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Duggars By the Dozen - General Discussion - Part 6

happy atheist

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Wow Hannies looks like she is having another allergic reaction. Didn't we see a pic with her face all swollen recently? I remember people were speculating about it being abuse. This, IMHO, pretty clearly looks like an allergic reaction to something.

ETA: Turns out its poison ivy. Yikes. We have poison oak where I live and its gnarly and uncomfortable to go through. Poor Hannie :(

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is that hannie in the middle? do her cheeks looks extraordinarily puffy? it could just be the angle of the photo, or maybe i'm reading too much into it, but she's practically unrecognizable

ETA: just saw BirthingGodsWarriors post, wow that looks painful, poor johannah :(

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is that hannie in the middle? do her cheeks looks extraordinarily puffy? it could just be the angle of the photo, or maybe i'm reading too much into it, but she's practically unrecognizable

Yes, that's Hannie. She has poison ivy.

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Yikes! If it were me, I wouldn't want a picture of me with an allergic reaction circulating the internet. Taking a picture, fine. Circulating the internet, especially if I was "famous"? Hell no. I hope she asked Hannie first.

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Poor Hannah. She must've gotten some on her hands then touched her face. And do these people ever eat healthy? Nothing wrong with treats but with all that space they could grow some healthy foods.

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if that IS poison Ivy they really do need to watch that so she doesn't get it in her eyes or mouth. Poor thing.

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Lil Ole Me, did you refer to Jen and Bill as mama and baba in your post and is that what Will calls them? My granddaughter still calls my son-in-law Baba just like she always has every since she met her mama and baba a year-and-a-half ago. I think it's sweet.

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Lil Ole Me, did you refer to Jen and Bill as mama and baba in your post and is that what Will calls them? My granddaughter still calls my son-in-law Baba just like she always has every since she met her mama and baba a year-and-a-half ago. I think it's sweet.

Yup, that's what Will calls them! Jen ever had stockings made to match Will and Zoey's that say mama and baba. :)

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Well, no, I really don't think they should have the attitude, or the expectation, that the kid is going to be aware of or grateful for all they've done. And I really think if it was some fundamentalist or child collector, people here would be jumping all over them for their unrealistic expectations.

Thank you, Mrs S2004.

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Yup, that's what Will calls them! Jen ever had stockings made to match Will and Zoey's that say mama and baba. :)

Yeah, I think it's cute. Is there a reason they call him baba? I missed the episode where they picked up Will so I don't know if that has some connection there.

As far as putting your children on tv, there are different situations. The duggars do it for money and to promote jesus. Jen and Bill do it because they were already on tv. Their show started years ago when it was just the two of them and it was designed to show how little people can survive in the world just like regular people. They did attempt using a surrogate bc it would be too dangerous for Jen to carry and the surrogate had a miscarriage. (I think that was around the same time Jubliee was miscarried as well. Or maybe the surrogate conceived around that time.) And to be fair, they only complained in the TH, not to each other in front of the children. Bill was more upset about Zoey not liking him bc Will took to him so easily. I think he was prepared for her to not like him but in the back of his head he wasn't, because Will bonded right away.

And why is Josie eating ice cream?! She's lactose intolerant?! :pull-hair:

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Yeah, I think it's cute. Is there a reason they call him baba? I missed the episode where they picked up Will so I don't know if that has some connection there.

As far as putting your children on tv, there are different situations. The duggars do it for money and to promote jesus. Jen and Bill do it because they were already on tv. Their show started years ago when it was just the two of them and it was designed to show how little people can survive in the world just like regular people. They did attempt using a surrogate bc it would be too dangerous for Jen to carry and the surrogate had a miscarriage. (I think that was around the same time Jubliee was miscarried as well. Or maybe the surrogate conceived around that time.) And to be fair, they only complained in the TH, not to each other in front of the children. Bill was more upset about Zoey not liking him bc Will took to him so easily. I think he was prepared for her to not like him but in the back of his head he wasn't, because Will bonded right away.

And why is Josie eating ice cream?! She's lactose intolerant?! :pull-hair:

Yes it was a conscious decision. They discussed that baba was the chinese version of dada (at least in the region Will is from).

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Yes it was a conscious decision. They discussed that baba was the chinese version of dada (at least in the region Will is from).

That's what I assumed. It is a cute name.

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Oh my, I sure hope they sought medical care out for that. I know mild cases of poison ivy and poison oak doesn't need medical attention. You just use calamine or caladryl lotion and take an antihistamine like Benedry but she looks like she needs a steroid shot for that puffiness. Anytime I come in contact with it I have to have a steroid shot or pills because I am super allergic to it. I can get it on my legs or arms and my whole body will start swelling. I feel like I am on fire with severe itching.

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Yeah, I think it's cute. Is there a reason they call him baba? I missed the episode where they picked up Will so I don't know if that has some connection there.

As far as putting your children on tv, there are different situations. The duggars do it for money and to promote jesus. Jen and Bill do it because they were already on tv. Their show started years ago when it was just the two of them and it was designed to show how little people can survive in the world just like regular people. They did attempt using a surrogate bc it would be too dangerous for Jen to carry and the surrogate had a miscarriage. (I think that was around the same time Jubliee was miscarried as well. Or maybe the surrogate conceived around that time.) And to be fair, they only complained in the TH, not to each other in front of the children. Bill was more upset about Zoey not liking him bc Will took to him so easily. I think he was prepared for her to not like him but in the back of his head he wasn't, because Will bonded right away.

And why is Josie eating ice cream?! She's lactose intolerant?! :pull-hair:

I thought of that too, when I first saw the picture. Then I realized that she is likely just posing with the unopened ice cream (like Hannie is seen doing) and that hopefully she will be eating one of the non dairy bomb pops. I too am lactose intolerant, and have no snark for Amy on this one, since she brought some non dairy popsicles as well. Folks ALWAYS forget to bring non dairy options which means no ice cream for me or terrible horrible no good very bad pain post ice cream. BUT this is the Duggars we are talking about, so can we really assume that anyone is making sure Josie stays away from dairy?

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Did anyone catch if Josie was eating ice cream during the last episode, when they were making pickles from scratch? I could have sworn that she was eating something at the beginning of that segment, I'm just not sure if it was ice cream or not.

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Did anyone catch if Josie was eating ice cream during the last episode, when they were making pickles from scratch? I could have sworn that she was eating something at the beginning of that segment, I'm just not sure if it was ice cream or not.

I've seen lactose-free ice cream before so if it's ice cream it could be that.

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I've seen lactose-free ice cream before so if it's ice cream it could be that.

I know even at my corner market they have a wide range of non-dairy based ice cream. Soy and Almond, in addition to lactose-free dairy. Some of them are surprisingly good.

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I rewatched some of the old Duggar specials (the first 3) and noticed some family dynamics I had not before.

The main one was Jinger. It was the special where they were watching their old house get demolished and moving into their new house. Each of the kids got to talk about their favorite memory of the old house and what they were most excited about in the new house. Jinger said something along the lines of "I don't want to move, we have so many memories here and it will be sad when the (old) house is gone and we won't be here anymore." She sounded a lot like J'chelle in that TH, who has repeatedly gotten upset about how things are changing or when they had to get rid of baby stuff from many kids ago.

I have a feeling that Jinger has some of the same attachment issues that J'chelle does and is very resistant to change. Jinger also displayed this emotion during this season with all the Jessa courtship stuff. Jinger has become so accustomed to having all her sisters and family under one roof and seems unhappy with accepting that things are changing (very much like J'chelle, even if for different reasons).

Looking forward, I worry that Jinger will fall into similar lifestyle (get married, have eleventy!!!!11!! children, be stuck with tons of kids and SAHDs) just to maintain the feelings of closeness and security she feels now.

I truly think these kids need legitimate professional therapy.

Of course there were the god-awful frumpers and crunchy hair, but they really did try to hide the ATI Gothard stuff.

Another thing I was surprised at was during Johanna's birth (another VBAC, but in a hospital), J'chelle was VERY religious as she birthed hannie. Saying "praise god," "thank you lord," etc, and in the more recent births they have televised, I do not recall such joy and worship during the births. (Except maybe during Anna's homebirths). I could be wrong though.

Don't get me wrong, I think it is great she is able to carry this positivity into her labor and delivery, but it seems like her religious connection to having babies was very high at that time, and has diminished into a self serving 'how many can we have' mentality more recently.

Also, found these parallel pictures. Hopefully Johannah will have a happier youth than poor Joy.



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Dang, a baby carrier can last that long? They use the same baby carrier with each baby since the show started... I thought it would have broke by now. Especially with them being all BUY USED AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE" It wouldnt surprise me if the carrier wasnt new when they bought it (unless it was given as a gift)

So we know for sure Hannie, Jenny, Jordyn, and Josie were all in it. And it looks like Marcus too. How long does a good baby carrier last?

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Dang, a baby carrier can last that long? They use the same baby carrier with each baby since the show started... I thought it would have broke by now. Especially with them being all BUY USED AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE" It wouldnt surprise me if the carrier wasnt new when they bought it (unless it was given as a gift)

So we know for sure Hannie, Jenny, Jordyn, and Josie were all in it. And it looks like Marcus too. How long does a good baby carrier last?

Those Ergo's are built pretty ruggedly! I love mine!

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