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‘Star Trek’ actress promoting idea sun revolves around eart


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More bizzarly,Michio Kaku and Lawrence Krauss are well respected physicists, how did they end up in such a movie??

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That Janeway was awful, or that thing about the sun?

I kid.

I bet Jim Bob was a Kirk fan, they're both such sleaze balls.

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Dear everybody who doesn't put Sisko first on their list of Star Trek captains:

What does it feel like to be so wrong?


If it were not for Picard, Sisko would be first on my list. Age before beauty. :mrgreen:

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Governor Sam Brownback is a geocentrist, IIRC.

ETA: I think that Kaku and Krauss must be representing the opposing viewpoint; i.e., the earth revolves around the Sun which itself is in motion around the Milky Way in an expanding universe.

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Governor Sam Brownback is a geocentrist, IIRC.

I've only been able to find the source for that in a satire sight... however, I would love to have any sources you might have, because he's running again for gov, and stuff like this might keep him from being re-elcted

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:o :lol: :pink-shock:

What the Everloving Fuck? :angry-banghead:

I'm trying to find a legit source for this. Googling provides a varying array of percentages, some higher, some lower. The 1 in 4 seems to come from a survey of 2200 people, which is just not enough for me. At least I hope they happened to just stumble upon 550 idiots who are not representative of a quarter of my country while conducting it. I have a difficult enough time wrapping my brain around YEC, but geocentrism is unfathomable to me. Though I think a lot of it boils down to arrogance and narcissism, along with complete and total ignorance. Of course we are the center of the universe! We are just soooo super speshul!

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I'm trying to find a legit source for this. Googling provides a varying array of percentages, some higher, some lower. The 1 in 4 seems to come from a survey of 2200 people, which is just not enough for me. At least I hope they happened to just stumble upon 550 idiots who are not representative of a quarter of my country while conducting it. I have a difficult enough time wrapping my brain around YEC, but geocentrism is unfathomable to me. Though I think a lot of it boils down to arrogance and narcissism, along with complete and total ignorance. Of course we are the center of the universe! We are just soooo super speshul!

Just don't look up the flat earthers your head will explode.

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I recently learned via the Internets, that there are people who believe the earth is hollow and....wait for it...is inhabited by a race of people who keep tabs on those of who dwell on the surface. Mercifully, there are not a lot of people who think this way but there are books on the subject of a hollow earth and I saw quite a few websites dedicated to the topic. But to think that even one person believes this nonsense is very sad. Same with the sun revolving around the earth....just sad.

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I recently learned via the Internets, that there are people who believe the earth is hollow and....wait for it...is inhabited by a race of people who keep tabs on those of who dwell on the surface.


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Just don't look up the flat earthers your head will explode.

Thanks, I won't. I know they're out there, but I suppose you're telling me I don't want to know how many there are. :lol:

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Thanks, I won't. I know they're out there, but I suppose you're telling me I don't want to know how many there are. :lol:

pretty much. or their logic and how it all works out.

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I really am at a loss...I don't even know what to say to this. Why is everything constantly under attack from idiots? Science standards in the classroom and the public's understanding of basic concepts, reproductive rights, healthcare, the safety net..It's just a relentless assault of stupidity. It never fucking ends. :shock:

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The women on DS9 were competent commanders who weren't godawful stereotypes of women.

Word. Jadzia Dax is one of my favorite characters ever.

Back to Kate Mulgrew. I don't know why people would assume she would know better simply by virtue of having been on a science fiction show. It's not like there isn't plenty of pseudoscience on those. Hell, once you've accepted that you can fix things by reversing the polarity on a circuit you're sliding down the slippery slope to a geocentric universe.

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I really am at a loss...I don't even know what to say to this. Why is everything constantly under attack from idiots? Science standards in the classroom and the public's understanding of basic concepts, reproductive rights, healthcare, the safety net..It's just a relentless assault of stupidity. It never fucking ends. :shock:

This morning I read an article about a legislator in Minnesota who doesn't want his child exposed to the "theory" of evolution and, thus, wants it removed from school studies throughout the state. Either they are too stupid to understand or purposely will not accept that the word "theory" in scientific vernacular is not the same word used in everyday English. I am so fed up with the current "religious freedom" campaign.(I am certain it was trumped up in some GOP Think Tank as a way to get the base to feel threatened by Democrats) Nobody is stopping anybody from going to church and believing what they want to believe in but for the sake of our future, please do not be afraid to expose your child to views that may be uncomfortable for them.

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Captain Janeway clearly didn't believe the sun rotated around the earth! I don't really care what an actress thinks. It would be like asking my butcher about the best type of plumbing supplies to use. Anyway I'm suspicious of how transparent the producer was to those taking part. Apparently the scientists feel they were duped. Kate Mulgrew is a fairly liberal Democrat and a friend of Robert Picardo who is a major player in the Planetary Society (group that promotes the idea of space travel and exploration).

I loved Janeway. You have no idea how novel it was in the mid-90's to have a woman clearly be in charge, but the best captain was Picard...

1. Picard

2. Janeway

3. Archer

4. Sisko

5. Kirk

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Ummm.......you guys know that the Star Trek Captains aren't real Captains, right?........right? :whistle:

tip toeing away before virtual rockets are launched at my head.

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Ummm.......you guys know that the Star Trek Captains aren't real Captains, right?........right? :whistle:

tip toeing away before virtual rockets are launched at my head.


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It's quite possible that the producers gave Kate Mulgrew one script and then edited her narration so it sounded different. She may have thought she was narrating a genuine scientific documentary. I would imagine the scientists included probably thought the same.

This wouldn't be the first time that fundies hoodwinked people for these types of documentaries. Ben Stein did that a few years ago with a documentary on evolution.

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I recently learned via the Internets, that there are people who believe the earth is hollow and....wait for it...is inhabited by a race of people who keep tabs on those of who dwell on the surface. Mercifully, there are not a lot of people who think this way but there are books on the subject of a hollow earth and I saw quite a few websites dedicated to the topic. But to think that even one person believes this nonsense is very sad. Same with the sun revolving around the earth....just sad.

Link? ::shifty::

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Link? ::shifty::

Amazon sells "The Hollow Earth Theory" by Raymond Bernard. There are a couple of sites, http://www.ourhollowearth.com and http://www.hollowearththeory.com, which could be total put-ons but they seem sincere in their belief. (Perhaps their belief involves making money off stupid people) Those sites show links to other publications on the subject. As I said, to my eye they look like a joke but some may fall for it.

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It is hard to believe a actress for a space movie would think this.

Though to be fair, that's all she does in the space movie - acts. She's only required to follow a script, not think critically - about space or any other topic. They probably didn't test her knowledge of space at casting.

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