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We're Always Learning New Things with Ken Alexander: Part 2

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I asked Ken that question and his answer was that technically the Bible doesn't say older men can't mentor younger women so his participation in Lori's blog is all good.

Yeah, it's real kosher *Courtney* cough* Courtney*

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Dear CupboardBoy,

You are not persecuted. People disagreeing with you online is not persecution.

Being thrown in prison, being denied equal rights or having existing rights taken away from you, being tortured or killed for your beliefs/sexual orientation/colour of your skin, THAT is persecution.

Please do not make the silly mistake of misunderstanding again.

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Has anyone actually contacted him or is it just the idea that he and his wife and Lori made it easy to figure out who they are and that freaks him out? That would freak me out too, but I would blame myself for being so careless. His wife commented with her FB page, it isn't like people had to look that hard.

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Has anyone actually contacted him or is it just the idea that he and his wife and Lori made it easy to figure out who they are and that freaks him out? That would freak me out too, but I would blame myself for being so careless. His wife commented with her FB page, it isn't like people had to look that hard.

I think he is just afraid people will connect the dots and contact authorities. If someone had contacted him IRL, he would be shouting it from the rooftops.

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Considering he's practically the strongest man in the world, he really doesn't have a very thick skin. I cannot imagine my husband getting so involved in a woman's blog and then whining when people don't agree with him. And I REALLY can't imagine my husband being in an absolute panic that the authorities might come to our home. But then, our home is fairly average. There was that time, when our son was five and we sent him to his room. Before he slammed his door on us, he yelled "When I come out, I'm calling the FBI on you!" Should I have worried more than I did?

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I think he is just afraid people will connect the dots and contact authorities. If someone had contacted him IRL, he would be shouting it from the rooftops.

Agreed. He's awfully bold and proud of his story, as presented to the world by Lori, but sure gets his paranoid panties in a wad at light speed when people publicly disagree.

Edited: dang you autocorrect!

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Has anyone actually contacted him or is it just the idea that he and his wife and Lori made it easy to figure out who they are and that freaks him out? That would freak me out too, but I would blame myself for being so careless. His wife commented with her FB page, it isn't like people had to look that hard.

I have not contacted him, nor do I care about him that much to find out who he really is. It never crossed my mind to do such a thing.

I doubt anyone has done anything to him. He is just a paranoid government hater that believes everyone is out to get him, including the Free Jingers. If he has not done anything wrong like he claims here, I am not sure what he is all bent about. He cannot claim the government is inept and then claim at the same time they are going to pinpoint the activity of the Cabinetman and destroy his life. I think the problem here is CB's inflated ego.

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His nice guy routine isn't doing anything for me either. I have never known an abuser who couldn't talk a good game when he was talking to bigger, smarter dogs. Not saying that he is an abuser, but nothing he's said thus far has ruled it out either. His claims that what he did was at the advice of medical professionals sounds a lot like bullshit to me.

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Koala & the rest of FJ's,

I feel about the government like you feel about the patriarchal church. That is my level of trust with the government. My paranoia has nothing to with feeling guilty. My wife and kids are as safe and as loved as any family in America. Of this I have no doubt, at all. But just as you wouldn't trust the church to make decisions, that is our attitude towards the government. You can call us wrong or stupid for that. But as a business owner, someone who has both parents working for the government and have way to many stories from friends to not acknowledge our government is crooked and biased and not christian friendly. In most instances it's the luck of the draw in who you get, it's russian roulette, hoping this person someone sends out doesn't hate fundamentalist christians...and as your own site shows, many do. I can also prove that government has killed about 1,000 times more people than religion ever has. I can prove government does more oppression than christianity has. You think your paranoia at the church is justified, but scoff at mine and say my paranoia makes me guilty. If paranoia makes you guilty, you need to look in the mirror because the paranoia here is WAY more than I've shown.

You keep rationalizing away what your board members say and the hate spewed here..."well your side does it too" you keep saying. And I have admitted that, but that doesn't make it right. You keep justifying people going looking for me and family by saying, well it's happened to us! Well, that wasn't right that it happened to you. Or you say, breadcrumbs were left but don't acknowledge the hate on your side to follow those breadcrumbs.

The diference between what I've done that you classify as hate at Lori's is, I gave my opinion on something on a site that was directed at women who wanted to be there. It was not personal or directed at a person in general. Nor did I go looking for those who disagree with me.

What you have done is go way beyond anything I did. You spew hate at me and my family, for something that will never effect you or your family. Those listening to my advice were either there because they wanted Lori's opinion or it was folks like you who were there obviously don't agree with Lori. And then your members repost my wife's fb page and go looking for us. That's intent and it's creepy. If it was a man doing that to any of you, you'd find it creepy. There is a huge difference in telling someone who has a choice to submit or to stay home and is there of free choice, then there is calling someone an abuser, every vile name in the book and coming looking for them. If you can't see the difference you aren't being honest with yourself.

I'm sorry someone from "my people" did that to you. It wasn't right and if I could change those who would do such a thing I would and will in the future. But it's time to take a long look in the mirror and realize this group has more hate and less tolerance than just about any website I've ever been on. You can't see it because your not on the receiving end of it. So yes, you scare the hell out of us. If that makes you happy or doesn't even effect you then you've become way to calloused. You are the exact thing you preach against.

I tried being honest and straightforward and respectful to you. I was told I would not be treated fairly for my faith, which has been a lie in at least 50% of the comments back towards me. Sorry folks, I can't take what you dish out here. Thank you to the few members who treated me fairly during my time here.

Well! That was embarrassing.

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I have not contacted him, nor do I care about him that much to find out who he really is. It never crossed my mind to do such a thing.

I doubt anyone has done anything to him. He is just a paranoid government hater that believes everyone is out to get him, including the Free Jingers. If he has not done anything wrong like he claims here, I am not sure what he is all bent about. He cannot claim the government is inept and then claim at the same time they are going to pinpoint the activity of the Cabinetman and destroy his life. I think the problem here is CB's inflated ego.

I wonder if his ego is bigger than 99% of men on earth....

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Considering he's practically the strongest man in the world, he really doesn't have a very thick skin. I cannot imagine my husband getting so involved in a woman's blog and then whining when people don't agree with him. And I REALLY can't imagine my husband being in an absolute panic that the authorities might come to our home. But then, our home is fairly average. There was that time, when our son was five and we sent him to his room. Before he slammed his door on us, he yelled "When I come out, I'm calling the FBI on you!" Should I have worried more than I did?

It is odd, eh? Here is a guy claiming to be the Chuck Norris of the world, yet he is blabbing on like a incoherent goob about us being mean girls and the government is going to get him.

You know, I knew I had an awesome husband before, but seeing the likes of Ken and CB only confirms that fact even more.

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Cabinetmaker: what exactly is it that you want "us" to stop? Talking about you here and looking at your public webpages doesn't constitute harassment. I can understand feeling uncomfortable about it, but it's not harmful.

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I asked Ken that question and his answer was that technically the Bible doesn't say older men can't mentor younger women so his participation in Lori's blog is all good.

Hmm. Well, the Bible doesn't forbid me from climbing the Eiffel Tower while wearing a pink tutu, either; but that would just be silly, wouldn't it, Ken?

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It is odd, eh? Here is a guy claiming to be the Chuck Norris of the world, yet he is blabbing on like a incoherent goob about us being mean girls and the government is going to get him.

You know, I knew I had an awesome husband before, but seeing the likes of Ken and CB only confirms that fact even more.

I still haven't quite figured out what he's alluding to, but I have a feeling that somehow Ken is behind it and with his "words don't have meanings" style has managed to spool CM up way more than is rational or necessary. Based on the fact that we have been talking about his story since it was published almost 2 months ago and he didn't feel the need to come here until after Ken's failed attempts to get us to stop talking pardon me, defaming, mischaracterizing and using our ninja level goggle(sic) tactics[tm][/tm] :roll:

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I have just returned to the US after being away from Internet for several months, and I have been mesmerized by the whole Ken/Cabinetman thing since I got home. I've finally read it all, and have a few thoughts:

Lori is still dispicable. Yes, Ken is a total douche (see next point) but Lori gets no pass from me. She lies, she cheats, she controls that marriage with her dramas, and, most disturbing to me, she is a grandmother who so enjoys seeing her granddaughter force fed that she crows about it on line. My parents, as tough as they were on us, can't stand seeing their grandchildren disciplined at all (and by this I mean time outs and withdrawal of privileges, not being beaten with straps).

Ken is a douche. He's pervy. I would be horrified if my husband of 30 years posted about our sex life or other ladies' appearances on open forums. He's also obviously pretty stupid. How can someone that dumb and that sexist make a living that enables a San Diego lifestyle with one income? But then, I always knew life wasn't fair.

Cabinetman is a paranoid reclusive creep with a low self esteem. If his wife had mental illness (he says she didn't, then says she did), then he's an abuser who lies, because NO good medical professional would suggest his treatment of his wife was going to improve the situation. It also means Lori is a dangerous witch who suggests his wife was merely non-submissive. If his wife didn't have mental illness, then he's an abuser who lies. Why is he so paranoid about being reported if he was simply following doctor's orders and his wife's family will now all vouch about what a great guy he is.

I won't even get into spanking 11 and 16 year old adoptees, other than to say that if Lori leaves Prudence's comments and those related on her blog, you can bet that there will be a thousand fingers pointing at her and Ken when these kids become the next Hannahs of the world. Lori, you are dishing out dangerous advice here in the name of the Bible and I hope your ass ends up in jail.

And, finally, Ken and Lori, the rest of the world can see you hate each other. Give it up and get divorced. Marriage is hard, but it really doesn't require the gamesmanship you exercise and seem to think the rest of us should too.

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ninja level goggle(sic) tactics™

Is this a post count title? It just screams, "pick me pick me!" :lol:

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I don't agree on the education for girls, but simply because I do not think they teach godly values at colleges.

I would like to respectfully point out that there are plenty of colleges out there that teach godly (aka Christian) values and inculcate those values into their teaching. I went to one such college. Christian values were heavily emphasized and it was by no means the only one around. Colleges/unversities vary widely in their approach to teaching and on-campus culture.

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I still haven't quite figured out what he's alluding to, but I have a feeling that somehow Ken is behind it and with his "words don't have meanings" style has managed to spool CM up way more than is rational or necessary. Based on the fact that we have been talking about his story since it was published almost 2 months ago and he didn't feel the need to come here until after Ken's failed attempts to get us to stop talking pardon me, defaming, mischaracterizing and using our ninja level goggle(sic) tactics[tm][/tm] :roll:

I find it odd that CB by his own admission said that he was alerted about this site by Ken and what was being said about himself in February. If CB is so concerned and worried about "something" and him being the strong, tough man he is, why exactly did it take CB until 4/1 to show up here? If Ken truly is behind some of this, well then, I guess Mr. Cabinetman is not a strong as he thinks if he can easily be manipulated by the likes of Ken and Lori. But no matter what, CB is still responsible for his words and actions.

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I would like to respectfully point out that there are plenty of colleges out there that teach godly (aka Christian) values and inculcate those values into their teaching. I went to one such college. Christian values were heavily emphasized and it was by no means the only one around. Colleges/unversities vary widely in their approach to teaching and on-campus culture.

Thank you. My daughter is at one such college right now. And yet, when she calls or sends a note saying "what would you think if I....." (fill in the blank with whatever plan she and her friends have come up with) I always respond with "You are an adult now. Your values are yours and I trust you to make a decision that is right for you. Be safe and be smart." Because my husband and I are confident in the way we raised her.

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His nice guy routine isn't doing anything for me either. I have never known an abuser who couldn't talk a good game when he was talking to bigger, smarter dogs. Not saying that he is an abuser, but nothing he's said thus far has ruled it out either. His claims that what he did was at the advice of medical professionals sounds a lot like bullshit to me.

I find it bothersome given the fact that social isolation is often considered an unhealthy coping mechanism that is a feature of quite a few mental illnesses -- not just pmdd. And while, as an introvert, I can appreciate that isolating yourself during times of intense stress can help you gather your thoughts and get your stuff together, I find it difficult to believe that a doctor would recommend social isolation as a preferred treatment option for someone whose illness already features that as a symptom.

If that makes sense.

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ninja level goggle(sic) tactics™

Is this a post count title? It just screams, "pick me pick me!" :lol:

I did make "uses google tactics" a post count title :shifty-kitty:

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I have just returned to the US after being away from Internet for several months, and I have been mesmerized by the whole Ken/Cabinetman thing since I got home. I've finally read it all, and have a few thoughts:

Lori is still dispicable. Yes, Ken is a total douche (see next point) but Lori gets no pass from me. She lies, she cheats, she controls that marriage with her dramas, and, most disturbing to me, she is a grandmother who so enjoys seeing her granddaughter force fed that she crows about it on line. My parents, as tough as they were on us, can't stand seeing their grandchildren disciplined at all (and by this I mean time outs and withdrawal of privileges, not being beaten with straps).

Ken is a douche. He's pervy. I would be horrified if my husband of 30 years posted about our sex life or other ladies' appearances on open forums. He's also obviously pretty stupid. How can someone that dumb and that sexist make a living that enables a San Diego lifestyle with one income? But then, I always knew life wasn't fair.

Cabinetman is a paranoid reclusive creep with a low self esteem. If his wife had mental illness (he says she didn't, then says she did), then he's an abuser who lies, because NO good medical professional would suggest his treatment of his wife was going to improve the situation. It also means Lori is a dangerous witch who suggests his wife was merely non-submissive. If his wife didn't have mental illness, then he's an abuser who lies. Why is he so paranoid about being reported if he was simply following doctor's orders and his wife's family will now all vouch about what a great guy he is.

I won't even get into spanking 11 and 16 year old adoptees, other than to say that if Lori leaves Prudence's comments and those related on her blog, you can bet that there will be a thousand fingers pointing at her and Ken when these kids become the next Hannahs of the world. Lori, you are dishing out dangerous advice here in the name of the Bible and I hope your ass ends up in jail.

And, finally, Ken and Lori, the rest of the world can see you hate each other. Give it up and get divorced. Marriage is hard, but it really doesn't require the gamesmanship you exercise and seem to think the rest of us should too.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Thank you. My daughter is at one such college right now. And yet, when she calls or sends a note saying "what would you think if I....." (fill in the blank with whatever plan she and her friends have come up with) I always respond with "You are an adult now. Your values are yours and I trust you to make a decision that is right for you. Be safe and be smart." Because my husband and I are confident in the way we raised her.


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I"m in a really good mood, so here we go. Quotes are Cabinetman

I feel about the government like you feel about the patriarchal church. That is my level of trust with the government.

You think the government is designed to try to leverage low achieving men into power by virtue of being born with a penis, while dragging women down by systemically limiting their educational and work, thus life, options and telling them that no matter how bad their husband is, it is their fault and, btw, they can’t leave.--which is what I think of patriarchal churches. Where do you live with a government like that—it is a dominionist’s dream.

My paranoia has nothing to with feeling guilty.

So, you should be on meds for this?

My wife and kids are as safe and as loved as any family in America. Of this I have no doubt, at all. But just as you wouldn't trust the church to make decisions, that is our attitude towards the government. You can call us wrong or stupid for that.

OK-- you are wrong and stupid. :dance: But, seriously, you are homeschooling, I presume, and live out in the woods with your gun on your hip… how is the government intruding in your life?

But as a business owner, someone who has both parents working for the government and have way to many stories from friends to not acknowledge our government is crooked and biased and not christian friendly.

Yeah, because nowhere in America are governors also fundie Christians going on evangelical preaching circuts on weekends… (cause the government hates Christians) Oh.. wait, my state. And off and on in TX. And of course, former governor Huckabee. Yeah, Christians are not wanted or accepted by the government in the USA> No wonder you are worried. :roll:

In most instances it's the luck of the draw in who you get, it's russian roulette, hoping this person someone sends out doesn't hate fundamentalist christians...and as your own site shows, many do.

WTF are you talking about—who is going to show up at your door. EVEN if someone reading the details of your treatment of your wife were to call, what would they say? Would your mom drop all her other Social Work Cases if someone called and said

“I read this thing on the internet about a guy who year ago says he did xyz to his wife when she was reblling.. he wouldn’t let her go out, he disciplined her and maybe spanked her or worse. No, I don’t know him. No I don’t know his wife. No, I don’t live anywhere near them. This may or may not be his wife’s facebook page. You’d better get right on that…."

If you are paranoid of that happening, you need your wife to call her therapist and set up an appointment. Seriously. :cray-cray:

I can also prove that government has killed about 1,000 times more people than religion ever has. I can prove government does more oppression than christianity has. You think your paranoia at the church is justified, but scoff at mine and say my paranoia makes me guilty.

Oh. Please… share the stats!

If paranoia makes you guilty, you need to look in the mirror because the paranoia here is WAY more than I've shown.

Got the stats on that too? I don’t see paranoia unless you define it as people disagreeing with you. That is disagreement. We don’t all agree with one another in this place, and we don’t all disagree with you on the same things or in the same ways. Heck, some people in here may agree with you. But this is a debate/discussion room where we talk about religion. People in here run from fundie to atheist. You yourself said you went to 20 churches before you found one that agreed with you you agreed with. Why do you suspect that people disagreeing with your beliefs here is different from you disagreeing with other people’s beliefs in real life?

You keep rationalizing away what your board members say and the hate spewed here..."well your side does it too" you keep saying. And I have admitted that, but that doesn't make it right.

Um, I’m not sure that the cyberstalkers people told you about would be on a “Side†as much as just freelance. There is a reason that 83 million facebook sites are fake huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/02/facebook-83-million-fake-users-active-accoutns_n_1733111.html (note verification of stated fact/statistic) Because the internet can be scary, and some people make fake accounts for privacy and others for bad things... :nenner: .

You keep justifying people going looking for me and family by saying, well it's happened to us! Well, that wasn't right that it happened to you. Or you say, breadcrumbs were left but don't acknowledge the hate on your side to follow those breadcrumbs.

http://www.ehow.com/how_5303365_protect ... ernet.html Actually, people were just telling you the facts of life. If you run through the mall naked, people will see you.

The diference between what I've done that you classify as hate at Lori's is, I gave my opinion on something on a site that was directed at women who wanted to be there. It was not personal or directed at a person in general. Nor did I go looking for those who disagree with me.

So, what? If you post a letter to an editor, you would get pissy if someone else posted one disagreeing? You gave an opinion. Others disagreed. You didn’t like it. Bummer. :violin: If you don’t want people to disagree with you, don’t post things on public blogs, in the newspaper or on forums. Just a good rule of thumb.

What you have done is go way beyond anything I did. You spew hate at me and my family, for something that will never effect you or your family. Those listening to my advice were either there because they wanted Lori's opinion or it was folks like you who were there obviously don't agree with Lori.

Yes, because it is a public blog. So.. you knew going in that it was people who would or would not agree with you. So what is the problem here?

And then your members repost my wife's fb page and go looking for us.

If you post a public facebook page on the internet, people will go there—by posting your public facebook info, you are basically inviting anyone and everyone to come to your facebook page. That is sort of the point of a public facebook page.

That's intent

Intent to what? Look at a public facebook page?

and it's creepy. If it was a man doing that to any of you, you'd find it creepy.

That is why facebook has the option to make sites private… :head-desk:

There is a huge difference in telling someone who has a choice to submit or to stay home and is there of free choice, then there is calling someone an abuser, every vile name in the book and coming looking for them. If you can't see the difference you aren't being honest with yourself.

Wow… did we make it all the way through the whole book? You have acknowledged, by having Lori take down the post, that it was easy to read abuse in that public blog post. You have told us at length left out key details about outside help, mental / emotional ailments vs what Lori called Rebelliousness, and that , despite having a literal checklist of abuse traits listed by Lorri, it didn’t happen. But we were responding to the image presented as written. You didn’t like it, it is gone at least from Lori’s site, and tada… we still remember it and have been reading your spin. The more you spin, the more I wonder if thou doth protest too much. I didn’t come looking for you and I notice, you are here…. Who is looking for whom, and why?

I'm sorry someone from "my people" did that to you.

Most if not all cbyerstalkiers are automous, so unless you conspired with the ones in question, it is silly to assume they share your beliefs.

It wasn't right and if I could change those who would do such a thing I would and will in the future. But it's time to take a long look in the mirror and realize this group has more hate and less tolerance than just about any website I've ever been on.

You don’t get out much, is that it? Compared to religious sites debating dogma, we are relatively mild. —ever see a fight between pre/mid/post trib people? Calvinist vs Non Calvinist (heck, Calvinist vs Calvinist) Or a parenting site, or a site discussing the Oxford comma?

You can't see it because your not on the receiving end of it. So yes, you scare the hell out of us. If that makes you happy or doesn't even effect you then you've become way to calloused. You are the exact thing you preach against.

Again, if you are really frightened of this site, you may need to seek professional help. What specifically did anyone do or say that is so frightening? The more you go on, the more it looks fishy.

I tried being honest and straightforward and respectful to you. I was told I would not be treated fairly for my faith, which has been a lie in at least 50% of the comments back towards me.

Your faith has nothing to do with people disagreeing with you and not trusting the things you say. Your tone and actions in the forum would make me question you and your honesty and your motives whether you claimed Jesus or Mohommed or to be an atheist. People claiming religion or lack of same mean nothing… By your fruits they shall know you. Yours are that you said, origionally, that you cured your rebellious wife by constraining her finaincailly, physically and emotionally. You have offered a revised version of events… your faith or lack of same has little to do with your actions, except that you claim you did all this with God’s blessing. To me that is a big “whatever†since you church shop as much as anyone. Scientoligists would say they did the same things to avoid the evils of psychology, and atheists have another reasons. The actions are what we are basing our opinions on and your excuse for your actions is secondary. The excuses / explanation for your exucses just makes it all look less true, the longer you spin.

Sorry folks, I can't take what you dish out here. Thank you to the few members who treated me fairly during my time here.

Yeah, disagreement from people who are not interested in your biblical duty to discipline your wife, don’t automatically believe you on every point and tend to back up what they post with facts as called for—well some people do find that hard to take.

But, I do have to finish with that old, but tried and true question

Are you still beating your wife.. yes or no? :violence-smack:

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