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Two Einwechter Grandchildren Drown - MERGE


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I have a Resqme on my key chain as well and have watched videos on how fast a car can go under and how to get children out. There isn't much time. It truly is a horrible thing.

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What a tragedy. That poor family.

Their grandfather may have horrible views, but those poor children had nothing to do with it. I can't snark on this.

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Sad to say, but those children are probably better off now.

WTF??? That's a terrible thing to say.

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Oh my gosh I can't imagine the anguish this poor mother was in, knowing her children were trapped and drowning but not able to save them... That's just the worst nightmare. I feel for her so much. I don't know how you rebuild a life after that.

Edit : And I agree, thank you to the person who mentioned the Lifehammer and Resqme. I will be putting them on my list of things to buy.

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I heard out is situation from a fundie on a FB. The mom almost died as well- the car landed underwater on its roof very quickly. The mom was underwater for more than two minutes and inhaled a ton of dirty lake water from the family reports.

It is such a sad, sad story.

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Just an FYI, no matter what you think of the grandfather, in many ways his kids are a lot more liberal-minded than many of their peers in the VF circles and their church includes families who were likely wrongly shunned at BCA a few years back.

Very sad for the family.

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This is a fear of mine. It makes me sick to my stomach thinking about the terror and desperation this mother must have felt while her two little ones were drowning. My thoughts go out to the family.

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Just an FYI, no matter what you think of the grandfather, in many ways his kids are a lot more liberal-minded than many of their peers in the VF circles and their church includes families who were likely wrongly shunned at BCA a few years back.

Very sad for the family.

I might find his views disgusting but I don't wish anything to happen to him, much less his innocent grandchildren. It is tragic and sad. No one deserves that to happen to them.

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This is awful and tragic. The grandfather's nutbaggery is irrelevant. For me to see the two as connected would mean that I believe in the same sort of vengeful sky god as grandpa.

Also, thank you to the pp"s who mentioned Lifehammer and the other tool, I am ordering them today.

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Here is the dad's account of events. So, so sad.

https://www.facebook.com/notes/enoch-el ... 9321660947

Link not broken- cause it's facebook.

That made me cry. My heart breaks for them - the mother who almost died saving her children, the father for having to make a choice no one should ever have to make, and all the responders and witnesses, especially the family. To lose your grandchildren at a spot you see everyday!

I can't imagine that they will ever forgot what they saw and wonder if they could have done more (which doesn't seem at all possible, but I'm sure they'll have that thought cross their minds).

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"We tried... we really, really did."

That destroyed me. It sounds like he's trying to convince himself. I can't imagine having to make a decision like that. I hope that he finds peace that he did everything he could have done and doesn't struggle with residual guilt.

This is awful beyond words.

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My grandfather was a horrible person. I certainly hope no one would hold his words accountable for things that happened in my life.

Those poor babies...the little girl was afraid she was going to drown and she did. I can't even imagine without crying.

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This is such a horrible tragedy. I can't even imagine. There are just no words.

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I'm happy to leave it up if people still want to discuss this. And if they don't then this topic will quickly slide off the front page.

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