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Sunshine Mary explains why feminists love Muslims


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Interesting theory. I have to say that SSM's post made no real sense to me, even according to fundie logic, so it's possible that it's a MRA dude. OTOH, the monster Lori Alexander is clearly a woman, and she's a fangirl so unfortunately I have to admit that self-hating women with twisted logic exist. I'll admit that I was wrong about Thinking Lousewife being Lawrence Auster, since there have been posts since his death.

I still think Auster ghostwrote a lot of the Lousewife's posts---there's been a noticeable change in style since his death. But, yeah, she has proved that she is a hateful idiot in her own right, so :clap: for her, I suppose. I was wrong.

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AG are you serious? Recreating the caliphate is huge in Africa right now. And they are "recruiting", most definitely.

Sorry but the idea that fundamentalist Christian = bad and Fundamentalist Isam = good doesn't really sit that well with me at all.

Any indoctrination of children/people is not making a better world.

I was ignorant and only thought that Christians were the only religious people who had missionaries hell-bent on creating a religious empire. To be honest, I had never heard of non-Christian missionaries before. I honestly thought that they didn't exist. I guess I'm so used to be hearing about Christian missionaries and not non-Christian missionaries. :embarrassed: :embarrassed: :embarrassed:

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Wahhabism is about what would happen if fundies slowly took over Christendom. Same basic end result: life sucks for everyone but a few select men. (And people keep yelling at you to cover your head.)

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SSM has a huge pile of WTF.

The WTF part comes from the fact that condemning Islamophobia does NOT mean having a love affair with all aspects of Islam. It means being on the lookout for crazy discrimination, and ready to defend freedom of religion. Her "women love violence" bit is nothing more than the projection of the dark recesses of her own mind.

Does she mention that Ms. Magazine named Irshad Manji a Feminist for the 21st century? No, of course not.

Women love violence. Of course they do. :roll:

Honestly, I don't think these people even know what they are saying (at least, I hope not).

And yeah, you don't have to love Islam (I certainly don't) to think that people have the right to be Muslim. WHAT

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