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The Maxwells heading west


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Heh. Yeah I was noticing the "wide stance" in so many of those pics :D

Do you think the fundie guys actually talk about the wide stance in technical terms, or do they just learn it through observation? I've often wondered about that. I wish we had a fundie male on this board who is willing to talk about it.

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I finally got all our photos from the family Easter shingdig. Several headships and headships-in-training at this event, and yet I can't find a single picture of any of them in a fundie wide stance. I guess that since the men did the cooking, there is evidence they have all been emasculated by their helpmeets.

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I bet that was quite the Easter feast.

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Perhaps this is just way out there in left field, but I recall reading (and just confirmed now) that one of the things that can lower a man's viable sperm count is excessive scrotal heat. You gotta keep the boys cool, for maximum results.

I can't help but wonder if any of this "wide stance" business has any origins in people thinking they'll air out their balls... though quite possibly it could just be some sort of fetishization of a Western gunslinger stance I guess too... kinda crouched, hands on hips ready to draw at a moment's notice...

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I bet that was quite the Easter feast.

It was indeed. :mrgreen: They couldn't tell you where they are spending eternity, but they know their business with a lamb.

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Holy crap! Look at the frumpers John Marie's Mom and sister are wearing! The Maxwell "girl children" look like they came off Vogue in comparison! Cathy Jo would make a very "submissive" helpmet to any one of the reversal boys. :roll:

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How old is Cathy-Jo? I've always had the suspicion she was being considered as a possible wife for one of the younger reversal boys.

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So did anyone catch Prince Farming's birkinstock/sock combo in the Family Frumper Foto at the Farm?

And man, the Sarah's made a bunch of typos lately.

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Heh. Yeah I was noticing the "wide stance" in so many of those pics :D

If the stances were any wider, their legs would be in two different states.

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Holy crap! Look at the frumpers John Marie's Mom and sister are wearing! The Maxwell "girl children" look like they came off Vogue in comparison! Cathy Jo would make a very "submissive" helpmet to any one of the reversal boys. :roll:

Oh, I would have loved loved LOVED a dress like the sister's flowered print dress, when I was a kid and somewhat obsessed with "Little House on the Prairie!" Would have gone great with the bonnet I had.

For daily wear, yeah, can't see myself wearing it now.

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If the stances were any wider, their legs would be in two different states.

I'm imagining a fundie photo shoot at Four Corners... :lol:

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Some random thoughts:

Cathy Jo definitely looks fundie enough for being considered as a helpmeet for a Maxwell man child. She's like the second NR Anna. However, I think the reversal boys would like to have a bit more modern looking wife (like Joe's Elizabeth) as they aren't that frumpy themselves. Honestly, if I ever saw any of the boys in real life I would never ever doubt they were such hardcore fundies. They dress like any other young man, jeans and t-shirts.

About the picture of them all sitting by the dining room table... Terified looks quite happy and beautiful. I really like her hair. Steve, on the other hand, looks pissed, like he's biting his tongue.

What was with that art lesson Mary and Cathy Jo had? How to paint the (almost) exact same picture? No individuality allowed! I bet the picture had something to do with the Moodys. You know, how the Moody kid was sitting under a tree and heard birds singing and that reminded her of hellfire and death.

Am I seeing things or have they blurred John Marie's shirt pocket in the last farewell-pic? I can see the pen clip quite sharply but not the papers (?), and I don't think it's just out of focus. His whole shirt looks sharp (and starched) but the pocket is totally blurred. Now what could be so sinful or secret that we are not allowed to see it...? :think:

This is more for the latest watermelon blog post, but Jesse has developed some nice muscles. Don't make the working out sessions turn into an idol, Jesse! Or your daddy might take those weights away from you like he did with your favorite musical instrument.

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This was not me, but hats off to you who got this past Stevie.

Emily on July 20, 2013 at 10:01 am said:

Ooh, that looks like fun ! Hot dogs, Pepsi and s’mores are my favorite picnic foods, too!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :naughty:

:mrgreen: Naughtiness abounds...

dede on July 21, 2013 at 8:51 am said:

How sweet that you could spend such a fun time with your friends (Good and godly friends are so hard to find). Our children love s’mores. We make miniature ones with animal crackers because you can’t get normal graham ones here. It makes them even more exciting.

Bless you all.

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In that farewell photo of John-Marie's family, his mother sure is wearing a dress fit for a whore. It's got ORNAMENTAL STITCHING on it!!!! Some on her (gasp!) breast, even! What a hussy!

And they are all wearing socks with their Birks/Crocs. But I do, too, so I can't snark on it. My kids won't wear their Crocs without socks unless we are at the beach.

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Oh, I thought the watercolours involved both girls copying the same source image. Notice how Mary's girl is standing out of frame rather than cross legged so she can't defraud anyone with vague crotchal regions.

Neither girl's work is much to write home about for their ages. With so much free time, you'd think if a fundie girl liked art, she'd be able to get good at it. I suppose maybe this poor girl is used to running around outside helping with farm stuff or doing other f*n activities that Mary's not allowed, so they had to drag out the paintbrushes and call it a "lesson."

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Oh, I thought the watercolours involved both girls copying the same source image. Notice how Mary's girl is standing out of frame rather than cross legged so she can't defraud anyone with vague crotchal regions.


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As great as it would be for one of the Maxwell girls to marry and escape life at home, I think it would be devastating for them if one married John Marie. First of all it looks like they'd have to go back to wearing ugly frumpers because you know JM would want his wife to dress like mom. And can you imagine having to be that far from your sisters, the only friends you've ever had. I mean, they all spent a night crying when Nathan got married and moved across the street. I can't imagine them dealing with a sibling leaving the state.

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Do you think the fundie guys actually talk about the wide stance in technical terms, or do they just learn it through observation? I've often wondered about that. I wish we had a fundie male on this board who is willing to talk about it.

Ha. Yeah, I want to read the conversation.

I've noticed some non-fundie guys wide-stancing on TV, but not in real life. Maybe it's just the natural extension of the widespread sitting position they do. Sure comes across as an "air the balls" sitch, either way.

The worst I saw on TV was Antonio Ballatore, who was on HGTV's Next Design Star competition. He would wide stance in front of the judges with his arms crossed, looking all cocky and badass with rampant tattoos, leather and chains. The opposite of fundie.

He was actually a genial and pretty talented guy, and won the show.

Oh, and Jim Rome, a sports guy who used to be on ESPN, was a massive wide-stancer. I think he's fairly short, so I always laughed that he was only making himself shorter. But I guess the shorter the guy, the hotter the balls....? :lol:

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Do you think the fundie guys actually talk about the wide stance in technical terms, or do they just learn it through observation? I've often wondered about that. I wish we had a fundie male on this board who is willing to talk about it.

Somebody should have thought to ask KISA that question. :lol:

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Am I seeing things or have they blurred John Marie's shirt pocket in the last farewell-pic? I can see the pen clip quite sharply but not the papers (?), and I don't think it's just out of focus. His whole shirt looks sharp (and starched) but the pocket is totally blurred. Now what could be so sinful or secret that we are not allowed to see it...? :think:

Just the way the picture looks, it appears that it isn't a piece of paper, but instead a logo/corporate name of some company that they didn't want to be readable. I have blotted out corporate logos for pics for the web before, for a variety of reasons.

I have had dozens if not hundreds of shirts embroidered for companies I've worked with over they years, and the location of the blurr is exactly where I'd put a corporate name.

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Some random thoughts:

Am I seeing things or have they blurred John Marie's shirt pocket in the last farewell-pic? I can see the pen clip quite sharply but not the papers (?), and I don't think it's just out of focus. His whole shirt looks sharp (and starched) but the pocket is totally blurred. Now what could be so sinful or secret that we are not allowed to see it...? :think: .

Maybe he made a down payment on one of the Maxwell daughters and that is his receipt? ;)

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That's okay. The Maxwells think the Mormons are headed straight to hell.

Ain't religion FUN?

I keep wondering why religious zealots believe that every other person of faith who doesn't think exactly like them has to be going to hell. Wasn't it Dolly Parton in Steel Magnolias who said, "God don't care which church you go to, so long as you show up!" If I was an active Christian, I'd like to think there would be a lot of truth to that statement.

Late to the party on western stereotypes, but as a Texan, I get asked repeatedly by people who are new to the state why I don't own a horse, where my homestead/farm is, and why I don't have a southern accent.

People who live out in the country tend to have the southern drawls, at least where I live. In the city, it's more of an average accent, or one that has a slight Spanish influence, as we have many Mexican/Salvadorian immigrants and native-borns living here.

As for the horse question, I got sick of hearing it so I just tell 'em my horse sleeps with me in bed at night.

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