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Sunshine Mary takes a stand against ugly modern women


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But sometimes even Moonshine Mary absolutely PALES in comparison to another woman-hating frequent commenter on her blog.... Hannah.

Hannah: "It’s that freaking simple ladies!!!

Serve your man with humility and sweetness and perhaps they’ll never invent a Sex-bot that with all the senses. A Sex-bot is just a hole. You are more than that – you can be sweet too!"

In other words, make no mistake ladies, you ARE just a hole......but you can be a SWEET hole...... for your man. :puke-huge:

You left out the BEST part of Hannah's comment:

Can plastic smile? No – so smile at your man

Can plastic touch? No – so massage your man while he watches tv

Can plastic see? No – so tune in to what your man needs and do it

Can plastic hear? No – so listen to your man and meet his requests

Can plastic talk? No – so speak kindly to your man with respect

Can plastic serve? No- so make your man some after-sex blueberry pancakes

Can plastic multiply? No- so be willing to have your man’s children!

I guess men really do need women after all.

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Holy shit! She actually said that? She actually advocated rape? Well, she can go die in a fire for all I care.

Yep, that's a direct quote. She's evil.

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Yep, that's a direct quote. She's evil.

She wrote the following last night in a post about how women should be low maintenance and not expect too much from their husbands. Apparently sex is good medicine b/c sperm is beneficial for women. So, ladies take your medicine, OR ELSE!

You know, all these ladies who are refusing to have sex with their husbands and complaining about having headaches, not feeling well, having hormones that are out of whack, etc etc etc…they are essentially refusing to take the medicine which would help them get better.

And what do we do when our children refuse to take their medicine? After a reasonable amount of time of trying to persuade them, we eventually just wrap them in a bear hug from behind and pop it in their mouths when they open them to howl in protestation. Because they do not understand what is best for them, but we grown ups do.

I’m just sayin’.

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She wrote the following last night in a post about how women should be low maintenance and not expect too much from their husbands. Apparently sex is good medicine b/c sperm is beneficial for women. So, ladies take your medicine, OR ELSE!

Oh, yay, more rape!

And honestly logic isn't their strong suit. First, the problem is that women's sex drives are too high and they're busy riding the c--k carousel, which makes then unfit wives, and now the problem is that women have NO sex drive and are turning these poor, deprived men down. Make up your damn minds.

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She wrote the following last night in a post about how women should be low maintenance and not expect too much from their husbands. Apparently sex is good medicine b/c sperm is beneficial for women. So, ladies take your medicine, OR ELSE!

I guess all that mandated sex didn't work so well for Lori Anderson is a Monster. She still had headaches even though she professes to spread her legs whenever her husband wants. Even when in pain - even when her husband has sex just because he thinks she needs it because of her pain. She took her medicine just the way she was supposed to and it didn't fix her brain tumor.

Rape isn't beneficial no matter how many times someone says it is. Sex isn't a good treatment for headaches. However what this shows us is that forced sex and MRA is the drug of choice for narcissism.

Edited because holy nested quotes Batman!

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When has she talked about her father abusing her mother? I don't think that SSM thinks that spousal abuse is even possible, given her comments on marital rape and the anecdotes she tells about her husband.

Also, how do you know she is the same person that you knew?

she talks about her father abusing her mother here: dalrock.wordpress.com/2013/07/24/what-is-the-domestic-violence-industry-really-about/#comment-87923

Some domestic violence is real and it is a good thing that law enforcement intervenes now. They didn’t use to, even when they were called to the scene. When I was a child, they simply calmed my father down and encouraged my mother to put some ice on it. I used to watch the police drive away later (without my father in tow) and want to run after their car and beg them to stay. This is not a scenario that we should desire to return to; we need to stay evidence-based if we hope to retain legal protection for true victims while also showing that the feminist DV industry is about promoting feminism, not helping victims.

as for your second question, she's definitely the same person. i was convinced of that even before i saw the picture she posted on her blog (if you'd like to know how i reached that conclusion, i'd be happy to share). seeing the picture sealed the deal.

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Rape isn't beneficial no matter how many times someone says it is. Sex isn't a good treatment for headaches. However what this shows us is that forced sex and MRA is the drug of choice for narcissism.!

No, rape isn't beneficial to anyone. Although, studies have been shown that sex is actually good for headaches. It's a natural pain reliever. I suppose it has to be good sex, though, so...

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as for your second question, she's definitely the same person. i was convinced of that even before i saw the picture she posted on her blog (if you'd like to know how i reached that conclusion, i'd be happy to share). seeing the picture sealed the deal.


Sunshine Mary has said that she doesn't use daycare and that when she needs a babysitter her inlaws volunteer. Are you sure you didn't babysit for someone who looks like her? She lives near Ann Arbor Michigan from what she's posted about herself and has all daughters.

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Sunshine Mary has said that she doesn't use daycare and that when she needs a babysitter her inlaws volunteer. Are you sure you didn't babysit for someone who looks like her? She lives near Ann Arbor Michigan from what she's posted about herself and has all daughters.

well, i know her last name so i googled it and that revealed her (uncommon) middle name, which matches the name on her former blog. i also know, from when i babysat, that she was training as a speech-language pathologist and i knew what church her family went to (its a very popular megachurch in the area) and she links to that church in her blog.

i just doubt there's more than one sunshine who went to u-m and lives near ann arbor and goes to that church and works as a SLP and looks exactly like the woman i remember!

she had 2 daughters when i babysat .. i guess she's had more. this was in 2005-2006. maybe she's decided since then that babysitters are bad, i dunno.

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Sunshine Mary has said that she doesn't use daycare and that when she needs a babysitter her inlaws volunteer. Are you sure you didn't babysit for someone who looks like her? She lives near Ann Arbor Michigan from what she's posted about herself and has all daughters.

Or SSM could just be a lying liar who lies.

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well, i know her last name so i googled it and that revealed her (uncommon) middle name, which matches the name on her former blog. i also know, from when i babysat, that she was training as a speech-language pathologist and i knew what church her family went to (its a very popular megachurch in the area) and she links to that church in her blog.

i just doubt there's more than one sunshine who went to u-m and lives near ann arbor and goes to that church and works as a SLP and looks exactly like the woman i remember!

she had 2 daughters when i babysat .. i guess she's had more. this was in 2005-2006. maybe she's decided since then that babysitters are bad, i dunno.

In at least one of her blog posts (was probably in the comments section) at her former blog, she says that she used to be an uber feminist before she and her husband turned to Christ when seeking help for their marital problems. It was then that she saw the error of her ways, that she was likely the cause of most of their marital problems, and that's when she became a full-out fundie. So yeah, there's a chance that it may have indeed been her for whom you babysat, back in her pre-fundie days.

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So for those of you that have seen the Facebook account--how is the husband, looks wise? Would I see him in real life and feel like I'd been hit by a holy hand grenade?

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Me too?

I just spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to find it on my own, and I give up. So, me three? I want to see. I don't want to want to see, but I do.

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SSM and her husband go to a very popular megachurch? There is a whole megachurch full of these people?! :cray-cray: I swear to God, sometimes I never, ever want to go back to the US (nothing against the US, it is lovely. It's just that most of these people seem to be from there).

A part of me also really wants to know what SSM's husband looks like. I am about 95 percent I would not be impressed.

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OK, I give in. Could someone PM me the link too, if you get around to it?

Also, I am now a pearl clutcher, yay! I really, really need to make more posts on here. Seeing my join date is embarassing :lol:

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No, rape isn't beneficial to anyone. Although, studies have been shown that sex is actually good for headaches. It's a natural pain reliever. I suppose it has to be good sex, though, so...

It's good for arthritis too. I believe the mechanism is that it releases endorphins. I doubt that happens though when you are just a receptacle.

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well, i know her last name so i googled it and that revealed her (uncommon) middle name, which matches the name on her former blog. i also know, from when i babysat, that she was training as a speech-language pathologist and i knew what church her family went to (its a very popular megachurch in the area) and she links to that church in her blog.

i just doubt there's more than one sunshine who went to u-m and lives near ann arbor and goes to that church and works as a SLP and looks exactly like the woman i remember!

she had 2 daughters when i babysat .. i guess she's had more. this was in 2005-2006. maybe she's decided since then that babysitters are bad, i dunno.


What a strange way to rediscover an old acquaintance. Talk about six degrees of separation.

On her blog she's said that holy hand grenade asked her to stop working when she had children and that she obeyed him. Was she working when you babysat for her? It's strange that she would go back to college to be a SLP after she had kids given how harshly she judges working mom.

By the way, was HHG as hot as she says he is?

I wonder what made her cross over into fundie land. Based on what she's written about her mega church, it's more modern charismatic than fundie. She's complained b/c the pastor preaches on mutual submission b/w husbands and wives.

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What a strange way to rediscover an old acquaintance. Talk about six degrees of separation.

On her blog she's said that holy hand grenade asked her to stop working when she had children and that she obeyed him. Was she working when you babysat for her? It's strange that she would go back to college to be a SLP after she had kids given how harshly she judges working mom.

By the way, was HHG as hot as she says he is?

I wonder what made her cross over into fundie land. Based on what she's written about her mega church, it's more modern charismatic than fundie. She's complained b/c the pastor preaches on mutual submission b/w husbands and wives.

she was working, i believe, part-time when i knew the family. i don't know if she is still working. she does talk about her experiences as an SLP on her blog. but she also talks about homeschooling so i don't know (though i suppose it is theoretically possible to do both!). i think she sees women staying at home as an ideal, but she's not completely against working women -- she has an old post about jobs that are acceptable for women to pursue (SLP was on there, of course).

HHG .. well i thought he was very average looking but that's just my opinion.

also, i found a FB under her real name, but there's not much on it. is this link all of you are talking about a more active FB page? if so can i have a link too? please and thank you :wink-kitty:

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Has anyone actually gotten a PM with her FB page link? I still haven't. :( Please, can someone PM it to me?

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Has anyone actually gotten a PM with her FB page link? I still haven't. :( Please, can someone PM it to me?

Me, too, please! I don't waste enough time on Facebook...

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