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Duggars By the Dozen - General Discussion - Part 6

happy atheist

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Damn girl...makeup gun set to HARLOT!!!111 and exposed SHOULDER (she showed collarbone last week). No ring though...


AND blue nail polish!

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I can't answer that, but I can tell you he wears a suit to school. With a tie and everything.

That kid is weird. :cray-cray:

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That kid is weird. :cray-cray:

Rbid anti-choice shirts or suits & tie :o does this kid have a happy medium?

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Wouldn't that be her right hand since that was taken in a mirror? Unless it's a picture someone else took of Jessa, Ben and random J'boy photobomber while they were taking a picture of themselves... EDIT: On second look it's not a mirrored image since the words on Ben's anti-choice shirt are not mirrored. Derp. Still, she wouldn't wear a ring in public since it's not publicly announced yet, just like Jill didn't until it was.

Yep, exposed shoulders, this family is changing (good). Hopefully they can ditch those hideous swim suits and just go for one pieces with skirts/wraps and the boys are finally allowed to wear shorts in hot weather (it always seemed weird to me that they weren't, like Dumbboob thinks all shorts are still as short as the ones guys wore to play basketball in the early 80s)

And for fuck's sake, does Ben own any t-shirts other than rabid anti-choice ones??

I think someone (maybe Jinger, doesn't she actually run the duggarfam pages?) took the picture; Benessa are looking into HER camera, not upward toward where the angle of the picture was taken.

I think Ben wears that shirt everytime he visits Boob. Apparently, Joy can't take her shirt off, either. She was photographed today (with Jenny in GLASSES! real ones with cute purple frames!) wearing her blue one.

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In Ben's defense (uuuuggghghhh I feel so dirty saying that), it might be a requirement of his program. I know the business students at my school had to dress in business attire when it was asked of them.

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Rbid anti-choice shirts or suits & tie :o does this kid have a happy medium?

No. Because moderates are ebil heathen libruls. In fact, there is no such thing as 'moderation'. You only have two choices in life: to be a 100% 'Godly' Republican Christian or be a pants-wearing, pro-abortion follower of Satan. If you believe in anything less than the Gothard-approved texts, then you are going to hell. Or something. Did I do it right? :shifty-kitty:

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Joy is perfect. She has more curves then some of her sisters but thats ok. She also seems to have more muscle then her older sisters.

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Joy only needs to lose weight if your idea of beauty is concentration camp victims.

Who said Joy needed to lose weight? I said she needed to lose her "I survived Roe v Wade" shirt. I don't think anyone else has written of Joy in some time.

Joy looks wonderful (okay, I resembled her, bodywise, until I was around 40). Her sisters, especially Jessa and Jinger, are bordering on "too thin."

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I can Madonna but not Mohamed since its "Muslim." However, I could see Madison for either a boy or a girl.

Madonna is too Catholic ...or too slutty ...or too Catholic and too slutty.

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AND blue nail polish!

Not trying to be mean, but Jessa and Jinger really need to lay off the tanning! Everyone else looks so white compared to them in pics. Lol

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Awww I cant believe someone called Joy fat. She may have a different body type to her sisters, but I think that they are all beautiful in their own way. She certainly isn't fat either, she looks to be a healthy weight.

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Madonna and Mohamed were not serious guesses. I tried to pick the two most outrageous names for a 'grandduggar' I could think of. I thought they were so absurd that no one could possibly take them seriously, but it seems I was wrong! :shock: :lol:

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Jana and Jinger have rumored courtships too???

The advent of M4 may be imminent?

Obviously, I need to catch up on my Duggar rumors. I stop reading this thread for a couple of weeks, and look what happens.

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Who said Joy needed to lose weight? I said she needed to lose her "I survived Roe v Wade" shirt. I don't think anyone else has written of Joy in some time.

Joy looks wonderful (okay, I resembled her, bodywise, until I was around 40). Her sisters, especially Jessa and Jinger, are bordering on "too thin."

No on his forum, but some butthole on social media commented on one of the photos saying that Joy needs to to lose weight.

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Madonna and Mohamed were not serious guesses. I tried to pick the two most outrageous names for a 'grandduggar' I could think of. I thought they were so absurd that no one could possibly take them seriously, but it seems I was wrong! :shock: :lol:

I honestly do think Madonna is absurd- especially in light of the fact that Mary is basically the same thing and starts with the same letter. They would pick Mary far before Madonna, I think. But either way, I don't see them with a Mary. Not Tryndy enough. Another girl has to compete with Mackynzie.

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Someone posted a link to cynical jinx's page about the Sister Wives show. The Duggars are mentioned in a few of the comments. One comment says they have ARMED security in front of their house. WHAT? Did we already know this? How dangerous, methinks all those guns plus all those kids does not a safe environment make. Who do they think is coming for them? Zealous pro-lifers? Other child collectors? Heathen would be suitors? Also, one of the Duggar girls attends college? Which one? With what chaperone, Amy? Amy went to college? So many questions, so few answers.

I live near the Duggar family and they actually have (armed) guards at their gate. But, I do see the kids and the parents around town (mostly at Sams) and if the parents are with the older girls, I say hello. I don't talk to the kids because it just doesn't seem right. Likewise, I teach at the University where one of the girls takes a few classes and where one of their cousins has attended and I don't see other students trying to impose upon the girls. Even when I have run into mom and dad Duggar and I speak to them, they always respond and if I were a huge fan and asked for a picture, I'd be willing to bet they would accommodate me. No one goes on the Duggar's property uninvited because of the guards, so I suppose it is time for the Browns to recognize their "celebrity" and hire some security.

Also, there's this creepy talk about how fans have waited around until they see the parents leave and then harass the kids, which if true is way over the line. How scary for those kids to have strangers try to force their way in the home:

I know the Duggars wrote in one of their books about how a woman waited until she saw the parents leave, then went up to the house and rang the doorbell. When the then teenaged Jana answered, the lady said 'Hi, I'm a fan, and I just LOVE your family! Can I come in and take some pictures? " and before Jana could say anything she *walked right in*!!!! They said fans have rang their doorbell at 7 am or earlier and after 10 pm at night, one girl emailed them and called them and wrote them letters and they felt sorry for her so they invited her to a fair or something with the family. She then stole one of their kids' diaries and tried to sell it on Ebay!

At that point they had to gently threaten legal action to get her to stop. Then they put up a gate and fence to keep people from ringing their doorbell and had to educate their kids (who they had always taught to be hospitable and friendly to the fans and really anyone) on how to be friendly yet still not TOO friendly, etc.

Sad sad world. Just b/c someone has a reality show does NOT make it ok to accost people on their private property or even be overzealous in public

ETA: Just refreshed and caught up on the other thread on this, so feel free to disregard.

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Anyone online can say anything. This is how those b.s. rumours about Oprah offering the kids scholarships and the 'sin in the camp' thing got started. I think the diary thing may be true, though - didn't they mention it in one of their books?

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Watching the house until the parents leave and then knocking on the door just sounds wrong. Especially if Jana was a teenager, its likely there was no adults home. What kind of person would do that other than a creepy stalker?

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I totally believe that happened. Fans can be nuts. If I were at all famous I'd much prefer haters talking shit about me on the internet than overzealous fans who think we're friends trying to approach me.

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hen they put up a gate and fence to keep people from ringing their doorbell and had to educate their kids (who they had always taught to be hospitable and friendly to the fans and really anyone) on how to be friendly yet still not TOO friendly, etc.

If the parents actually taught the girls how to be friendly but not too immediately trusting, that could only be a good thing! It's very much not the "keep sweet" mentality so I kind-of doubt it (plus they still obviously teach "instantly obey"), and they would probably be taught that other Christians ARE to be trusted.

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I actually think Joy's body type is very attractive. I mean, I'm not attracted to her lol but I like a curvy woman!

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In Ben's defense (uuuuggghghhh I feel so dirty saying that), it might be a requirement of his program. I know the business students at my school had to dress in business attire when it was asked of them.
I know lots of people who graduated from various business schools from Wharton to Harvard to many in between and none of those schools required their students to wear a suit to class! What business schools do???
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