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The Continuing Fall of VF and Doug Phillips is a tool-Part 4


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TW Eston has probably slipped clues to who he is. I have played around with his name because I doubt that moniker was chosen at random but I can't come up with anything. Not Stew. Wet Ston New Tonst Newt Sto Stone WT

Unless Jen is trying to throw us off, he is male

He is still a Calvinist

Apparently, he has some legitimate connection of some sort to Vision Forum

He is not above using unverified rumors

He does not mind calling out people by name except for Jim L., which leads me to believe that he must have some connection to the man

His dislike of Doug appears to be personal

In one comment, he called himself a Reformed Protestant

He believes in divorce

Could he be a former intern?

The photo of Hero/Cassandra look like it was taken close up and with her knowledge. Could he be a friend or relative of hers?

Some of TW's insights into Doug are interesting

Doug Phillips’ target audience are Protestant Christians, not Roman Catholic. Doug Phillips abhors Roman Catholocism and considers it evil and even pagan. This probably explains much as to why he’s so long had antipathy for his mother. He also abhors RC holidays, such as “Christ-Mass†(as he would call it). If there are any RC patrons of Vision Forum they have patronized a man who despises them, so I’m assuming they have done so in ignorance.


Doug Phillips is the focus of this blog. However, it’s entirely possible that in coming days we’ll be naming names and actions of Doug’s “band of brothersâ€. They all have blood on their hands, and not a single one of them has yet to confess and repent of their evil deeds.

Peter Bradrick?

If TW Eston is being dishonest, he is going to end up sued for libel.

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TW Eston has probably slipped clues to who he is. I have played around with his name because I doubt that moniker was chosen at random but I can't come up with anything. Not Stew. Wet Ston New Tonst Newt Sto Stone WT

Unless Jen is trying to throw us off, he is male

He is still a Calvinist

Apparently, he has some legitimate connection of some sort to Vision Forum

He is not above using unverified rumors

He does not mind calling out people by name except for Jim L., which leads me to believe that he must have some connection to the man

His dislike of Doug appears to be personal

In one comment, he called himself a Reformed Protestant

He believes in divorce

Could he be a former intern?


Do we know for certain he's not Jen's ex?

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Is the photo of Hero wearing the ring not taken from the soda fountain video? I''ve only watched it once and haven't found it to check but it looked like her in the queue there.

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Yay! This means I get to dress up, right? :D

And strut around being manly while asking people to go on sweaty, romps with you. It's the role of the century!

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Unless Jen is trying to throw us off, he is male

Jen indicated this AM that Eston is male (in response to FJ's Marian - you go, Girl!!):

Jen Says:

December 11, 2013 at 11:55 pm

Marian, it is Mr. Eston.

I believe that something is being done about this situation legally by those who are involved. We shall wait and see for now.

Also, Eston is now put out by the Phillips' neighbor's refusal to believe his stories:

T.W. Eston Says:

December 12, 2013 at 1:30 pm

Thanks Jayhawk, but I’m not at all concerned that Womanforfreedom isn’t buying elements of my story. I’m sure there are many who don’t buy everything I’ve written, nor do I claim to be flawless. If anyone is expecting perfection from me they’ll be sadly disappointed.

I would have valued her contacting me to collaborate some details that a neighbor might be able to corroborate our insider sources. Instead, she has chosen to bash me and Jen. That’s unfortunate. I’m not clear on what is driving that, but if she’s reading this comment I do hope she’ll email me or comment here. It seems as though we may have a common goal, so I don’t see the point in her criticisms.

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Howard Phillips converted to Christianity, probably before Doug is a tool was born. Howard Phillips is apparently buried in a Catholic cemetery. Doug the tool's mother is apparently Catholic. Regardless of Howard's parents, Doug the tool's mother is NOT JEWISH so unless Doug is a tool converted under cover of night, he isn't Jewish.

Sheesh, these people who read secret Jew into OT sermons and Talmudic reasoning are simply....stupid.

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Is the photo of Hero wearing the ring not taken from the soda fountain video? I''ve only watched it once and haven't found it to check but it looked like her in the queue there.

It might have been. I admit, I haven't watched every single video linked here. :embarrassed:

Woman For Freedom on Spiritual Sounding Board is proving interesting information also but I have no idea if it is true or not.

Now for my snarky man on the street update. Looking like the packing/moving is heading up. Ladders ladders everywhere !! Yip yip yip and a Hee Hee Heee!! It IS Christmas!!!! C’mon doggies, lets go for a spin round the block….;)

I don't know whether to believe her or not but some of her observations are funny

I fear however those times may be at an end -sigh- I will miss the tri- corn hats and velvet breeches. I will miss my daughter clapping her hands and saying “ooooh mommy those mens are faaaaaancyâ€- and my hubby choking on his cereal. Life will be much duller when the cult -de sac just turns into a regular street and my dogs will particularly miss their special places mommy let’s them run to for their private moments of relief .
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Is the photo of Hero wearing the ring not taken from the soda fountain video? I''ve only watched it once and haven't found it to check but it looked like her in the queue there.

I just watched the video again and it definitely looks like the photo posted on JGems is taken from the video. Eston says it's an image from 2010, which is also the date on the video.

Regarding the likelihood of the ring being a 'purity ring': I guess it could be, but I have never heard of a purity ring so large and wedding-band-like. Lots of my friends wear purity rings (at a recent college bridal shower I was the only girl not wearing a purity ring, engagement or wedding ring) and I've never seen one like that. I suppose some might like a ring that is VERY much like a wedding ring, some sort of weird 'already married to your future husband' thing?

I think the story, on SSB, from the neighbor, of Cassandra saying she wore it to keep men from hitting on her makes more sense than it being a purity ring. Although it seems odd she'd feel the need to wear it at the Faith & Freedom tour (which is where the photo is from). If in fact it was related to Doug, it would seem a more plausible explanation for her to make to people than would the purity ring explanation.

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I presume theyre going to have to. How are they going to pay for such a huge house without VF.

I hope Doug ends up in a tiny house in a bad area, with cockroaches and walls so thin he can hear the neighbours having sex-which he cries while masturbating to as both Beall and Hero left him and eventually married men who are twice as good as Doug at everything he can possible think of. He has to work in a supermarket and obey his non white Muslim lesbian boss, to try and afford to buy more costumes, to replace the ones that Beall got in the divorce, and the ones he had to sell to buy his new house. None of his friends want anything to do with him, as he alienated everyone by being such a hypocrite.

I am not so sure Beall is any better than Doug in context of everything but the affair. Just because he cheated, that does not mean she deserves a pass.

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And multiple crescendos. CRESCENDO!!!!!!!!eleventy!!!!!

There must be cellos. And a sparkly scrim. And high-kicking male dancers wearing togas. Doug (Phillips who is a tool) and Bradrick! can re-create that romantic scene in the pew. It would be...amazing.

I see a Tony award in Doug (Phillips who is a tool)'s future...although I suppose they could re-use a few of those Pedo statuettes left over from the canceled film festival if Tool! The Musical doesn't make it past the out-of-town previews in Pascagoula.

Doug Phillips: still a tool.

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It might have been. I admit, I haven't watched every single video linked here. :embarrassed:

Woman For Freedom on Spiritual Sounding Board is proving interesting information also but I have no idea if it is true or not.

I don't know whether to believe her or not but some of her observations are funny

I noticed "lydiasellerofpurple" has weighed in on Spiritual Sounding Board. Hmmmmm?

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Did anyone else catch how Eston is now signing in under Jen's account and answering questions for her? I'm trying to find that particular comment, but it seems to have disappeared since this morning. IMHO, they've jumped the shark with all the murder innuendo. They seem to just be playing to their audience now.

If there is a Doug Phillips musical, I will not only be first in line to buy tickets, I'd like to volunteer to assist with costuming. :) I bet Neil Patrick Harris could make a great Doug. That fact that he's openly gay would only be icing on the cake.

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Did anyone else catch how Eston is now signing in under Jen's account and answering questions for her? I'm trying to find that particular comment, but it seems to have disappeared since this morning. IMHO, they've jumped the shark with all the murder innuendo. They seem to just be playing to their audience now.

I saw it!

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Did anyone else catch how Eston is now signing in under Jen's account and answering questions for her? I'm trying to find that particular comment, but it seems to have disappeared since this morning. IMHO, they've jumped the shark with all the murder innuendo. They seem to just be playing to their audience now.

If there is a Doug Phillips musical, I will not only be first in line to buy tickets, I'd like to volunteer to assist with costuming. :) I bet Neil Patrick Harris could make a great Doug. That fact that he's openly gay would only be icing on the cake.

I love NPH! He would be great in the role, but you know Kirk Cameron would fight tooth and nail against it.

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I love NPH! He would be great in the role, but you know Kirk Cameron would fight tooth and nail against it.

I think Kirk Cameron would be perfect in the starring role of Tool! The Musical, since he has lots of personal experience being a tool himself.

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I see Cameron in more of a BRADRICK! role. The pew scene alone would be amazing.

That was my very first thought, too!! :lol:

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The pew scene. So much potential there...

Oh My! I think, I have found my new purpose in life!

MORE CELLOS! I've got a fever and the only cure is MORE CELLOS!

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OMG, this is coming together so beautifully already!

70% off for stage props courtesy of the Vision Forum catalogue fire sale! Tool! The Musical will need plenty of swords, daggers, hats, and other manly accoutrements for its production. I bet the VF interns could be hired as extras for the fight scenes.

Do you think we could find a stage big enough for the life-sized replica of the Titanic they'll need for the production? This might have to be one of the Summerstage shows put on in Central Park.

Doug Phillips is a tool.

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