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Duggars By the Dozen - General Discussion - Part 6

happy atheist

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Local channel is showing the Davilla wedding! It's even more awkward than I remembered. Priscilla seems...perplexed about almost everything.

Must go find something to barf into for the upcoming kiss at the altar.

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Local channel is showing the Davilla wedding! It's even more awkward than I remembered. Priscilla seems...perplexed about almost everything.

Must go find something to barf into for the upcoming kiss at the altar.

david, is that you?

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david, is that you?

He certainly looked less than thrilled. It reminded me of sticking a vacuum cleaner hose on a chair cushion, only less passionate.

Ugh. Now I'm going to have Davilla on my brain all day.

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regarding that youtube video posted above.

michelle was getting pissy. ignorant, but pissy nonetheless.

lol at her talking about their environmental impact and how they 'buy used, save the difference'.... BISH, WHAT BOUT UR 60 PAPER PLATES/BOWLS A DAY?! 420 A WEEK. 21900 A YEAR!

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That over-population thing about the world's people can all fit inside Jacksonville is soooooo stupid. Every time I hear it all I can think is that all the Duggars could fit inside their big bathroom (shoulder to shoulder) so why do they need such a big house surrounded by big property?

Michelle is an idiot, just parroting something that some other idiot said in an idiotic sermon. Why does nobody call her on her bullshit?

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Their "no over-population" stance makes me think of the special when they were in Asia. Don't remember if it was in Japan or China, but they had "issues" crossing the street as a result of all the congestion- traffic, people, etc., and I think Dim-Bob even said as much. More of the same when all of them tried to board a subway train together. I seem to remember Dim-Bob saying something like, maybe we can wait for a "less-crowded" train-yeah, right Dim-Bob, good luck with that! Hello Duggars, do you see why it would be difficult for all the words' population to fit in Florida or wherever you say they can fit, when even you guys can see the effects of crowding in one city. WTF? :angry-banghead:

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Not to mention overpopulation isn't about the physical size of people. If everyone weighed 400 lbs and was 7 feet tall it wouldn't contribute to overpopulation (assuming we didn't need to eat anymore). Overpopulation is about resources and the environment which sustains them. There is a tipping point at which the resources we are using are not replenished fast enough and our waste doesn't break down quickly enough.

Like for example, a family of 15 living in a rental with 2 bathrooms. Sure, you could all stand in the bathroom together, but the resources for waste removal are limited. Therefore, your rental is overpopulated.

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Comments on YouTube are almost invariably more offensive and cringe worthy than whatever the original video is. The really obnoxious language in the above comment negates their point. :angry-banghead:

Thank you.

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Did you see this picture on Duggar Family Blog. How are there convos being chaperoned when they are both wearing ear buds!!

I suppose you could chaperone half of it... but still...

It looks like Ben is in a hair salon.

I still don't understand why so many of the adults/grads have to go to the homeschool conference. Let's hope some of the single adults meet some less-crazy potential mates, at least.

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Please forgive me if any of this has been posted elsewhere. I've looked and didn't see anywhere else I should put it, but feel free to move it if need be.

Has anyone seen the reviews on Amazon of the book the four older girls wrote? Plenty of sheeple over there saying how perfect the family is, etc. :sick: But there are also quite a few negative reviews. How it's not appropriate for all ages of girls, specifically because it talks about abortions, etc. And their arrogance shows through; how could it not? Four young women who have lived in a bubble and never dated or "courted" and yet they are giving advice about it? Please. Reviews also claim the book is poorly written, has a ghost writer, and it is very "preachy". I refuse to buy it, because I won't send one penny towards that family.

What is it with these fundy men picking those women up and twirling them around? They all do it! JimBoob, Erin Bates' husband, and today I saw a rerun of when Anna's sister got married, and damned if he wasn't doing it too! Between that and the show about Erin Bates' wedding where her husband talked about putting effort into doing things in a romantic way, and Jessa's 18 year old husband to be talking about observing things in the wedding and "getting ideas" of romantic things he could do ... They have effectively castrated these men. All they do is try to romanticize everything. Real life is more than horse drawn carriages to decorated gazebos to pop the question. It's more than a Barbie master bedroom in the newlyweds' new home. I don't wish ill will on anyone, but I want the cameras to keep rolling with the shit hits the fan, when life smacks them down a time or two. It has happened to all of us.

Another thing that came out in some of the reviews on Amazon was that guests to the Duggar home for dinner include questions about religious beliefs and a video on how to get out of debt using whatever method it is that J'Parents preach all the time. I have a fantasy of seeing the Duggars out somewhere and JimBoob approaching me to ask to talk to me about Jesus, and me verbally cutting him to the bone.

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Now I'm reading Amazon reviews. here, check this one out

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars how to have a harmonious family, April 16, 2014

By colleen noviello - See all my reviews

Verified Purchase(What's this?)

This review is from: Growing Up Duggar: It's All About Relationships (Hardcover)

is the title I would have chosen for this book~ the joyful chaos that is their play, the brilliant way the keep the house clean and the children fed well and clothed properly is amazing~i had a hard time with 3 children, never mind 19! every elementary teacher should read this book~ as they literally have a classroom full~ and do a far better job of educating them in good citizenship on the path to becoming law abiding citizens and productive members of society than most schools

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Interesting ... two adults who sit at home and two who are training to be doulas/midwives are more productive members of society than most schools turn out?

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Josh posted a photo of the BBQ at Big Sandy, so I asked if Bill was there. Somebody said yes, but i'm not sure if they are just a LH or actually part of the cult.

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I don't see how wanting to please/indulge your romantic partner means you're "castrated".

Yeah, I don't get that. I'm not into OTT romantic gestures at all but if a man wants to please a woman who does like that stuff, that's wonderful for them.

I see this a lot around here. Every time a man is depicted as listening and being considerate to his wife/girlfriend he's somehow a lesser man, especially if that woman doesn't act "sweet" all the time. And don't get me started on the differences in how Jana and Jessa are viewed. As if being a sad sack is somehow admirable but having attitude and the smarts to get away with doing less housework is a character flaw. And I don't even LIKE Jessa, but if the criticisms of her on FJ match so well with fundie rhetoric on how women should be, we have a serious problem.

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I saw the Davilla wedding episode too! I didn't remember their first kiss being so cringe-worthy. Oh my freaking god!! I was feeling the uneasiness in all of me. On the other hand, I can't really blame them. A virgin kiss, for the first time in front of cameras and +1000 people, it's bound to be awkward. Not to mention how horny they must be.

That being said, after having watched the Cherin wedding episode recently, I seriously wonder if either Chad is naturally gifted or he practiced before. Because puh-lease! That didn't look like a first kiss.

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Please forgive me if any of this has been posted elsewhere. I've looked and didn't see anywhe

What is it with these fundy men picking those women up and twirling them around? They all do it! JimBoob, Erin Bates' husband, and today I saw a rerun of when Anna's sister got married, and damned if he wasn't doing it too! Between that and the show about Erin Bates' wedding where her husband talked about putting effort into doing things in a romantic way, and Jessa's 18 year old husband to be talking about observing things in the wedding and "getting ideas" of romantic things he could do ... They have effectively castrated these men. All they do is try to romanticize everything. Real life is more than horse drawn carriages to decorated gazebos to pop the question. It's more than a Barbie master bedroom in the newlyweds' new home. I don't wish ill will on anyone, but I want the cameras to keep rolling with the shit hits the fan, when life smacks them down a time or two. It has happened to all of us.


Wow, did you seriously just say that these men were castrated because they enjoyed romantic gestures? Or pink bedspreads? :shock: WTF. I know lots of men who run the gamut of "types", and even the most hard core, old-school, macho type guy wouldn't be afraid to be romantic. Wow. I don't suppose it crossed your mind that maybe they actually enjoy the carriages and picnics and all of the rest? As well as wanting to make their partner happy. With some of them, like Ben and Jessa, it seems he is the more romantic of the two, I don't think that means he has no balls. What the hell. I swear, a lot of the time many of the posts here seem much more gender stereotyped than the most hard core fundie.

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From the Duggar Tumblr

Anonymous asked: I think sidehugs stir up more unrightous desires than holding hands. There is far more touching with any kind of hugging. My daughter is courting, and they are allowed to hold hands but not hug.

I can see where you would think that.

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Josh posted a photo of the BBQ at Big Sandy, so I asked if Bill was there. Somebody said yes, but i'm not sure if they are just a LH or actually part of the cult.

Got to love how Josh is trying to re-brand the ATI Conference as the "Texas family conference" At least he's learning something from the FRC.

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Perhaps I could have used a different word than castrated or maybe I'm not explaining myself well. Let me try again.

It's not that I didn't think they are masculine males. It's that many of the men seem to have been amassing all the cutesy things and put more emphasis on that. Not as a way to spoil or surprise their wives, but almost like they want to incorporate every last one of these gestures into one celebration.

Ugh. I still feel like I'm not putting down what I'm thinking.

Jessa's boyfriend is young, and I have to chalk some of this up to that. When he talked about attending the wedding he said he was watching all the different rituals to get ideas. Perhaps part of it is even the males are kept in a bubble to some extent, and the fundy weddings are the only ones they have for comparison. On the flip side of that, the rest of the world is watching Four Weddings, Platinum Brides, etc., as well as attending weddings that don't have so much emphasis on that sacred first kiss. And the show may be pushing a lot of it for the sake of the show.

I'm all about romantic gestures, and my husbands have been known to come up with some beautiful ones. (First husband died young, married to #2 still.) So it's not that I think every romantic gesture strips a man of his masculinity.

I fear I still haven't been able to express myself on this. So until I can word it better, I'm going to give up this. lol

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Got to love how Josh is trying to re-brand the ATI Conference as the "Texas family conference" At least he's learning something from the FRC.

Somebody else who seems 1000X more legit said Bill isn't there.

Yeah, they have always tiptoed around naming anything IBLP related outright on the show, but now they seem to really be avoiding it.

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I saw the Davilla wedding episode too! I didn't remember their first kiss being so cringe-worthy. Oh my freaking god!! I was feeling the uneasiness in all of me. On the other hand, I can't really blame them. A virgin kiss, for the first time in front of cameras and +1000 people, it's bound to be awkward. Not to mention how horny they must be.

That being said, after having watched the Cherin wedding episode recently, I seriously wonder if either Chad is naturally gifted or he practiced before. Because puh-lease! That didn't look like a first kiss.

Chad & Erin's kiss definitely seemed more coordinated and less like a first kiss. I sort of think they talked about and 'planned' what they wanted/didn't want since they knew they were going to be in front of so many people. Chad said on camera he didn't want to "go in too fast" (or something like that) and had clearly thought about it. I'm probably wrong but it's possible. Chad & Erin were more comfortable around each other to begin with compared to other couples. The Bates are less strict about physical boundaries, which I think helps. Chad & Erin actually had chemistry, unlike Josh & Anna's hand-sex and uneasy laughs. (Does anyone remember the way Josh nervously laughed after proposing? Drove me crazy! It's the same laugh he had when while the film crew was following them around their honeymoon rental house? Aaah, that whole episode was bad.)

Are David & Priscilla worse than the Josh & Anna awkwardness? I need to watch the Priscilla/David wedding episode, it sounds too awful! Even pictures of them kissing are cringe-worthy, I can only imagine what the episode is like.

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