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Duggars By the Dozen - General Discussion - Part 6

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David Waller put some new Youtube videos up. Anna looks pregnant.

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David Waller put some new Youtube videos up. Anna looks pregnant.

I was thinking the same thing when I saw a photo of Anna and Priscilla that David posted on Twitter.

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I was thinking the same thing when I saw a photo of Anna and Priscilla that David posted on Twitter.

I thought there was a possibility after that. After watching all three videos, I am pretty sure.

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Did Anna dye her hair? It looks much darker than usual...the closed captioning is hysterical too!!!

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I saw some pics of Anna at the ATI Conference and thought she looked pregnant, too. But I prefer to be in denial.

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So, I just saw this comment on the Duggar tumblr:

Anonymous asked: I noticed that the Duggar family's twitter is following a young man called Jonathan Steiger. Considering that the only other personal twitters they follow are Ben and Derick's could this mean courtship #3? He looks VERY young, so maybe Jinger?

What do you think about that? He is being followed on Twitter by Josh/Anna, Jill/Derick, Amy, the Duggarfam and Zach Bates. Does somebody on FJ know the Steiger family?

I found out that the mom and dad are Frances C. Whitsett Steiger and husband Fritz S. Steiger and they have six children: Benjamin, Jonathan, Zechariah, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Peter Steiger. They seem to live in Bentonville, AR.

Of course it could just be a friend of the Duggar boys or a family friend, but who knows? :think:

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considering Anna looked like this:


a month ago, she definitely looks pregnant and doesn't just have a bump from Marcus.

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I am curious to see how this will play out in the coming years. Josh was clearly fine with just 2 kids, and with the addition of Marcus he seemed, well..."done." As in, I like three, I'm happy with this being the final kid. I am interested to see how he will take having kids in the double digits, because that is where Anna is headed. She will be about 26 with 4 kids. At this rate, she will have about 12-16 kids.

Will Josh put his foot down, or will he say nothing, becoming miserable, depressed, and walked all over as the years go by? I really wish Josh would realize that if he doesn't want to have unprotected sex and be a father to 50, he doesn't have to.

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Anna always looks pregnant and her weight seems to fluctuate all the time, but she does look 'actually' pregnant in the video with Paul and the puddle. Like, more pregnant than her confirmed pregnant sister. I wouldn't call anything, but she does look more pregnant than usual.

Interested to see if anyone can dig up anything else about this Steiger guy.

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I am curious to see how this will play out in the coming years. Josh was clearly fine with just 2 kids, and with the addition of Marcus he seemed, well..."done." As in, I like three, I'm happy with this being the final kid. I am interested to see how he will take having kids in the double digits, because that is where Anna is headed. She will be about 26 with 4 kids. At this rate, she will have about 12-16 kids.

Will Josh put his foot down, or will he say nothing, becoming miserable, depressed, and walked all over as the years go by? I really wish Josh would realize that if he doesn't want to have unprotected sex and be a father to 50, he doesn't have to.

Anything to keep the money coming in. Josh isn't stupid, as much as he's an ass. He's a big ass kid in an adult body. The move to DC must've reevaluate his choices.

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The video with Anna and Pris-holding the babies while in a kitchen-is what really makes me think she is pregnant. That bump is sitting high.

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Is that a pacifier clipped to Paul's shirt? It's in the sand about half the time. That's just gross!

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... what lessons are in a sandbox beyond don't eat the sand?

FFS, can't a four year old just build a sand castle to live in for a hundred years without hearing about Jesus or marriage?

Also: totally agree about Anna. M4 coming this fall to a toilet near you.

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I am curious to see how this will play out in the coming years. Josh was clearly fine with just 2 kids, and with the addition of Marcus he seemed, well..."done." As in, I like three, I'm happy with this being the final kid. I am interested to see how he will take having kids in the double digits, because that is where Anna is headed. She will be about 26 with 4 kids. At this rate, she will have about 12-16 kids.

Will Josh put his foot down, or will he say nothing, becoming miserable, depressed, and walked all over as the years go by? I really wish Josh would realize that if he doesn't want to have unprotected sex and be a father to 50, he doesn't have to.

He vowed at his wedding to have as many babies as god sent, and it looks to me like Anna intends to hold him to that vow....

I had three kids in three years. And it was chaotic, but manageable. I was in mummy mode and my life was toddlers and nappies and Nick Jr and play dates. I also found it intensely rewarding and revelled in my changing relationship with each child.

Now they are 10, 8 and 7 though? It's so much harder giving each of them the time and relationship they need, supporting all their educations (in public school), arranging their extra curricularals and social needs, managing a house and working part time, dealing with early stages of puberty in my eldest..... It's more demanding than babies toddlers and preschoolers. And I don't think Anna comprehends that - I didn't. The early years are actually the easy part.

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I love how when she notices Pecan trolling his camera (aka phone) in her and Marcus's direction, she IMMEDIATELY starts pulling her shirt down over her belly. She almost seems to be standing with her hips facing Marcus and her torso turned toward the camera. She may be smarter than she seems. That or it was sheer dumb luck. However, before she starts adjusting her shirt, before she sees him coming her way, her whole body is angled in David's direction, toward the sandbox. And she looks rather ripe with baby. IMO this doesn't look like bebe pudge. I've got some of my own, I know what it looks like under clothing (especially evil, evil satin), and that bump is too high on the belly to be fat

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... what lessons are in a sandbox beyond don't eat the sand?

Jebus, Mela99. Jeeeeeeeeeeebus.

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... what lessons are in a sandbox beyond don't eat the sand?

What's that Mackynzie? Michael threw sand in your face? Well Moses walked uphill both ways through the desert for 40 years. And each day he had to walk in 105 degree temperatures through huge sand storms. You kids have it WAY easy.

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So, I just saw this comment on the Duggar tumblr:

What do you think about that? He is being followed on Twitter by Josh/Anna, Jill/Derick, Amy, the Duggarfam and Zach Bates. Does somebody on FJ know the Steiger family?

I found out that the mom and dad are Frances C. Whitsett Steiger and husband Fritz S. Steiger and they have six children: Benjamin, Jonathan, Zechariah, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Peter Steiger. They seem to live in Bentonville, AR.

Of course it could just be a friend of the Duggar boys or a family friend, but who knows? :think:

It could be another courtship. The Duggars follow family members, media organizations, journalists, Ben and Derrick, and Johnathan Steiger. They don't follow any other family friends.

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Mack: I'm gonna dig a hole!

Man: why?

Mack: I'm gonna live In it for 100 years

Woman: really? You're not going to get married in 100 years?

Jesus Fuckin Christ woman! She's FOUR. Why the hell are you thinkin about MARRIAGE?

If it were my kid and i were playig around with her I'd have said something like "you're not going to eat for 100 years?"

Or, instead of eat:

1. Go to the bathroom

2. Play with your brothers

3. See your mom

4. Go to school

5. Change your clothes

Why the HELL would her first thought be MARRIAGE?

Oh, and the lesson was "you can't count the grains of sand, here are too many. But Jesus knows more abut you than all the grains if sand in the sandbox, and be can also count them."

Mike then begins to count.... People? It's cute. I wish they'd kept the adults out of the clip, it would've made I a lot less grating. This might just be personal bias as I find children more interesting than adults anyway.

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