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A Very Duggar Easter


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I thought pickles had to be refrigerated after opening?

They do. I think she's distinguishing between the Vlasic type pickles you find on the grocery store shelf, and the more expensive Claussen pickles that are in the refrigerated section. They should all be refrigerated after opening, though.

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Canned potato chips? Am I reading that correctly? What?

I think she means Pringles. She probably can't/ won't say the actual brand name unless she's getting paid by the good folks at Pringles.

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So a name brand pickle over store brand how cool is that? The real trick is who has the pickle chart ? No way boob and follower could ever remember.

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This mighty man of God used pickles, turnips, bedsheets and straw to bring people closer to Jesus.....unlikely that J'chelle is a fan given he is a Mormon...but there is a common theme. Perhaps I just lack imagination..... :think:


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We didn't do any candy for Easter baskets either. Not because of Jesus but my children's grandparents and great-grandparents get them so much candy we always end up throwing some out. My MIL is very religious but even after being asked to go light on the candy this year she supplied my kids with big buckets full of candy and a few small toys.

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Wait a second... did she just say that ALL the Duggar children loves pickles....??

Their big proof that the kids all have individual personalities was that some didn't like pickles :lol:

...although that was many years ago now.

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Pickles! Each child gets a small "expensive"? jar of pickles. As a treat? :lol: To celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Mullet said that out loud? Wow! Because eggs and candy is waaaay too confusing to celebrate Easter/Resurrection Sunday/Chocolate Bunny Day? Yeah, cleared that up for me Mullet, cleared it up. :angry-banghead:

REFRIGERATED pickles. That part scares me more. This means that most of their perishables are so chemical laden they need no refrigeration? I wonder if the J'Slaves glow in the dark from all the cheap preserved and processed food they eat?

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Canned potato chips? Am I reading that correctly? What?


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The latest Parentables article is about how the Duggars celebrate Easter.


Didn't Josh and Anna have Pringles (canned potato chips) on their wedding registry? Classy. (I'm not preaching against Pringles. They make a really good "road trip" snack. Of course, my hubby's hand doesn't fit well in the can so I have to fish them out after some point.)

Do the Duggars fail to see the connection between Eggs and The Resurrection? Eggs = birth. New beginnings. If you think about it, beef jerky and pickles are two foods which are very dead - they even take a long time to get to the point where beef becomes jerky and cucumbers become pickles.

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Wait a second... did she just say that ALL the Duggar children loves pickles....??

Their big proof that the kids all have individual personalities was that some didn't like pickles :lol:

...although that was many years ago now.

I was totally just about to say that! :text-+1:

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GeoBQn wrote:

The latest Parentables article is about how the Duggars celebrate Easter.

Why doesn't Michelle help the younger kids with the cookies and crafts and share her Easter memories? Oh, wait...

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For some reason, the beef jerky makes sense to me. Like instead of bread or communion wafers as representing the body of Christ. Grape juice and jerkey for all! Thanks be to God.

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Heh. Beef jerky. Pickles. Heh.

I really must drag my mind out of the gutter it likes to reside in. Or have my 14 year old boy demon cast out. :lol:

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Poor Duggar kids, they get pickles for Easter and if I remember they get pickles for Christmas. I would bet that they get pickles for their birthdays.

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Was Josh the one who said he didn't like pickles? In one of the Doing Asia videos? I seem to remember the pickle restaurant and one of them saying they didn't like pickles. Could also be making that up. Anyone else remember anything like that?

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As a certified salty snack food addict, a Resurrection bag filled with beef jerky, pickles, and Pringles is almost enough to make me consider converting to fundydom.

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One of Vision's greater memes


Nothing says "Jesus is Risen" like cold, hard, pickle lickin!

This is the funniest picture I've seen in a while.

REFRIGERATED pickles. That part scares me more. This means that most of their perishables are so chemical laden they need no refrigeration? I wonder if the J'Slaves glow in the dark from all the cheap preserved and processed food they eat?

I don't really get the concept of refrigerated pickles. When you buy pickles at the shop, they're in a sealed jar (and as far as I know the only preservative is the large quantity of vinegar). When you open that jar, you have to put it in the fridge because of possible contamination.

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Anyone get the feeling that Mac and Michael actually got some sweet treats for Easter, on the down low? I bet there is a Christmas tree in Josh and Anna's future, too.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you get pickle-flavored Pringle's and Lay's potato chips? Two for one!

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So do the 18 jars of refrigerated pickles get labelled with each kids name and stored into the refrigerator?

On another Easter topic, do "home churches" like the Duggars go to ever hold communion? I thought that even Southern Baptist churches did communion services a couple of times a year.

Maybe the Duggars could use pickle chips in lieu of communion wafers.

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