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Predictions for new 19 Kids and Counting - returning 3/12


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That seems very possible. I don't follow the 19Kids FB page, but it's possible that JB and J'chelle have no idea about what she did with that family of 11 and they are being set up for a very embarassing episode.

:pray: :pray: :pray:

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No way JB would allow a woman to direct him or speak to him the was Jo speaks to the parents she deals with. Although it would be great to see her go off on them, the best we are likely to get is her mildly criticizing their tardiness & offering suggestions while complimenting them on everything else...

Well if she does criticize them on having the older girls being the parents, this will probably be followed by JimBob saying in an interview that she "doesn't understand because they have so many kids and they [ him and Michelle ] can't deal with them all by themselves". He'd whine and not take her advice to heart, saying he knows best because she never dealt with a family as large as his.

Does Frost have a blog? If she does, she can say how much she hates how the older girl are taking care of the kids while the parents do nothing. That way, if she does act all sweet with them on camera, she can still slam them.

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What I predict are the following:

-Michelle and JB speaking at some huge event. Will JB finally get over his fear of public speaking?!

If he's afraid of public speaking, that makes me wonder how he ever got elected to anything.

And I freaking hate how she turns the microphone over to him every time. Even when women and mothers come to hear HER speak.

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I reposted it and its still there :D Its the only obvious sock on the page.

I am so disturbed by all the people asking for advice for clearly ill/disabled children from Jo Frost and not a doctor :shock:

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Well if she does criticize them on having the older girls being the parents, this will probably be followed by JimBob saying in an interview that she "doesn't understand because they have so many kids and they [ him and Michelle ] can't deal with them all by themselves". He'd whine and not take her advice to heart, saying he knows best because she never dealt with a family as large as his.

Does Frost have a blog? If she does, she can say how much she hates how the older girl are taking care of the kids while the parents do nothing. That way, if she does act all sweet with them on camera, she can still slam them.

Would there be anything stopping Frost from criticizing them on the spot while the cameras are rolling anyway? Could she ask some critical questions such as the older girls are raising their younger sibs in a pleasant, nice way that would bring the issue out in the open but not be seen as confrontational? I haven't seen her on TV but is it possible that she could work in a slam that way?

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Would there be anything stopping Frost from criticizing them on the spot while the cameras are rolling anyway? Could she ask some critical questions such as the older girls are raising their younger sibs in a pleasant, nice way that would bring the issue out in the open but not be seen as confrontational? I haven't seen her on TV but is it possible that she could work in a slam that way?

It's been speculated the JimBob has editing approval, so no matter what they manage to film, only footage he approves of will be shown.

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It's been speculated the JimBob has editing approval, so no matter what they manage to film, only footage he approves of will be shown.

I'm going to bet, if there is a cross-over, it will be more like the episode of Nanny 911 with the family that adopted all the special-needs boys. The nannies sent the parents off on a weekend away and took over running the house. No commenting on their parenting at all, except for admiration. While she might not like it, my bet is Jo Frost would be on the show just to pay homage to the 'world's most amazing mother'.

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Oh god, the parents with children and adult children with special needs really worry.

Your kid does not need the Bible to work on hygiene and behavior. Your kid may need a behavior plan, gentle verbal prompting or physical assistance, or some aides to help them.

Your loved one does NOT need you to air their dirty laundry to the internet.

Edit: Thank you to the FJer(?) who liked my post. I think we have a mutual FJer fb friend, though I forget her screenname here. Feel free to add me)

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Another episode will be a trip to the cardiologist for someone (Grandma?) We know they were there, with cameramen.

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Another episode will be a trip to the cardiologist for someone (Grandma?) We know they were there, with cameramen.

I think that trip had something to do with Josh as well. JimBob wanted to get his free allergy treatments so they made it an episode. So if Josh needs a stress test and a weight loss plan, make it an epsiode. That is what you call the Duggar high deductible health plan.

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Yes,yes,flyaway pointed that out&I adressed it..silly mistake(about which side of the family twins run in)

Not sure what I should have kept reading before addressing the subject though..

&probably should've kept reading yourself(pg.6 I believe)-then you would have known it was already pointed out&addressed ;)

I think GiggleOfGirls meant that SHE should have kept on reading, not you.

Twins is an interesting theory though!

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I think GiggleOfGirls meant that SHE should have kept on reading, not you.

Twins is an interesting theory though!

Irishy is absolutely correct :clap:

What I said wouldn't even have made sense with the erroneous assumption so yeah, no.

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No way JB would allow a woman to direct him or speak to him the was Jo speaks to the parents she deals with. Although it would be great to see her go off on them, the best we are likely to get is her mildly criticizing their tardiness & offering suggestions while complimenting them on everything else...

Oh, I would hope that TLC would make it a requirement of their show continuing that JB take whatever Jo dishes out :twisted:

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The Duggars will get their comeuppance someday even if isn't from TLC. I can see them being involved with a political scandal later on. They already associate with politicians who are too fucking crazy. Something will blow up really big. Their support for Todd Akin went unnoticed by many. Even if a political scandal doesn't happen, I see drama happening at the TTH later on due to money. Boob may socked away a lot of money, but that money will not help his family that much in the future. He won't be able to set up all of the boys in businesses. Some of the Duggars will leave fundie lifestyle and I can see estrangements happening.

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Re: what I posted earlier: it was a thought, a hope really. I personally find it hugely wrong and unfair for JB and J'chelle to cede parenting the younger children to their older daughters. I really would like to see them called out publically on it.

But in any case, I do agree that the future, what it holds, won't be so great for this family. TLC won't flim them forever and savings won't last forever in a large family especially with adult children being kept at home. Education and job experience is extremely limited so the kids' prospects of earning any kind of decent living are very low (at best) to nonexistent. Even if some employer were to give any one of them a break, they know nothing about the basics of working: showing up and on time (Duggar time won't work here), taking orders / instruction, and working with people who are different from them. Those kids are really crippled. Eventually their links to ATI/Gothard will be exposed in some way. While they haven't caught much flack for supporting right wing politicians, the day is coming when one of them (here's looking at you Josh) will say something supporting some crazy right winger and it will go public. In short, saying the wrong thing about the wrong politician, at the right time.

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Re: what I posted earlier: it was a thought, a hope really. I personally find it hugely wrong and unfair for JB and J'chelle to cede parenting the younger children to their older daughters. I really would like to see them called out publically on it.

But in any case, I do agree that the future, what it holds, won't be so great for this family. TLC won't flim them forever and savings won't last forever in a large family especially with adult children being kept at home. Education and job experience is extremely limited so the kids' prospects of earning any kind of decent living are very low (at best) to nonexistent. Even if some employer were to give any one of them a break, they know nothing about the basics of working: showing up and on time (Duggar time won't work here), taking orders / instruction, and working with people who are different from them. Those kids are really crippled. Eventually their links to ATI/Gothard will be exposed in some way. While they haven't caught much flack for supporting right wing politicians, the day is coming when one of them (here's looking at you Josh) will say something supporting some crazy right winger and it will go public. In short, saying the wrong thing about the wrong politician, at the right time.

I agree, those kids' prospects will be limited and they will learn the hard way that Duggar time doesn't work in the real world. Boob and Mullet have set up their kids to have entitled attitudes. I remember when Mullet said that they use CollegeMinus because of their travels. I thought that reason was fucking stupid. Sometimes in life, you can't take vacations whenever you want to. The Duggar kids are living with the belief that they can come and go as they please. The J'Slaves minus Jana come off as entitled brats who don't realize how stunted they are compared to other young women who are the same ages as them. I wish Jill, Jessa, and Jinger would be forced to work a week in retail or in food services. I can't see them doing well taking orders from managers or having to do certain duties on certain times. While the J'Slaves do a lot at the TTH, they probably don't certain things in a timely manner.

I was a bit surprised last fall when they didn't catch much flack for supporting Todd Akin. I wish TMZ would have done a story on that. TMZ is a bit trashy and tabloid like, but Harvey and the crew have managed to get a lot of attention on certain stories that other news outlets don't get. The Duggars don't have the best reputation in their area. There have been reports of them being rude to people in public. Someday a picture or video will come out and show that they aren't so sweet.

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lThe Duggars don't have the best reputation in their area. There have been reports of them being rude to people in public. Someday a picture or video will come out and show that they aren't so sweet.

That answers a question that I have had about them. I always wondered if their popularity in their home areas was anything close to what they experienced (note past tense) nationally because of the show.

I am sure eventually some kind of damning evidence of how they really treat folks will come to light. Right now, any footage filmed by TLC is highly edited as mentioned above thread. Places of business might catch something on security camera but that's not going to be shown. But at some point, someone, somewhere will catch them being rude / doing something really stupid, whip out the cell phone and next thing it hits Youtube.

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That answers a question that I have had about them. I always wondered if their popularity in their home areas was anything close to what they experienced (note past tense) nationally because of the show.

I am sure eventually some kind of damning evidence of how they really treat folks will come to light. Right now, any footage filmed by TLC is highly edited as mentioned above thread. Places of business might catch something on security camera but that's not going to be shown. But at some point, someone, somewhere will catch them being rude / doing something really stupid, whip out the cell phone and next thing it hits Youtube.

I joined FJ yuku in the spring of 2011. Sometime after I joined, a poster who lives near the Duggars and has connections to some of their friends talked about them. She talked about seeing the Duggars at homeschooling events. She said she heard of several incidents of Michelle being rude to people and I also remember her saying something Jim Boob being a creeper. She also knew of a family that became QF because of the Duggars. That poster did post here on the new FJ, but she stopped last year. Other posters who live near the Duggars have mentioned hearing similar things and I remember someone saying that many people in the area don't really care about the Duggars. Before I started posting on FJ, there was an IMDB thread about an incident the Duggars not leaving a tip at a restaurant. The incident supposedly happened at a "kids under 10 eat free" restaurant. There were also comments on an article about the Duggars, where a young women worked at a store that they frequent. She said that the kids were rude and Michelle made a rude comment to her.

Another memorable FJ event was when a FJer found a Duggar related thread from another forum. Michelle's high school classmate commented on that thread. The thread is from 2004 and it was right after Jackson was born.


http://forum.dvdtalk.com/other-talk/366 ... child.html

(posted this in case the first link doesn't work)

I went to high school with Michelle,the new mother.They are nothing but a joke in this area.

the father of these children is a major ego-manic...notice how all the children have the same initials as the father...j.d.,and how they are all dressed the same,this is the stepford family,ruled by dad's ego,mom's submission and all the church handouts they can get...

they seem to be singlehandedly increasing the population of northwest AR.,this coming in a day and time when families of this size are no longer needed to work the family farm/business...no matter what their reasons are for breeding to this extent,they also paint an unfair picture of the natives of this state,that all we are/do is breed or that we are not educated enough to know when one child is enough.

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I joined FJ yuku in the spring of 2011. Sometime after I joined, a poster who lives near the Duggars and has connections to some of their friends talked about them. She talked about seeing the Duggars at homeschooling events. She said she heard of several incidents of Michelle being rude to people and I also remember her saying something Jim Boob being a creeper. She also knew of a family that became QF because of the Duggars. That poster did post here on the new FJ, but she stopped last year. Other posters who live near the Duggars have mentioned hearing similar things and I remember someone saying that many people in the area don't really care about the Duggars. Before I started posting on FJ, there was an IMDB thread about an incident the Duggars not leaving a tip at a restaurant. The incident supposedly happened at a "kids under 10 eat free" restaurant. There were also comments on an article about the Duggars, where a young women worked at a store that they frequent. She said that the kids were rude and Michelle made a rude comment to her.

Another memorable FJ event was when a FJer found a Duggar related thread from another forum. Michelle's high school classmate commented on that thread. The thread is from 2004 and it was right after Jackson was born.


http://forum.dvdtalk.com/other-talk/366 ... child.html

(posted this in case the first link doesn't work)

Whoa, that is all indeed interesting. I always suspected that they weren't all sweetness and light IRL, so much of it seemed fake and staged plus JB gives me a "creep vibe" big time. Thanks for the info and the links!

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You're welcome nokidsmom. Visionyahew(sp?) was the one who found the link. It wasn't surprising that even before they got a regular show, that people in their area disliked them and knew how screwed up their lifestyle is.

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Whoa, that is all indeed interesting. I always suspected that they weren't all sweetness and light IRL, so much of it seemed fake and staged plus JB gives me a "creep vibe" big time. Thanks for the info and the links!

kvrdave11-24-04, 10:50 AM

Why do you believe the planet is anywhere close to overpopulation and why can't new jobs be created?

I would guess that these children will be more productive than the average, anyway.

Overpopulation. It's silly.

I wonder if the old-school Duggar leghumpers are still enthralled? :roll: FFS, I'm just flabbergasted by the stupid in the comments.

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They were just so... unique... all the signs of what they truly are are there but missed.

Michelle is Jim Bob's "buddy" - a grown woman needs the "help" of a man to take care of herself?

The girls are shown dressing, schooling, washing etc the lil ones

Josh is a smug fuck

The craptastic food


I dont understand how a true "fan" can look at the first 10 minutes and compare it to the Duggars today and not see the PR machine a crankin.

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