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Duggars By the Dozen - General Discussion - Part 6

happy atheist

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I thought they did, too. And wasn't there an episode where Tide was shown on the shelf in the laundry room? I figure they've probably been buying it for awhile now.

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Making detergent isn't that time consuming. But it's pretty fucking degrading that they expect her to do it.

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They definitely use store bought detergent, looks like tide and downy


Cap from this season, "Wedding Bells" (Erin's wedding episode)

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I was the one who first posted on a Duggar related tumblr. It was just idle speculation. I don't think it's been confirmed yet.

Me Too!!

I was the one who first posted on a Duggar related tumblr. It was just idle speculation. I don't think it's been confirmed yet.

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I was the one who first posted on a Duggar related tumblr. It was just idle speculation. I don't think it's been confirmed yet.

I was the one who first posted on a Duggar related tumblr. It was just idle speculation. I don't think it's been confirmed yet.

I saw it posted in a comment on the Duggar family blog

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If Anna is due somewhere in Sept, she would be 18-22 weeks along...why would they wait so long to announce her pregnancy I wonder? Waiting to find out sex of baby first?

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She was like six months along when they announced she was pregnant with Marcus, so who knows.

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She was like six months along when they announced she was pregnant with Marcus, so who knows.

Anna has had a few miscarriages. I wonder if Anna/TLC wants to be careful and make sure the pregnancy will go to term before they announce it.

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anyone actually tried the homemade stuff?

I have, but dry, not liquid (and before the Duggars, though I suspect they only did it as a FU internet thing, since iirc twop at the time was criticizing them for not doing more homemade/off-the grid stuff like gardending, etc.). It actually works well, but I don't make it anymore because I'm lazy. Caveat: I don't have kids and don't do any dirt intensive activities like gardening, so I never tested it on super stained/dirty clothes.

One easy, money saving laundry tip: white vinegar instead of fabric softener. Works just as well, leaves no vinegar smell, and doesn't kill towels' absorbancy like fabric softener does. And if your worried about color bleeding add a cup of vinegar to the wash cycle--prevent dye transfer.

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I saw it posted in a comment on the Duggar family blog

Does this mean you know something? Or are guessing at? I'm new and I am confused sorry.

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Anna has had a few miscarriages. I wonder if Anna/TLC wants to be careful and make sure the pregnancy will go to term before they announce it.

Anna has only had one miscarriage that we know of.

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I do not remember this at all

It happened more than once starting with the first on-air pregnancy, iirc. At the time there was only one OB in their area who would take her on as a patient specifically because she was so high risk, and that OB spoke very candidly about why exactly so many pregnancies were dangerous--particularly because of her previous c-sections.

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I'm never calling pregnant on Anna again. I was convinced she was pregnant at the Keller reunion: she looked pregnant-shape, she had lost weight from previous pregnancy and this weight was new but, a month or two later, she was thin again. I still suspect a miscarriage.

We know she has had at least one miscarriage. Add to that watching the Jubilee drama. I think it is a good idea to leave announcements late, like Anna did with Marcus. So, I wish good health to Anna but I am not going to predict pregnancy ever again!

*For those determined to pregnancy-watch, look at her face not her belly. She has gained a lot of weight in the face during each pregnancy and lost it very quickly afterwards.

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I have, but dry, not liquid (and before the Duggars, though I suspect they only did it as a FU internet thing, since iirc twop at the time was criticizing them for not doing more homemade/off-the grid stuff like gardending, etc.). It actually works well, but I don't make it anymore because I'm lazy. Caveat: I don't have kids and don't do any dirt intensive activities like gardening, so I never tested it on super stained/dirty clothes.

One easy, money saving laundry tip: white vinegar instead of fabric softener. Works just as well, leaves no vinegar smell, and doesn't kill towels' absorbancy like fabric softener does. And if your worried about color bleeding at a cup of vinegar to the wash cycle--prevent dye transfer.

I think I will try the vinger

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I think I will try the vinger

You can also add a tablespoon or two of scented hair conditioner - I like using vo5 and inexpensive brands - it makes everything soft and smells lovely

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Anna has only had one miscarriage that we know of.

Yep, and (someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong - it's been a long time since I've seen the episode where they talk about it) it was a very early miscarriage. Like, she tested positive then a few days later started bleeding. I don't think they would wait until she was half way through a pregnancy to announce for fear of miscarriage risk, especially since both Mackenxyz and Michael were announced before the end of her first trimester. Marcus was only announced as far into gestation as he was to coincide with the start of whatever season of the show it was last March. IF Anna is due in September they could have and probably should have announced it at the beginning of this season to drum up even more interest. The only reason I see them not doing that is because the episodes were all filmed before she was knocked up again (if indeed she is) meaning it wouldn't be discussed on the show at all and to not take away the spotlight from the boyfriends/fiancees of Jill and Jessa. That's already done more for the show ratings wise than the Smuggers spawning again. Maybe there will be an announcement at the end of this season, along with Jill's engagement. I can see the set up now: Final episode was filmed in December/early January, cut to springtime at the Duggar compound and some text on the bottom of the screen saying "three months later" that was filmed at the very end of March...

Either way, it can only be hidden for so long. Anna is either pregnant now or will be in the near future and that's going to be her life for the next 20 years.

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I wonder if TLC isn't announcing Anna's pregnancy because they want focus on the courting Duggar girls. If that is the case, Josh and Anna are probably pissed that M4 isn't important to TLC.

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Does this mean you know something? Or are guessing at? I'm new and I am confused sorry.

I noticed that the only private accounts that the Duggar family are following on twitter are Ben, Derrick and this Jonathan Steiger. Given that Ben and Derrick are with Jessa and Jill I suggested that this might mean that this guy was in a courtship with one of the other girls.

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The other Anna possibility is that she has developed a diastasis recti, where your stomach muscles don't properly close back up after pregnancy. I have this and still look pregnant after almost 3 years because my diaphragm bulges. It's high up, well above the belly button, so if you don't know me you'd probably assume 5 months along or so.

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The other Anna possibility is that she has developed a diastasis recti, where your stomach muscles don't properly close back up after pregnancy. I have this and still look pregnant after almost 3 years because my diaphragm bulges. It's high up, well above the belly button, so if you don't know me you'd probably assume 5 months along or so.

while this would be more plausible, if she didn't look the thinnest she has in a long time just a few months ago.

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