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Odds and ends at the Maxwells


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Wow, you aren't even a little creepy. No sir. O.O

Also, we have a rule against RPF (Real Person Fic) that this dances on the line of.

Note: I'm saying this as a person, not as a helpmeet.

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Wow, you aren't even a little creepy. No sir. O.O

Also, we have a rule against RPF (Real Person Fic) that this dances on the line of.

Note: I'm saying this as a person, not as a helpmeet.

I'll go ahead and say it as an admin.

We do not allow Real Person Fiction, and if this isn't it it's really freakin' close.

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Creepy and inappropriate, yes. But I think we've all had one of those "Did I just say that out loud?" moments and wish we could take it all back.

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I want to apologize and say I'm sorry to anyone who was offended by my post. Like the poster above said I had one of those "Did I just say that out loud" moments and now have remorse. I admit I've been chippy about Teri Maxwell ever since her most recent Mom's Corner article where she downgrades today's youth and any parent who didn't take their advice, but that's no excuse and I do not wish anything bad towards her and her parents. I don't wish anything bad towards Steve either. I guess my imagination runs a little wild sometimes. Now I am going to the prayer closet.

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I think the only way out for Sarah is Steve's death. And in my darkest moments contemplating about them I get really scared that Steve might go homicidal on the whole family. His need for control is SO great.

While I don't hope for the man's death, I do wonder if Steve might be ill. The family did not take any tours this past fall or winter, and none are planned for the spring. His few newsletter e-mailings have been short. In the rare (comparatively rare) photographs of Steve since last summer, he appears pale and thinner than usual. Just a thought.

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I think that Christopher did a LOT helping Steve in regards to the conferences...after he married the conferences slowed down a lot. Another theory I have is that after the VERY public dumping of Joseph, the Maxwells are too embarrassed to sell their courtship song and dance. One failed courtship (Chris) was a fluke, but two?

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I think that Christopher did a LOT helping Steve in regards to the conferences...after he married the conferences slowed down a lot. Another theory I have is that after the VERY public dumping of Joseph, the Maxwells are too embarrassed to sell their courtship song and dance. One failed courtship (Chris) was a fluke, but two?

Oh, well, there you go. In 2013, I attended one of their conferences out of curiosity, and Steve looks quite a bit different than he did in person; however, I suspect that you are correct.

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I don't think the failed courtship helped, but I don't think it hurt them much either. Failed courtship are part of the reality in fundiedom.

I think their main problem is that they've exhausted their market. They're just too damn extreme.

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Oh, well, there you go. In 2013, I attended one of their conferences out of curiosity, and Steve looks quite a bit different than he did in person; however, I suspect that you are correct.

So what did you think of the conference? Enquiring minds want to know? :)

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I just think there is not as much of a demand for their products and services. Their conferences are the same old stuff. No matter how much lipstick and mascara you put on a pig, it's still going to be a pig.

I also think they are not selling near as many books as they used to. This is why they keep writing new ones much more frequently. Times have changed, even in the land of fundie.

Steve & Teri will most likely be OK the rest of their life. Unless they change, I don't know how their kids will survive financially throughout their lives. Jesse graduated from HS a couple years ago. What does he do?

Maybe if the remaining kids never marry, they can pool their resources and stay together in the homestead....

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Agree that the demand isn't there. Not sure if it's entirely because they have maxed out their market or word about their "extremeness" has gotten around. It appears that how they market themselves doesn't match to what they actually present. People attend expecting one thing and then hear something else, particularly some of the more extreme ideas and they wonder what they signed up for. So feedback from prior attendees might be a factor. At this point, they have done enough conferences where some church considering one might know of some other church or person who did attend and contact them.

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I have an idea that Sarah's Moody books sell fairly well. I read one of them all the way through on Kindle, and while it's not great literature, there's nothing too extreme in there. Even fundy lites, or possibly even conservative Catholics, could read them without there being anything too objectionable in there.

I wonder if they are sold at Christian book stores? I imagine there could be a market for them.

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So what did you think of the conference? Enquiring minds want to know? :)

Yes, please tell us. Also, am curious about how Steve looks different in person.

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I have an idea that Sarah's Moody books sell fairly well. I read one of them all the way through on Kindle, and while it's not great literature, there's nothing too extreme in there. Even fundy lites, or possibly even conservative Catholics, could read them without there being anything too objectionable in there.

I wonder if they are sold at Christian book stores? I imagine there could be a market for them.

I wouldn't think so. Stevie would be forced to share the profits and that's supporting big business and that's not how he operates. But you're right, it would be a great idea if they are having trouble selling books to consider distributing through the Christian book stores.

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I wouldn't wish death on anyone but Steve is an ass. The reason why his stuff won't sell is because even other fundies thinks he's crazy

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I wouldn't wish death on anyone but Steve is an ass. The reason why his stuff won't sell is because even other fundies thinks he's crazy

I would hope he reads this and realizes that he should really loosen up.

But obviously, coming from a FJ'er, it's just a sign he is Doing the Right Thing - nae, it's a sign he Needs to Work Harder.

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Also, the moody books are the only things they write that are "original." You can't google for a moody book, but you can find most things they wrote about on the Internet.

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I wouldn't wish death on anyone but Steve is an ass. The reason why his stuff won't sell is because even other fundies thinks he's crazy

This is true.

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Sarah and the Reversals

not to fanfic them, but -- what a great name for a band!

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Today's post is about Palm Sunday.

Nothing too unusual (although, I have to say, I don't think I've ever heard the word throng used as a verb. I learned something from the Maxwells :pink-shock: !), but I did notice the post was tagged Resurrection Sunday and Easter.

I was surprised to see the word Easter anywhere on the Maxwell blog.

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This is true.

And this could be another factor why the adult children at home are not married, aside from their insular life. Joseph came close but it looks as if even the fundie wannabe Muncks realized the crazy. The Maxwells are outliers within their own kind.

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And this could be another factor why the adult children at home are not married, aside from their insular life. Joseph came close but it looks as if even the fundie wannabe Muncks realized the crazy. The Maxwells are outliers within their own kind.

Another thing is that I bet the patriarchs of the other families don't take too well to Steve's holier than thou attitude. These men have often sacrificed a lot for their fundamentalist principles: lots of children, little money, the responsibility of running their own businesses, buying houses in cash, not many vacations or extras. Their reward (for now) is the pride they have in being "True Christians" and following God's word fully (as they see it). I bet they gnash their teeth at this man looking his nose down at them and lumping them in with the secular heathens because their daughters only wear knee length skirts, or they put up Christmas decorations or eat junk food sometimes.

It could be a chance for the other men to take a second look at legalism, but I imagine for most of them it just inspires a desire to get as far away from Steve as possible.

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