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Duggars By the Dozen - General Discussion - Part 6

happy atheist

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Kristina (of Arby's engagement fame) had three pregnancies in about four years. (She ended up with four children due to one of the pregnancies being twins.) She is, indeed, under the misguided impression that wild yam can be used for birth control. Here's the blog entry: everythingnice2013.wordpress.com/2013/05/08/pregnancy-related-research/ . She also states that she's 'just now learning about how her body works' which is extremely scary coming from a person that has four children! :?

BIRTH CONTROL? "Natural" or not, that's hardly leaving it up to the Lord. :naughty:

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BIRTH CONTROL? "Natural" or not, that's hardly leaving it up to the Lord. :naughty:

No no no, silly. When it's "natural", it's something God gave us! So it's OK to use because it's God's gift! But brains and science were NOT given to us by God, so it's not OK to use them!

It makes absolutely no sense, but there's basically her argument. The first half is basically a summation of what she says, the second part is my continuation of her argument and some other comments she's made.

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Well, supposedly if you ingest Queen Ann's Lace seeds it will cause an abortion....but it would be ok with fundies cause gawd made weeds!

My iphone autocorrects fundies to fun dies. Fitting.

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Well many fundies believe natural family planning is fine with god, so I'm sure yams and other earthly things can fall on that list.

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I still cant get over the idea that she uses wild yams for birth control.

The only thing I'd ever heard wild yams being used for was INCREASING fertility (there was some research a few years back that showed a correlation between an African tribe that ate wild yams regularly and their extremely high rate of natural conceiving fraternal twins; though, I'm not sure if the research ever talked about how many of the moms of twins were related, which would easily explain the rate).

I went to find that research again and found this cancer.org/treatment/treatmentsandsideeffects/complementaryandalternativemedicine/herbsvitaminsandminerals/wild-yam .

The wild Mexican yam and the Chinese yam are 2 types of yams that are promoted in similar ways. Proponents claim that a cream made from the wild Mexican yam contains natural progesterone (a hormone that plays a vital role in women's health) and is therefore effective in treating premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menstrual irregularity, as well as hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause. Supporters say that using wild yam as an alternative to postmenopausal hormone therapy significantly lowers the risk of breast and endometrial cancer. Marketers also claim that their product helps women lose weight, increases energy and stamina, and enhances sex drive. A few marketers imply that wild yam can be used as herbal birth control. By contrast, some suggest that it improves fertility. It is also recommended to enlarge breasts and reduce wrinkles.

Supporters claim that the wild Mexican yam, when taken internally, helps arthritis pain, morning sickness, painful menstruation, bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough, cramps, and intestinal ailments such as Crohn’s disease, colitis, and chronic diarrhea.

The Chinese yam is claimed to stimulate appetite and to be a remedy for chronic diarrhea, asthma, fatigue, uncontrollable or frequent urination, diabetes, and emotional instability. Proponents claim the Chinese yam can be used externally to speed the healing of boils and abscesses. Herbalists also use it to treat colic because it is thought to relieve intestinal spasms.

Further down on the page, it talks about how wild yams contain diosgenin, which is used in fertility control. It does not, however, mention that diosgenin (a plant based estrogen) needs to be ALTERED in a laboratory with chemicals to become a form of progesterone in order to become a birth control. And that birth control is the same birth control used in the 1960s (umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/herb/wild-yam).

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I'm not sure if this has been discussed, but what does everyone think about Amy's spinoff show? I just don't see it doing well. It seems to me that her appeal is not that she's this outgoing, bubbly, funny personality... it's that's she's this outgoing, bubbly, funny personality in the midst of the kooky Duggar family where we just watch and hope that she'll say something like, "I love wearing low-cleavage clothes" in front of Jim Bob. :?

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Famy's show will flop. She doesn't leave Arkansas for good. She just wants to ride on J'Chelle and Boob's coattails. I guess Famy has no education to fall back on.

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Well many fundies believe natural family planning is fine with god, so I'm sure yams and other earthly things can fall on that list.

Too bad they use NFP to optimize the chance of pregnancy and maximize children, as opposed to the more normal route of using it to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

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I just had a thought.

Last week when Anonymous was commenting on seeing Jinger and Jana with a guy named Jack... there were three different spottings of this guy. The week before THAT, there was an anon who did not want Jana to court Skylar... she wanted Jana to court her brother Jack and was asking how to get him in touch with the Duggars.

I think the girl who wants her brother to court Jana started rumors about her with a guy named Jack.

Back to the topic at hand...

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I just had a thought.

Last week when Anonymous was commenting on seeing Jinger and Jana with a guy named Jack... there were three different spottings of this guy. The week before THAT, there was an anon who did not want Jana to court Skylar... she wanted Jana to court her brother Jack and was asking how to get him in touch with the Duggars.

I think the girl who wants her brother to court Jana started rumors about her with a guy named Jack.

Back to the topic at hand...

Oooh, good catch! Fans can be so creepy.

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I'm not sure if this has been discussed, but what does everyone think about Amy's spinoff show? I just don't see it doing well. It seems to me that her appeal is not that she's this outgoing, bubbly, funny personality... it's that's she's this outgoing, bubbly, funny personality in the midst of the kooky Duggar family where we just watch and hope that she'll say something like, "I love wearing low-cleavage clothes" in front of Jim Bob. :?

When compared with the Duggars, Amy seems exciting and, you know, less crazy than they do. On her own, there just isn't anything to her - she's like every other Christian girl from the south. Also? Yeah, she can sing(ish), but when you compare her to any other female singer out there, she kind of pales in comparison. So, yeah, I don't see her spinoff going anywhere (then again I thought the Duggars were boring enough last season to get cancelled, so what do I know about TLC and its ratings).

In other news, did anyone else notice Ben's Twitter is gone? Is that new? I went looking for it yesterday after hearing about his schmoopy tweets and found it had disappeared. Thoughts?

(I'm new here. *waves* I love this forum.)

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When compared with the Duggars, Amy seems exciting and, you know, less crazy than they do. On her own, there just isn't anything to her - she's like every other Christian girl from the south. Also? Yeah, she can sing(ish), but when you compare her to any other female singer out there, she kind of pales in comparison. So, yeah, I don't see her spinoff going anywhere (then again I thought the Duggars were boring enough last season to get cancelled, so what do I know about TLC and its ratings).

In other news, did anyone else notice Ben's Twitter is gone? Is that new? I went looking for it yesterday after hearing about his schmoopy tweets and found it had disappeared. Thoughts?

(I'm new here. *waves* I love this forum.)

Ben's twitter is still up. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

*waves back* I'm new too!

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I don't think anyone took the "Jack" thing seriously.

In other news, Smuggar's house is now up for rent. If you know the address, you can look it up on Zillow; the year lease expired yesterday, and TLC was spotted filming there last weekend (presumably the move).

Since Smuggar was spewing hate speech in NOVA yesterday, and he seems really taken with VA politics, I imagine they moved over there so he could actually be a registered voter there, rather than commie Maryland.

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Yeah, I can't see Amy's show going any where. She's too "normal" to be interesting. It's not like she'd be adjusting to a remarkably different lifestyle like one of JB/M's kids would be.

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Yeah, I can't see Amy's show going any where. She's too "normal" to be interesting. It's not like she'd be adjusting to a remarkably different lifestyle like one of JB/M's kids would be.

I think her show is just a special anyways. No one will watch it, except maybe those who get confused and think (based on the title) that it's a duggar wedding or something. It'll flop, but Amy will have still made some amount of money that will make us all wonder why we aren't on a reality TV show.

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Famy's show will flop. She doesn't leave Arkansas for good. She just wants to ride on J'Chelle and Boob's coattails. I guess Famy has no education to fall back on.

Famy probably isn't any better educated than Smuggar when push comes to shove.

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Oooh, good catch! Fans can be so creepy.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of the female fundie leghumpers send resumes to Boob to hook them up with a J'boy.

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When compared with the Duggars, Amy seems exciting and, you know, less crazy than they do. On her own, there just isn't anything to her - she's like every other Christian girl from the south. Also? Yeah, she can sing(ish), but when you compare her to any other female singer out there, she kind of pales in comparison. So, yeah, I don't see her spinoff going anywhere (then again I thought the Duggars were boring enough last season to get cancelled, so what do I know about TLC and its ratings).)

Yes, agree. Would only watch the show if it was about Famy taking in a J-slave who'd escaped.

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The FB page Life ain't all pickles and hairspray have put the link up to Josh and Anna's house. Any ideas where they are going?

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Is anyone else having trouble with "19 Kids & Courting - Duggar Snark Season 8 - Part 4?" I get a message saying I am not authorized to see the content.

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Is anyone else having trouble with "19 Kids & Courting - Duggar Snark Season 8 - Part 4?" I get a message saying I am not authorized to see the content.

I can't even see it on the list of threads anymore.

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Any chance that FRC is already cutting Josh loose and he's going to move back to Arkansas? Of course what will he do since the car lot was sold?

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I can't even see it on the list of threads anymore.

I don't see Part 4 on the list, but there is a link at the end of Part 3. Unfortunately for me, that link leads to the error message.

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The FB page Life ain't all pickles and hairspray have put the link up to Josh and Anna's house. Any ideas where they are going?

My guess is Loudon County, VA. Smuggar is interested in Virginia politics. Anyplace closer-in than Loudon County is going to be out of their budget. Their old house is listed for $2400/mo. My 3-bedroom townhome in Northern Virginia would rent for much more than that; probably around $3,000. Plus, Fairfax County is now "purple," leaning towards blue. I'm sure Smuggar wants to be in a more conservative county.

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I can see that thread, but the whole forum has been crashing for me on and off today

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