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Duggar/Bates Predictions


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The girls are probably being blamed for it - they're doing something to defraud him.

Does anyone remember that picture that someone posted a few years ago of Gothard praying over a kneeling Jana. They were in some sort of conference room with a bunch of other people. It was very odd.

Nathan Bates is going to give out medical care? What training, exactly, does he have for that?

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Bet he is going to ATI. They have a training center in the Philippines and Gothard has his own medical group that dispenses Gothard approved medical assistance.

Gothard approved medical assistance? I wonder what that is? Bandages with Bible quotes on them, sessions to pray away various diseases?

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So Kelly said in a comment on the latest blog that they're anticipating a spring wedding for Alyssa. No word on whether she's already engaged or not.

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Gothard approved medical assistance? I wonder what that is? Bandages with Bible quotes on them, sessions to pray away various diseases?

anything that doesn't defraud them,I would presume.

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There are plenty of stories on Recovering Grace about people who have experienced or witnessed Gothard's creepiness.

http://www.recoveringgrace.org/2013/06/ ... epentance/

http://www.recoveringgrace.org/2012/04/ ... innocence/

http://www.recoveringgrace.org/2012/05/ ... ent-at-hq/

http://www.recoveringgrace.org/2013/04/ ... dquarters/

He picks out his prettiest interns (some as young as 14, and especially blondes) and gives them compliments and uncomfortable, inappropriate physical contact-hugging them, putting his hand on their legs, touching their feet and just generally getting too close and being too creepy.

I don't know why he hasn't gotten in trouble for this, if a regular non cult leaderish man was acting like that to 14 year olds, or doing this sort of things to women in the workplace, they would probably lose their job and get in trouble with the police. It seems that this issue is being ignored.

Wow, I had no idea these stories were out there. He seemed creepy enough anyway, it makes sense that he's actually acted on his creepiness. What a manipulative asshole.

It seems he has gotten in trouble once though - I read something on there about him being kicked out from leadership in 1982 but then taking it over again. I just don't understand how people can support him when this stuff is happening.

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It looks like Alyssa is already engaged, and it's still January. Not a single person got it right, lol!

Just a thought, would it be funny (though tragic, considering Alyssa's age) if Alyssa had a baby before princess Erin?

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It looks like Alyssa is already engaged, and it's still January. Not a single person got it right, lol!

Just a thought, would it be funny (though tragic, considering Alyssa's age) if Alyssa had a baby before princess Erin?

Don't forget, we still don't know if Jessa is already engaged without having announced it yet.

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It looks like Alyssa is already engaged, and it's still January. Not a single person got it right, lol!

Just a thought, would it be funny (though tragic, considering Alyssa's age) if Alyssa had a baby before princess Erin?

I never even thought of that, but it's totally possible and... while I wouldn't say 'tragic'... kind of freaky if it did happen.

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I never even thought of that, but it's totally possible and... while I wouldn't say 'tragic'... kind of freaky if it did happen.

I only say tragic because I think that a 19 year old with no education settling down and having her first of a dozen plus kids is tragic. I would also feel bad if Erin and Chad had a difficult time conceiving if they really wanted to (not like Abigail trouble, but real trouble). But if a Erin got out-fundied by her obviously more worldly sister... I would probably chuckle to myself.

I'm also on team Jessa's already engaged.

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I'm not really keen on calling it 'tragic' because my grandma had my mother when she was 19, and she was pretty uneducated (never went to high school), but she still had/has a great life. But she also only had two kids and an egalitarian marriage, so yeah, I get what you're saying. Hopefully Alyssa will find agency in her own life and not have 12 kids unless she truly wants to. Too bad these kids aren't really allowed to figure out what they might truly want...

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If Alyssa really loves this guy, which I assume she does, then I'd say she hit the jackpot. She's marrying into a prominent family, will probably live in a nice house in sunny Florida, and I doubt she'll ever have to worry about money. She may have a whole lot of kids, but isn't that the goal? I'm mentally comparing her to what's probably a much more typical ultra-fundie young woman who marries into near-poverty and struggles hard every day...praying that her garden will produce, her husband will stay employed, and that a doctor won't be needed.

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If Alyssa really loves this guy, which I assume she does, then I'd say she hit the jackpot. She's marrying into a prominent family, will probably live in a nice house in sunny Florida, and I doubt she'll ever have to worry about money.

This was what I was thinking too. She will be better off, materially at least, compared to a lot of fundie young married women. Even if she has a ton of kids, she's actually going to have a husband from a well-off family who can support it. Though I think she really does like the guy too.

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Time for a ride on the idle speculation bus. Lawson, Nathan, Trace, Tori, Josie, and Katie Bates went to the March for Life with the Duggars. I believe that same group (at least the older boys) also visited over the holidays. Jinger seems to be sporting a new less curly 'do which looks more sophisticated than her usual curls with the hair flower. It could be that she's experimenting with a new look, or taking styling tips from her sister-bestie Jessa, but I'm starting to wonder if maybe she'll be the next to court, with one of the Bates boys. Shortly before Michael(a) Bates started courting, she was seen looking a little less dowdy, with Jinger's new hairdo and the Bates boys being around so much, I'm starting to wonder... Plus from the perspective of the Duggar parents, Jinger is probably one of the more replaceable J'Slaves (like Jessa), so it would make sense to marry her off rather than Jana.

I hope this isn't the case. I'd rather see Jana court (unless she breaks away), and Jinger run off to the city on her own.

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Time for a ride on the idle speculation bus. Lawson, Nathan, Trace, Tori, Josie, and Katie Bates went to the March for Life with the Duggars. I believe that same group (at least the older boys) also visited over the holidays. Jinger seems to be sporting a new less curly 'do which looks more sophisticated than her usual curls with the hair flower. It could be that she's experimenting with a new look, or taking styling tips from her sister-bestie Jessa, but I'm starting to wonder if maybe she'll be the next to court, with one of the Bates boys. Shortly before Michael(a) Bates started courting, she was seen looking a little less dowdy, with Jinger's new hairdo and the Bates boys being around so much, I'm starting to wonder... Plus from the perspective of the Duggar parents, Jinger is probably one of the more replaceable J'Slaves (like Jessa), so it would make sense to marry her off rather than Jana.

I hope this isn't the case. I'd rather see Jana court (unless she breaks away), and Jinger run off to the city on her own.

(bolding mine) I'm coming out of lurk-dom and I'm hopping on the bus as well. I agree with you, I also noticed Michael changed her hair and clothes and then we found out that she was involved with a "special friend". I wonder if a change in clothes/ hair signifies that a young woman could be courting? I know some women change or cut their hair whenever a significant change has happened in her life. This is just a speculation, Jinger could have decided to change her hair for no reason at all.

However, those Bates teens have been hanging around the Duggars a lot lately, without the Bates' parents. What's up with that? I would be kind of disappointed if she was dating one, because she wanted to live in the city.

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The Bateses and the Duggars have been hanging out more than usual. If something IS going on I'm guessing it's Lawson or Nathan and Jana, Jill, or Jinger, because I don't think Tori was at the Duggars' for Christmas, but they were.

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The Bateses and the Duggars have been hanging out more than usual. If something IS going on I'm guessing it's Lawson or Nathan and Jana, Jill, or Jinger, because I don't think Tori was at the Duggars' for Christmas, but they were.

I'm holding out hope that Jinger will meet a city man. Jill is busy. Jana is probably next since the last season of 19 kids hinted of a possible courtship soon.

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I'm coming out of lurk-dom and I'm hopping on the bus as well. I agree with you, I also noticed Michael changed her hair and clothes and then we found out that she was involved with a "special friend". I wonder if a change in clothes/ hair signifies that a young woman could be courting? I know some women change or cut their hair whenever a significant change has happened in her life. This is just a speculation, Jinger could have decided to change her hair for no reason at all.

Supposedly it's Daddy Jim Boob (and Gothard) who like the girls to wear their hair long and wavy. I'm wondering if the change in look happens because the girl is no longer about 'pleasing daddy' and is now trying to impress her new headship.

Jessa's one of the snarkier daughters, and I'm guessing she's getting married off so that she doesn't fly the coop. I wonder if maybe the J'rents are nudging Jinger towards the Bates boys in order to crush her city dreams and keep her in the Gothardite fold.

I'm still holding out hope that it's Jana in a courtship, but my instincts are telling me Jinger.

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I hope if any of them are, it's Jana. She just seems like one who would genuinely be a lot happier if she could get out of the house and establish her own family. Hopefully with a husband who respects her and a bit of breathing room before the babies start coming.

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Wasn't Lawson going to move to Nashville to peruse his music career? Or was that some one off rumor I heard somewhere? Maybe they were just going to Nashville to record or something. Anyway, guess it doesn't matter.

I can't see them marrying off Jana just yet. She helps too much around the house - and who else is going to hold Jill accountable if Jana isn't there? I just see Jana as someone who's spirit has already been broken enough that they don't need to marry her off just yet. Jinger & Jessa have that spark of life in them that you just don't see in Jana - I don't know if that's depression or just naturally being introverted, or what, but it comes across to me at least like her spirit is broken.

I can see them marrying off Jinger, maybe just to break her spirit even more than it has been - marrying her off to one of those Bates boys will probably guarantee that she never gets her big city dream. It'll probably also make sure that she has at least 10 kids. Plus, I kind of see Jinger as a more "disposable" daughter - I'm not sure if that's because she doesn't do as much as Jill & Jana, or if it's because Jill & Jana are out birthing babies. I can see them getting rid of Jessa & Jinger well before Jill & Jana, simply because they don't seem to have drunk as much kool-aid.

I'm pretty sure Jessa's already engaged, so I wouldn't be surprised if Jinger got a courtship shortly. I can't see Jessa wanting to share the spot light too much, even with her best-friend/sister. I can maybe see Jinger with Lawson or Nathan, but considering the Duggar's seem to think of themselves as better than the Bates' I'm not sure how well that one would go.

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I could see them doing pretty much anything. Why? Because right up until the second before (and even a while after) it was revealed that Jessa was courting, people INSISTED that Jim Bob wasn't going to let the girls court for a long time if ever. People were also positive that Jim Bob would never let one of his 'J Slaves' court a guy who was younger, less influential, and not as wealthy. Well, look what happened? So basically nothing would surprise me regarding courtships for the Duggars.

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I'm holding out hope that Jinger will meet a city man. Jill is busy. Jana is probably next since the last season of 19 kids hinted of a possible courtship soon.

I hope it's Jana. I think her and Lawson would be so cute. At least we know he's a hard worker.

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I could see them doing pretty much anything. Why? Because right up until the second before (and even a while after) it was revealed that Jessa was courting, people INSISTED that Jim Bob wasn't going to let the girls court for a long time if ever. People were also positive that Jim Bob would never let one of his 'J Slaves' court a guy who was younger, less influential, and not as wealthy. Well, look what happened? So basically nothing would surprise me regarding courtships for the Duggars.

I think they got the idea from JB who made it clear that there is no rush to get married. Michelle hinted the JB was overprotected on the idea that girls getting married. The language he used towards the girls (women) on marriage and how he is on money is pretty much the same...they want to please their dad. It could be that Michelle has to bend JB's ear on things. She doesn't seem to that much influence on everything or he is just completely stubborn. :mouse-shock:

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I hope it's Jana. I think her and Lawson would be so cute. At least we know he's a hard worker.

yes and he seems to be a great grocery shopper,so she'd never have to worry about that. :)

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