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The Continuing Fall of VF and Doug Phillips is a tool-Part 4


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Doug Phillips:The Musical would be amazing. I can almost picture it:

"If you read Henty and Elsie Dinsmore too,

If you think salvation is only for a few,

If you like to go on manly romps don't let yourself be fooled

You're a tool, you're a tool, you're a tool!"

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New post from Eston. Haven't read it yet.


ETA: Holy shit!

"In January 2013 Doug was literally caught with his pants down, in his home, by one or more Phillips family members. To the best of our knowledge it was Beall and or Josh who caught them. A few weeks later in February 2013 Doug wasn’t even trying to conceal his 'inappropriate relationship' with Cassandra. He was parading her around the San Antonio Independent Film Festival (Feb 7-9) as they walked as lovers, hand in hand. Numerous eye witnesses were stunned, and many assumed Doug Phillips had just completely lost his mind."

Can you imagine?!!

ETAA: Does anyone still think the body language being exhibited by Faith in this photo "probably means nothing"? And then she had to get up onstage and sing with that POS!


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New post from Eston. Haven't read it yet.


ETA: Holy shit!

"In January 2013 Doug was literally caught with his pants down, in his home, by one or more Phillips family members. To the best of our knowledge it was Beall and or Josh who caught them. A few weeks later in February 2013 Doug wasn’t even trying to conceal his 'inappropriate relationship' with Cassandra. He was parading her around the San Antonio Independent Film Festival (Feb 7-9) as they walked as lovers, hand in hand. Numerous eye witnesses were stunned, and many assumed Doug Phillips had just completely lost his mind."

Can you imagine?!!

Like everything that TW Eston writes, it may or may not be true but it is interesting. Hopefully, it was Beall and not one of his kids who caught Doug.

Someone on Jen's Gems mentioned that Doug shouted at the interns for playing modern Christian music during one of the film festivals. Again, I don't know if that is true but it does make for another fascinating rumor

Do you remember the scene in Young Frankenstein where Madeline Kahn sings during sex? I bet that Doug breaks out into show tunes.

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In response about a page ago to something about Christmas....

Doug Phillips does not celebrate Christmas, and preaches against the celebration of Christmas, because it is a Papist holiday and is not in the Bible. Apparently, Christmas is only good for fleecing the "bad" Christians of money in the 4th quarter via the overpriced items in the VF catalogue. :disgust:

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New post from Eston. Haven't read it yet.


ETA: Holy shit!

"In January 2013 Doug was literally caught with his pants down, in his home, by one or more Phillips family members. To the best of our knowledge it was Beall and or Josh who caught them. A few weeks later in February 2013 Doug wasn’t even trying to conceal his 'inappropriate relationship' with Cassandra. He was parading her around the San Antonio Independent Film Festival (Feb 7-9) as they walked as lovers, hand in hand. Numerous eye witnesses were stunned, and many assumed Doug Phillips had just completely lost his mind."

Can you imagine?!!

ETAA: Does anyone still think the body language being exhibited by Faith in this photo "probably means nothing"? And then she had to get up onstage and sing with that POS!


I hope Doug' s victim can get some counselling and build a life for herself. This young lady's family need to love and support her.

Beall...I don't know what to think about her. How could you miss your husbands decade long affair going on in your own home? One would think she would have the good sense to kick the tool to the curb...maybe years of emotional and spiritual abuse have rendered both women incapable of seeking the help they desperately need.

Doug Phillips is the tooliest tool ever

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If what Easton is saying is true, including the bit about appearing with her at the SACFF, why was it such a shock to Bradrick! et al in October?

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If what Easton is saying is true, including the bit about appearing with her at the SACFF, why was it such a shock to Bradrick! et al in October?

Well, we know Peter wasn't at the film festival this year, because Doug posted the video of Doug and Faith's duet on Peter's FB wall and a little note that said, "Missed you this year, Peter." I get the feeling that Scott has been purposely keeping Peter and Kelly away from Doug, perhaps even coming up with some way to limit their phone/email contact (threatening Doug?).

Does anyone know if Morecraft was at the festival this year?

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The worst possible scenario for Beall is if Doug’s exit strategy includes moving the family to some obscure place, in some obscure country (like Kenya with Brad, or maybe Peru), out of the public eye, where Doug is no longer subject to scrutiny, and Beall is cut off from all outside communication.

This is a pretty serious accusation. TW Eston seems to be suggesting that Doug might plan to harm Beall to end the marriage. Hopefully, he has proof to back up his accusations or he might get Jen and himself sued.

Cassandra is what TW is calling the young woman that we are calling Hero.

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Yes, but surely Bradrrick! (or Kelly) has spoken to ppl who knew. The Fundy world is a small place and the reason they rail against gossip is because it's such a problem. I find it really hard to believe they wouldn't have known

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Yes, but surely Bradrrick! (or Kelly) has spoken to ppl who knew. The Fundy world is a small place and the reason they rail against gossip is because it's such a problem. I find it really hard to believe they wouldn't have known

Yes, this could mean that Peter is simply lying about when he found out. I do believe that Morecraft was in the dark until the Greece trip, however.

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First time poster but long-time lurker. This dates me but anyone who lived in or near Dallas 25 years ago might remember the scandal of a very prominent pastor, Walker Railey. Just google his name. The narcissism, etc-- seems eerily familiar.

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Can we please refrain from using the young women's name. Her privacy should be respected.

Never mind, it appears to be s sudoname.

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Becky Morecraft introduced Doug and his daughter's "It's Time to Say Goodbye" duet. That was this last SAICFF. Don't know if Joe was there. Bealll looks like she's swallowed a cat in that photo above. In Dougs twinkle dinosauer piece where he looks bleary eyed, a red mark is apparent on his forehead- as if he ran into or was hit by something. Gads, this is getting crazier and crazier.

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Just a quick note on the matter of Doug Phillips and his admitted indiscretions: He should take this other unmarried woman as his wife as well.

Yes, it really is that simple. Scripture allows for it, it's only modern, secular, Christ-hating culture today that doesn't allow for such a handy solution.

Let us not forget that adultery in Scripture is defined by the marital status of the female.


Doug apparently believed in stoning and other Old Testament laws. I wonder if he secretly believed in polygamy?

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Doug apparently believed in stoning and other Old Testament laws. I wonder if he secretly believed in polygamy?

I have been waiting for someone else to bring this idea up. I wouldn't be surprised if he has considered this as a possibility, even if only in his dreams.

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I must admit I'm having trouble with the hand bling neccesarily equaling an engagement ring. Eston cites the 'fact' that purity rings tend to be plain as pretty much his only evidence. IME (admittedly, most of it looking in from the outside-my mob didn't get onto the purity ring bandwagon while I was growing up, thankfully), there is no set rule. I've seen all manner of rings being used as purity rings, from the plainest to some that are almost ostentatious. Sometimes they are worn on the left ring finger, sometimes not. Secondly, there are plenty of women, fundies included, who wear all sorts of rings including on the left ring finger.

The photo seems like a leap of logic to me. In fact, the whole article reads like the sort of celebrity gossip magazine I occasionally browse through while waiting in the queue at the checkout at Woolies.

I'm sure there's some truth in it, but I'm not sure I'm willing swallow the whole thing.

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I need Cliff's Notes. Yall, I'm never going to catch up. I've been trying to curb my natural fundie snark, but I saw a thread about the Arndts and I'm all in again. I can't quit & there is no 12 step, hell even if there was I wouldn't be able to do it. :shrug:

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In January 2013 Doug was literally caught with his pants down, in his home, by one or more Phillips family members. To the best of our knowledge it was Beall and or Josh who caught them. A few weeks later in February 2013 Doug wasn’t even trying to conceal his “inappropriate relationship†with Cassandra. He was parading her around the San Antonio Independent Film Festival (Feb 7-9) as they walked as lovers, hand in hand. Numerous eye witnesses were stunned, and many assumed Doug Phillips had just completely lost his mind.

I hope it wasn't one of the kids :( No child deserves to walk into a room and find their daddy having sex with someone who isn't mommy.

I cant see Doug killing Beall just so he can marry Hero. I think he is a narcissist, but I don't think he would kill. I can certainly see him throwing her under the bus if the two of them split up over it, or if even more scrutiny comes their way. I hope she divorces him, he would deserve it.

I think the expensive ring was probably bought as a gift from Doug. Maybe the financial things people have mentioned about VF and Doug stealing money from the company are true, and he is using VF money to buy gifts for/pay off people he is having sex with.

I hope Hero is okay, and doesn't feel its her fault. Because of his position of power, their relationship could never be truly consensual, especially as she was so young when it started. Yes, it is likely she didn't resist, and responded positively to his affection, he is Doug. Doug is a celebrity in their circle, and I imagine most of these fundie girls would be happy if Doug loved them. Its not their fault for that, theyre just teenage girls, and fundie or not, teenage girls do get crushes, and have hormones, idolise the rich and famous...Doug however, is an adult. He should know better than to pray on young girls like that, just because they aren't resisting his affections doesn't make it right.

Hero, you are not ruined for life by this. Everything you were ever told about purity is a load of crap-it was told to you by Doug, or by people who heard it from Doug, and he didn't take that advice, did he? Im sure one day, you will find someone else, who treats you well, and this time, you will be the only woman in his life. Your romantic life is not over because of Doug. I know he said he loved you, but he didn't. He was just using you and that was wrong. You aren't to blame for this, even if you didn't protest his affections, and you didn't start it by defrauding him. He is a grown man who is married, and he should have known better.

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As to Dough harming his wife:

There was a case in Sweden where a pastor made his nanny/lover kill his wife. He did not believe in divorce. His first wife had died under suspicious circumstances as well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knutby_murder

But I doubt he is that crazy. I could imagine him concidering polygamy, perhaps even trying to persuade Beall... As to Beall, I see only two options. Either she lived in total denial to what was going on or she knew and rather arranged herself with the situation than blowing it up.

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I still want to know where they are hiding out. Certainly Beall wants Dougie to be as uncomfortable as possible, so hopefully she's kicked him to the curb, or at the very least allowed him to pitch a tent in the back yard so he can more easily see the kids (since he doesn't drive, or so we've been told). If he's living off-site, maybe he has a bike. I'm guessing his "driver" has been let go along with all the other hired help.

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One of Doug's neighbours is posting over at spiritual sounding board - they are apparently in the process of fixing the house/moving out.

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I presume theyre going to have to. How are they going to pay for such a huge house without VF.

I hope Doug ends up in a tiny house in a bad area, with cockroaches and walls so thin he can hear the neighbours having sex-which he cries while masturbating to as both Beall and Hero left him and eventually married men who are twice as good as Doug at everything he can possible think of. He has to work in a supermarket and obey his non white Muslim lesbian boss, to try and afford to buy more costumes, to replace the ones that Beall got in the divorce, and the ones he had to sell to buy his new house. None of his friends want anything to do with him, as he alienated everyone by being such a hypocrite.

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One of Doug's neighbours is posting over at spiritual sounding board - they are apparently in the process of fixing the house/moving out.

Well, I guess it's a good thing is doesn't celebrate Christmas, then, since this would be an awfully depressing time if he/his family did.

I understand why they have to move out of the palatial estate, but my guess is Dougie has socked enough of VF's money away somewhere where they can't touch it and he will find a suitable home for his family, even if Beall doesn't let him live there.

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Jen is scrubbing her blog of the J. Grady story? That seems to be one commenter's concern, over there. I'll be offline today so I can't find out any more for the near future. Carry on!!

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