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Sentences with Miss Raquel


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Sorry guys, this is the last screen shot I'll do for a while...just want to share these with everyone in case she takes them down. She's so disappointed that he was gay. ughhhhhhhhh


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According to her twitter she could provide lots of good dating advice, but last time she tried people asked why she had never dated if she knew so much about it. And she is a fan of Macklemore, which surprises me since she is so anti-gay.

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I do not know how you guys read her. I love the discussions on here about her, but actually reading her stuff makes me want to beat up puppies. And I adore puppies.

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I'm sticking with her twitter and blog. Her ask.fm makes me want to throw my computer.

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Well, that and no 17 year old should be caring for a horse on her own. Especially not a two year old.

While I agree that a two-year-old is not a good first horse for an inexperienced owner, a 17-year-old can be plenty responsible enough to look after a horse. It's just that Miss Raquel clearly isn't.

"Oh, look how cutely it begs for the water I refuse to give it!" I'm trying to imagine what my nice sweet-tempered kindly church-going horse-owning friend would say to that. I think there would be a long, long talk with the girl's parents and a firm ban on ever going near a horse again, enforced by informing every other horse owner on the island. I also think I would get to hear my nice sweet-tempered kindly church-going horse-owning friend cuss for the first time ever.

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I think this says it all. So she wouldn't have gone to hell, but a homosexual Christian would? :pull-hair:

Is she so stupid that she really doesn't realize that makes no sense at all?

Had to punish myself by reading her AMA and this is what she says about her horse:

Thirdly, when God entrusts us with a gift that can be used for His kingdom and His glory we should never neglect that. And I think that would be a sin (however I wouldn't call it blasphemous). I wouldn't say a horse is entrusted to us for use for His kingdom and glory

See, it is totally okay to treat your horse like crap because it isn't entrusted to use for God's kingdom and glory. :angry-banghead:

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The way I understood it was any and everything could be used to advance Gods Kingdom... even a horse.

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Ever since she posted her "testimony," she has been getting mostly negative comments (with the occasional leghumper, of course). That should tell her something...not that she is being persecuted, but that she's probably wrong about a whole lot. The girl is 18. Most 18-y-olds think they're always right, but to publicly toot your own horn that much is really narcissistic.

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Ever since she posted her "testimony," she has been getting mostly negative comments (with the occasional leghumper, of course). That should tell her something...not that she is being persecuted, but that she's probably wrong about a whole lot. The girl is 18. Most 18-y-olds think they're always right, but to publicly toot your own horn that much is really narcissistic.

What most likely happened is that people from her homeschool group figured out which guys she was talking about, asked them, and found out that she greatly exaggerated the story.

I don't get the impression that she is well liked in real life. Most of her fans have never met her.

SQUEEE!!!!! Now we can hear her sing!!!!

https://soundcloud.com/itsjustraquel/ac ... shing-wind

Personally, I wouldn't listen to her for any amount of time, but she wasn't horrible. She is better than Taylor Swift.

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Ever since she posted her "testimony," she has been getting mostly negative comments (with the occasional leghumper, of course). That should tell her something...not that she is being persecuted, but that she's probably wrong about a whole lot. The girl is 18. Most 18-y-olds think they're always right, but to publicly toot your own horn that much is really narcissistic.

Whereabouts? I can't see any negative comments

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She was getting a lot of questions on her AMA about why she could be saved and sin sexually but a person can't be saved and also be gay. People were saying a sin was a sin so what she did wasn't any worse than being "sinning" by being gay. She was not happy to be put in the same category as gay people.

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I didn't expect her to actually answer my question. Anybody know of some good bible verses that talk of God's wrath when a gift is rejected? I was thinking Adam and Eve since its so basic (they rejected everlasting life by rejecting God's wish to avoid the Tree of Life, God punished them), but then she would go back to her "If it has to do with getting into heaven it is a sin. If it doesn't, it's not." I want her to eat crow. Somebody more bible savvy surely knows of a better example

ETA: I'm happy I at least got a rise out of her. She wrote out a two paragraph answer, while most were only a sentence or two. I don't think getting rid of a pet that isn't properly cared for is a bad thing. I'm pissed off that she can sit around pointing fingers and then do whatever she wants and explain it away.

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That did seem to strike a nerve with her. I'm sure there is something in there about treating God's gift like shit, but I can't think of anything right at this moment.

The chocolate/slavery question seemed to annoy her too. Apparently she has been ignoring that person's questions for awhile. No way in hell is she giving up chocolate because of slavery. She is an abolitionists who likes to do nothing to abolish slavery.

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Has she done anything with the chocolate/slavery thing, other than post that she received the information? She's really ignorant about her own causes....

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She was getting a lot of questions on her AMA about why she could be saved and sin sexually but a person can't be saved and also be gay. People were saying a sin was a sin so what she did wasn't any worse than being "sinning" by being gay. She was not happy to be put in the same category as gay people.

I have a family member who thinks alot like Miss Raquel, I think her response who be that Miss Raquels sin was committed and then repented while the evil gay's sin would be "ungoing". Family member believes that God hates the sin but loves the sinner - unless the sin is being gay, in which case He hates both the sin and the sinner.

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SQUEEE!!!!! Now we can hear her sing!!!!

https://soundcloud.com/itsjustraquel/ac ... shing-wind

Personally, I wouldn't listen to her for any amount of time, but she wasn't horrible. She is better than Taylor Swift.

yeah, not awful. suffers from popstar imitation syndrome, like 90% of people who go on American Idol / The x Factor /etc . See all those fancy things professional singers do with their voices? Those need practice, sweetie.

Much lower voice than I anticipated!

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Has she done anything with the chocolate/slavery thing, other than post that she received the information? She's really ignorant about her own causes....

No, I think she really wants to ignore it. She wants the praise of being called an abolitionist while not actually having to do anything or sacrifice her favorite chocolate.

She has someone arguing with her about speaking in tongues now. :lol:

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Has she done anything with the chocolate/slavery thing, other than post that she received the information? She's really ignorant about her own causes....

I sent her the info about chocolate slavery. She didn't even post the original thing I sent with information for people who might be interested. It makes me angry that she claims to be an abolitionist and she ignored me until I mentioned Jesus, and I guess she felt guilty enough to put it up with a brief reply. Those children on the Ivory Coast don't deserve it to have to harvest cocoa beans for chocolate that eventually goes into the mouths of people like Raquel.

What a hypocrite. "Broken by God" my ass.

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I'm reading up about chocolate slavery. I had no idea.

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I'm reading up about chocolate slavery. I had no idea.

Most people have no idea, and many who do know continue to eat "slave chocolate." But there is plenty of chocolate that's actually readily available that's not made by slaves. Hershey's "Bliss" line is Rainforest Alliance, as well as the dark chocolate of the Dove equivalent (but not the milk or other flavors). I use those in place of chocolate chips and things (I just chop them a bit smaller). The only annoying thing is unwrapping all the squares. Hershey plans to eradicate slavery by 2020, but they said it would be 2012 in the early 2000s.

If you have the time, check out this incredible documentary about it:

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