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We're Always Learning New Things with Ken Alexander: Part 2

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Terribly sorry, Cabinetman, but I'm having trouble hearing you over all of your bloviating. :violin:

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I may disagree with your beliefs greatly but I’m not going to out you on the internet or call you things that can get you arrested or that can hurt your family.

can someone explain this to me? Did we get someone arrested?

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Did she spank the child in front of the person she didn't say hello to (please say no...please say no). I can't imagine the HORROR, I would feel that a child was spanked for not saying hello to me :(

She immediately took him to the bedroom and, "after one session of being disciplined," he learned to be polite. This scenario has kind of haunted me all day.

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he did?

Ken and Cabinetman. Walls of text make people bored and miss important information.

He said


You're All Going to Hell

Posts: 1

Group: New Members

Joined: Apr 01, 2014

I have no doubt you will continue hating me after this because I am a fundamentalist Christian who believes amongst other things in wifely submission, so no matter what I say you will continue to hate me from what I read here. With that said I will state this, this will be my one and only post.

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Sorry I know I promised one post, but I did not, absolutely did not put that "you are all going to hell thing" below my name. Whoever did that that was low.

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Sorry I know I promised one post, but I did not, absolutely did not put that "you are all going to hell thing" below my name. Whoever did that that was low.

All new posters have it. Get ten posts and its gone.

Also, please put a comma between your two "that's"

I think that's right.

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Sorry I know I promised one post, but I did not, absolutely did not put that "you are all going to hell thing" below my name. Whoever did that that was low.

That someone would be the forum software which automatically assigns titles to all users based on post counts.

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry I know I promised one post, but I did not, absolutely did not put that "you are all going to hell thing" below my name. Whoever did that that was low.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I always find it hilarious that that is the first post count title...it always looks like someone is in here yelling that at us! :cracking-up: :cracking-up:

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Sorry I know I promised one post, but I did not, absolutely did not put that "you are all going to hell thing" below my name. Whoever did that that was low.

It's just a label that coincides with the number of posts you make. It will change as you post more often. We all get that label at first.

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Sorry I know I promised one post, but I did not, absolutely did not put that "you are all going to hell thing" below my name. Whoever did that that was low.

No wonder you and Ken get along so well. Both of you have no clue how the Internet or forums work, use the word mischaracterization, and type way too many words and actually say jack shit at the end of it all.

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No wonder you and Ken get along so well. Both of you have no clue how the Internet or forums work, use the word mischaracterization, and type way too many words and actually say jack shit at the end of it all.

He's mischaracterized us....calling us "low" like that.

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This was the original post on Lori's blog with Cabinetman's story:


This is what Cabinetman posted in the comments about making his wife sleep in the cabin:

"As far as going to the cabin, leaving the house and marriage was not something she was against and pushed for every chance she got. But usually she was in no condition to drive or make decisions and for her own safety I took her keys. The cabin is several hundred yards away and was a solution that worked a few times, although usually by the end of the night and several telephone calls she would slip back into the home late at night and sleep with me after apolagizing."

So there you have it in his words - HE says that she wanted to leave the home, wanted to leave the marriage, and he took her keys.

Obviously, we don't know these people IRL. This is the information that LORI chose to put out there, apparently based on quotes from emails from Cabinetman himself, and she did the post with Cabinetman's permission. We are repeating the information that they posted.

I did find one difference between Ken and Cabinetman. Ken thinks that a "difficult" wife is someone that tells him to eat his veggies, stop playing basketball 3-4 times a week and help out with the babies. Cabinetman thinks that a "difficult" wife is someone who is suicidal and possibly suffering from a mental illness.

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When I read these stories of wives who had been "difficult," I can't help but think that they really didn't submit; they just gave up.

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I can't take two of them generating giant walls of text. You are all braver than me, but I look forward to reading your summaries.

Ken and Cabinetman can't be the same person. Cabinetman is WAY more well written than Ken. While his post was a wall of text (he did tell the admins it would be a lengthy post, so I was prepared), it was a COHERENT wall of text, IMO.

Reading his post also makes me very curious about something. He says basically that he posted the stuff he said here in various comments on Lori's blog and she put all that stuff together and made her post from them.

I haven't read her post, but it's rare that ALL our members would misread something so badly. So this makes me wonder how Lori posted a post that our members read the way they did, if she had access to the "source" material which gives a vastly different picture.

Koala may be able to pull out some of Cabinetman's comments to verify what he is saying here, so we can compare his actual statements to what Lori posted in the blog post that we have been pulling the majority of our information from.

Our members don't tend to make up things out of whole cloth, so this has me really intrigued.

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When I read these stories of wives who had been "difficult," I can't help but think that they really didn't submit; they just gave up.

If cabinetman's wife had the super PMS he described (and depression) aging can change hormones to the point that it might well have become less of a problem, with or without the miracle of submission. I never had PMS, really, much less super PMS (whatever he called it) so--can't tell you. I do know I got less and less prone to depression as I got older (and even that was minor enough when i was young I never sought treatment, though there was one summer I probably should have)

It just all reads like some modern day version of "The Taming of the Shrew" where people once thought he was horrible and now are amazed how happy everyone is as they all live happily ever after.

I honestly can't admire all these marriages that had years and years of misery up front--- what a waste for eveyone, and why didn't they know one another well enough to see the problems ahead of time. I practically set the land speed record for quick marriages and never had all these issues.

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She immediately took him to the bedroom and, "after one session of being disciplined," he learned to be polite. This scenario has kind of haunted me all day.

So the person that the child didn't say hello to was a visitor in their house and she excused herself to go and spank the child or something like that? I think I'd still be horrified :(

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Sorry I know I promised one post, but I did not, absolutely did not put that "you are all going to hell thing" below my name. Whoever did that that was low.

That's just our post count title. We have the initial one "you are going to hell" because so many of our "fundie" visitors would pop in and tell us we were all going to hell and leave that it became sort of an inside joke. I think it changes at 5 posts (maybe it's 10. I can't recall off the top of my head).

Also, no one expects that you only have to post 1 time. You are free to post as much or as little as you would like. Just like every other member.

Welcome to FJ

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So the person that the child didn't say hello to was a visitor in their house and she excused herself to go and spank the child or something like that? I think I'd still be horrified :(

Yes; that's the way I understand it. I still cannot comprehend spanking a child for being shy, or for what might have been a simple lapse in manners.

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We have some information you may find useful here Cabinetman: http://freejinger.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=32

It will help you understand FJ a little better in terms of things like our post count titles and such. There is a list of all the various titles there, as well as other information to help people understand our board culture. Many things are either "system run" and happen automatically (like the post count titles) or are the result of long term things that have been inside jokes or similar. The majority of things that happen on FJ are not meant to be personal to any one person (individual posts made by individual members, are different, of course).

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Curious wrote:

"Our members don't tend to make up things out of whole cloth, so this has me really intrigued."

You've got to be kidding right? In the last two days they have misquoted or misrepresented me 4 out of 5 times, and those misrepresentations were repeated many more times. How more likely on several posts contianing 50+? comments by my wife and me to get all this information. Heck, I lost track of what was said and what wasn't said on those posts. They overwhelmed my wife and I.

Your people are just like "my people," they all have preconceived notions, biases and lenses that they see everything thru. Some even have intentions to distort to serve their own purpose (on my end also). I am honest enough to say there are good feminists in the world and even good atheists in the world. Doesn't mean I agree with their beliefs but I don't try to destroy them or misquote them (on purpose, I heard there was some debate on some of the quotes I copied and pasted on Lori't blog earlier in the week. And if someone can prove there is a false one amongst them I will apolagize for misrepresenting someone).

This will be my last post. I am a man of few words and I believe in the proverb "even a fool is thought smart if he keeps his mouth shut," & "with many words comes sin." The people here at Free Jinger believe one thing and I another. We are at opposite ends of the spectrum and polarized. There is not much to be gained by posting other than aggrivating one another and I don't see that being beneficial to anyone. Rest assured, when I post on Lori's blog and other places I do speak against your beliefs. But it's an exchange of ideas, and belief system that I try to communicate. I don't want to legislate your choice or any one's choice. They are allowed to pick your way or my way or somewhere in between for their life and for their marriage.

Thank you for being willing to let me tell our story and defend ourselves at your site.

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Well Cabinetman, it sounds like you're a big fat liar. After reading your story on Lori's blog, you've revealed yourself as a liar. In your first (and only) post here, you state your wife has diagnosed health condition. How does that jive with being a rebellious wife? Either it's her health, or it's a choice to be in rebellion. Further, she's suffering from health issues and you see fit to PUNISH her.

You say that multiple non-Christian woman sanctioned your treatment of your wife, did they know that you forced her to sleep on the couch, in your cabin, controlled the finances (not spending money on items except necessary food and clothing for the family) and limited people she could be with??

You say on Lori's blog that you structure her days and "keep it low key", so how did anyone here lie about that?

Well, I know why people said you were abusive--you were. I feel dirty just having this limited interaction with you. Once again, this is the sort of thing that continues to push people away from God.

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Sunny says, "You say that multiple non-Christian woman sanctioned your treatment of your wife, did they know that you forced her to sleep on the couch, in your cabin, controlled the finances (not spending money on items except necessary food and clothing for the family) and limited people she could be with??

You say on Lori's blog that you structure her days and "keep it low key", so how did anyone here lie about that?"

Yes, they not only knew, but all of those actions were either suggested or approved by her parents, doctor & counselor. Not to mention my own wife when she was in her right mind and spirit. In other words, some were her own suggestion.

It was her health and her "rebellion". It was both. Confirmed by my own wife, by her own words, day after day and in the very posts you are referring to.

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