think one of the older girls will leave the fundie lifestyle.

I also hope that Gothard and ATI are exposed to the mainstream media at some point. Warren Jeffs/FLDS, IFB churches, Scientology, and similar cult or extreme organizations have been exposed to the media. If Gothard gets exposed to the media, the Duggar and Bates families will be dragged through the mud because of associations with Gothard. More people will see the dark side to the Duggars. I predict that within ten years of the show being cancelled(let's say 2024), some of if the media contacts them for "Where Are They Now?" type special, things won't be pretty for all of the Duggar blessings. Some of the kids will be struggling financially and I bet a few kids will have become atheists and end up being shunned by Boob and Mullet.

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Good catch on that Ecclesia College being so close! Unfortunately, I looked at their website-- http://www.ecollege.edu/ and they have women's basketball and soccer teams, and there are pictures of the players wearing SHORTS. The hussies!!

As long as Josiah takes along a sister to yell "Nike!" he should be able to handle it.

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