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Bates and Duggar DC outing - merged


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And I don't understand how someone who has been attending college in the US for several years now could be THAT confused.

He spends the school year at PCC and all the breaks with the Duggars. I'm not sure that could be considered to truly be experiencing US culture.

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Jonathan Hartono's FB has said "Interested in Men" for a long, LONG time. Although fundie, he seems much more "worldly" than the Duggars. His sister, on the other hand, would make a good Duggar wife if JD is interested.

This is brilliant! Hopefully if the kids find out they will realise that hes a completely normal guy who doesnt worship Satan or eat babies, so gay people arent evil and it could bring them into the real world a bit :)

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I've always hoped for a Duggar/Hartono courtship--just to blow the minds of the racists among them--but it probably isn't going to happen!


Me too but I doubt that it will happen. Wouldn't it be wonderful if JD is the Hartono brother's love interest? JD doesn't seem very interested in getting a wife.

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PCC is pretty strict and don't they have strict codes about what the movies, TV shows, and music students listen to and watch?

Yes, they are quite strict, even when compared to other Christian colleges. I teach at one in the Midwest, and many of our students use Pensacola as an example of schools that take the sheltering too far. In the 1960s/70s, PCC actually had gender-segregated sidewalks to discourage touching and whatnot.

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I'm sure PCC monitors the Facebook pages of their students. So the question is why hasn't he been kicked out of PCC?

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I'm sure PCC monitors the Facebook pages of their students. So the question is why hasn't he been kicked out of PCC?

Duggar affiliation? He's their token foreign student?

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WOW I wonder if Joshie knows. For all the bible thumping they do, to let one of "those" in their home... I'm shocked. And ALERT let him in? I'm so confused...


His religious view is interesting: "christian haaaaa" :think:

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Anyone notice that in the big group photo on the Congressional outing, there is a pantz-wearing harlot sitting right in the front??? She's wearing gray slacks.

Judging by the picture captions, and matching the captions to other pictures, I am pretty sure that is one of Rep. Webster's older daughters.

There are a bunch of family pictures from 2010 here: http://www.abigailjoyphoto.com/2010/05/ ... amily.html (when Webster was a Florida state senator) girls are wearing jeans in them. Shocking!!

And Mrs. Webster is more stylish that Mullet or Kelly Bates--and doesn't have shoulder length hair, either. Here's one of her campaign ads:

[i'm not breaking links because Rep. Webster is a high-profile public figure & I am sure won't care!]

Seriously, unmarried Duggar and Bates spawn--if any of these Webster kids are available, grab them!!! They are good looking, stylish (by fundy standards), they wear pants & jeans in high-profile photos, and daddy's annual salary as a Congressman is $174,000.

If you are going to have to marry someone in a Gothardite family, these look like mighty good catches to me!

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As I've said before, I can really see a JD-Michaela courtship working out. I just looked it up too and he's older than her by a few days, so that should work out.

The Duggar girls need to find someone like Lawson who can provide for them. I can't see Jessa being okay with having 8 kids in a trailer like the Shraders, nor can I see Jim Bob ever allowing that.

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Just out of curiosity, are we sure the FB/Twitter accounts are real and not some jokester having some fun at a Duggar friend's expense?

If they really are his, I expect a lot has to do with a language barrier.

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As I've said before, I can really see a JD-Michaela courtship working out. I just looked it up too and he's older than her by a few days, so that should work out.

The Duggar girls need to find someone like Lawson who can provide for them. I can't see Jessa being okay with having 8 kids in a trailer like the Shraders, nor can I see Jim Bob ever allowing that.

I'm not sure. I can see John with someone quiet but I also think he would need someone to talk the lead when speaking for the couple is required. I'm not sure Michaela could do it.

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I'm not sure. I can see John with someone quiet but I also think he would need someone to talk the lead when speaking for the couple is required. I'm not sure Michaela could do it.

I'm sure Gil and Kelly would love it, but I question whether any Duggar/Bates pairing would be acceptable to Jim Bob and Michelle. I don't believe they are really friends and I am willing to bet they see the Bateses as being beneath them and might not like the idea of sharing 10 or 12 grandkids with them. JD shouldn't have trouble finding a nice fundie girl who hasn't been a part of a reality show family and being as shy as he is, I think he'd prefer someone who is not going to draw any more attention than absolutely necessary.

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Just out of curiosity, are we sure the FB/Twitter accounts are real and not some jokester having some fun at a Duggar friend's expense?

If they really are his, I expect a lot has to do with a language barrier.

which one? Hartomo's is definitely real. The other pics come from the bates family blog.

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I have looked at various instgram/twitter links. The father of the Hartono's is a big speaker and promoter of ATI/Gothard in Asia. There are pictures of him talking to large groups and organizing with the government.

The Haranotos are NOT sponspored by the Duggars. They actually were sponsored by JimBob's childhood dr who went with the Duggars on the trips to El Salvador. The pictures that were recently posted on the Duggar family blog spot were taken by him. I think he lives in OK and the Haranoto's orginally stayed with him during college breaks and summers.

I remember looking at Johnathan's twitter and he talks about Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus..all sorts of current music and culture. I was surprised that the Duggars left there kids with them. I kind of got the feeling the Haranoto's are okay as long as the kids do the right thing while in Asia for the ATI show, if they are 5000 miles away and listen to a little music or watch tv they arent watching them 24/7 and are okay.

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John David Duggar was along for the ride to DC with many of the older Bates kids. Bromance or courtship possibility?

bates . family .org

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John David Duggar was along for the ride to DC with many of the older Bates kids. Bromance or courtship possibility?

bates . family .org

Please see Bates outing in forum. :mrgreen:

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I'm not sure. I can see John with someone quiet but I also think he would need someone to talk the lead when speaking for the couple is required. I'm not sure Michaela could do it.

I think Alyssa Bates would be a better choice. She is pro-hunting, spunky and talks.

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