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The Maxwells heading west


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The youngest of the reversal children being betrothed before Poor Sarah, I can't fathom how she'd take that.

At this point I think on of the Moody children will enter a courtship before Sarah does.

Chaste Courtship with the Moodys.

God wasn't really leading us towards this heathen - Broken Courtship with the Moodys.

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They went out for dinner with the 'D. family' which must be John-Marie's family. I wonder if using an initial rather than their full surname is due to us outing the Munks? I bet Stevie 'allowed' the 'D. family' to pay the bill.

Regarding the last picture, which features the D family and the Maxwells, is John-Marie wearing an over sized belt buckle? Or is his shirt just sloppily tucked in? Can't tell.

ETA: The drawing a name for a computer class strikes me as gambling, too. Didn't the soldiers draw lots for Jesus' clothes? :naughty:

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Regarding the last picture, which features the D family and the Maxwells, is John-Marie wearing an over sized belt buckle? Or is his shirt just sloppily tucked in? Can't tell.

Good god, I hope not! That would lead the eyes to defrauding places even more than V shaped waists and contrasting buttons!

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"The Moodys Stick Grandma in an Old Folks Home and Hardly Ever Visit"

Nope, nope, the title's too long. It's gotta be "Alzheimers With the Moodys".

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Good god, I hope not! That would lead the eyes to defrauding places even more than V shaped waists and contrasting buttons!

It's a belt buckle, alright, and so defrauding. Well, I guess we can take John-Marie down a notch in the ranking, unless Stevie has already chastised him for it and we won't see it again.

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An excerpt from Those Godly Maxwells Moodys:

"Dear Jesse," said Sarah. "The Lord has laid it on my heart to bless Mom. What should we do?"

"What a thoughtful idea, Sarah," replied Jesse. "Why don't we clean the bathroom?"

"The very thing," said Sarah with excitement.

Soon Mary was summoned to help, and supplies were gathered. The girls began to scrub away.

The bathroom was gleaming by the time they were finished! What a delight! Mom was called to see their work.

"What a joy to have such fruitful children," Mom decided. "Thank you, Mary and Sarah. We will now have a special celebration."

Green smoothies had been prepared by Mom for the children to enjoy. The delicious smoothies were eaten quickly.


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I've been waiting for John-Marie to make a move ever since we first saw him in their blog pics at least two, maybe three years ago. I've about given up on J-M.

The age difference between J-M and Sarah is about the same as the age difference between Christopher and NR-Anna. Why is it such a big deal?

Me too. If nothing comes of this trip courtship wise, then we may aswell write him off.

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They went out for dinner with the 'D. family' which must be John-Marie's family. I wonder if using an initial rather than their full surname is due to us outing the Munks?

No, the Maxwells never use anyone's last name - they even redact them in blog comments (if I posted a comment I'd end up as 'Lucy S.'). It fits into their pattern of never letting their supporters be able to contact each other and maybe talk to each other without Maxwell oversight.

To call Steve and Teri 'control freaks' doesn't even begin to cover it!

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An excerpt from Those Godly Maxwells Moodys:

"Dear Jesse," said Sarah. "The Lord has laid it on my heart to bless Mom. What should we do?"

"What a thoughtful idea, Sarah," replied Jesse. "Why don't we clean the bathroom?"

"The very thing," said Sarah with excitement.

Soon Mary was summoned to help, and supplies were gathered. The girls began to scrub away.

The bathroom was gleaming by the time they were finished! What a delight! Mom was called to see their work.

"What a joy to have such fruitful children," Mom decided. "Thank you, Mary and Sarah. We will now have a special celebration."

Green smoothies had been prepared by Mom for the children to enjoy. The delicious smoothies were eaten quickly.


Wow, that is just awful. People dont really talk like that. Im sure the average six year old could write a better story than Sarah.

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Wow, that is just awful. People dont really talk like that. Im sure the average six year old could write a better story than Sarah.

I agree it is awful!! I have to agree about the 6 year old part.

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Sarah needs to start her own solo SAHD daughter blog that highlights all off her assets, a la Meredith Alexander Hammer. Maybe some young man will come and rescue her. (Not that Stephen rescued Meredith, because that's slighty debatable, IMHO). Although, anyone who gets Sarah away from that hell would be the very definition of a rescuer.

But seriously, her idiot father isn't doing one thing to get her a husband, so I think it's time to start a different husband-attracting strategy.

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Wow, that is just awful. People dont really talk like that. Im sure the average six year old could write a better story than Sarah.

Wait, I thought this was the snark/sarcastic version. Is this really out of the book?

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Wait, I thought this was the snark/sarcastic version. Is this really out of the book?

It's a parody (Maxwells instead of Moodys) but it is DEAD ON. That's what the dialogue is really like.

As for the Munck family - I think they were sleuthed out based on geographical clues rather than the Maxwells posting their last name. The Maxwell blog had some posts about the happy couple and mentioned visiting them at a conference in Tennessee, then from there it was looking back in the archives and finding pics (Maxwell girls and Munck sisters standing on a porch), and searching around?

I can't recall it all myself but remember googling around churches where the conference would have been at and such.

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I just checked over at the Munck blog, and their 4th of July was pretty FUN. It was raining so instead of going swimming, they went out to eat and came home and watched a VIDEO. So happy that girl didn't have to marry into the maxwells where such things are banned.

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And then she started talking about how the kids were dancing to music from a CD and I felt so scandalized I had to leave.

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Sarah wouldn't know what to do if she had someone asking to court her (assuming that any man ever would fit Steve's criteria ). I think she would completely panic.

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I just checked over at the Munck blog, and their 4th of July was pretty FUN. It was raining so instead of going swimming, they went out to eat and came home and watched a VIDEO. So happy that girl didn't have to marry into the maxwells where such things are banned.

Oh wow. Elizabeth would have been so depressed going from that life into Maxhell. I'm so glad for her. Think about it, they would have been married almost a year by now. They probably would have had a child, or one on the way at least. She would have been good and stuck. So glad she broke it off.

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So I'm skimming this thread and the following post from several pages back catches my eye:

Joseph has a perfectly good one he's not using!

Does it refer to:

A) a house

B) a free will

C) a wedding ring

D) a penis

E) all of the above

(The answer is A, but I vote for E.)

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An excerpt from Those Godly Maxwells Moodys:

"Dear Jesse," said Sarah. "The Lord has laid it on my heart to bless Mom. What should we do?"

"What a thoughtful idea, Sarah," replied Jesse. "Why don't we clean the bathroom?"

"The very thing," said Sarah with excitement.

Soon Mary was summoned to help, and supplies were gathered. The girls began to scrub away.

The bathroom was gleaming by the time they were finished! What a delight! Mom was called to see their work.

"What a joy to have such fruitful children," Mom decided. "Thank you, Mary and Sarah. We will now have a special celebration."

Green smoothies had been prepared by Mom for the children to enjoy. The delicious smoothies were eaten quickly.


*Excellent* use of the passive voice here. :clap: More installments of this boring yet compelling tale will be looked forward to.

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*Excellent* use of the passive voice here. :clap: More installments of this boring yet compelling tale will be looked forward to.

This ^^^ and I particularly liked the subtle reference to the girls (not Jesse) scrubbing away.

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Mary wrote the latest post and she talks about hell.....I think we have a Steve Jr. on our hands....I had such high hopes that she would leave too

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*Excellent* use of the passive voice here. :clap: More installments of this boring yet compelling tale will be looked forward to.

I concur. But with one exception. Clearly the mother would have had a sweet special celebration.

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It's a parody (Maxwells instead of Moodys) but it is DEAD ON. That's what the dialogue is really like.

As for the Munck family - I think they were sleuthed out based on geographical clues rather than the Maxwells posting their last name. The Maxwell blog had some posts about the happy couple and mentioned visiting them at a conference in Tennessee, then from there it was looking back in the archives and finding pics (Maxwell girls and Munck sisters standing on a porch), and searching around?

I can't recall it all myself but remember googling around churches where the conference would have been at and such.

I'm going to take credit for this one as I was the first one who recognized the Muncks. (Do I get a star or something?) I had happened upon their blog when I was first starting to read about quiverfull families, and the moment I saw their picture on the thread, I knew who they were and could NOT believe that a member of THAT family was going to marry a member of THE MAXWELL family.

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New post is up - lots of socializin' with the D family, John-Marie included. My spidey senses tell me something is up in courtship land.

Anybody know/remember John-Marie's last name, or any other details?

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