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A Very Duggar Easter


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When my kids were little they weren't big fans of traditional Easter candy like the jelly beans and peeps so I would just get them some small packets of skittles and M & M's along with a small gift to put in their baskets.

I still think the bag represents the same as a basket.

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As a certified salty snack food addict, a Resurrection bag filled with beef jerky, pickles, and Pringles is almost enough to make me consider converting to fundydom.

Or, you could run down to the closest mini-mart and buy you some jerky, pickles and Pringles. Then have them put it in a bag for you.


No life-changing worldview adjustment necessary.

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I'm confused by the "refrigerator pickles" because I've been reading up on canning. According to the books, "refrigerator pickles" are basically vinegar-marinated vegetables that you make without the intention of preserving them for shelf-stability before they get opened, like through water-bath canning. Because they use lower levels of acid, they must stay in the fridge and be eaten quickly.

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What's with all the salt-enriched treats in the Easter Bags? I never had kids, so I don't know if the pickle-craving-while-pregnant thing is true, but it sure seems like Michelle is PROJECTING onto her kids her own tastes.

OK, I had a really, really deprived childhood in so many ways, but I do fondly remember getting those little chenille chicks that they made back in the 60s in my Easter Baskets. (Unfortunately, they were also recycled year after year, so I kept getting the same chenille chicks showing up, in a little more deteriorated state each successive year, only occasionally my skinflint parents springing for a few new chicks--regifting, but to the same person). I feel bad for the little ones that they won't experience the joy of something simple like that. I mean with a little toy, you won't have to worry about the kids getting too much sugar (but salt's ok in Duggarville, though!)

I guess if you look at it theologically, Jesus was a Cucumber until he was Crucified and then he became a Pickle.

Potato Chips = Communion Wafers?

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Anyone get the feeling that Mac and Michael actually got some sweet treats for Easter, on the down low? I bet there is a Christmas tree in Josh and Anna's future, too.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you get pickle-flavored Pringle's and Lay's potato chips? Two for one!

Mac and Michael's Easter Treats and their Christmas Tree are most likely hidden behind their flat screen tv that Josh and Anna bought "solely" for family movie night and educational videos.

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So do the 18 jars of refrigerated pickles get labelled with each kids name and stored into the refrigerator?

I thought the kids weren't allowed to have their own possessions. Why would each jar of pickles get labelled with "a name", then?

That's a brainteaser, isn't it?


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Was Josh the one who said he didn't like pickles? In one of the Doing Asia videos? I seem to remember the pickle restaurant and one of them saying they didn't like pickles. Could also be making that up. Anyone else remember anything like that?

Boob said he was the only one in the family who doesn't like pickles, although Jackson swore off them in a TH because the pickle restaurant in China freaked him out.

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You can't tell me that fundie families don't do exactly what the rest of us do...run out and stock up on candy this week while it's 50% off.

He he he....I did! But had a real reason to hit the after Easter sale. We're Orthodox, so Easter isn't until May 5th.

Hit Target this morning and stocked up on Easter candy and stuff for the nieces and nephews. Although my son still got a small basket (i.e. not much in it) last Sunday because the hubby's side celebrates American Easter. (Greek jokingly call it that). For real Easter (again, joking) he'll get a bigger basket with candy and gift cards. But - he also knows the reason we celebrate.....

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No Christmas Trees at Christmas, and now no Easter Egg Hunts?

They could just dye their eggs red. That is what is traditionally done for Greek Easter. The red dye symbolizes the blood of Christ, while the egg symbolizes new life.

I never really looked for a tree....but I think you're right. Although they've got garland, holly, lights, etc strung up everywhere, so why no tree?

You're right about the eggs....she could do something like that. Fun to do and teaching a lesson at the same time. And yes, we Greeks do dye them red. And have an egg fight too for good luck! (not throwing them...)

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I'm Orthodox. We supplied the red eggs for pascha during the years we had chickens. : ) Then there's the fun game you play with them during the Pascha feast after the Liturgy...everyone knocks their eggs together end to end and the person with the egg that lasts the longest uncracked wins. A nun friend of ours has a wooden red egg and she loves to spring it on newcomers. :lol:

My dad keeps threatening to sneak a wooden egg in there one of these years.....

And when did we start calling it Pascha? It's driving me nuts. We always called it Easter, now it's Pascha, and they changed the way we say the Creed (in the Catholic Church too when I cheat and go there). Leave it the way it's always been people...I knew it by heart and now you're messing me up! lol

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Boob said he was the only one in the family who doesn't like pickles, although Jackson swore off them in a TH because the pickle restaurant in China freaked him out.

Ah yes, that's right, thank you!

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I think that the Duggars may love pickles because it is the only break that they did get from their bland fatty diet.

It reminded me of this from the book A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

Here’s the passage from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn .

“There were times though, especially towards the end of a long cold dark winter, when, no matter how hungry Francie was, nothing tasted good. That was big pickle time…The pickle lasted all day. Francie sucked and nibbled on it. She didn’t exactly eat it. She just had it. When they had just bread and potatoes too many times at home, Francie’s thoughts went to dripping sour pickles. She didn’t know why, but after a day of the pickle, the bread and potatoes tasted good again. Yes, pickle day was something to look forward to.â€

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Beef jerky, pickles, and chips for all...I feel sorry for whichever J'Kid had the bathroom cleaning jurisdiction.

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One of Vision's greater memes


Nothing says "Jesus is Risen" like cold, hard, pickle lickin!

Hey, who's the girl on the far left? So familiar

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Anyone get the feeling that Mac and Michael actually got some sweet treats for Easter, on the down low? I bet there is a Christmas tree in Josh and Anna's future, too.

I could have sworn I saw a picture of Mac and Mike with Easter eggs... I'll look around and see if I'm right or just going crazy. Because, lets be honest, they are equally likely.

Wait, they don't have a tree? Why?

NotALoserLikeYou, is it one of the Query family members? (Sorry, don't know how to spell their name, they were on the show a few times)

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I'm stunned they don't make their own jesus-shaped jerky. I really am.

I'm hungry for Jack Links now.

Greek Orthodox Easter sounds a lot like Russian Orthodox Easter. Only we have Paska. My parents are odd with celebrations. My father doesn't identify with any religion but was brought up Christian and my mother is Russian Orthodox (I'm an atheist), so we get all the mainstream Christian holidays plus the ones on the Orthodox calendar. It was great as a kid, double Christmas and Easter.

Btw, Lainie, you almost owed me a new laptop! I had only just swallowed my diet coke when I read your comment, so I narrowly avoided spraying all over my brand new computer. I laughed so hard I cried.

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He he he....I did! But had a real reason to hit the after Easter sale. We're Orthodox, so Easter isn't until May 5th.

Hit Target this morning and stocked up on Easter candy and stuff for the nieces and nephews. Although my son still got a small basket (i.e. not much in it) last Sunday because the hubby's side celebrates American Easter. (Greek jokingly call it that). For real Easter (again, joking) he'll get a bigger basket with candy and gift cards. But - he also knows the reason we celebrate.....

There was a Ukrainian Orthodox woman in my college political science class. She always said that after-Christmas and after-Easter sales were two really great things about being Orthodox.

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Greek Orthodox Easter sounds a lot like Russian Orthodox Easter. Only we have Paska.

Oh gawds, I love Paska. My husband's side of the family (Mennonite background - most of them don't follow the 'lifestyle' anymore - they're 'Western' lol) does Paska, although I imagine it's slightly different. I always tease him that I stay married to him for the food, LOL.

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