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Bates and Duggar DC outing - merged


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Jonathan Hartono's FB has said "Interested in Men" for a long, LONG time. Although fundie, he seems much more "worldly" than the Duggars. His sister, on the other hand, would make a good Duggar wife if JD is interested.

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Wild speculation: Before Erin's courtship was announced, Michaela was photographed wearing what looked like an engagement ring. Could JD and Michaela be engaged. Maybe that's the reason the season hasn't premiered(reality shows usually don't take long break before new seasons). The first season of the show premiered 3 days after Josh and Anna wedding.

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Jonathan Hartono's FB has said "Interested in Men" for a long, LONG time.

Wait. What?

The Duggars don't know this? Isn't he one of Jordyn's default buddies?

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Hey, do you think he might be courting one of the Duggar sisters. Seems like he visits every year or so.

Both he and his sister are from Indonesia and go to college in the US. The Duggar home is their home away from home during breaks. I highly doubt there's a courtship with one of the Duggar girls.

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Wild speculation: Before Erin's courtship was announced, Michaela was photographed wearing what looked like an engagement ring. Could JD and Michaela be engaged. Maybe that's the reason the season hasn't premiered(reality shows usually don't take long break before new seasons). The first season of the show premiered 3 days after Josh and Anna wedding.

I know the Duggar girls wear purity rings on their wedding ring finger. It's possible that the Bates girls do the same.

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I think the Haratonos are Indonesian. They are definitely Gothard affiliates and go to a conservative Christian college.

Edited to fix spelling

Yeah they are. Its not an Indonesian surname though. He has the same surname as the richest man in Indonesia & as its a probably chinese/minority name I doubt its that common. I'd like to know if they are part of the same family.

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The Bateses are notorious for posting things weeks after the fact. I believe Congressional swearings-in take place around the time of the Inaguration, if not even sooner.

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The Bateses are notorious for posting things weeks after the fact. I believe Congressional swearings-in take place around the time of the Inaguration, if not even sooner.

I believe Congress is sworn in on either Jan 3 or the 6th.

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The Bateses are notorious for posting things weeks after the fact. I believe Congressional swearings-in take place around the time of the Inaguration, if not even sooner.

I remember in an interview for an episode (I think it was during the addition on the Bates' house), Nathan Bates says that they don't keep a computer in their house because of the dangers of all the pornography on the internet. His mother and sisters go to the library to use the computers and internet there. I wouldn't be surprised if the delayed postings are due to Kelly waiting until her next library trip to update their website.

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At any rate, it's nice that this group of friends was able to take a trip together sans parents or siblings under 12. It looks like they had a good time, too. The Maxwell kids would never be allowed to do something like this.

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At any rate, it's nice that this group of friends was able to take a trip together sans parents or siblings under 12. It looks like they had a good time, too. The Maxwell kids would never be allowed to do something like this.

Very true. most snarking aside, it's nice to see them just go and hang out, even if it's in a political environment; some people's hobbise are just that way (I lived with two politics students ^^)

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Maybe Hartono was referring to himself farting in the bathroom?

I seriously hope not, that would be extremely deluded, he's the most awkward guy on the show second only to the JimBobness himself!

Edite because spelllinz

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Jonathan Hartono's FB has said "Interested in Men" for a long, LONG time. Although fundie, he seems much more "worldly" than the Duggars. His sister, on the other hand, would make a good Duggar wife if JD is interested.

Reminds me of this:


Speculation was that it's not meant the same way we would (sexually), but simply for friendship. http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense ... _call.html

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I also suspect that JD & Michaela are courting. It's very interesting for him to drive all the way to the Bates--which is a long way (I've driven from Knoxville to west Arkansas before-- at least a 8 hour drive?) & then ride 8-9 hours up to DC in the bus.

I've always hoped for a Duggar/Hartono courtship--just to blow the minds of the racists among them--but it probably isn't going to happen!

Yes, Members of the 113th Congress were sworn in on January 3. Congressman Daniel Webster is a freshman, with an engineering degree from Georgia Tech. He's a Baptist & has 6 kids and 7 grandkids.

And get this, from his Wikipedia entry:

Webster's first bill to become law was the 1985 Home Education Program Act which legalized homeschooling in Florida. He considers it his most significant legislation. He homeschooled his six children, remains a homeschooling advocate, and a member of a non-denominational Christian organization that promotes homeschooling, the Institute in Basic Life Principles.

Oh dear, he might be our first card-carrying Gothardite in Congress.

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Yes, Members of the 113th Congress were sworn in on January 3. Congressman Daniel Webster is a freshman, with an engineering degree from Georgia Tech. He's a Baptist & has 6 kids and 7 grandkids.

And get this, from his Wikipedia entry:

Webster's first bill to become law was the 1985 Home Education Program Act which legalized homeschooling in Florida. He considers it his most significant legislation. He homeschooled his six children, remains a homeschooling advocate, and a member of a non-denominational Christian organization that promotes homeschooling, the Institute in Basic Life Principles.

Oh dear, he might be our first card-carrying Gothardite in Congress.

That explains a lot why they were there for some random out-of-state congressman.

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Yes, I was also wondering--why are they visiting this random Congressman who isn't from Tennessee or Arkansas?? Now it makes perfect sense.

Full disclosure--I've met this Congressman a couple of times, & would never have guessed Gothardite. Southern Biblethumper, yes, but to put it crassly, he's not a borderline hick like Jim Bob and Gil or Josh.

Now I am dying to know if his 6 kids have been allowed to go to a real brick and mortar college! [He went to a good school--Georgia Tech--one of the best engineering schools in the US]. I'm on the case!!

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thekate, I think you're probably right. I've had some straight friends on FB who specified they're interested in both sexes and I assumed that they misunderstood the function of that category.

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Wait. What?

The Duggars don't know this? Isn't he one of Jordyn's default buddies?


WOW I wonder if Joshie knows. For all the bible thumping they do, to let one of "those" in their home... I'm shocked. And ALERT let him in? I'm so confused...


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thekate, I think you're probably right. I've had some straight friends on FB who specified they're interested in both sexes and I assumed that they misunderstood the function of that category.

Yes, but all the men in the Tehran picture were interested in men AND women. Now that I've seen Mr. Hartono's....


...I wonder if it's more than a cultural misunderstanding.

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Yes, but all the men in the Tehran picture were interested in men AND women. Now that I've seen Mr. Hartono's....

...I wonder if it's more than a cultural misunderstanding.

Yeah, I had interested in women on my facebook. I thought it meant something else. Now, that explains the strange messages I was getting. lol

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Honestly, I figured he meant it as "interested in men so I'm not defrauded by chatting with any OMGwomen." But, back when I had a Facewebs, I was also one of the people who didn't get what they meant by "interested in" because I'm oblivious like that.

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They also got a tour of the Capitol from everyone's favorite (lying, totally not a) historian, David Barton.

That they listen to Barton is a disaster. He's certainly not a historian.

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Honestly, I figured he meant it as "interested in men so I'm not defrauded by chatting with any OMGwomen." But, back when I had a Facewebs, I was also one of the people who didn't get what they meant by "interested in" because I'm oblivious like that.

The Facebook page is one thing, but the tweet is very specific about "good lookin" guys. I doubt he's talking about himself in that context. And I don't understand how someone who has been attending college in the US for several years now could be THAT confused.

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