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Amy Duggar's show "A Duggar Leaves Home" - MERGE


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You forgot 'Georgiana Goes To The Dentist.' You should be able to get two or three episodes out of that one--Georgiana Has A Root Canal, Georgiana Has Her Wisdom Teeth Pulled,' etc. :lol:

*not that I wish those horrific things on you! :doh:

Getting wisdom teeth pulled is not horrific. It's actually an extremely common procedure. I had mine out, and while I disliked certain aspects, it wasn't that bad.

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How about a reality show that shows me surfing Free Jinger? :lol:

Actually it could feature several members and switch back and forth from our respective living rooms, watching us reading and typing to each other… :popcorn2: :popcorn2:

WAAAAY more interesting than FAMY!!!! :lol:

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Does she have a job, go to school, anything? What does she do all day?

I think she used to be a nanny. Guessing she must have quit that when she started this reality show, but last summer she was on vacation with the family she nannied for, b/c she posted pics of herself in a bikini and there was uproar about it from the fundies on her instagram/twitter if i remember correctly.

On the wisdom teeth thing,

all due respect, but it absolutely *is* horrific for some. Just b/c it wasn't for you or anyone you know doesn't mean the experience wasn't truly horrific for others.

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How about a reality show that shows me surfing Free Jinger? :lol:

Actually it could feature several members and switch back and forth from our respective living rooms, watching us reading and typing to each other… :popcorn2: :popcorn2:

Our talking heads could focus on our speculations. And we could have online cat fights, cause what good is a reality TV show without scripted fights?

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I think she used to be a nanny. Guessing she must have quit that when she started this reality show, but last summer she was on vacation with the family she nannied for, b/c she posted pics of herself in a bikini and there was uproar about it from the fundies on her instagram/twitter if i remember correctly.

On the wisdom teeth thing,

all due respect, but it absolutely *is* horrific for some. Just b/c it wasn't for you or anyone you know doesn't mean the experience wasn't truly horrific for others.

This. It was merely unpleasant for me ( root canals--I've had four of them-- don't bother me too much, either, oddly enough), but for both my sisters-in-law the very idea is terrifying. My older sister-in-law put off any kind of dental work at all for years because of her horror of dentistry. :?

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This. It was merely unpleasant for me ( root canals--I've had four of them-- don't bother me too much, either, oddly enough), but for both my sisters-in-law the very idea is terrifying. My older sister-in-law put off any kind of dental work at all for years because of her horror of dentistry. :?

I've had so many bad experiences at the dentist as a teen/young adult that I can't bring myself to go. I know there are procedures I should get done, but the mere smell of a dentist office makes me ill. I will never be a single mom (if I can avoid it) because I wouldn't be able to take my kids to the dentist. Broken bones, IVs, gaping wounds, etc, I can do. But not dentistry.

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By relation, she is a Duggar. But what irks me is that she only started using the name so she could ride their coat-tails. It's all about association. The Duggars seem like they only barely tolerate her at times. She tries so hard to get everyone to look at her, look at her because she's related, that they're probably annoyed with her.

Seriously. I'm pretty sure no one gives a shit if she is genetically a Duggar or what standing she has in the family. Her genetics don't matter in the least when talking about what name she uses to promote herself. Although the Duggars would have no business judging anyone else for famewhoring, whether they're family or not.

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Getting wisdom teeth pulled is not horrific. It's actually an extremely common procedure. I had mine out, and while I disliked certain aspects, it wasn't that bad.

Wanna bet? When mine were done my face swelled like a balloon and my jar area was badly bruised for well over a week. And don't even get me started on the pain. Most of this was due to having long, impacted roots but some of it is just due to genetics. My mom had a similar reaction when she had hers removed many years earlier. Just because it wasn't bad for you doesn't mean everyone has it so easy. That said, I think I'd go through another wisdom teeth removal procedure rather than watch the Famy Show. :lol:

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Wanna bet? When mine were done my face swelled like a balloon and my jar area was badly bruised for well over a week. And don't even get me started on the pain. Most of this was due to having long, impacted roots but some of it is just due to genetics. My mom had a similar reaction when she had hers removed many years earlier. Just because it wasn't bad for you doesn't mean everyone has it so easy. That said, I think I'd go through another wisdom teeth removal procedure rather than watch the Famy Show. :lol:

Yup, I had a horrific experience when I got mine pulled. They assured me it was no big deal and I'd be back to work on Monday (I had the procedure on a Friday), but I ended up having to dig into my vacation time because I was out of work for almost a week. I had dry sockets and the pain was awful!! That said, I have been blessed with really healthy teeth. I mentioned it in another thread, but I've never even had a cavity.

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I'll also give Leah a chance too. But I wouldn't be surprised if Leah keeps mum on Scientology due to how dangerous some of the cult members are.

I have it on better authority that I'm going to discuss that Scientology keeps files on every secret you tell them, and they require you tell them everything. If you become a blown member and speak against them, they can use what you told them to destroy your life. This cult needs to have its tax-exemption and religious status revoked in the US like it has in many other countries.

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I thank TLC for such hideous offerings as it will help me cut down my TV time.

Crappy lineups like this are why we don't even have cable anymore. Anything good is available to watch online within a day or two of initial airing.

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Yup, I had a horrific experience when I got mine pulled. They assured me it was no big deal and I'd be back to work on Monday (I had the procedure on a Friday), but I ended up having to dig into my vacation time because I was out of work for almost a week. I had dry sockets and the pain was awful!! That said, I have been blessed with really healthy teeth. I mentioned it in another thread, but I've never even had a cavity.

My initial experience wasn't that bad, but I had two or three months of no feeling at all, due to nerve damage, and it still hasn't come back all the way (I'd say I'm about 75% of the way there), ten years later! The most unpleasant part was when the sensation first started to come back, because everything was excruciatingly painful. Like I couldn't brush my teeth on that side of my mouth.

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Seriously. I'm pretty sure no one gives a shit if she is genetically a Duggar or what standing she has in the family. Her genetics don't matter in the least when talking about what name she uses to promote herself. Although the Duggars would have no business judging anyone else for famewhoring, whether they're family or not.

I doubt many people would mind her using the name for initial attention if she had any actual talent. So many amazing artists never get known because they can't catch the public eye when there are so many others all trying, and we all know the best singers aren't always the winners. Britney Spears sucks, but used sex appeal, for instance. The annoying thing really is when someone tries to ride the coattails of a famous name, and doesn't really have talent. Nick Cage, for instance, is hilarious because he's so bad at acting that the only role he can play is Nick Cage. He wouldn't have made it in Hollywood if he wasn't a member of the Coppola family. His cousin, Talia Shire, got her foot in by being a Coppola, but is an amazing actress. Famy? She's the Nick Cage of the Duggar family, though the Duggars' talent isn't in films, but proving a penis and uterus work okay.

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My initial experience wasn't that bad, but I had two or three months of no feeling at all, due to nerve damage, and it still hasn't come back all the way (I'd say I'm about 75% of the way there), ten years later! The most unpleasant part was when the sensation first started to come back, because everything was excruciatingly painful. Like I couldn't brush my teeth on that side of my mouth.

I don't know why so many people think that this is so much worse than any other surgery. All surgeries come with some pain, and all risk loss of feeling. I had all mine out at the same time, was lucky enough to get all dry sockets, cursed the world for existing, and got over it. The kicker? Anesthesia doesn't work well on me, and a full adult dose wears off within minutes, so they had to get the surgeon had about a minute per tooth to get them out.

Just go in and get it done so you don't have to keep dreading it and making it more stressful.

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Amy's last name isn't Duggar, and she never left home. This special is going to be all lies.

Exactly. Even if her last name is Duggar, it's not like she was living in the J+M+19 household, so the title's rather misleading trying to make it seem like one of the 19 are leaving, IMHO. I get that extended family members can be close, but so far, TLC hasn't really shown that relationship to be very strong, so playing it up for the drama seems... overwrought.

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I can see the special flopping partially for the reasons state by ljohnson and halfheartedheroine. The title is misleading. Some of the Duggar leghumpers are fundies and they know that Amy is different from her relatives. Some of the fundie bloggers we discuss here do watch 19kac, but I can't see caring to watch an Amy show.

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Getting wisdom teeth pulled is not horrific. It's actually an extremely common procedure. I had mine out, and while I disliked certain aspects, it wasn't that bad.

Just because it is a common procedure does not mean it cannot be horrific for some patients. Everyone's experiences are different. Everyone's anatomy and tolerance to medical procedures are different. And whenever a surgery takes place, there are certain risks and crap can happen. For example: I was out of work for six weeks due to complications, and I have permanent nerve damage on the left side of my face. So yeah, it was horrific for me. Would I discourage others from getting it done? No, because, again, a lot people have no issues, but to blanketly suggest it cannot be problematic would be incorrect on my part.

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Just because it is a common procedure does not mean it cannot be horrific for some patients. Everyone's experiences are different. Everyone's anatomy and tolerance to medical procedures are different. And whenever a surgery takes place, there are certain risks and crap can happen. For example: I was out of work for six weeks due to complications, and I have permanent nerve damage on the left side of my face. So yeah, it was horrific for me. Would I discourage others from getting it done? No, because, again, a lot people have no issues, but to blanketly suggest it cannot be problematic would be incorrect on my part.

You're right that routine doesn't mean it can't be horrific. Look at the 13 year old girl in Oakland, CA, who went in to get her tonsils out, ended up hemorrhaging, slipped into a coma, and was declared brain dead.

I had my tonsils and adenoids out at that age and the worst thing that happened was I ended up with soda up my nose when I attempted to drink through a straw the first time after the surgery. But, that doesn't mean that everyone is so lucky.

Also, when dealing with things like wisdom teeth, it's always important to take into consideration that everyone has different reasons for getting them out. Some do it as a precaution before the roots truly develop. Some do it because their mouth is starting to hurt. Others, like my friend, end up with crazy roots on their wisdom teeth (my friends face was at risk for paralysis because the roots on her wisdom teeth had wrapped around the nerve in her face).

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You forgot 'Georgiana Goes To The Dentist.' You should be able to get two or three episodes out of that one--Georgiana Has A Root Canal, Georgiana Has Her Wisdom Teeth Pulled,' etc. :lol:

*not that I wish those horrific things on you! :doh:

Great idea! Here's how it would go:


Georgiana: I'm going to the dentist

*shot of the Dog covering her nose in shame*

*intro shots of a bunch of cats, some clips of me at the dentist*

Inside G's house, vigorous meowing can be heard as the cats await their breakfast

G: Today I'm going in to work a little early because I'm leaving early for the dentist. Uh, I go to the dentist regularly because I have strong beliefs about the power of oral health.

Popup: "Georgiana has to work because she doesn't have a godly husband like Josh Duggar."

Pop#2: "However, because she has a job, she also has dental coverage."

Later, at the dentist

Dr: What would you like to watch on the TV?

G: HGTV please!

Pop: "Georgiana likes to watch HGTV, but she is often defrauded by all the nice houses."

Dr: Have you been flossing?

G: Uhhhhh....

Pop: "Georgiana does not often floss, despite being serious about oral health."

Dr: Ok, lets do your check up.

Meanwhile, back at G's house

*shots of the cats napping*

*shots of the cats knocking over everything*

*shots of the cats opening and closing cupboards ad nauseum*

Back outside the dentist

G: So I have a cavity and I have to get that filled.

Pop: "Georgiana has cavities because she eats more than 3 animal crackers sometimes for dessert"

G: I made another appointment, so I guess I'll be coming back later.


G: I'm back at the dentist for a filling!

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Not.another.Duggar.vehicle :roll:

Though I admit, some of those shows sound just cray cray enough for me to want to watch. But whatever happened to all the medical oddity shows TLC used to have? I loved their shows about 200 lb tumors or parasitic twins.

So I was born incredibly lucky...I have no wisdom teeth. Nope, not even teeth that haven't erupted...they just don't exist. Never needed braces, and just a handful of cavities. I like to joke with my parents that I saved them a ton of $$$ because I had such great teeth :D

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Not.another.Duggar.vehicle :roll:

Though I admit, some of those shows sound just cray cray enough for me to want to watch. But whatever happened to all the medical oddity shows TLC used to have? I loved their shows about 200 lb tumors or parasitic twins.

So I was born incredibly lucky...I have no wisdom teeth. Nope, not even teeth that haven't erupted...they just don't exist. Never needed braces, and just a handful of cavities. I like to joke with my parents that I saved them a ton of $$$ because I had such great teeth :D

Haha I wish I could be so lucky. My mouth has always been overcrowded, with or without wisdom teeth (though my wisdom teeth haven't done anything much to change the density in my mouth). So much so that when one of my bottom incisors fell out, my adult tooth erupted from under my tongue instead of from the spot where the old tooth had been. They tried braces to move it forward. it was where it "should be" until the braces were replaced by a retainer and then the tooth yelled "I'm free!" and when back to hanging out with my tongue. Such a waste of money. Lol

That said, I'm really hoping I can go through life without getting my wisdom teeth out. So far, they're not causing me any problems, so I dont see why I cant.

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  • 1 month later...

I will be watching the show tonight, if only for the hope TLC uses this as an opportunity to roast on Amy. I hate her mediocre, over-embellished singing. But I <3 snarking. Dilemma!

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