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Michelle Duggar Post Partum Depression


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Indeed. During the Samurai sword lesson that Jim Bob had with the boys in Japan, there was a scripted, storytelling even that was shown. The lead trainer and the man telling the story, Tetsuro, was at the part where he and the other Samurai were supposed to draw their swords and stage a mock-battle.

Jim Bob broke the script, reached over and yanked the sword from Tetsuro's belt. Tetsuro looked genuinely shocked, and all Jim Bob could do was laugh about how clever he was for getting one over on a trained Samurai.

These movements were carefully choreographed, and if the Samurai had moved an inch in any direction at that moment, Jim Bob would have cut him. All I could think was that Jim Bob could have seriously injured Tetsuro with his stupidity.

Oh my God. That could have been very nasty indeed. Good thing that Tetsuro froze up, really.

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I quote Beammeup from the "PP on the radio" about her assumptions of what happens in the Anderson home

I watched the beginning. I'm certain Zsu is physically disciplined / abused as well as the children. Watch his face as he talks about rebuking her for failing to make dinner.

And THIS^, exactly this, is what I think would never happen in the Duggar home. I never said they were "nice", whatever "nice" means. I said that I THINK, not KNOW, he loves Michelle so much that she's his queen. I assumed from what I saw on TV and read on the internet that he treats Michelle well and respecfully and, if I dare say so, there will never be a statement of JB telling us that "OF COURSE, he orders her around!!!11eleventy".

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I quote Beammeup from the "PP on the radio" about her assumptions of what happens in the Anderson home

And THIS^, exactly this, is what I think would never happen in the Duggar home. I never said they were "nice", whatever "nice" means. I said that I THINK, not KNOW, he loves Michelle so much that she's his queen. I assumed from what I saw on TV and read on the internet that he treats Michelle well and respecfully and, if I dare say so, there will never be a statement of JB telling us that "OF COURSE, he orders her around!!!11eleventy".

I see what you mean, but I think it's really just a case of the Andersons being willing to talk about pretty much everything, while the Duggars are far more reserved with their larger audience. JB hasn't said anything himself that I remember, but about a year ago Michelle was documented giving a talk at a church about how to properly obey your husband. I don't really see JB abusing Michelle, but at the same time I just don't trust any fundie patriarch behind closed doors.

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She'll never admit to having it. I'm sure she did. Was the laundry breakdown because of PPD?

Nope, it was because she wasn't praisin' jebus enough.

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How did Jim Bob dismiss Michelle during the marriage retreat?

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How did Jim Bob dismiss Michelle during the marriage retreat?

He didn't listen to her concerns. Seems to me he was more focused on having a good time in Puerto Rico (I believe that's where the retreat took place) and doing whatever was necessary for the tv show rather than taking any of it seriously.

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Honestly, I'm not convinced that Jim Bob has never hit Michelle. Abuse works in ways that make it easier to get away with it, and it's incredibly common for a man to treat a woman like a queen only to hit her behind closed doors. It's part of the cycle of abuse and is a tactic to overcompensate for the bad times while also gaslighting the victim because everyone else thinks he's such a great guy who could never do that. Jim Bob's superficial charm and superficial adoration of Michelle make more suspicious, not less.

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Jim Bob abuses her all right as he keeps bringing up her exes all the time to her, ffs Jim boy let it go its been what 25 years. So what if she had a chaste kiss from another boy who cares past history.

Also nice and the Duggars please they are anything but.

From what I have seen they are.





we are holier than thou you know we are better than you

I also think that Michelle gets of on being pregnant all the time I am sure there is a name for it but for the life of me I cant remember.

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Pregnancy addiction.


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He didn't listen to her concerns. Seems to me he was more focused on having a good time in Puerto Rico (I believe that's where the retreat took place) and doing whatever was necessary for the tv show rather than taking any of it seriously.

I didn't see the episode, but didn't Michelle say she felt she carried the weight of the relationship? I seem to remember that someone posted this. And Jim Bob's answer was to deflect her concerns and make inappropriate cracks about sex, yet again.

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Would it have killed Jim-Bob to help with all that laundry? Feed the babies at night so Michelle can get some sleep?

Obvious answer: Yes, because he is the manly headship and anything like helping your wife with housework is women's work. :roll:

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Jim Bob abuses her all right as he keeps bringing up her exes all the time to her, ffs Jim boy let it go its been what 25 years. So what if she had a chaste kiss from another boy who cares past history.

Also nice and the Duggars please they are anything but.

From what I have seen they are.





we are holier than thou you know we are better than you

I also think that Michelle gets of on being pregnant all the time I am sure there is a name for it but for the life of me I cant remember.

I think statements like that really trivialize actual abuse.

You can't lump together every single solitary negative interaction or disagreement or misunderstanding anyone ever has and call it "abuse". It really detracts from the legitimacy of actual abuse victims when you do that.

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Would it have killed Jim-Bob to help with all that laundry? Feed the babies at night so Michelle can get some sleep?

Obvious answer: Yes, because he is the manly headship and anything like helping your wife with housework is women's work. :roll:

I think the obvious answer is that if he views it as "helping" in the first place, instead of just the normal obligation of an adult to care for his children and household, then he'll never manage to care enough to make a difference in Michelle's life. As much as everyone hates on Michelle for foisting childcare duties to others, I'm surprised at how little Jim Bob is criticized for doing the exact same thing that Michelle does, even though he has done less childcare than even she has.

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I think the obvious answer is that if he views it as "helping" in the first place, instead of just the normal obligation of an adult to care for his children and household, then he'll never manage to care enough to make a difference in Michelle's life. As much as everyone hates on Michelle for foisting childcare duties to others, I'm surprised at how little Jim Bob is criticized for doing the exact same thing that Michelle does, even though he has done less childcare than even she has.

I agree. Once in a while he will take the little ones to the dentist but that's it. Hell this past fathers day I wished the J-slaves a Happy Fathers Day and not him.

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Would it have killed Jim-Bob to help with all that laundry? Feed the babies at night so Michelle can get some sleep?

Obvious answer: Yes, because he is the manly headship and anything like helping your wife with housework is women's work. :roll:

In JimBobs defence, he worked insane hours in the early years of their marriage, trying to make ends meet for endless blessings without the benefit of an education. He was probably just as burnt out as Michelle.

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I didn't see the episode, but didn't Michelle say she felt she carried the weight of the relationship? I seem to remember that someone posted this. And Jim Bob's answer was to deflect her concerns and make inappropriate cracks about sex, yet again.

Thanks. I didn't see it either, as they bore me to death if I try to watch them, but I'm a little surprised that Michelle would even admit to having any concerns.

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In JimBobs defence, he worked insane hours in the early years of their marriage, trying to make ends meet for endless blessings without the benefit of an education. He was probably just as burnt out as Michelle.

Well, there's a solution to that. Hell, even Stevehovah had the sense to have the snip at one point. (Although, admittedly he more than undid that good deed.)Okay, bad example but the point is that even his holiness took his wife's mental state into account. 'Permitting ' your depressed wife to just do the most basic of basics and doing the kids 'schooling' yourself after work isn't a particularly good response (especially when your priorities are as screwed up as Steve Maxwell's) but at least it's a response.

I doubt if J'boob has ever thought even that far beyond himself in his life.

I very much doubt J'chelle has ever had real PPD though. That sort of depression doesn't magically fix itself over night with a bit of prayer.

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