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We're Always Learning New Things with Ken Alexander: Part 2

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I find it bothersome given the fact that social isolation is often considered an unhealthy coping mechanism that is a feature of quite a few mental illnesses -- not just pmdd. And while, as an introvert, I can appreciate that isolating yourself during times of intense stress can help you gather your thoughts and get your stuff together, I find it difficult to believe that a doctor would recommend social isolation as a preferred treatment option for someone whose illness already features that as a symptom.

If that makes sense.

Yeah, very little time of researching said that social isolation in PMDD was a symptom, not a cure, and finding friends, confidantes and people to have fun with is a way to counteract it, not being sent to be by yourself in a cabin ...

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Yeah, because nowhere in America are governors also fundie Christians going on evangelical preaching circuts on weekends… (cause the government hates Christians) Oh.. wait, my state. And off and on in TX. And of course, former governor Huckabee. Yeah, Christians are not wanted or accepted by the government in the USA> No wonder you are worried. :roll:

Oh, no, Salex, don't make it sound so great for him here. We have enough of this BS in our state already. ;)

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I would like to respectfully point out that there are plenty of colleges out there that teach godly (aka Christian) values and inculcate those values into their teaching. I went to one such college. Christian values were heavily emphasized and it was by no means the only one around. Colleges/unversities vary widely in their approach to teaching and on-campus culture.

Yes, but any Christian College would give his daughters more options in life, expose her to ideas other than her father's or her husband's and encourage her to think and question! Not to mention it is expensive and would only benefit her and her future headship...

I don't think CM wants anyone to have access to his kids who might be more educated, or differently educated than CM himself--else how can he hold on to being the big king of his little kingdom if he doesn't control his children, their career paths and their entire religious exposure?

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Re "persecuted for my faith" claim:

FJ has members from a variety of religious faiths, who range from very religious to atheist.

Yes, fundamentalist mentalities do get snarked on, as this is pretty much the purpose of the site, but that doesn't mean that anyone is being persecuted or otherwise treated unfairly because of their faith.

I've been pretty open about the fact that I'm an Orthodox Jew and follow weird rules. I know that many posters find my religion either weird or wrong, but I can't say that I've been persecuted or treated unfairly. People can have different beliefs or lack of belief.

It's not your faith, or Ken/Lori's faith, that's the issue. It's specific behaviors and positions that you advocate, which you happen to claim are based on your religion, which are the problem. Those specific behaviors and position would be a problem, whether or not they were linked to any faith.

Let me give you an example. If someone says, "I'm part of the superior race, and have a natural right to rule over and enslave inferior races", it's safe to say that they will get flack for that. It's a harmful and anti-social position. It doesn't make it any better if they say, "My religion says so".

This isn't about you being Christian. It's about advocating positions that could hurt people.

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Salex wrote:

WTF are you talking about—who is going to show up at your door. EVEN if someone reading the details of your treatment of your wife were to call, what would they say? Would your mom drop all her other Social Work Cases if someone called and said

“I read this thing on the internet about a guy who year ago says he did xyz to his wife when she was reblling.. he wouldn’t let her go out, he disciplined her and maybe spanked her or worse. No, I don’t know him. No I don’t know his wife. No, I don’t live anywhere near them. This may or may not be his wife’s facebook page. You’d better get right on that…."

This. I'm not giving specific legal advice over the internet, but I'll make a general observation as someone who has worked in the child protection system that a vague internet posting with ever-changing details that suggests that something may have happened between the spouses several years ago doesn't provide grounds for anyone to take your kids or arrest you.l

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So, before CM's appearance the only knowledge of him that I had came in the Lori threads since Ken appeared. That is if Ken had not shown up on FJ, I would not have known that CM existed. Score more points for Ken. I had never read the Lori threads before Ken showed up! He was what drew my attention. I normally find Lori quite dull, boring, and repetitive.

Since CM was brought up in relation to Ken, I went to read what he supposedly said and it made me rather sick. I grew up in an area quite, quite steeped in patriarchy and was brought up to believe it was completely wrong. That it was small minded men trying to keep women down to hold onto a non-existent superiority. Nothing that I have experienced there or since leaving has changed my mind. CM seemed merely to be another in a long line of men trying to hang onto a rapidly fading smoke of male superiority.

Now, CM showed up and he's even worse than I thought. He can't even manage a veneer of seeing women of value. He's absolutely in favor of keeping his family isolated to maintain control, keep his daughters uneducated, and the capper of it all is he is paranoid as Hades and irrational on top of it.

I don't know that anyone here hates CM. Disapprove of his whole philosophy of life for sure, but that isn't hate. It might be revulsion though. The utter lack of comprehension of how the internet works and the reality of the world is astounding.

Just remember, but for Ken spending so much time here, I wouldn't know you existed CM. If not for you showing up I wouldn't have given any thought to looking for your wife's FB page. But after your appearance, it took less than 3 minutes to find her public page. No, I'm not harassing you or hunting you or persecuting you. I'm pointing out that all Ken and you have done is create curiosity in someone who didn't know anything at all about either one of you until you showed up here braying about I still don't know what.

The bottom line question is what did either of you hope to accomplish? It seems to me that was don't talk about us. Which is the opposite of the result.

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Ken's new post on Lori's blog is in response to my husband!


Thank you to Ken and Lori for being insufferable boors and stoking both our rage and thank you to the people at Free Jinger for exposing the epic douchebaggery of Ken and Lori. We would not be here without you.

:cracking-up: :clap:

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OT, but can anyone explain the fundie obsession with hyperbole? The Duggars and their constant "other families don't", the Pearls manly chest thumping, the stellar children that excel in the business world through nepotism, Shosanne Easling's head turning husband and now Cabinetman who is better at the clean and jerk than 99% of the world's men. Oh, and everyone is in awe of his perfect family.

Where is the humility?

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They are fed a steady diet of Gospel Pride in church.

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Also, my husband's response was much longer and more detailed.

I'm surprised at Ken with his obsession with "mischaracterization", that he would "mischaracterize" my husband's comment so badly. As previously explained to Ken, my husband is neither leader nor follower. Neither am I, since we are both adults. Ken seems incapable of understanding that though since this post is entirely about my husband supposedly saying he was a crappy leader so he lets me do it instead, which in fact is categorically untrue.

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salex wrote:

You don’t get out much, is that it? Compared to religious sites debating dogma, we are relatively mild. —ever see a fight between pre/mid/post trib people? Calvinist vs Non Calvinist (heck, Calvinist vs Calvinist) Or a parenting site, or a site discussing the Oxford comma?

You got somethin' to say about the Oxford comma? Huh?(Breaks beer bottle and waves it menacingly) :shifty-kitty:

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Ken's new post on Lori's blog is in response to my husband!


Thank you to Ken and Lori for being insufferable boors and stoking both our rage and thank you to the people at Free Jinger for exposing the epic douchebaggery of Ken and Lori. We would not be here without you.

:cracking-up: :clap:

For you I went over and read the post.... a sacraficed a click on Lori's blog for you..... :cracking-up:

Ken is so predictable. His line about "God will hold you accountable for your family" (as the man) is such icky and iffy and well, wrong, theology I had to laugh :lol:

His Board of Directors crap is stupid and has been done before

His "young doctors can't lead but later they can" is wishful thinking... experience does not always lead to skill. ANd as I told him often. obedience does not mean you are leading.

And we get the whole Literal reading of Adam and Eve.... (ok then)

As usual, Ken hasn't the time to give a really full answer

. Unfortunately, space and time prevent a full discussion of the subject as it has many facets.

But good for you.

I wonder why Ken is writing so much of Lori's blog. Is she being disciplined for her previous bad acts? Or is she sicker than they let on.

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For you I went over and read the post.... a sacraficed a click on Lori's blog for you..... :cracking-up:

Ken is so predictable. His line about "God will hold you accountable for your family" (as the man) is such icky and iffy and well, wrong, theology I had to laugh :lol:

His Board of Directors crap is stupid and has been done before

His "young doctors can't lead but later they can" is wishful thinking... experience does not always lead to skill. ANd as I told him often. obedience does not mean you are leading.

And we get the whole Literal reading of Adam and Eve.... (ok then)

As usual, Ken hasn't the time to give a really full answer

But good for you.

I wonder why Ken is writing so much of Lori's blog. Is she being disciplined for her previous bad acts? Or is she sicker than they let on.

Thank you! That line annoys me too! I am fully capable of standing before God on my own and owning my mistakes and owning my successes. So is my husband. WE ARE ADULTS! Also the answer he gave was just a copy paste from the comments section when he had the discussion with my husband. The only thing new was the photo on top. I sent it to my husband and he said everything was verbatim what was said in the comments section (except his comments which of course part of which were cherry picked and not fully posted)

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OT, but can anyone explain the fundie obsession with hyperbole? The Duggars and their constant "other families don't", the Pearls manly chest thumping, the stellar children that excel in the business world through nepotism, Shosanne Easling's head turning husband and now Cabinetman who is better at the clean and jerk than 99% of the world's men. Oh, and everyone is in awe of his perfect family.

Where is the humility?

Something that drives me batty with my Fundy family members is they can only think in extremes. I'm sure this is true of most Fundies, It's either absolutely perfect and beyond wonderful or it's worst shit that can ever be. They think everything and everyone fits into two entirely different ends of the spectrum and the middle doesn't exist. It's as though just okay or good enough is beyond their comprehension or that something or someone can be both good and bad at the same time or in different ways.

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one other thing, since I assume you are reading...

I am the person who mentioned you left a 'breadcrumb trail'

I didn't follow the trail.

I didn't google you.


The correct response to someone doing you a favor is not "how dare anyone look at my public information", it's 'thank you'.

What I posted was not to say "ooh, lookit, I can find CabinetWife and CabinetChildren" (although, FWIW, I have reasonably decent google-fu and given how much of your ass you showed, I probably could have), it was the same sort of favor you do if someone's pants are ripped.

Since we basically said"hey, dude, your identity is showing" in the same way you might say "uh, dude, your pants have split"; the proper response isn't "HOW DARE YOU LOOK AT MY BUTT, you people need to promise to never look at my butt! Hey, quit looking at my butt"; the proper response is "oh dear, oh my. Do you have a pair of shorts I could borrow? or maybe some duct tape?"

MOST of the people on FJ are, for the most part, not tittering behind their hands (although, FWIW, some of them are--once the emperor has decided not to buy new clothes, it's understandable. I wasn't at first, but at this point, since you've devolved into 'argle bargle' on the subject, I may be) as they take pictures of your butt hanging out.

Most have been saying "hey, uhm, you need somehelp. If you go over there, there are new rolls of duct tape and some needles and thread"

(that's why they've pointed out what identifying information needed to be deleted)

So, yeah, you left breadcrumbs that should be cleaned up.

You're welcome.

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Ahhhhh, Ken is whipping out the ol' fundie guilt trip. "You will stand before God one day, yada yada yada." That is the same crap my family still uses on me to this day because I refuse to adhere to their way of thinking.

That whole post of Ken's just points out what an outright liar he is. He spent weeks here trying to convince us how open he is to people making their own choices in their relationships only to go back to his same crappola. He refuses to believe that people can have an equal partnership and it work. Ken has yet to understand that his marriage looks like a blazin' hot mess that should not be looked at as some sort of thing anyone should emulate. I actually adore my spouse. These two appear to hate each other's guts. No thanks. Not how I want to spend my life. And just think, these two are stuck with each other, according to them, for an eternity. I would be begging for hell if I had to be connected to that jerk off for an eternity.

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I can also prove that government has killed about 1,000 times more people than religion ever has.

Oh, my. Too bad chiffonier lad has taken off, because I, for one, would LOVE to hear how the US government, in 229 years, has killed about 1,000 times more people than all the religious conflicts (um...'religions' means ALL religions, not just Christianity) combined in the 200,000 years* that humanity has roamed the earth. Do tell!

ETA: *Er...uh...6000 years, depending upon your world view.

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This comment from an anonymous guest poster on Lori's blog is just so sad.

"I enjoy reading Lori's blog but have never commented. Sometimes, after our weekly Ladies Bible study, our group reads it together and we all love discussing it. Occasionally my husband likes to check in on what I'm reading and participating in on the internet. The last couple of times he's looked at this blog, it has contained a post by Ken. Therefore my husband has asked that I quit reading here as it appears I am seeking counsel from another man and not from an older wiser woman. I am disappointed and he knows that; but it is his decision and he's asked me to let you and Lori know why I can no longer read here. He feels compelled to let the husbands of my friends know of his decision so that they too can prayerfully consider what they will allow their wives to do. I miss Lori and hope that she is feeling well"

Now I don't find it sad that she isn't reading Lori's blog anymore because it is utter drivel and no one of sane mind should, but the reasoning behind it has my feeling an immense amount of sympathy for her. She sounds so sad. Another reason why I hate the headship model. This blog was clearly making her happy but because her husband obviously has an inferiority complex (like many who insist that their wives submit to their manly headship) she is forbidden from it.

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This comment from an anonymous guest poster on Lori's blog is just so sad.

"I enjoy reading Lori's blog but have never commented. Sometimes, after our weekly Ladies Bible study, our group reads it together and we all love discussing it. Occasionally my husband likes to check in on what I'm reading and participating in on the internet. The last couple of times he's looked at this blog, it has contained a post by Ken. Therefore my husband has asked that I quit reading here as it appears I am seeking counsel from another man and not from an older wiser woman. I am disappointed and he knows that; but it is his decision and he's asked me to let you and Lori know why I can no longer read here. He feels compelled to let the husbands of my friends know of his decision so that they too can prayerfully consider what they will allow their wives to do. I miss Lori and hope that she is feeling well"

Now I don't find it sad that she isn't reading Lori's blog anymore because it is utter drivel and no one of sane mind should, but the reasoning behind it has my feeling an immense amount of sympathy for her. She sounds so sad. Another reason why I hate the headship model. This blog was clearly making her happy but because her husband obviously has an inferiority complex (like many who insist that their wives submit to their manly headship) she is forbidden from it.

Sounds a bit trollish to me.

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Yes, but any Christian College would give his daughters more options in life, expose her to ideas other than her father's or her husband's and encourage her to think and question! Not to mention it is expensive and would only benefit her and her future headship...

I don't think CM wants anyone to have access to his kids who might be more educated, or differently educated than CM himself--else how can he hold on to being the big king of his little kingdom if he doesn't control his children, their career paths and their entire religious exposure?

Agreed. This is not about colleges teaching with godly values but exposing his kids and particularly his daughters to different ideas and concepts. And you have a point about it being expensive and it would only benefit her (oh the horror!) and her future husband, should he (double horror!) allow her to have a career.

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Ya you're right it totally could be, I'm an easy mark for sympathy :embarrassed:

Ach no, it's nice to be like that. I think I was born a cynic. Saying that I also think the other comment s a troll. My Ant? My precious? Lord of the Creepiness right there :lol:

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Sounds a bit trollish to me.

I was thinking the same thing. I could very well be wrong, but I seem to recall there being a very similar "my headship has commanded me to not read your blog anymore" type comment post on another posting at Lori's site in the not-too-distant past, and I think that it was by an anonymous guest poster, too.

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I was thinking the same thing. I could very well be wrong, but I seem to recall there being a very similar "my headship has commanded me to not read your blog anymore" type comment post on another posting at Lori's site in the not-too-distant past, and I think that it was by an anonymous guest poster, too.

Lori trying to get Ken to butt out???

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