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White bus o'gloom


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The Maxwells have gone to the Grand Canyon before. Apparently they looked 'knowingly' at each other when their guide talked about the rocks being millions of years old, because of course they knew better. :roll:

Ok, so guess then they can't go back and listen to more of that "millions of years" drivel. It's lies, all lies you know.

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Genius. Absolute genius. Thank you for this.


You are welcome - but only on behalf of another FJian!!! whose name, to my discredit, I don't know. It wasn't I who thought that one up.

I will, however, take credit for Terified and Terifying. And Poor Sarah as a proper name.

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You are welcome - but only on behalf of another FJian!!! whose name, to my discredit, I don't know. It wasn't I who thought that one up.

I will, however, take credit for Terified and Terifying. And Poor Sarah as a proper name.

I love Terrified, as I think it's extremely fitting. And Poor Sarah is so spot on! Poor Sarah indeed. The whole SAHD thing is sad beyond belief, and creepy as well.


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She doesn't write very well for a "writer." I have a hard time following her words sometimes. Also their lives are like watching paint dry. I think being an auntie is all Sarah will have. That And Jesus.

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Ok, so guess then they can't go back and listen to more of that "millions of years" drivel. It's lies, all lies you know.

No, that was from somewhere else. They didn't get to go to the Grand Canyon because Steve had to work on his conference talk.

(Can someone who is not on a smartphone dig up the reference? To me this is the ultimate proof of Steve as a selfish, narcissistic control freak. Well, one of them.)

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AH, found the other part. Apparently the "Caverns" (not sure which ones?) was where the knowing smiles took place. As quoted by FJer sparkles

It was a wonderful day at the Caverns. Our Lord’s creation is amazing! Although we heard quite often “millions and millions of years ago,†we smiled between ourselves because we knew that wasn’t true.

this thread: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=13291&start=60

ETA: Carlsbad Caverns

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OMG, the mouldy cornbread. Really, Sarah? Id' say it was an FU FJ moment but it's there for all their devoted to see.

And the little granddaughter posing like her Aunt Sarah with the camera obscuring her face. Its just a coincidence, its just a coincidence, its just a coincidence.

And this is going to sound about as adolescent as ever but of all the idols still permitted in the home - a lighthouse. Symbolic much?

Finally it sads me to see the granddaughter showing her grandpa her drawings and he is so into it. It looks so sweet doesn't it? Little girl--that man wants to figuratively put you in a box and keep you from so much of what the world has to offer. But its her grandpa. Well--even Hitler acted sweet to little blond girls who offered him gifts. Shudder.

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The Maxwells lead such an austere life. When they were in Red Bluff, Anna made tacos for lunch. The thing is that Red Bluff has many authentic Mexican restaurants. I wish that they could have tried real tacos.

. . . That's so sad.

The one word that keeps coming to mind is "blighted." Such blighted lives.

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I'm surprised Sarah didn't interpret the moldy cornbread as a sign of punishment from God. Or, better yet,see the face of Jesus in it.

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No, that was from somewhere else. They didn't get to go to the Grand Canyon because Steve had to work on his conference talk.

(Can someone who is not on a smartphone dig up the reference? To me this is the ultimate proof of Steve as a selfish, narcissistic control freak. Well, one of them.)

Steve has been giving the same conference talks for years, he just didn't want to go and made up an excuse.

Of course, no one could question him, he does what he wants.

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Last year my TSU bought me a point-and-shoot camera, even though I'd dropped copious hints about a nice SLR.

So Poor Sarah uses her SLR-with-who-knows-what to ... point and shoot. Makes me nuts.

Then again it isn't all her fault. Stevovah refused - apparently again - to visit the Grand Canyon. Can't be stopping the white bus o'gloom and permitting the Overage children to wrongly worship at creation with truly crafted, creative photography, even if it is God's handiwork they're shootin'.

Steve probably won't stop at the Grand Canyon because of the official descriptions of it --

http://www.nps.gov/grca/naturescience/g ... ations.htm

(not breaking link, gov / park service document)

The Plateau’s arid climate produced many striking erosional forms, culminating in the Grand Canyon. The Canyon’s mile-high walls display a largely undisturbed cross section of the Earth’s crust extending back some two billion years. Three “Granite Gorges†expose crystalline rocks formed during the early-to-middle Proterozoic Era (late Precambrian). Originally deposited as sediments and lava flows, these rocks were intensely metamorphosed about 1,750 million years ago. Magma rose into the rocks, cooling and crystallizing into granite, and welding the region to the North American continent. ETC

He's not going to expose his famiy to those kinds of evil, scientific lies, and it is hard to explain it away (Noah's flood? Gap theory? God or satan put it there to test our faith?)

easier to drive around it.

ETA Sorry, should have read ahead.

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They were pimping OneTonRamp in their latest "tour". In the last blog, Sarah said they talked about it in their small business sessions. :roll:

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AH, found the other part. Apparently the "Caverns" (not sure which ones?) was where the knowing smiles took place. As quoted by FJer sparkles

this thread: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=13291&start=60

ETA: Carlsbad Caverns

Oh, ok. Sorry, my mistake.

Yes Sarah, of course you 'knew' rather than believed it wasn't true. :roll:

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