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Sunshine Mary takes a stand against ugly modern women


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Boob size was found to be irrelevant (one was DD, two were C’s and one was a heavy B-cup)

Those cup sizes are completely meaningless without band size. This is one of many things* that makes this an entirely unscientific study, and should have received an F, D at best due to the failure to define and control for variables.

*What the frak does "height-weight proportionate" mean? Presumably that's something like BMI, but that doesn't tell you what a person looks like. And what qualifies as "long hair"? Mid-back? Waist? Hip? Longer?

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So she proved that guys at her school only hold the door open for women when 1) the women met their dress standards 2) they are trolling for dates. These are the manners Southerners take such pride in practicing? Second question, do these dingbats have any sense of irony?

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I've also never heard one woman describe another as "a heavy [x] cup". That's how men who are ignorant about how bra sizing works describe cup sizes. I don't think his "sister" exists, and on the off-chance she does, I don't think she said that.

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I am loving the comments. They are comedy gold. At least half of the "females" who have posted aren't actually female, and then there's this:

I think the professor was generous :lol:

If, indeed, this ever happened outside male-wank-fantasy land...

Yep, apparently you have extremly generous professors over there :shifty-kitty: - my male, 60yr old and stick-thin theorie-lovin´ professor would have whacked her with the papers and sent her a bill for the time she had made him to waste on reading her waste-of-paper (he really would do that, I asked him!)

Btw: Just do a lil´math with exact 600 (they claimed to have "over 600") samples and 30 hours (more than double of the "..one hour a day...") and see, how many men (and men only) that would make as a steady number in one hour.

What "heavily trafficked buildings" exactly were that on campus? :wtf:

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Also in no particular order:

Being ordered to smile. Last time that happened to me I was having a wee bit of a PTSD moment and got "Cheer up, sweetheart, it might never happen!". This was probably the worst time you could have picked to say that to me if you'd waited for 20 years, because what I was upset about is that it actually. did. :doh:

I also recommend that Sunshine Mary never moves to a scheme in the central belt. She'll see a hell of a lot worse things than a woman wearing shorts, we'll put it that way. :lol:

*hysterical laughter*

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So she proved that guys at her school only hold the door open for women when 1) the women met their dress standards 2) they are trolling for dates. These are the manners Southerners take such pride in practicing? Second question, do these dingbats have any sense of irony?

Whereas at my university in Scotland everyone held the door for, well, everyone else. Male, female, ugly, attractive, didn't matter. You were approaching the door? People held it open. I like our manners better ;)

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*What the frak does "height-weight proportionate" mean? Presumably that's something like BMI, but that doesn't tell you what a person looks like. And what qualifies as "long hair"? Mid-back? Waist? Hip? Longer?

She did mention what qualified as long hair: shoulder length or longer. :wink-kitty:

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She did mention what qualified as long hair: shoulder length or longer. :wink-kitty:

Where does it mention that? I just read through the comment again to see where I missed it and still can't find it. Maybe I need glasses ;)

At any rate, calling shoulder length hair long still runs into the problems of not having adequately-defined variables, because there could easily be a twelve-inch difference between two of the women's hair lengths.

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Where does it mention that? I just read through the comment again to see where I missed it and still can't find it. Maybe I need glasses ;)

At any rate, calling shoulder length hair long still runs into the problems of not having adequately-defined variables, because there could easily be a twelve-inch difference between two of the women's hair lengths.

It was somewhere in all the reading I did on the weekend. It was in an old entry, not the current one.

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Please don't tell me this is her:



When I tried to click on the link I got a 'user unavailable' message.

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Please don't tell me this is her:



LOL, no, not her.

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Where does it mention that? I just read through the comment again to see where I missed it and still can't find it. Maybe I need glasses ;)

At any rate, calling shoulder length hair long still runs into the problems of not having adequately-defined variables, because there could easily be a twelve-inch difference between two of the women's hair lengths.

She wrote about it in another post on how women are obligated to please men. It's called "Service with a Smile." There's a listing of all her posts at the top of her blog page.

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It was somewhere in all the reading I did on the weekend. It was in an old entry, not the current one.

Ah, right. Though the "study" was in a comment so who knows what definition that person was using for "long hair". Could have been the same as SSM's, of course, but not for certain.

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Ah, right. Though the "study" was in a comment so who knows what definition that person was using for "long hair". Could have been the same as SSM's, of course, but not for certain.

I rather suspect SSM is being held up as the paragon of female virtues to whom we should all aspire. Therefore, it of course must be shoulder-length, bleached blonde hair (with wispy bangs).

For all her stamping about not pedestalizing her, she sure wallows in it, doesn't she?

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I actually just decided I want to start wearing shorts again. Partly I stopped wearing them because I was heavily self injuring, (the one time when it is to my advantage that modesty tells women to cover up --I could just tell them I wanted to be super modest.) and partly because of, well, modesty beliefs.

My problem is that I have a hard time finding shorts that are comfortable. I can not stand anything too close to my crotch, and the seams on shorts like to ride up, even on the stretchy yoga shorts, which is the type of pants I like to wear.

Has nothing to do with ugliness or modesty or whatnot, but Sunshine Scary would probably say I shouldn't be wearing them because of my "ugly scarred thighs." (of course, then she'd have to say I should be in long sleeves 24/7 because I have "ugly scarred arms...")

I almost never wear skirts or dresses, and people always hold the door open for me whether I need them to or not (usually I do, cuz I carry a lot of stuff around to classes).

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She's on Facebook.

And, after doing the creepy-FB-stalker thing, I think I've discovered her source of hatred for women who aren't a size 2. Something along the same lines of ex-smokers who go postal over people who still smoke.

That's really not meant to be catty, either. Her body is totally her business. But her body shaming of others is bullshit.

What did you search to find her FB I couldn't find it.

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What did you search to find her FB I couldn't find it.

I'm not sure what the ToS is regarding identifying people. I can PM it to you.

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I'm not sure what the ToS is regarding identifying people. I can PM it to you.

sure. I'm just curious to see what HHG looks like. Didnt mean to tread on the ToS.
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^^ ahahahaha. You know, it's funny, I was raised to always hold the door for people - men and women - because I was raised by people with manners and not wild wolves. I even do so if the guy who happens to be behind me isn't wearing a dress!

I never knew my DD-cupped self was exhibiting "gentlemanly" behavior.

*offers fist-bump*

Me, too. College boyfriend found it confusing / disturbing; I quit doing it for him because it bothered him so much, but made sure we had a good long conversation about why it bothered him beforehand. And when I had a buzz cut in my early 20s, a lot of near-sighted older men called me "son."

Honestly, the people who find me ugly or plain with short hair and in trousers aren't going to find me hotter with long hair and a skirt. (Neither the skirt nor the hair will change my nose, my skin, or the wrinkles I've had since 14.) And it really doesn't bother me if a random MRA of any gender isn't attracted to me. I like my partner, and I have learned not to date people whose politics and principles I can't respect.

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I find the "door-opening experiment" to be unbelievable for reasons others noted, plus what truly modest, dainty, fine-mannered, "appearances mean everything" lady says boobs? I say it but would think someone who follows SSM would use a different phrase.

Also, did they ever consider the fact that some men just have no manners and wouldn't open the door for their own great-grandmothers? Or they may be preoccupied and just not notice what's going on around them? And what kind of ebil woman was taking college courses anyway? Shouldn't she be at home? Too many holes in the story.

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I find the "door-opening experiment" to be unbelievable for reasons others noted, plus what truly modest, dainty, fine-mannered, "appearances mean everything" lady says boobs? I say it but would think someone who follows SSM would use a different phrase.

Also, did they ever consider the fact that some men just have no manners and wouldn't open the door for their own great-grandmothers? Or they may be preoccupied and just not notice what's going on around them? And what kind of ebil woman was taking college courses anyway? Shouldn't she be at home? Too many holes in the story.

Fundies are always complaining about men not opening doors for them. Men always open doors for me. And I'm an evil feminist!

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Her writing style reminds me of Laura Wood. Also, her attitude. Maybe they are one and the same?

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Whereas at my university in Scotland everyone held the door for, well, everyone else. Male, female, ugly, attractive, didn't matter. You were approaching the door? People held it open. I like our manners better ;)

Where were you when I ineptly tried to describe why opening a door has fuck all to do with feminism in Scotland? :lol:

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I usually hold doors open for people and people usually hold doors open for me. I don't get offended and think that it's some kind of cultural conspiracy when someone doesn't hold a door open for me. I admit I do get a little annoyed when I'm walking a slightly ahead of a male colleague and he practically pushes me out of the way to get to the door to hold it open for me.

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