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Odds and ends at the Maxwells


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WOW I'm surprised they went, because it sounds like it was a last minute thing. IT WASN'T ON THE SCHEDULE!

Someone must have burned the burritos.

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Unless the IKEA bibs were gifts from from the wife's side or a friend, they must have picked them up while they were on the road or ordered them from the catalog--Kansas City's IKEA doesn't open until this coming fall. I am looking forward to it, as I've not been in an IKEA. I've been by, but usually don't want to bother to have things shipped, or didn't have time.

They must have been gifts, as in the UK, like a Vegas casino, once you are in, you are in - very hard to find an exit until the tills / check outs. A Horrid experience, which I've only endured once. Imagine if they had to walk around the shop with people in defrauding clothing etc. No escape from Boobs for Stevie :lol:

The only think I bought was a pack of Claude Monet post cards which the lady on the check out described as Mono's SOTDRT sadly not, SOTUKEDUCATION System.

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Stevie got me on that one too.

I think "A neighborly invitation" is Stevie's way of laying on my heart to do another Neighbours comment...

I can't think of anyone who would want to invite the Maxwells over for dinner other than their own kin. Actually, if the Maxwells invited me over for dinner, I would run for the hills.

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I can't think of anyone who would want to invite the Maxwells over for dinner other than their own kin. Actually, if the Maxwells invited me over for dinner, I would run for the hills.

They do have their annual fall Neighborhood Ladies brunch, BTW which has been seeing declining attendance. Gigi even bailed on the last one, and her own kin were the hostesses!

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No, no, burritos are only on Sunday, schedule novice! ;)

I thought they had burritos twice a week, cause you can never get enough burritos!!

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I thought they had burritos twice a week, cause you can never get enough burritos!!

Tsk, tsk. If there are leftover burritos, they become part of Wednesday's lunch. I wish I didn't know that. But several years ago Sarah posted their meal plan for the week and like everything Maxwell, it just repeats itself over and over (ever seen the movie Groundhog Day?). I was fascinated. Maybe a little too much. LOL.

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They do have their annual fall Neighborhood Ladies brunch, BTW which has been seeing declining attendance. Gigi even bailed on the last one, and her own kin were the hostesses!

It's been speculated upon before, but I do wonder if they are getting too out of hand with their beliefs for even some of the most conservative of fundies? As it stands, I don't see how anyone can not smell the crazy coming off them from even the most remote regions on Earth.

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Tsk, tsk. If there are leftover burritos, they become part of Wednesday's lunch. I wish I didn't know that. But several years ago Sarah posted their meal plan for the week and like everything Maxwell, it just repeats itself over and over (ever seen the movie Groundhog Day?). I was fascinated. Maybe a little too much. LOL.

I thought Wednesday was salad and fresh tortillas for dinner and Friday was left over lunch day..............

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I thought Wednesday was salad and fresh tortillas for dinner and Friday was left over lunch day..............

Oh, crap! Have I got it wrong? My Maxhell expertise is slipping!

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Oh FFS I used to do the same thing with my kid. In fact, I put an art smock on him. Changing clothes a billionty times a day when they're little whirling dervishes of filth and destruction gets OLD. If you have a way to prevent even one extra clothes change, especially with a newborn, git er done, I say.

Plenty of reasons not to like them, but really? Because bibs?


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Did anyone else do a double take when they read about the "neighborly invitation" post and it turned out to be Christopher inviting the family over? I'm actually starting to think Steve is making fun of us here. Who speaks of their brother inviting them over as if it's some random neighborhood invite? Are the Maxwells that isolated? Plus, how boring is their lives that even a simple event such as going to your brother's house a street over is a monumental event?

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Did anyone else do a double take when they read about the "neighborly invitation" post and it turned out to be Christopher inviting the family over? I'm actually starting to think Steve is making fun of us here. Who speaks of their brother inviting them over as if it's some random neighborhood invite? Are the Maxwells that isolated? Plus, how boring is their lives that even a simple event such as going to your brother's house a street over is a monumental event?

I did. The blog post title popped up in my feed reader & I scurried over only to find out it was an invite to Christopher's house....

They really are that isolated.

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Did anyone else do a double take when they read about the "neighborly invitation" post and it turned out to be Christopher inviting the family over? I'm actually starting to think Steve is making fun of us here. Who speaks of their brother inviting them over as if it's some random neighborhood invite? Are the Maxwells that isolated? Plus, how boring is their lives that even a simple event such as going to your brother's house a street over is a monumental event?

How can the Maxwells not even be bored :sleeping:

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How can the Maxwells not even be bored :sleeping:

I honestly think they must have shut off parts of their emotions and thought processes, as a coping mechanism.

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He isn't your neighbour, hes your brother. That doesn't count.

Their spirits are crushed into dust. Steve ate their souls.

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They do have their annual fall Neighborhood Ladies brunch, BTW which has been seeing declining attendance. Gigi even bailed on the last one, and her own kin were the hostesses!

Re: the Neighborhood Ladies brunch, if I were one of their neighbors I would probably be one of those that would go over there just once. Just to be neighborly and all, but can easily see backing out on future invites after that. Not just because it probably would be boring because they are so insular and can't see them really relating well to other neighbors but I honestly can see them talking about things like deeeeaaaaath and hell to them. I wouldn't be going back so I can be preached at.

That's not to say that's what they are doing but I can't imagine that "death and hell" comes out in these conversations sometime / somewhere.

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On a small positive note, Anna-Marie has her glow back. She looks beautiful.

And Ruthanne in pink and navy, my favorite color combo, is killin' me. That is one cute bundle of baby. :)

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I guess they have hard copies of their book. The whole post has so many things wrong with it I don't even know where to begin. It's just one complete fail.

Of course, when it comes to the Maxwells, that is to be expected.

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Just wait until Joseph finally gets his helpmeet and he moves into his house a whole MILE away! The Maxwells can write a post about having diner in a new neighborhood!! Think of how exciting that will be!!!!

As I was writing this I was remembering the post after Nathan's wedding where the whole family was in tears about him moving all away across the road. Just think wailing that will occur when Joseph moves so far away!

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Just wait until Joseph finally gets his helpmeet and he moves into his house a whole MILE away! The Maxwells can write a post about having diner in a new neighborhood!! Think of how exciting that will be!!!!

As I was writing this I was remembering the post after Nathan's wedding where the whole family was in tears about him moving all away across the road. Just think wailing that will occur when Joseph moves so far away!

OMG, I am only imagine how traumatized the family will be over their son moving only a mile away!

I thought their crying over Nathan was waaaay over the top. Moving across the road? From where I sit, that's pretty much staying under the same roof, especially in their insular world.

My "shades of Maxwell" family freaked over my moving to the other side of town. I thought it was extreme with that but across the road? They should be jumping with joy that he didn't move farther away!

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They'd crack their shit if they had a real family with real, autonomous adults.

In the past five years, three of the 18 year old's in my family moved far, far away. One, in the Army who went to basic at 18 then Afghanistan at 19. One in the Marines who also went to basic at 18 then to Iraq at 19. And one - a girl, no less - who moved to New Haven, CT to go to Yale, on a scholarship because she is wicked smart and competent.

These are just the ones who have moved far away. Others take off for college, get jobs, get apartments in other town, buy houses in another part of the state. All the things adults do when they grow up and make their own way in life.

Then again, the military is probably evil so no Maxwell would consider it; too many outside influences. And we know college isn't an option, or employment outside the Maxwell machine. So they'll actually never know what it's like to have true adult children leave home and make lives.

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I remember when Nathan Maxwell moved after his wedding and everyone just cried and cried and cried. At first, I thought perhaps Nathan was moving away away, maybe to another town or even to neighboring Kansas City. Nope, Teri later on said Nathan was moving across the street but everyone was crying because he was leaving them. She said it was how things worked, for a son to start his own family, but at least they could go across the street to see him.

I had a yikes movement. How weird must the Maxwells be that their children couldn't stand a physical separation of a 30 second walk. I can't imagine the reaction if/when Joseph moves into his house a mile away. Such a long distance! Poor Joseph will be so far away from family.

The Maxwell neighborhood luncheon sounds pretty hideous. They have "round-table discussions" with each one. Last year, it was to "share a highlight of the past year". The year before, it also included "if they [guests] wanted to, they could tell about their saddest time". There can be no spontaneity with the Maxwells. Heaven forbid if people just get together and share stories of stuff that they want to talk about. Knowing the Maxwells, I bet they treat the entire process like a work conference. Even a neighborhood brunch must be carefully regulated, controlled and turned into something boring.

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Anyone in any doubt that Stevie reads here needs an hour in the prayer closet. :naughty:

Allen says:

March 29, 2014 at 7:11 pm

Thank you Maxwell family for the continuing inspiration.

Neighbors have recently moved onto our street and it was on our hearts to visit them but had not interacted with ttheme hem yet. My wife will put a batch of chocolate chip cookies in the oven tomorrow, then we might invite them for coffee.

Thanks and Blessings

Allen :)

This is my grape juice influenced comment, heavily edited by Stevie to remove references to the Australian, but popular in the UK soap opera and names changed. I'd signed it Dr Karl and Susan - two long serving characters. Stevie changes their names to Allen, Alan Fletcher plays Karl Kennedy in Neighbours. then ads a smile. So either him or Teri did a Google search.

You can have that on me Stevie. :angry-banghead:

But another comment got through which must be a FJ as it sings the theme tune. :clap:

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