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Sunshine Mary takes a stand against ugly modern women


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I bet Sunshine Mary isnt so beautiful herself. I imagine her to look like some kind of mountain troll with a constant bitchface. She seems like the kind of person who is full of hate.

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She also offers photos of appropriate underwear

You have got to be kidding me? Appropriate underwear is whatever a woman chooses (or should be able to choose) to wear.

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I'm another who gets told to smile a lot. I think i tend to furrow my brow when I'm thinking about how to solve a problem, which is often. It's not always men who say it though.

I hear a lot of bitching about how women shouldn't wear yoga pants when out and about. I fucking love yoga pants for running errands. They are so comfortable and I feel confident enough in them, my husband thinks I look awesome in yoga pants too. I think they are pretty flattering for most people. I'm a size 12/14.

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SSM isn't the only person to bitch about people wearing sweats to grocery stores. Other bloggers have bitched about it and I remember on another forum I used to post on there was a thread about it where several women whined about it. I really don't care if women wear sweats to grocery stores.

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If someone tells me to smile or cheer up, I give them a big fake teeth-baring grimace & say, Is that better?

As for clothes, my super-fundie IFB first exmil wore "just above the knee" skirts & hose all the time. She wasn't overweight but had a good bit of belly flab that her skirts & tops accentuated. She just always looked so miserable to me. I think she would have looked & felt better in a relaxed fit pair of shorts & a t-shirt, but she would have died before wearing that. Once her non-fundie sister asked her if she would be more comfortable in shorts or pants, & she gave that fundie smirk & said "I'm not a man." :roll:

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There are a whole lot of "chubby" women who have awesome legs and look great in shorts. To me, shorts are like blue jeans- there is a pair for every body. I agree that maxi skirts are just as comfortable as sweat pants, but as mom of a toddler, maxi skirts and dresses are not always practical. As long as people are decent in public, I really dont care what they wear. If that's all she has to worry about, then more power to her...I guess. :snooty:

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I'm another who gets told to smile a lot. I think i tend to furrow my brow when I'm thinking about how to solve a problem, which is often. It's not always men who say it though.

I hear a lot of bitching about how women shouldn't wear yoga pants when out and about. I fucking love yoga pants for running errands. They are so comfortable and I feel confident enough in them, my husband thinks I look awesome in yoga pants too. I think they are pretty flattering for most people. I'm a size 12/14.

Yoga pants are one of the greatest inventions ever. I agree- they are flattering on almost anybody.

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Hey SSM - Want to know why I wear sweats when I am shopping or running errands?

It's because I get strange looks when I wear my skull and crossbone Happy Bunny pj pants.

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I had to run errands this morning, including stopping at the grocery store. I decided to pay attention to what people, especially women, were wearing. One little girl was wearing a dress, everyone else was in jeans or capris. No shorts today, not even any sweats. Everyone looked comfy.

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I am a scatterbrained person who enjoys comfort. I would wear pajamas all the time if I could. So when I'm out and about I'm often in sweats, a t-shirt, and a messy-bun. I also have absolutely crap skin. The other day I was at the mall, and approaching a skin-kiosk of some sort. The kind where a (for some reason, always middle eastern?) man comes up to you and aggressively hawks products to "clear up your blemishes". Ugh. I must have grimaced, because the man started walking towards me, saw my face, and abruptly turned around. Bitch-face win! And that actually did make me smile!

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Don't get me started on the smile thing. It is the bane of my 15yo daughter's existence right now.

Her resting face, while it looks normal to me because I'm her mother, apparently looks mad/sad to other people. She also furrows her brow when she is thinking hard or concentrating on something. So when she's at youth group with a bunch of girls who are overall more social and bubbly, she gets a constant barrage of "what's wrong?" "are you OK?" "you should smile more!" It is getting so bad that I am on the verge of going to one of the student leaders and telling her the truth - if you don't stop bugging my daughter about her NORMAL FACE, she is going to stop coming to youth because she is sick of the constant interrogation.

Rant over.

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I don't care what anyone wears to the grocery store, but why are sweats or yoga pants now appropriate attire for anything and everything? My husband's mother and sister wear them all the time and don't even care if they are clean. On two different occasions they have shown up at a family dinner in a reserved party room at a sit down restaurant in yoga pants with paint or grass stains paired with oversized t-shirts and plastic flip flops. Then the sister had the nerve, both times, to inform me that I was overdressed because I had on clean blue jeans and a tank top with a nice pair of sandals. I hardly think I was all that dressed up and have, in fact, been careful to dress down a bit for events with this family since they normally look like a homeless landscaping crew. Bottom line: wear your sweats to the grocery store, but your grandparents' anniversary party just might be an occasion where a clean pair of actual pants is more appropriate.

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Yeah I don't wear them to formal occasions but I will wear them to dinner at Applebee's or the like with my family. They are also amazing when you're pregnant. I did ask my boss when I was pregnant if I could wear them to work on days when I wouldn't be leaving the office. She said no.

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.....family since they normally look like a homeless landscaping crew.

You wouldn't want to share in law photos would you?

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Totally OT:

Last night I saw Chicago at the Hollywood Bowl and there is a character called Little Mary Sunshine who in this production was a counter tenor in drag. (Additionally Stephen Moyer (Bill Compton in True Blood) and Ashlee Simpson, Samantha Barks (Les Mis) and Drew Carey as well as Lucy Lawless were the stars).

Every time I see Sunshine Mary now I'll think of the guy in drag.

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People ordering women to smile makes me think of this Not Always Right story:

Yup. The last time a TSA agent told me, "Cheer up! It can't be that bad," I was returning from a funeral. It was only because he could have kept me from flying for roughly no reason that I didn't tell him to bite me. Emotional auditing is gross and a really bad idea.

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Shitstain, my chubby ass is going to wear what I want too, and I don't care what you and your misogynist followers think.

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The thing that gets me that Ive seen people where (to Walmart of course)...fuzzy house slippers! with pajama pants and a nasty tshirt. I think if you're gonna go out...at least where flip flops, not your bunny slippers!

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I had never looked at her blog before now. :head-desk: After reading a few of her entries (and the comments), I feel a bit sick. So judgemental and hateful. In her mind, women must be either angels or whores, no middle ground, no complexities.

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I saw the pic of SSM, she kind of looks like Laura Prepon.

Hmm if's that's what she's aiming for, maybe we should get SSM a Netflix subscription so she can catch up on Orange is the New Black. Laura Prepon plays a fairly glamourous lesbian who is an serving time for drug smuggling. She even manages to wear black eyeliner in prison.

I'd say SSM would show up with a totally new look in a heartbeat.

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Count me in as another who suffers from Resting Bitch-Face. When I was a kid, my dad would sometimes take me on long car trips. I'd squint in the bright sunlight, which sometimes gave me headaches. This, combined with the bitch-face prompted him to constantly ask what was wrong with me, why wasn't I smiling? I got incredibly sick of hearing this, and it led him to think I was ungrateful for any time he spent with me.

Also got to hear a lot about what was wrong with me from friends and teachers, too. Nope, nothing wrong, except you people keep asking me the same stupid question over and over again when I've already told you I'm fine.

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I got harassed for my bitchy resting face on the reg when I was a kid/teen. However, as I got older I no longer have BRF - I have Scary Resting Face. It's an ice-queen death glare that helps me avoid a LOT of bullshit. :) The downside is that when at parties or meeting new people in general, I have to be very careful to keep a smile on my face and be as upbeat as possible, because otherwise everyone will always think I'm an intimidating, arrogant bitch (I'm also very quiet around strangers - DOES.NOT.HELP.) I know this because many who are now my friends tell me that they were scared of me when we first met.

ETA: Has anyone seen this meme on FB that says something like: "Friendly reminder: this summer, dress for the body you have, not the body you want." That just pissed me right off because we were in the middle of a humid, sticky, unbearable heat wave. Not to mention that the friend who posted it is what is considered overweight by the mainstream (she's gorgeous, but she's no stick figure, so I don't get the hate). I just wrote back that it's summer FFS! People should wear whatever makes them not feel like they are dying of heat stroke. And anyway, whatever season, it's really no one's business how anyone else chooses to dress, and if you are offended by seeing larger people in shorts or bathing suits, they don't need to cover up, you need to grow the fuck up. Nobody is obligated to be aesthetically pleasing, or to be aesthetically pleasing in a way that you deem appropriate. :wtf:

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The last time a random guy told me to smile, I hissed at him to fuck off. We were passing each other fairly quickly and he just kept walking and so did I. I actually felt a bad about it afterward, but I really wasn't in the mood.

Oh yeah, Shitstain Mary can fuck off. (I don't feel bad about that.)

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