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The Maxwells heading west


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His name is Jonathan Demcak and he owns a company called Droplet Irrigation.

...and that jogs my memory - yes, this is it, exactly the site I remember finding too.

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Yes, his company sells/installs the big agricultural sprinklers on a pivot, that make the "circles" you see when flying over dryer parts of the US that still support crops. One big manufacturer is "Valley" for instance. Long long sprinkler pipes supported by tires, connected to a central pump, they rotate around in a circle. So, you see green cultivated circles (or sometimes a "Pac Man" if they have to put the house in the same field as the crops so they don't rotate all 360) from the air. Always thought that was cool as a kid and when I drove to Idaho I could see them on the ground, it was nifty. Yes, I am a nerd.

The Maxwell web development business made his website and it was listed on their portfolio. If you visit the site, you can find them. I did this once, but don't recall the actual answer details, I had a beer now so it can wait until tomorrow unless someone jumps on it first, but that's the easy path anyway.

Ahhh, how I love our expert sleuths!

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Per Reference USA database, Droplet Irrigation is a private business that has 1-4 employees; a credit rating score of C+; and location sales volume of $8,189,000. No management directory listed. Interesting.

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Per Reference USA database, Droplet Irrigation is a private business that has 1-4 employees; a credit rating score of C+; and location sales volume of $8,189,000. No management directory listed. Interesting.

As I recall (again - caveat: beer status of 2) John Marie is taking over the business from his father. It's a family thing.

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Per Reference USA database, Droplet Irrigation is a private business that has 1-4 employees; a credit rating score of C+; and location sales volume of $8,189,000. No management directory listed. Interesting.

Well if his company makes that kind of money, he ought to be able to marry Reversal Anna AND provide for Poor Sarah who will move in with them and become their nanny. Perfect!

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Jon Marie looks just uptight enough to fit in in Maxhell. I will be very surprised if no courtship ever comes from the Maxwells' sweet fellowship with the "D family." If nothing happens, it will be because Stevie quashed it.

I wish the Demcaks had a blog so we could find out more about them. Do they have any interest in f*n? Do they also spend NYE crying and praying? Are they into The Elderly, too? When was the last time Jon Marie's eyes lingered on the screen of a Beast? These are the essential questions, folks--the issues that will make or break a marriage between Jon Marie and one of the Maxwellettes.

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OK, here's an interesting tidbit from the Demcak's local newspaper (bolding mine):


Owyhee Health and Rehab

would like to thank the community for all their love and support during this holiday season. The Owyhee Avalanche for the Christmas wish list, Last Chance Saloon for the wonderful gifts, Homedale Senior Center for their beautiful scarves, The Sage Hens for the delicious home- made candies, Homedale Floral for the gorgeous Poinsettia, and the Friends Church for their Christmas caroling. We would also like to give our appreciation to the music performances by Janine Schroder, Jim McDonald (Elvis), Stuart Batt, Taylor Thomas, Bill Kolasch, and the Homedale Schools. Thank you to the residents and families of Owyhee Health and Rehab for providing such wonderful food and candy to our staff. A very special Thank You goes out to the Demcak family for all of their love and support they give the residents each and every week, providing them with spiritual guidance and faith. God Bless and Happy Holidays!

Sounds like they, like the Maxwells, hold church services for The Elderly.


page 22

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OK, here's an interesting tidbit from the Demcak's local newspaper (bolding mine):

Sounds like they, like the Maxwells, hold church services for The Elderly.


page 22

Again, may make up for the belt buckle and Pepsi issues. Another win in his column.

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The words they use and the ways they write are so childlike it's scary. None of the 'kids' have any kind of life experience or education to use words to convey a message. Their vocabulary and structure is as limited as their lives. Steve should be ashamed and the world should take notice. This is the kind of inept beings crazed fundies are creating and leashing upon the world.

I find it amusing in a pathetic way that every time they mention eating out it's because someone else paid for it. They're interlopers and leeches on top of everything else. Overall, these people are appalling examples of of life. Their god is ashamed and their Jesus weeps, or at least can't stop shaking his head.

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John-Marie's positioning of the hot-dog in that one picture (7th from the bottom) looked scandalous to me at first glance.

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A very special Thank You goes out to the Demcak family for all of their love and support they give the residents each and every week, providing them with spiritual guidance and faith.

:angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

I hate to think the residents have no choice and are simply wheeled out each week and subjected to the attempted brainwashing.

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Googling John Marie turns up such boring results about agriculture, worse than a Moody book. He would fit in perfectly!

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Jon Marie is frumpy, buttoned-up, boring, Elderly-loving, and Steve-approved enough to visit several times. He also has a lucrative family business. There HAS to be a courtship brewing here.

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"Hello," Dad politely said. "We are the Moodys. My wife is Emily, and my four children are Max, Mollie, Mitch and Maddie. We came to speak with Mrs. Clifton."

Miss Jenkins face broke into a smile, chasing Mitch's unfounded fear away. "Yes, Mrs. Clifton. Come with me, and I'll show you to her room." She motioned for them to follow her. The long hallway was brightly lit, and cheerful pictures adorned the walls. their shoes squeaked as they walked on the blue tile. Miss Jenkins stopped at the end of the hall and entered a doorway, motioning for the family to follow her. Mollie noted the room was number 124.

"Mrs. Clifton, you have some visitors, the Moody family. Hope you all have a nice visit." Miss Jenkins smiled at the family as she walked out of the room.

Mrs. Clifton was sitting in a reclining chair. She looked a little tired, but otherwise healthy. Her hair was pulled back into a silvery bun. Her face was peacefully calm. She wore a light pink dress and matching slippers. Pink was obviously her favorite color. Her whole room spoke of it - from bedspread to curtains. It gave the room a cheerful and comforting feel. She beckoned them to come closer.

Dad nodded at Mom, and she spoke, "We found your dog last night. She was eating out of our trash cans." She paused noting the concerned look on Mrs. Clifton's face. Mom assured her, "Oh, no harm was done. We brought her into our garage and wanted to locate the owner today. The phone number on Honey's tag didn't work, so we drove to your house. The neighbor lady, Sharon Baker, was outdoors, and we talked with her. She said that you had had a heart attack and were recovering here."

Mrs. Clifton nodded. "Yes, I had been pretty healthy, for an old lady I guess, but a few months ago I started having terrible chest pains. I ignored them for a while but then they became too strong. I called 911, and an ambulance came. They said I was having a heart attack. I miss my home, and it is especially hard to be away from my precious Honey. Sharon has taken good care of Honey, but I know she is a very busy lady. I am hoping to be back at my house by the end of summer."

"We are sorry to hear about your health troubles," Mom replied. "We want to offer to care for Honey until you can come home. Your house is right around the corner from us, and the children can easily walk there every day. They really like Honey and would be happy to help."

Mrs. Clifton's brow furrowed as if in thought. "Oh, now, you folks are so nice. But I'm afraid that would be a lot of trouble."

Dad said, "Mrs. Clifton, we would like to take care of Honey. We're Christians, and this is something we would love to help you with."

Mrs. Clifton's eyes brightened. "I should have known that you were Christians, saved by the blood of Jesus. I, too, know Him as my personal Savior. I knew you were not an ordinary family. I would be very grateful if you were care for Honey."

...the hey? Why would someone write a book like that? Well!

Through the years, we have seen a need for godly reading material for children - books that display good role models with families working together serving the Lord. When Mom would have discussions with Grandma Jan about our struggle to find wholesome reading books, Grandma Jan would always say we should just write our own. Finally, in the summer of 2002, with my parents' encouragement, the idea for this book was born. My family played a very key part in this book!

I, gardenvarietycitizen, will take this opportunity to thank eBay.

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...the hey? Why would someone write a book like that? Well!

I, gardenvarietycitizen, will take this opportunity to thank eBay.


Geez, and people say that reality shows make your brain melt.

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Oh my gosh, when I first read today's blog post, I thought the Maxwells were visiting Silver Dollar City. Is that the amusement park the Duggars love? But then I started reading and it was a much less fun adventure than that. What was I thinking?!! Fun? Lol.

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...the hey? Why would someone write a book like that? Well!

I, gardenvarietycitizen, will take this opportunity to thank eBay.

Are phone books and dictionaries allowed in Maxhell? I would rather learn how many people with the last name of Goodson lived in my town, or look up words in the dictionary than read this crap.

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STEVIE!!! Red alert! Red alert! You are LOSING CONTROL of your children's hearts!! The DEVIL lives in that can!


That's Pepsi THROWBACK, as far as idols go, that's the big one. Satan's down there chowing down on Cassius, Brutus and Judas and washing them down with Throwback, rest assured.

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That's Pepsi THROWBACK, as far as idols go, that's the big one. Satan's down there chowing down on Cassius, Brutus and Judas and washing them down with Throwback, rest assured.

Is that the one with extra aborted foetus cells?

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AreteJo- I'd be happy to watch your dog while you are on vacation. He's a sweetheart.

Friend- Thanks, I'll leave you his food, toys, treats, and the vet's number.

See Sarah, this is how normal people offer to pet sit. Feel free to use this dialogue in your next book.

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Are phone books and dictionaries allowed in Maxhell? I would rather learn how many people with the last name of Goodson lived in my town, or look up words in the dictionary than read this crap.

Given Sarah's overuse of words like "sweet" and "delicious", I'd say not. Can't have them running across concepts like women's shelters or words like "cunnilingus" (not that the Bible is exactly G rated,, but never mind).

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I, gardenvarietycitizen, will take this opportunity to thank eBay.


Get thee to thy prayer closet!!

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Googling John Marie turns up such boring results about agriculture, worse than a Moody book. He would fit in perfectly!

Agreed - there's very little out there about him or his family. I did find mention of their farm, which is called Moriah Farm. But they have managed to stay well off the information grid.

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The Maxwells "enjoyed the history on the old hotel".

Nothing says fun like being in a ghost town, and going to a hotel with no electricity in the dead of the summer in a long skirt. Life doesn't get much better than that. Last week, my adult daughter and I were jumping over waves with our bikinis on. I'm sure we didn't have as much fun as the Maxwells and their rip roaring summer adventure, but we tried to make the most of it.

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Get thee to thy prayer closet!!

Mea Culpa. :pray:

(I think I'll try to sneak a book in there... but not this book!!)

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