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The Continuing Fall of VF and Doug Phillips is a tool-Part 4


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The show won't be complete without Robin Williams choreographing, a la his character in "The Bird Cage" -

"Fosse Fosse left! Fosse Fosse right! MARtha Graham! MARtha Graham! and TWY-la! TWY-la!"

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The pew scene. So much potential there...

OMG, YES! A ballad that both starts and finishes quietly with Dougie & Sippy in the pew, but with a buildup to a grand semi-finale with Dougie in a wide stance, arms in the air, singing his little heart out (Think "Somewhere Out There" by Linda Ronstadt).

There needs to be a Kickstarter to make this happen, like yesterday.

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OMG, YES! A ballad that both starts and finishes quietly with Dougie & Sippy in the pew, but with a buildup to a grand semi-finale with Dougie in a wide stance, arms in the air, singing his little heart out (Think "Somewhere Out There" by Linda Ronstadt).

There needs to be a Kickstarter to make this happen, like yesterday.

LOLOLOL. OMG, the possibilities are endless. Crescendo! Diminuendo! Staccato! Comedy! Tragedy! Fancy dancing! Costumes! Lighting! Opera!\

ETA: And yes, the interns and pushups! :)

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There should, of course, be a sad moment when Peter realizes that Doug had an affair with a ....woman!

Kelly, Beall and Hero can sing about their manly men as their husbands romp around in Robin Hood tights together while singing about their beautiful swords.

Doug can sing a version of Sweet Transvestite.

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The idea for the musical is amusing on the one hand. Yet, lives and families have been destroyed by Doug is a tool's actions. A tragedy would be more appropriate.

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It's perfect! Doug (Phillips who is a tool) could totally play the Jane Russell part. They even have the toga-clad warriors on the tiled walls--a lovely touch.

Yes! This is probably exactly how the first day of intern camp goes down.

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There should, of course, be a sad moment when Peter realizes that Doug had an affair with a ....woman!

Kelly, Beall and Hero can sing about their manly men as their husbands romp around in Robin Hood tights together while singing about their beautiful swords.

Doug can sing a version of Sweet Transvestite.

Perhaps a poignant "What Kind Of Fool Tool Am I?"

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Can I give a quick heartfelt shout out here for Marian the Librarian. :D

Thanks Marian! For your attention and good sense. I'd like to write many more details as to why I think Marian is the tops but I lack the time right now. :(

In brief: Marian is on top of this story. She alerts us to developments and many side stories.

She has also posted on JensGems to try to get Jen and TW to be responsible and report to law enforcement (I fear that is an impossible task.)

And I am so relieved to see that Marian, and a few others, share my utter scepticism on TW and Jen.

You know, it is possible to know that Doug Phillips is a Tool, and also accept that Jen and TW Eston are almost as toolish!

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Not everyone , of course, but a few of the commenters on her site worry me.

December 12, 2013 at 3:22 pm

Not to get off topic here, but since the article brings it up, I’d like to ask the question…If adultery should not be punished by stoning, how should it punished? Or should it not be punished at all?

One of DP’s “strengths†is that he had answers to questions. People genuinely want to know how to raise their children, deal with situations like adultery, and other practical issues that come up in life. It is necessary to say that DP is wrong, but just as important to say what is right.

Jen Says:

December 12, 2013 at 3:34 pm

OtOLi, that is a GREAT question. I think the law of sowing and reaping applies here and that Doug is now reaping what he has sown for years.

UMMM..... Says:

December 12, 2013 at 3:25 pm

Ummm….. Are you unaware that there are states in the US with the death penalty today? Stoning was a form of death penalty before we had things like electricity, i.e. the electric chair.

What the hell? The death penalty for adultery?

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Not everyone , of course, but a few of the commenters on her site worry me.

What the hell? The death penalty for adultery?

Just because they aren't involved in BCA or VF anymore doesn't mean they don't agree, at least in principle, with the ideology. The death penalty for adultery thing seems to be par for the course in Christian Reconstructionist circles, so I can't say I'm surprised about that. In practice, I'm not sure how that would work. An entire Christian Sharia law system would have to be created. I guess that's why there were so many people with law degrees at BCA...

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I can't wait for the duet between Peter Bradrick and Doug Phillips.

We have to work anaconda in there somewhere.

I'm not up to doing the lyrics (certainly not to the FJ standard), but even so, I can't help but hear the word "anaconda" to the tune of "Oklahoma" --

ANNNNNN - a - con - da!

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I read somewhere that DP is 5'4" tall. Maybe his controlling behavior is related to that? I have heard that shorter men sometimes have self image issues.

You probably read it on jensgems, but it is not true. DP is 5'8". T.W. Easton originally published the 5'4" figure on jensgems, and people corrected him in the comments. Easton did an "oopsy, my bad!", but he and Jen still allow that figure to be quoted on their site by other people who did not catch the correction.

At this point, it is pretty clear Jen and "Easton" have their own agenda and have no particular attachment to the truth. The business about The Tool's height is just one of the smaller examples of the lies and innuendos they indulge in.

Doug Phillips is still a Tool.

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First time poster but long-time lurker. This dates me but anyone who lived in or near Dallas 25 years ago might remember the scandal of a very prominent pastor, Walker Railey. Just google his name. The narcissism, etc-- seems eerily familiar.

Well, and how THAT story turned out. Peggy Railey, in a vegEtative state for decades and her husband never convicted. Horrible.

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I'm not up to doing the lyrics (certainly not to the FJ standard), but even so, I can't help but hear the word "anaconda" to the tune of "Oklahoma" --

ANNNNNN - a - con - da!

That was my first thought, but the melodies from "Mona Lisa" and "It Might as Well Be Spring" keep fighting for prominence. Decisions, decisions.

I'm also skeptical about Jen and "Eston's" information. It could all be true and it could all be imaginary, and we may never know. They could be tooly tools, too (ooh -- say that ten times!), but we know for sure that Doug is -- we didn't need to find out anything new about him for that!

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There should, of course, be a sad moment when Peter realizes that Doug had an affair with a ....woman!

Kelly, Beall and Hero can sing about their manly men as their husbands romp around in Robin Hood tights together while singing about their beautiful swords.

Doug can sing a version of Sweet Transvestite.

Jordan and the Thomases can be the chorus!

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Can I give a quick heartfelt shout out here for Marian the Librarian. :D

Thanks Marian! For your attention and good sense. I'd like to write many more details as to why I think Marian is the tops but I lack the time right now. :(

In brief: Marian is on top of this story. She alerts us to developments and many side stories.

She has also posted on JensGems to try to get Jen and TW to be responsible and report to law enforcement (I fear that is an impossible task.)

And I am so relieved to see that Marian, and a few others, share my utter scepticism on TW and Jen.

You know, it is possible to know that Doug Phillips is a Tool, and also accept that Jen and TW Eston are almost as toolish!

Aw, thanks - and I really needed a compliment tonight! :P

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If someone already posted this, I apologize...

https://www.google.com/maps/preview#!da ... !2e0&fid=5

Looks a lot like Dougie waving goodbye...lol. Also looks like they are getting ready to hop in his new '94 Nissan Sentra.

Whaaaat? What are the chances the Google-mobile would catch this? Is there a date associated with this?

The man on the left has some resemblance to Jim Zes, maybe? And the other to David Brown? The plump guy in front doesn't look familiar (I mean other than half the guys I know, heh). Oh doggiez, it would be interesting to know if this was a perp walk on the way to a deposition or something.

And while we're at it, uff da, they didn't put much money into the warehouse location or signage, eh? Had to concentrate the money on the manse, I guess?

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Whaaaat? What are the chances the Google-mobile would catch this? Is there a date associated with this?

On the lower left, it says image date of March 2011.

The man on the left has some resemblance to Jim Zes, maybe? And the other to David Brown? The plump guy in front doesn't look familiar (I mean other than half the guys I know, heh). Oh doggiez, it would be interesting to know if this was a perp walk on the way to a deposition or something.

And while we're at it, uff da, they didn't put much money into the warehouse location or signage, eh? Had to concentrate the money on the manse, I guess?

No kidding! Place looks like a dump. I've had better signs for my tag sales.

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There are photos of Jim Zes wearing a similar hat to the man of the left but I doubt any of them is David Brown. Even at his scrawniest, he was much more solid than any of the three on the left and the guy on the right is obviously far older than twenty (or whatever age David was in 2011).

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