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The Maxwells heading west


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Oh please, let Jesse be courting! I picked him in the 'who's getting hitched this year' pool!

But he doesn't have a house yet, so I think that's a hopeless cause. :(

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Oh please, let Jesse be courting! I picked him in the 'who's getting hitched this year' pool!

But he doesn't have a house yet, so I think that's a hopeless cause. :(

Joseph has a perfectly good one he's not using!

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Joseph has a perfectly good one he's not using!

"Hey, bro, you know how our family is all about sibling togetherness? Can I borrow your house?"

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Oh, great. Now I am going to have to read the Pecan Thief thread. So Waller is now not just stealing from innocent squirrels; he's a Maxwell Woman's Last Hope for a Man Thief, huh?

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I like how the latest update apologizes for their lack of updates. It's like a two-way conversation with FJ. :)

Editing to add: that little Bible quote at the end, with the soul pantething after thee? Whoa nelly!

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The visual image of that is awesome!!

I would pay all the money I have just to see Sarah, holding a suitcase, giving Steve a very terse, cold "fuck you" before taking off forever.

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Let there be updates! There's a new update, updating their lack of updates. They had "bus excitement" (Uriah made off with a cute Subaru? "Excitement" and "Maxwells"... does not compute...).

Hi Steve!

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WTF is with that middle picture? It's all very exotic and creative (for a Maxwell) but what's with the bag in the middle? And are they trying to focus on the steeple or the people? I'm only skilled enough to take happy snaps and even I can see that they're shite. These ppl bill themselves as photographers. :?

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Let there be updates! There's a new update, updating their lack of updates. They had "bus excitement" (Uriah made off with a cute Subaru? "Excitement" and "Maxwells"... does not compute...).

Hi Steve!


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The visual image of that is awesome!!

A prolific poster (who, as far as I can tell, decamped during Alectogate) provided a scenario of Sarah eventually snapping and beating everyone to death with a muffin tin.

If I want to tell Mr Snowe something about the Maxwells, I always mention the muffin tin and he remembers exactly who I mean.

Sad, though, that this is the image people get of her.

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The Maxwells are probably the fundie 'children' I want to get married the most. Because even if they marry the fundie-est of fellow fundies, ANYTHING must be a step in the right direction from living under the same roof as Steve. Any semblance of independence from that man, even if it just means moving down the street, must be an improvement for these people.

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A prolific poster (who, as far as I can tell, decamped during Alectogate) provided a scenario of Sarah eventually snapping and beating everyone to death with a muffin tin.

If I want to tell Mr Snowe something about the Maxwells, I always mention the muffin tin and he remembers exactly who I mean.

Sad, though, that this is the image people get of her.

Funny, though, that Sarah doesn't seem to be much of a baker, so it would be unlikely she would beat anyone with a tin. She does love her burritos, though, so maybe she would beat them all with burritos.

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Anna has now written a riveting review of her part of editing/proofreading the new family books.

I love that she wrote "I have also been extremely privileged to be apart of Dad and Mom’s book". Yeah, I'd have been extremely grateful to be apart from the new Steve and Teri book, too, but I'm pretty sure that's not what she meant.

SOTDRT strikes again!


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Anna has now written a riveting review of her part of editing/proofreading the new family books.

I love that she wrote "I have also been extremely privileged to be apart of Dad and Mom’s book". Yeah, I'd have been extremely grateful to be apart from the new Steve and Teri book, too, but I'm pretty sure that's not what she meant.

SOTDRT strikes again!


I saw that too and thought the same thing! :lol:

The Maxwell children, aside from Nathan and Christopher, have had always an awkward style of writing. I'm not sure if it's their homeschooling or if they just developed a separate dialect, being so sheltered (ok, I kinda kid on the second reason, although.... :think: ). It's interesting to me that the two oldest, the only ones who've been to a school and been exposed to outsiders the longest, are also the only ones capable of writing passably. I wonder if this is the result of not allowing children any recreational reading materials except the Bible. Perhaps they write this way because the only time they were exposed to correct, modern grammar is though a grammar book. It reminds me of the writings of ESL students who understand the rules of English grammar but none of the nuances of the language. Anyway, if FJ needs the poster child for fundie schooling, I think the Maxwells are it!

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I saw that too and thought the same thing! :lol:

The Maxwell children, aside from Nathan and Christopher, have always an awkward style of writing. I'm not sure if their homeschooling or if they just developed a separate dialect, being so sheltered (ok, I kinda kid on the second reason, although.... :think: ). It's interesting to me that the two oldest, the only ones who've been to a school and been exposed to outsiders the longest, are also the only ones capable of writing passably. I wonder if this is the result of not allowing children any recreational reading materials except the Bible. Perhaps they write this way because the only time they were exposed to correct, modern grammar is though a grammar book. It reminds me of the writings of an ESL student who understands the rules of English grammar but none of the nuances of the language. Anyway, if FJ needs the poster child for fundie schooling, I think the Maxwells are it!

And how long do we estimate the correction from "apart" to "a part" will be made? Five, four, three, two, one...BLAST OFF! Pun intended most assuredly.

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I wonder if this is the result of not allowing children any recreational reading materials except the Bible. Perhaps they write this way because the only time they were exposed to correct, modern grammar is though a grammar book. It reminds me of the writings of an ESL student who understands the rules of English grammar but none of the nuances of the language. Anyway, if FJ needs the poster child for fundie schooling, I think the Maxwells are it!

I suspect it is, yeah. They have a few things other than the Bible but not much, as far as I can tell.

I'm no educational specialist but I am a bilingual person who puts in effort to keep current in both my languages and for me that has always meant reading a lot. I think the only way you can get any sort of wide fluency in language is by consuming language, and that means reading and listening to a lot of input, ideally with a good fraction of it being "well-written/well-spoken" content - good books or witty speakers or whatever. If you want to write well, you need to read well first.

Obviously they're fluent in English, it's their first and only language. But they don't seem to have a wide vocabulary or good "voice" in things beyond the day to day. They don't read very much, they don't take a paper, they don't listen to radio commentaries... there's just not much input happening.

Sure, they read the KJV Bible endlessly, and by some metrics that's "advanced English" to the point that plenty of homeschoolers look down their noses at people who struggle with the writing style in it. But it's not modern English and it's not a very coherent narrative either, so it doesn't make a really good English textbook, IMHO.

(Now that I've posted this, surely there will be some errors in it, I fully admit my own language skills might suck balls, but... at least I'm modern.)

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There's a spectrum between being unintelligible or completely illiterate and being an expert in language. You might not be at 'expert' level but you're a damn site closer than the Maxwells. You're writing at a far higher level than they are-despite the Maxwells' insistence that their children are experts and their sniffy response to the ppl who question the quality of their brand of SODRT ("They [their adult children] don't read, they write." :roll: Since when were reading and writing a zero sum game?).

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And how long do we estimate the correction from "apart" to "a part" will be made? Five, four, three, two, one...BLAST OFF! Pun intended most assuredly.

Done. I hope you will be sending them a bill for proof reading services rendered?

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The Maxwells are probably the fundie 'children' I want to get married the most. Because even if they marry the fundie-est of fellow fundies, ANYTHING must be a step in the right direction from living under the same roof as Steve. Any semblance of independence from that man, even if it just means moving down the street, must be an improvement for these people.

What would happen if one of the "girls" married a man who told her after their wedding that he thought Steve was wrong about everything?

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What would happen if one of the "girls" married a man who told her after their wedding that he thought Steve was wrong about everything?

It would be the best thing to ever happen to her.

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So, now that Bitchy Resting Face has been accepted as an actual thing, do you think that Teary Resting Face might be next? Because I think Sarah is to Teary Resting Face what Kristen Stewart is to Bitchy Resting Face.

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Done. I hope you will be sending them a bill for proof reading services rendered?

LOL. Hi Steve!

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It would be the best thing to ever happen to her.

I think that's true to some extent, but on the other hand, I could also see it causing said "girl" to freak out and cling even more tightly to Stevehovah's beliefs. I think she'd find it frightening to contemplate that "Daddy" might not be right.

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What would happen if one of the "girls" married a man who told her after their wedding that he thought Steve was wrong about everything?

Complete mental breakdown? Start crying and panicking and run to daddy asking what to do?

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