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The Maxwells heading west


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I actually like seeing those photos of scenery and roadside attractions, though I would prefer them being shot outside of the bus (why don't they call it Uriah anymore?). That's probably because I'm not from the US and like to see local scenery that is mostly very different from mine.

I'm pretty sure that they figured out that the hive vagina was using the name Uriah for f*n, so Steve relegate him back to "the bus" status.

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Take a look at page 14 of this thread. gardenvarietycitizen quotes Summer With the Moodys". The passage is there.

Thanks. I had seen that quote but didn't notice the nod to Mom part. If Anna does still really enjoy reading these books at 20 that is extremely sad.

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You know what really bugs me about these trips the Maxwells go on? They never stop anywhere on the way to and from there. They pretty much stayed on I-90 from CDA to Sioux Falls then got on I-29 to get to KS but didn't stop in the Black Hills which I-90 runs through and see Custer State Park, Rushmore, Crazy Horse. They could have also stopped in the Badlands, Wall Drug, Yellowstone but they didn't. Sarah says it took them 29.5 hours to get home and according to Google Maps it would take about 22 hours driving time. They did stop in MT cuz of the fires so that added time there and they might have done the Badlands loop which doesn't take that long but I doubt it. As a travel agent I think its a waste to do all that driving and not stop and see a site or two. What is so pressing that makes them get home so fast? I think a book annoucement can wait a few days.

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You know what really bugs me about these trips the Maxwells go on? They never stop anywhere on the way to and from there. They pretty much stayed on I-90 from CDA to Leavenworth but didn't stop in the Black Hills which I-90 runs through and see Custer State Park, Rushmore, Crazy Horse. They could have also stopped in the Badlands, Wall Drug, Yellowstone but they didn't. Sarah says it took them 29.5 hours to get home and according to Google Maps it would take about 22 hours driving time. They might have done the Badlands loop but I doubt it. As a travel agent I think its a waste to do all that driving and not stop and see a site or two.

Stopping to look at God's Creation would be too much f*n and a total waste of time! You must be always working for the LORD/ Stevehova's ministry.


We stopped for the night in Williams, hoping to see the Grand Canyon today. But, after praying about it, Dad felt that we needed more time on a new session we’re trying to finish up. Dad has always encouraged us that ministry takes priority over the side items, such as sightseeing, so it was decided to not go to the Grand Canyon. Ministry is more important!
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You know what really bugs me about these trips the Maxwells go on? They never stop anywhere on the way to and from there. They pretty much stayed on I-90 from CDA to Sioux Falls then got on I-29 to get to KS but didn't stop in the Black Hills which I-90 runs through and see Custer State Park, Rushmore, Crazy Horse. They could have also stopped in the Badlands, Wall Drug, Yellowstone but they didn't. Sarah says it took them 29.5 hours to get home and according to Google Maps it would take about 22 hours driving time. They did stop in MT cuz of the fires so that added time there and they might have done the Badlands loop which doesn't take that long but I doubt it. As a travel agent I think its a waste to do all that driving and not stop and see a site or two. What is so pressing that makes them get home so fast? I think a book annoucement can wait a few days.

Because I'm sure Mt Rushmore is seen as idolatry, the badlands have signs up saying they were formed by volcanoes, and Wall Drug would be, we'll, f-u-n.

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Stopping to look at God's Creation would be too much f*n and a total waste of time! You must be always working for the LORD/ Stevehova's ministry.


Wow, she really wrote that? That's pathetic! I do remember, though, that they went to the Grand Canyon a few years back in the winter months (they were all wearing coats), so maybe (hopefully) this missed trip to the canyon would have just been a repeat.

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Stopping to look at God's Creation would be too much f*n and a total waste of time! You must be always working for the LORD/ Stevehova's ministry.


They were that close to the Grand Canyon and they skipped it? Now I'm really appalled!

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I am now convinced old Steve reads here. I posted this little innocent comment because I was actually curious:

Hey Sarah! I am really curious about why the watermelon patch/processing was so neat. Can you tell me why the process is so complicated?

Well, and because, you know why else. Still sitting in moderation 30 hours later.

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I am now convinced old Steve reads here. I posted this little innocent comment because I was actually curious:

Well, and because, you know why else. Still sitting in moderation 30 hours later.


We are saving the process of how we interacted with melons for a future Moody book.

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My comment under the post about what-some-might-call-a-picnic was in moderation for more than 24 hours. They've just come back from a conference trip and maybe they're still dealing with the aftermath of that. If nothing else, I'm sure those ceiling fans got absolutely filthy while they were away.

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My comment under the post about what-some-might-call-a-picnic was in moderation for more than 24 hours. They've just come back from a conference trip and maybe they're still dealing with the aftermath of that. If nothing else, I'm sure those ceiling fans got absolutely filthy while they were away.

Also the fronts of the kitchen cabinets. I fully expect the next post to have all the adult children scrubbing away with chore packs pinned to their shoulders.

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We are saving the process of how we interacted with melons for a future Moody book.

The drilling of the hole in the side...

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Yes, please.

I made a new thread "Model behavior with the Moodys" here in the snark forum. Enjoy! I'll probably post some more this evening...

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Here's a family that I would love to see on Jerry Springer. Think of the possibilities:

Sarah railing at Steve for training her to be a wife while not allowing her to actually become one. The boys cursing at Steve and Teri for not allowing them to have musical instruments or engage in sports. Teri opening a big can of Pepsi and splurting it in Steve's face. And all of them cursing at Steve for forcing them to bypass things like the Grand Canyon because their mission is more important (only to you, Steve).

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. And all of them cursing at Steve for forcing them to bypass things like the Grand Canyon because their mission is more important (only to you, Steve).

Bypassing Grand Canyon has nothing to do their mission, it was all about Steve exercising his control simply because he could.

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Here's a family that I would love to see on Jerry Springer. Think of the possibilities:

Sarah railing at Steve for training her to be a wife while not allowing her to actually become one. The boys cursing at Steve and Teri for not allowing them to have musical instruments or engage in sports. Teri opening a big can of Pepsi and splurting it in Steve's face. And all of them cursing at Steve for forcing them to bypass things like the Grand Canyon because their mission is more important (only to you, Steve).

I think I would enjoy that even more than the Duggars going on there.

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I think I would enjoy that even more than the Duggars going on there.

I omitted something: Sarah announces that she's suing Steve for her share of royalties from the Moody books.

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I omitted something: Sarah announces that she's suing Steve for her share of royalties from the Moody books.

At which point they head over to Judge Judy.

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We are saving the process of how we interacted with melons for a future Moody book.

Comment is gone, deleted and not in moderation. Steve, you are so obvious. :naughty:

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Comment is gone, deleted and not in moderation. Steve, you are so obvious. :naughty:

I wonder if Stevie has added "Monitoring FJ" into his ChorePack? It's got to be taking up a lot of his time.

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I'm still not convinced that Steve reads here regularly. He already has a persecution complex and is paranoid of the outside world. What would a few ladies on a small forum mean to him? Maybe he checked us out a few times, but active and close monitoring? Hmmm, Steve has such a low opinion of the internet that I picture him dismissing us as just more "internet filth". Maybe one of the FJites could slip a seemingly innocuous comment into their website but with a nonMaxwell approved hidden message, and then announce it on FJ, and see if Steve takes that comment off. Has anyone tried that?

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Chances are the things we snark about here are being posted directly to the Maxwells by FJ members and all the others who follow these loonies on the Internet.

I still wonder about the point to the website. I have had a couple of great discussions with Zsu Anderson over issues where I was genuinely curious about her beliefs. (Contacted her via the blog but held the discussions privately.) Steve just ignores everything I post. I don't understand blocking polite questions from someone who is trying to understand. Surely Steve should want to explain his beliefs to me ...?

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If a group of people were discussing my family in great, almost obsessive, detail like we do the Maxwells, I would be reading what they had to say, and I'm not even a control freak like Steve.

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I'm still not convinced that Steve reads here regularly. He already has a persecution complex and is paranoid of the outside world. What would a few ladies on a small forum mean to him? Maybe he checked us out a few times, but active and close monitoring? Hmmm, Steve has such a low opinion of the internet that I picture him dismissing us as just more "internet filth". Maybe one of the FJites could slip a seemingly innocuous comment into their website but with a nonMaxwell approved hidden message, and then announce it on FJ, and see if Steve takes that comment off. Has anyone tried that?

There has been occasions when both snarky and innocuous comments have been left my other members and myself, approved by Stevie, only to be taken down some hours later after being disused or flagged up on her.

But the biggest proof in my view of him reading here are Poor Sarah's spelling mistakes or SOTDRT vocabulary errors which are flagged up here only to be changed a few hours later, which happens on a regular basis.

I think that his paranoia and the various FJ visits to their circus makes him a frequent visitor here. Hi Stevie :nenner:

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