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Duggars By the Dozen - General Discussion - Part 6

happy atheist

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JD seems to give the guy courting his sisters a pretty hard time. Borderline incestual to me. While I feel for the poor girl that gets paired up with him, I hope he gets it back 10 FOLD from her family. That would be great.

He's just a dumb and childish redneck (and after this season I take back everything about having a soft spot for him), but not creepy imo. He barely seems to spend time with Jana or the others, they don't seem close at all, even if they weren't twins.

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JD seems to give the guy courting his sisters a pretty hard time. Borderline incestual to me. While I feel for the poor girl that gets paired up with him, I hope he gets it back 10 FOLD from her family. That would be great.

It may seem that way (creepy, incestuous), but in that culture, it is expected. It's kind of like meeting the new BF at the front door "cleaning your gun". Stupid, very stupid, but all part of "protecting the little women".

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I don't understand why the Duggars seem so keen on letting (at least 2 of) their older girls go before JD and Joseph. It can't be an age problem because Ben is younger than Joseph. Marrying a Duggar boy is something I imagine a fundie girl wold love.

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I just realized that a German TLC channel was launched and got all excited, but they don't show 19 Kids :( Probably too much crazy for us heathens. Well, at least they show Honey Boo Boo.

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I don't understand why the Duggars seem so keen on letting (at least 2 of) their older girls go before JD and Joseph. It can't be an age problem because Ben is younger than Joseph. Marrying a Duggar boy is something I imagine a fundie girl wold love.

My guess? They don't have the money for it. JD seems to have focuses outside of his towing business lately; nothing wrong with that, but if he's not bringing in money, he can't support a family. Joseph is....I'm not really sure what he's doing. There was something about him becoming a cop but it was not directly from him or any other Duggar, so I'm not sure about that. In any case, he doesn't appear to be bringing in an income. So, can't support a family, can't get married.

I also think there's been a lot of focus on how the girls aren't really doing much, and people (not just on FJ) have criticized the Duggars for not letting the girls get on with their lives. So, now they're getting a few out and they can say "See, our girls have lives!"

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I don't understand why the Duggars seem so keen on letting (at least 2 of) their older girls go before JD and Joseph. It can't be an age problem because Ben is younger than Joseph. Marrying a Duggar boy is something I imagine a fundie girl wold love.

I'm going to take a guess as to why John David hasn't gotten married yet and say that he seems like he has a huge ego. He probably thinks because he's a Duggar he's the shit and deserves nothing less than the absolute top pick of the fundie litter, one that looks like a supermodel, but will do anything he says.

But the problem with that is that all the hot and well-connected fundie girls probably have expectations too, and that no matter what JD's last name may be, he is neither good-looking nor polite, which are very important qualities.

So he is left with all the average and unattractive girls that will do anything to net themselves a Duggar boy, no matter how much of an asshole he may be. But of course, he isn't interested in those girls. And so, he remains single.

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Why on earth would JD want to marry now? His meals cooked, undies washed, bed made. He doesn't have to cook, clean or shop. He can come and go as he pleases (from what I glean). They only thing he doesn't "get" is sex. And, well, if he is discrete.....

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Why on earth would JD want to marry now? His meals cooked, undies washed, bed made. He doesn't have to cook, clean or shop. He can come and go as he pleases (from what I glean). They only thing he doesn't "get" is sex. And, well, if he is discrete.....

Yeah, and his wife would also do all of those things for him PLUS have sex with him. The only disadvantage for him would be having more of a financial burden and added responsibility.

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Yeah, and his wife would also do all of those things for him PLUS have sex with him. The only disadvantage for him would be having more of a financial burden and added responsibility.

Yeah, I don't know many 24 year men that would enjoy celibacy that much, and JD just doesn't strike me as the asexual type.

My guess is he's not ready for kids and for him probably marriage = kids.

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I just realized that a German TLC channel was launched and got all excited, but they don't show 19 Kids :( Probably too much crazy for us heathens. Well, at least they show Honey Boo Boo.

They don't show 19 Kids and Counting on the UK TLC either - instead it's on the Discovery Home & Health - so you might still get it at some point, just not on TLC :)

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So he is left with all the average and unattractive girls that will do anything to net themselves a Duggar boy, no matter how much of an asshole he may be. But of course, he isn't interested in those girls. And so, he remains single.

I strongly suspect that he gets some average and unattractive action on the side of his godly life.

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Please forgive me if this picture has been talked about before, I'm far too lazy to go through all the pages of this thread in hopes of finding it. Anyways, this picture actually depresses me. Jenny looks like one of those girls from an 90s kids movie where that is your "typical tomboy", who basically can hold her own against the boys (and may even send a few home crying) and has a very high probability of growing up and doing professional sports (maybe something along the lines of an extreme sport). But, she's a Duggar, so it wont happen. Ever. That potential to be a total BAMF is going to be squashed. Just like all her sisters before her.


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Please forgive me if this picture has been talked about before, I'm far too lazy to go through all the pages of this thread in hopes of finding it. Anyways, this picture actually depresses me. Jenny looks like one of those girls from an 90s kids movie where that is your "typical tomboy", who basically can hold her own against the boys (and may even send a few home crying) and has a very high probability of growing up and doing professional sports (maybe something along the lines of an extreme sport). But, she's a Duggar, so it wont happen. Ever. That potential to be a total BAMF is going to be squashed. Just like all her sisters before her.


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That is a really nice picture of the youngest five. It's more "real" than many we see. Not super-posed-everyone matching and not the ugliness that is most selfies. I would frame this, if they were my kids.

Your right about Jenny. I wouldn't quite describe her as tomboy but it's certainly different to the crying, scared or neglected looking child we usually see. I love Jenny in "The Missing Tape" podcast for the same reason. She runs around calling "Come on guys" and eventually finds sticky tape instead of a video tape. Real!

I would love to see a 19 episode season profiling one child per episode. No talking heads, no set ups, just observational footage of each child. In my family we have children who learn by sitting and reading and others who are more tactile learners. We have one who is an incredibly fussy eater (sensitive palate), one who only eats fresh food (Aspergers/OCD) and others who eat more normally. I would quite enjoy a season learning about the Duggars as individual people instead of as a unit.

"The Duggars: 19 Individuals".

And now I return to reality. :(

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One positive thing I can say about Josh and Anna is although the hand sex was awkward, you can tell they actually had feelings for each other during their courtship (whether it was love, lust, infatuation, crush at that point, I don't know, but it was something), and that it wasn't just one-sided (like with Jessa and Ben). And maybe I'm in the minority, but I do find Jessa and Ben painful to watch.

I agree. Josh & Anna definitely had feelings for each other, though with Josh & Anna, I just think that their feelings were more of a "this person is the exact type of person I'm supposed to marry", more than anything else. The first episode with Jessa and Ben was incredibly painful to watch, but I think that was more because of the staging of the whole thing than anything, and the Duggar's version of courtship 'rules'. The pictures of Jessa & Ben show chemistry for sure and the dinner they had with Ben's parents was also kind of sweet.

Jessa & Ben are awkward because they are a weird match brought about in weird circumstances. Josh & Anna were always a pretty good fit as a couple, but they were a million times more difficult to watch because of high cheesiness factor. So for me, I think that's why I have an easier time watching Jessa & Ben.

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Yams??? Yams don't do anything to prevent pregnancy. I learn something new everyday on this board.

Wild yam (not the same as sweet potato) is used as an antispasmodic. It's not effective as birth control as far as I know.

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That is a really nice picture of the youngest five. It's more "real" than many we see. Not super-posed-everyone matching and not the ugliness that is most selfies. I would frame this, if they were my kids.

Your right about Jenny. I wouldn't quite describe her as tomboy but it's certainly different to the crying, scared or neglected looking child we usually see. I love Jenny in "The Missing Tape" podcast for the same reason. She runs around calling "Come on guys" and eventually finds sticky tape instead of a video tape. Real!

I would love to see a 19 episode season profiling one child per episode. No talking heads, no set ups, just observational footage of each child. In my family we have children who learn by sitting and reading and others who are more tactile learners. We have one who is an incredibly fussy eater (sensitive palate), one who only eats fresh food (Aspergers/OCD) and others who eat more normally. I would quite enjoy a season learning about the Duggars as individual people instead of as a unit.

"The Duggars: 19 Individuals".

And now I return to reality. :(

That would be great to see. I like that picture of the youngest kids, and what I really like is that they keep including Jackson in with the little girls , they did it when the kids were doing the songs too. Despite their usual breakdown by boys/girls Jackson is usually with the girls even though there's the same age difference between him and Hannie and whoever the next youngest boy is. So at least they do acknowledge, at least a little bit, that kids like to hang out together based on something other than gender. Maybe there is a little bit of hope they won't do to him what they did to Joy.

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Wasn't Kristina trying to use yams as birth control??

Kristina (of Arby's engagement fame) had three pregnancies in about four years. (She ended up with four children due to one of the pregnancies being twins.) She is, indeed, under the misguided impression that wild yam can be used for birth control. Here's the blog entry: everythingnice2013.wordpress.com/2013/05/08/pregnancy-related-research/ . She also states that she's 'just now learning about how her body works' which is extremely scary coming from a person that has four children! :?

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Wild yam (not the same as sweet potato) is used as an antispasmodic. It's not effective as birth control as far as I know.

Wild yams increase the likelihood of twinning.

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Please forgive me if this picture has been talked about before, I'm far too lazy to go through all the pages of this thread in hopes of finding it. Anyways, this picture actually depresses me. Jenny looks like one of those girls from an 90s kids movie where that is your "typical tomboy", who basically can hold her own against the boys (and may even send a few home crying) and has a very high probability of growing up and doing professional sports (maybe something along the lines of an extreme sport). But, she's a Duggar, so it wont happen. Ever. That potential to be a total BAMF is going to be squashed. Just like all her sisters before her.


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AHHH. Why doesn't Johanna have shoes on? She could get seriously hurt!

(Yeah, I'm overprotective of my kid. I make him wear shoes, not flip flops, when he's on his bicycle. Barefoot riding is soooooo dangerous!)

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Kristina (of Arby's engagement fame) had three pregnancies in about four years. (She ended up with four children due to one of the pregnancies being twins.) She is, indeed, under the misguided impression that wild yam can be used for birth control. Here's the blog entry: everythingnice2013.wordpress.com/2013/05/08/pregnancy-related-research/ . She also states that she's 'just now learning about how her body works' which is extremely scary coming from a person that has four children! :?

I wonder if she is trying to use Arby's sweet potato curly fries...

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One positive thing I can say about Josh and Anna is although the hand sex was awkward, you can tell they actually had feelings for each other during their courtship (whether it was love, lust, infatuation, crush at that point, I don't know, but it was something), and that it wasn't just one-sided (like with Jessa and Ben). And maybe I'm in the minority, but I do find Jessa and Ben painful to watch.

Jessa and Ben ARE painful to watch!

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I wonder if she is trying to use Arby's sweet potato curly fries...

This made me just cackle with laughter. I already think of Kristina whenever I grace the door of an Arby's (and whomever I'm with never believes me when I tell the epic story that is the Arby's engagement), but now I'm going to think of this whenever I have sweet potato fries!

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AHHH. Why doesn't Johanna have shoes on? She could get seriously hurt!

(Yeah, I'm overprotective of my kid. I make him wear shoes, not flip flops, when he's on his bicycle. Barefoot riding is soooooo dangerous!)

I always have and always will go barefoot. Or as close to it as possible. The more you go without shoes, the stronger your feet will get.

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I saw a program on the Smithsonian Channel the other day about how well we are adapted to running. Part of the program dealt with Ethiopian runners and how they are start out running barefoot. Wearing minimalist shoes like Vibrams really is healthier for your feet and legs.

It's fine for Johanna to go barefoot.

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I saw a program on the Smithsonian Channel the other day about how well we are adapted to running. Part of the program dealt with Ethiopian runners and how they are start out running barefoot. Wearing minimalist shoes like Vibrams really is healthier for your feet and legs.

It's fine for Johanna to go barefoot.

It might be, but not with Vibrams on your feet! http://www.buzzfeed.com/juliegerstein/i ... u-could-ge

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