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Sunshine Mary takes a stand against ugly modern women


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I'm not sure what the ToS is regarding identifying people. I can PM it to you.

Can you please PM it to me also. I'm so curious!

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Where were you when I ineptly tried to describe why opening a door has fuck all to do with feminism in Scotland? :lol:

You know, I rarely wear dresses and before my caffeine fix has fully circulated I am as likely to say "Fuck off" as "Good morning". Even with those 2 strikes both men and women will hold doors open for me if they are ahead of me, and I will do likewise if I am ahead.

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Where were you when I ineptly tried to describe why opening a door has fuck all to do with feminism in Scotland? :lol:


The big difference, IME, is that the gender-neutral-helpful kind, which is what I've encountered most often in Scotland, generally involves a person going through a door and holding it open BEHIND him/her for whoever's following, whereas the man-hold-for-woman version (which I've encountered in Canada) stands behind the door and holds it like a doorman, then follows through.

I've seen MRAs complain that life is so hard now because how are they meant to know whether or not a woman wants the door held? And what if they hold the door for her and she gets all upset? But it's really not that big a deal. Hold it politely if you pass through first, and don't rush ahead so that she doesn't have to sully her precious fingers on the door handle. It's manners, not gender.

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I would also like a PM to a link with Sunshine Mary's Facebook page, please.

Next time a man commands you to "Smile!", respond by commanding him to "Dance!". :D

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Looking at her FB photos, it's amusing that she thinks people who wear yoga pants are slobs.... Also she claimed that she looks young because she isn't overweight. The Facebook photos tell a different story!

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I have never heard of this blogger, but I will say that she is being judgmental. First of all, clothes are expensive and many cannot afford to purchase the fancy skirts she is talking about. $15.00 for a skirt is a hefty sum for someone living in poverty. At one point, I would spend no more than a few dollars on pants or a skirt thrifted because I just could not afford anything else. I personally don't wear shorts out because of bad surgical scars and self-consciousness but if a woman wants to wear shorts or whatever she has, and it is what she can afford then it is her free choice. I wonder what she would have to say about the blue jeans and 3/4 sleeve t-shirts that I like to wear. I mean, they cover my body as well as a fundie gown, but they probably are not "feminine" floral, lacy, foo foo enough. Whatever *rolls eyes* :oops:

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Lady blue and aveline, but tapatalk got mad and thought I was spamming. I'll pm everyone else I a couple of hrs when I get home.

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Oh man I feel like I've fallen completely down the rabbit hole reading this blog and then there are the comments. I've learned that if a woman can't find a suitable husband it is her fault for not being good enough wife material. If a man can't find a suitable wife it is the fault of women as a group for not being good enough wife material.

WTF WTF WTF... :angry-banghead:

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Oh man I feel like I've fallen completely down the rabbit hole reading this blog and then there are the comments. I've learned that if a woman can't find a suitable husband it is her fault for not being good enough wife material. If a man can't find a suitable wife it is the fault of women as a group for not being good enough wife material.

WTF WTF WTF... :angry-banghead:

...and then they talk about that "rare logical woman"...

Sunshine Mary has to be a Poe or something. She's blatantly helping these guys make complete asses of themselves, I just can't believe she is for real.

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Count me in as guilty of jumping the PM link bandwagon :p

I've never read her blog until today, and even then I just skimmed through it. I have no words... She has to be some fictional character - she hates women too much to be a woman.

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Count me in as guilty of jumping the PM link bandwagon :p

I've never read her blog until today, and even then I just skimmed through it. I have no words... She has to be some fictional character - she hates women too much to be a woman.

I feel badly for her. Something horrible must have happened to her to make her have such a low opinion of women in general and herself in particular. She's makes remarks about how her husband can do everything better than she can, and how he could leave her for someone younger and prettier in a heartbeat if he wanted to.

She's also desperate for male attention, which leads me to believe her husband either ignores her or is hyper critical of her. I hope she discovers this site at some point and that it inspires her reevaluate some of her misogynistic viewpoints. The commentators on her blog just seem to reaffirm them.

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I joined this site because I thought Sunshine Mary was a guy and possibly linked up with VF or some other fundie thing peripherally and figured FJ would have good poop/intel about it. Now, having googlestalked a little more, the posters are probably right that suggested Sunshine Mary is probably working with her husband on this blog, or something similarly sad and deranged. The writer of the Sunshine Mary blog is almost certainly a man writing the majority of post content and pic editing and in-line responses, but the commenter around the internet using variations of that name is a woman.

Or someone is cribbing details from a conservative fundie-light woman's life to write a ghastly and ridiculous manosphere/anti-feminist blog.

I prefer the folie a deux theory.

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i posted awhile back in another SSM thread that i used to be the family's babysitter (a LONG time ago, and i had no idea she was such a nutter) and so i can say that she's definitely a real person. obviously there's always the chance that her husband is blogging on her behalf, but i don't think so.

what i don't understand about SSM is that her husband cheated on her, apparently with multiple women. she has also talked about how her father abused her mother. yet women are the source of all evil in the world? i'm not saying the opposite is true, or that she should be some man-hater, but its just very, very strange that someone with her history would have so much hate for women. VERY strange.

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If she's writing all the writing, where does she find the time? The comment-account I found that seemed to be her posted in a few blogs in 2011 and seemed to just be a (relative) normal with not much free time. Now there's zillions of comments and incredibly TLDR; blog posts with tons of stock pictures and edited photos. If it's the same woman, what happened in the last 18 months that she suddenly has hours a day to blog and comment thousands of words while working outside the home as a speech therapist and doing all the housework, gardening and cooking?

It doesn't add up to her being the sole author, is the thing.

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I'd like a PM of the link. Pretty please. With sugar on top.

In a way I have some empathy for Sunshine Mary (granted very little empathy). She seems to have swallowed the patriarchal kool-aid that women deserved abuse, rape, adultery, sexual harassment. If only she had embraced feminism she might be so much more healthy and sane.

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But sometimes even Moonshine Mary absolutely PALES in comparison to another woman-hating frequent commenter on her blog.... Hannah.

Hannah: "It’s that freaking simple ladies!!!

Serve your man with humility and sweetness and perhaps they’ll never invent a Sex-bot that with all the senses. A Sex-bot is just a hole. You are more than that – you can be sweet too!"

In other words, make no mistake ladies, you ARE just a hole......but you can be a SWEET hole...... for your man. :puke-huge:

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i posted awhile back in another SSM thread that i used to be the family's babysitter (a LONG time ago, and i had no idea she was such a nutter) and so i can say that she's definitely a real person. obviously there's always the chance that her husband is blogging on her behalf, but i don't think so.

what i don't understand about SSM is that her husband cheated on her, apparently with multiple women. she has also talked about how her father abused her mother. yet women are the source of all evil in the world? i'm not saying the opposite is true, or that she should be some man-hater, but its just very, very strange that someone with her history would have so much hate for women. VERY strange.

When has she talked about her father abusing her mother? I don't think that SSM thinks that spousal abuse is even possible, given her comments on marital rape and the anecdotes she tells about her husband.

Also, how do you know she is the same person that you knew?

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I'd like a PM of the link. Pretty please. With sugar on top.

In a way I have some empathy for Sunshine Mary (granted very little empathy). She seems to have swallowed the patriarchal kool-aid that women deserved abuse, rape, adultery, sexual harassment. If only she had embraced feminism she might be so much more healthy and sane.

I used to have sympathy for her. Before I saw her encouraging a man to rape his wife. That pretty much did killed any sympathy I ever had for her.

"Is your wife a Christian? Does she understand that she is sinning by refusing you? Have you told her that it is your right as her husband to take her whenever you want her?"

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I used to have sympathy for her. Before I saw her encouraging a man to rape his wife. That pretty much did killed any sympathy I ever had for her.

"Is your wife a Christian? Does she understand that she is sinning by refusing you? Have you told her that it is your right as her husband to take her whenever you want her?"

Holy shit! She actually said that? She actually advocated rape? Well, she can go die in a fire for all I care.

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