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Tour the Duggar Pantry

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Dammit, I forgot to break the link again. I'm sorry, Happy Atheist. :( I really don't hate you...

Silly hipster :penguin-no: , striped shirts are now too main stream to be cool. I almost purchased one at the thrift store to be ironic.

P.S I am a child of the 80's and 90's so I like to be ironic. I am not a hipster but its fun to make fun of them and their horrible taste in beer.

*pouts* But I wanted to be a fundie hipster! You know, oversized glasses, striped shirts, floral skirts, flip-flops, safety pin or paper clip jewelry, *gasp* straight hair! You're denying me that? :cry:

(I'm not actually a hipster, although I do make fun of mainstream stuff, so that description was probably all wrong.)

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Dammit, I forgot to break the link again. I'm sorry, Happy Atheist. :( I really don't hate you...

*pouts* But I wanted to be a fundie hipster! You know, oversized glasses, striped shirts, floral skirts, flip-flops, safety pin or paper clip jewelry, *gasp* straight hair! You're denying me that? :cry:

(I'm not actually a hipster, although I do make fun of mainstream stuff, so that description was probably all wrong.)

Dont forget the flower headband or pin. You get extra points if the flower is larger then your head.

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So, 21 people on a trip. By my calculations, each hair wash would use one normal sized shampoo bottle. So why travel sized toiletries?

I get way more than 21 washes out of one normal shampoo bottle. Then again, the Duggars seem to overdo it on everything; I frequently find the numbers posted in the "fun fact" boxes as being ridiculously high for an average family AFTER dividing them by 3 or 4.

Even so, travel shampoo bottles don't even make sense for a lot of normal-sized families unless everyone uses a different shampoo (and I can't imagine that being acceptable in the Duggar household). There are the liquids rules now, though, so maybe the Duggars like to bring some shampoo in their carry-ons in case their luggage gets lost?

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Dammit, I forgot to break the link again. I'm sorry, Happy Atheist. :( I really don't hate you...

*pouts* But I wanted to be a fundie hipster! You know, oversized glasses, striped shirts, floral skirts, flip-flops, safety pin or paper clip jewelry, *gasp* straight hair! You're denying me that? :cry:

(I'm not actually a hipster, although I do make fun of mainstream stuff, so that description was probably all wrong.)

:D I had to laugh because I'm wearing a striped dress and floral shoes today. And green glasses, but I'm in academia, dammit, so I need them. And, I'm a bit of a beer snob, so I'll only happily drink Franziskaner or Weihenstephaner or local micro-brews when visiting my friends back in the States.

I wonder if Jessa even knows about hipsters. I mean this as a serious question; they spend a lot of time (at least comparatively to other fundie families) out and about in the world, and in fun big cities at that. I wonder how much pop culture they are able to pick up just from, I don't know, their tour-bus tour through Shoreditch, or Brooklyn...

(edited to add to my beer tastes)

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I get way more than 21 washes out of one normal shampoo bottle. Then again, the Duggars seem to overdo it on everything; I frequently find the numbers posted in the "fun fact" boxes as being ridiculously high for an average family AFTER dividing them by 3 or 4.

Even so, travel shampoo bottles don't even make sense for a lot of normal-sized families unless everyone uses a different shampoo (and I can't imagine that being acceptable in the Duggar household). There are the liquids rules now, though, so maybe the Duggars like to bring some shampoo in their carry-ons in case their luggage gets lost?

That long hair has to use a ton. But, I was guessing based on the volume on the bottle. Poor housekeeper that I am, I just buy more when a bottle's getting low.

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That long hair has to use a ton. But, I was guessing based on the volume on the bottle. Poor housekeeper that I am, I just buy more when a bottle's getting low.

Eh, I've got thick hair and it was waist-length until recently, and I still don't remember the last time I bought shampoo ^_^ Like you, I just buy more when I start running out, so it's hard to judge how much lasts for how long.

ETA: Of course, how much you use depends in part on water quality. If they have soft water then a little bit of detergent goes a LONG way. 'Course, when they travel (which is what I presume the travel-sized bottles are for), all bets are off.

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I don't understand the canned vegetables. Frozen veggies are much better and often much fresher than the 'fresh' veg that's been hanging around supermarkets for weeks. But I agree that particularly with a large family of homeschoolers, a kitchen garden would be a great idea and a great long-term school project. There's tons to learn about - nutrition, science, geography (different kinds of environments produce different food), maths (measuring out plant food, fertiliser, water), history (historical uses for common plants, the spice trade and how it developed places like Venice), English (writing recipes, menus, describing food). I feel so sorry for the kids and their SOTDRT education and crappy diet, what wasted potential. Michelle doesn't care about her kids, she's just a baby collector.

There you go with your 'ideas'. Uppity, aren't you? Mr Gothard has been generous enough to provide his wisdom to us in a carefully designed curriculum delivered via the computer. That is where learning happens, TYVM, not outside, where a child might ask questions, or make observations. Observations are the gateway drug to science! Herbs are witchcraft!

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After taking a look inside their pantry, I'm finding it hard to understand why they don't use coupons. Yeah, coupons generally aren't available for things like meat or fresh fruit and vegetables, but it's not like they're eating tons of that already. And they could be getting paper towels 'n' mustard 'n' shit basically for free if they did it Extreme Couponing-style. Let the Howlers clip coupons! They might learn something about money management, and I'm sure they'd love the chance to run around the dining room table with scissors.

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I don't understand the canned vegetables. Frozen veggies are much better and often much fresher than the 'fresh' veg that's been hanging around supermarkets for weeks. But I agree that particularly with a large family of homeschoolers, a kitchen garden would be a great idea and a great long-term school project. There's tons to learn about - nutrition, science, geography (different kinds of environments produce different food), maths (measuring out plant food, fertiliser, water), history (historical uses for common plants, the spice trade and how it developed places like Venice), English (writing recipes, menus, describing food). I feel so sorry for the kids and their SOTDRT education and crappy diet, what wasted potential. Michelle doesn't care about her kids, she's just a baby collector.

Beware the unprocessed veg! It might contain nutrients and vitamins! And beware actual learning! Learning about different environments, different soils and how they came to be, might lead to people turning away from Creationism. Learning about the spice trade might open avenues to insights into different cultures. And learning English might lead to proper spelling. Can't you see the dangers?!? Why would you even propose such a perilous undertaking?!? Think of what poor Gothardt would do if the money dried up. Do you want an elderly man to live on his ample savings? Is that what you want?!? Have you no compassion? Sheesh, some people... :lol:

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It's people like the Duggars that make me work harder to make sure that ds is educated in every which way possible. We did some traveling over spring break, and he just soaked up the facts about every place we went. How could they deny those kids that experience?

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The website says mother-daughter. I do wonder where they get the interviews. Their picture seems to show the daughter older than homeschool age. Since they are fundie fans, is the daughter's future, like the fundies' daughters, being purposefully limited?


The blog perplexes me. They've now loaded it down with ads and seem to be making fairly decent revenue from it, probably around $400-$500 a month


Considering the "interviews" and videos they've been getting I wonder if there is a kickback of some sort. I cant believe the Duggars would give the info for free and not have one if their fundie friends earn the money if that were an option.

As for the garden... I still call bullshit. These episodes were filmed in the fall. So unless we're time traveling significantly back a year they didnt have a garden or a competition that was real. You dont grow tomatoes and cucumbers in November. Even if they were "live" they wouldnt have a crop to show on this week's episode.

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Canned vegetables have a long shelf life and do not require having a working freezer, unlike frozen vegetables. Without consideration of the normal Duggar vegetable-eating habits, having canned vegetables on hand is itself a good idea in case of power loss. I don't prefer canned vegetables, but the hate for them on FJ surprises me. I probably have a different view of them because I was raised by my grandmother, who lived through both the Depression and WWII. Canned vegetables were a staple in my house growing up, and I certainly didn't grow up stupid or poor.

I hate most canned veggies (sweetcorn and tomatoes are the exceptions) because I just like my veggies crunchy. Also the murky olive green of canned peas and green beans just makes me sad - they're supposed to be a lovely vibrant green!

Edited for riffles.

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Why do the Duggars think that their pantry is interesting to us? I want to see how much J'Chelle really knows about her kids. That's interesting, because I know that it's little to nothing.

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I hate most canned veggies (sweetcorn and tomatoes are the exceptions) because I just like my veggies crunchy. Also the murky olive green of canned peas and green beans just makes me sad - they're supposed to be a lovely vibrant green!

Edited for riffles.

Canned peas are the worst, especially when the family cooking style is to boil the taste out of everything. I thought I hated peas until I was an adult and learned to cook for myself.

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Why do the Duggars think that their pantry is interesting to us? I want to see how much J'Chelle really knows about her kids. That's interesting, because I know that it's little to nothing.

Hell, I doubt that Mullet even knows what is in her pantry.

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Hell, I doubt that Mullet even knows what is in her pantry.

The only reason she knows there's a pantry is because she sends the J'slaves in there to get food and because it was on the blueprints for the TTH.

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Canned peas are the worst, especially when the family cooking style is to boil the taste out of everything. I thought I hated peas until I was an adult and learned to cook for myself.

Have you ever had raw, freshly-picked peas that you picked off the plant yourself? They're like candy! Yum.

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Dont forget the flower headband or pin. You get extra points if the flower is larger then your head.

That's brilliant! I already wear headbands all the time, so that would be easy enough to add. Thanks! :)

:D I had to laugh because I'm wearing a striped dress and floral shoes today. And green glasses, but I'm in academia, dammit, so I need them. And, I'm a bit of a beer snob, so I'll only happily drink Franziskaner or Weihenstephaner or local micro-brews when visiting my friends back in the States.

I wonder if Jessa even knows about hipsters. I mean this as a serious question; they spend a lot of time (at least comparatively to other fundie families) out and about in the world, and in fun big cities at that. I wonder how much pop culture they are able to pick up just from, I don't know, their tour-bus tour through Shoreditch, or Brooklyn...

(edited to add to my beer tastes)

I really shouldn't snark on other's clothing. I usually have crazy hair, glasses (I'm nearsighted), very long skirts, baggy shirts, and almost worn out sneakers (they only have a few holes in them!). :D

Personally, I'm not a beer fan. *ducks* I'm great with fermented apple ciders and things like that, but beer and ale, I just don't like the taste.

Am I wrong in thinking that Josh has made fun of hipsters on his instagram? I have a feeling that if the j'kids don't know what they're called, they could probably pick out hipsters from a crowd. Because, you know, blending in is mainstream. ;)

(In a different life, I could totally see Jessa and Jinger as hipsters. Along with Josiah.)

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The Duggars have a lot of food, you say? They buy it cheap and in bulk? I bet they also have to pack a lot of stuff for their trips and get motion sick in moving vehicles!

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