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The Maxwells heading west


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I'll give you a star for ferreting out Elizabeth Munck's last name, deborahlynn! :cupcake:

Or maybe a cupcake.

With regards to Mary mentioning hell, I thought of this passage from The Witch of Blackbird Pond: "Dr. Bulkeley's sermons are always inspired,[Judith] said demurely, "especially when he preaches about the final judgment."

Judith, the pretty as punch cousin of the main character Kit, is flirting with a sober young minister here.

So yeah, I'm probably reaching here, but Mary's remark in the blog post kind of read to me like an assent of her suitability as a young female überfundie.

John Marie is looking very...starchy in the cookout pictures. How hot must it have been in that button-down shirt, buttoned tightly up to the neck, and tucked into jeans?

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On the way home, it was very sobering to see five wild fires that had started from the lightning. As of Wednesday night one of the fires had burned over 1500 hundred acres. Those fires are a stark reality to me of hell and the responsibility we as believers have to warn others of the fate to come.

I thank the FSM everyday I'm don't live in Maxhell.

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OH MY WORD! Anyone catch the pic with one of the boys with that evil idol, PEPSI at the campground cookout??? Someone screencap before Stevehovah removes!!!

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John Marie is looking very...starchy in the cookout pictures. How hot must it have been in that button-down shirt, buttoned tightly up to the neck, and tucked into jeans?

I bet he ironed his jeans. He's perfect courtin' material.

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Those fires are a stark reality to me of hell and the responsibility we as believers have to warn others of the fate to come.

Yeah, these people know how to live. There's just nothing like ending a fun* day with a stark reminder of the hellfire and brimstone to come. It's Maxhells' version of the hot fudge, whipped cream, and cherry topping an ice cream sundae!! Thirty-one flavors, all ending with "doom."

*(Fun being a relative term here, but at least it represented something of a break from the usual Maxwell routine.)

Comedian Maria Bamford (new find for me, very funny) calls it the "Joy Whack-A-Mole" game. If something happy pops up, gotta smack it down again!

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And Mary's comment about hell tied to the wildfires pisses me off. I have personal friends who were affected by those fires and you can bet they wouldn't appreciate her prosthelytizing about what those fires mean. Duh, Mary -- if you could just step back for a moment and realize it's not a Jesus vs. the Devil thing -- wildfires happen because of weather patterns -- it's fucking science.

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New post is up - lots of socializin' with the D family, John-Marie included. My spidey senses tell me something is up in courtship land.

Anybody know/remember John-Marie's last name, or any other details?

I read the sign "old prison" in one of the photos as "old person". Obviously, I have seen too many Maxwell posts about their fellowshipping with senior citizens. I can envision them surrounding some elderly hikers and forcing them to listen to a few verses of "Trust and Obeeeeeeeeeyyyyy".

I cannot believe I just used fellowshipping in a sentence.

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I personally love how her next quote after our Hell warning was "It was an amazing day!" Oh Mary, what a worl you live in. You and the the other reversals are in for one hell of a crash one day when the real world stumbles on you. It will happen. That bubble will pop at some point.

Mary, here's an idea. Stop charging people for what your family views as the only way to avoid Hell. Stop preaching to the converted and helpless I.e the residents at the Home. Not that Mary will read this, but if there's even a small chance...your beloved daddy doesn't follow Jesus at all. He shows no love or compassion to any other than his followers. He doesn't serve his community, he charges them for false prophecy. He does not feed the hungry or clothe the poor, anything your family do is for your own glory, like the bread at Christmas time. It's sweet....but maybe take tha bread to the hungry and stop bragging about the blessing you pour on people? Use your baking skills to to help feed families in the shelter? Maybe instead of damning other men to Hell because he saw a teeny bit of a woman's cleavadge he could take a look at himself and simply pray for forgiveness if he lusted? Maybe he could spend his time helping rather than damning? Send his sons and their construction skills to areas where houses are in need of repair and people cannot afford it? Go and put in some plumbing to countries with no running water? Jesus didn't travel around in a fancy bus. He didn't have a mortgage either. Or multiple computers. He sent people out to "untouchables", not just homeschooled conservative Christians.

Sorry, but I wish those who had met Steve would have just kicked him in the balls.

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OH MY WORD! Anyone catch the pic with one of the boys with that evil idol, PEPSI at the campground cookout??? Someone screencap before Stevehovah removes!!!

STEVIE!!! Red alert! Red alert! You are LOSING CONTROL of your children's hearts!! The DEVIL lives in that can!


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Now if a courtship with John-Marie doesn't work out, we'll know why. The Evil D family brought PEPSI to campground and led everyone into temptation.

Thank you, Marian.

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Now if a courtship with John-Marie doesn't work out, we'll know why. The Evil D family brought PEPSI to campground and led everyone into temptation.

Thank you, Marian.

First the big defrauding belt buckle, and now his family brings Pepsi to a cookout. Sitting on pins and needles here wondering if the fact that he has a successful sprinkler business will outweigh his transgressions...

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Dear lord in heaven. Anna and Mary have on the same hoodie and skirt. Can't we just keep the twinsie fashion for the paying public?

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Teri, go drink several cans of pepsi, tell Steve to fuck off, then save the "children". You know you want to.

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I was defrauded by the picture of Stevie with the water bottle stuffed into his back pocket. My eyes go instantly to his butt. :brain-bleach:

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STEVIE!!! Red alert! Red alert! You are LOSING CONTROL of your children's hearts!! The DEVIL lives in that can!


The girl/boy pairing of the Maxwell children always look like couples to me, rather than brother and sister. It's just....odd. And for the love of Pete!!! Why are the subjects in their photos always so miniscule and far off?

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I was defrauded by the picture of Stevie with the water bottle stuffed into his back pocket. My eyes go instantly to his butt. :brain-bleach:

Which, I couldn't help but notice is quite a bit bigger than it used to be. And he's growing man-boobs! You don't suppose Steve is sneaking out for a daily junk food fix to make up for his having to set an example in self-control to the others at the dinner table?

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I bet he ironed his jeans. He's perfect courtin' material.

I'm pretty sure his sister or mother ironed them for him. That's perfect headship material.

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The Maxwells "enjoyed the history on the old hotel".

The history of hell bound drinking fornicating sinners! I'm surprised at you, Steve, taking your precious children into a space created for the consumption of alcohol. And your laxity bore instant fruit, when your children were tempted by Pepsi that afternoon, they gave in to temptation and drank the world's soda instead of the sweet waters of the LORD.

Something to think about.....

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Is John Marie his real name?

I don't think his last name has been revealed and the Marie is to distinguish him from John, one of the Maxwells sons. Like how the Anna who married into the family was named Anna Marie by Steve.

So he lives in Idaho then? Nothing known about him?

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I don't think his last name has been revealed and the Marie is to distinguish him from John, one of the Maxwells sons. Like how the Anna who married into the family was named Anna Marie by Steve.

So he lives in Idaho then? Nothing known about him?

What we know about him is that he lives in Idaho (and it sounds like probably close to the town of Jerome) and that he owns his own commercial sprinkler system company. I think that's probably large-scale -- like farmland kind of sprinklers. I'm sure some of our expert sleuths here could find him and/or his company.

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I'm going to take credit for this one as I was the first one who recognized the Muncks. (Do I get a star or something?) I had happened upon their blog when I was first starting to read about quiverfull families, and the moment I saw their picture on the thread, I knew who they were and could NOT believe that a member of THAT family was going to marry a member of THE MAXWELL family.

...and you had to make that recognition and then sleuth to confirm, yeah? They didn't put the name out there? That's how I remember it too...

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His name is Jonathan Demcak and he owns a company called Droplet Irrigation.

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What we know about him is that he lives in Idaho (and it sounds like probably close to the town of Jerome) and that he owns his own commercial sprinkler system company. I think that's probably large-scale -- like farmland kind of sprinklers. I'm sure some of our expert sleuths here could find him and/or his company.

Yes, his company sells/installs the big agricultural sprinklers on a pivot, that make the "circles" you see when flying over dryer parts of the US that still support crops. One big manufacturer is "Valley" for instance. Long long sprinkler pipes supported by tires, connected to a central pump, they rotate around in a circle. So, you see green cultivated circles (or sometimes a "Pac Man" if they have to put the house in the same field as the crops so they don't rotate all 360) from the air. Always thought that was cool as a kid and when I drove to Idaho I could see them on the ground, it was nifty. Yes, I am a nerd.

The Maxwell web development business made his website and it was listed on their portfolio. If you visit the site, you can find them. I did this once, but don't recall the actual answer details, I had a beer now so it can wait until tomorrow unless someone jumps on it first, but that's the easy path anyway.

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