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Duggars By the Dozen - General Discussion - Part 6

happy atheist

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Yup, that's what Will calls them! Jen ever had stockings made to match Will and Zoey's that say mama and baba. :)

I'll have to tell my daughter and son-in-law that. My daughter and granddaughter were over for a while on Saturday and our Zoey said she wanted to go out for Chinese food. That settles it: I'm going to get a cooktop that can handle wok cooking.

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Dang, a baby carrier can last that long? They use the same baby carrier with each baby since the show started... I thought it would have broke by now. Especially with them being all BUY USED AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE" It wouldnt surprise me if the carrier wasnt new when they bought it (unless it was given as a gift)

So we know for sure Hannie, Jenny, Jordyn, and Josie were all in it. And it looks like Marcus too. How long does a good baby carrier last?

I don't think they're the same carrier. The straps are different. On the old picture, they're black but on the new picture, they're khaki.

Very similar though.

That said, when we go to the grandparents, my son uses the stroller from when I was his age. So it's probably possible with a quality carrier in any family that has fewer children than the Duggars!

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Poor Hannah. She must've gotten some on her hands then touched her face. And do these people ever eat healthy? Nothing wrong with treats but with all that space they could grow some healthy foods.

She could also just have severe reactions to poison ivy like I do. I can get it on my ankles and my entire body will swell, face included. It's pretty miserable.

I hope she feels better soon. Poison ivy is awful.

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She could also just have severe reactions to poison ivy like I do. I can get it on my ankles and my entire body will swell, face included. It's pretty miserable.

I hope she feels better soon. Poison ivy is awful.

Yeah, my daughter would get systemic reactions like that. What's awful about poison oak/ ivy is that the oil can stay on surfaces for literally years...so someone who is extra sensitive to it can be avoiding it like the plague, but still get it from petting a dog, putting on glasses that have the oil on the frame, etc....unfortunately many doctors aren't even aware of that. Huge PITA, especially for a kid who lives somewhere it's endemic.

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I don't think they're the same carrier. The straps are different. On the old picture, they're black but on the new picture, they're khaki.

Very similar though.

That said, when we go to the grandparents, my son uses the stroller from when I was his age. So it's probably possible with a quality carrier in any family that has fewer children than the Duggars!

Looks the same to me, just harder to the see the black straps the way it is on Hannie in the upper pic, but they are there, still black.

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That made those little girls carry around those big honkin' babies!? I nearly died wearing my first, and I was a grown woman. I've never seen the older shows, so I had no idea. Wow.

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I've seen lactose-free ice cream before so if it's ice cream it could be that.

You can get lactose-free anything. But, it is possible that she isn't lactose intolerant anymore. Quite often children that are born with it grow out of it, my grandson did. It has to do with an enzyme not being produced at birth, that develops over time.

I would imagine that you wouldn't give her regular dairy if she was still intolerant for the simple reason that you would not want to have to deal with the effects.

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You can get lactose-free anything. But, it is possible that she isn't lactose intolerant anymore. Quite often children that are born with it grow out of it, my grandson did. It has to do with an enzyme not being produced at birth, that develops over time.

I would imagine that you wouldn't give her regular dairy if she was still intolerant for the simple reason that you would not want to have to deal with the effects.

We saw the effects on camera. JB and Mullet didn't deal with it...they gave Josie and her poopy pants to a J'Slave.

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Did anyone catch if Josie was eating ice cream during the last episode, when they were making pickles from scratch? I could have sworn that she was eating something at the beginning of that segment, I'm just not sure if it was ice cream or not.

When Michelle took Jessa to see Ben, JB took the kids out of Pizza. They showed Josie eating pizza with cheese. I wonder if that's the medication we saw then, too? The duggars are definitely the kind of people who just medicate her in order to not change their dairy infested diet.

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The episode when Jason fell through the stage is on and MAN does Josie look just like him!

Michelle's behavior in that episode was sickening.

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Is this Anna? I am usually not one to speculate pregnancy.. but there is a noticeable belly that reminds me of a second trimester pregnancy...

Speculation is fun though :)

Hmm it could be bulky layers. But she certainly does look overall more plump than she has these last several months. Some of the book signing pics I see with Smuggar and Anna, she looks ill. Her face seems slightly bloated. But maybe they stopped eating as healthy. Or maybe she's knocked up. We'll find out soon enough.

They did try to hide the pregnancy from us last time, with Marcus.

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Is this Anna? I am usually not one to speculate pregnancy.. but there is a noticeable belly that reminds me of a second trimester pregnancy...

To me it seems more like how she's sitting is causing the clothes to look like she's bigger than an actual pregnancy belly.

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She's well on her way to looking like Michelle where everything (clothes and body) is so shapeless that it's hard to tell. Some women (myself included) just don't bounce back well after pregnancies....

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I rewatched some of the old Duggar specials (the first 3) and noticed some family dynamics I had not before.

The main one was Jinger. It was the special where they were watching their old house get demolished and moving into their new house. Each of the kids got to talk about their favorite memory of the old house and what they were most excited about in the new house. Jinger said something along the lines of "I don't want to move, we have so many memories here and it will be sad when the (old) house is gone and we won't be here anymore." She sounded a lot like J'chelle in that TH, who has repeatedly gotten upset about how things are changing or when they had to get rid of baby stuff from many kids ago.

I have a feeling that Jinger has some of the same attachment issues that J'chelle does and is very resistant to change. Jinger also displayed this emotion during this season with all the Jessa courtship stuff. Jinger has become so accustomed to having all her sisters and family under one roof and seems unhappy with accepting that things are changing (very much like J'chelle, even if for different reasons).

Looking forward, I worry that Jinger will fall into similar lifestyle (get married, have eleventy!!!!11!! children, be stuck with tons of kids and SAHDs) just to maintain the feelings of closeness and security she feels now.

I truly think these kids need legitimate professional therapy.

Of course there were the god-awful frumpers and crunchy hair, but they really did try to hide the ATI Gothard stuff.

Another thing I was surprised at was during Johanna's birth (another VBAC, but in a hospital), J'chelle was VERY religious as she birthed hannie. Saying "praise god," "thank you lord," etc, and in the more recent births they have televised, I do not recall such joy and worship during the births. (Except maybe during Anna's homebirths). I could be wrong though.

Don't get me wrong, I think it is great she is able to carry this positivity into her labor and delivery, but it seems like her religious connection to having babies was very high at that time, and has diminished into a self serving 'how many can we have' mentality more recently.

Also, found these parallel pictures. Hopefully Johannah will have a happier youth than poor Joy.

I doubt Michelle will have any more kids, so Johannah will not be forced to raise umpteen offspring. Marcus was only visiting. Johannah might be called upon to babysit him, but she doesn't have to *raise* him. Even Joy did not have the same responsibilities as the four oldest Duggar girls, although I expect that will change somewhat with Jill and possibly Jessa getting married soon. But given the ages of the youngest Duggars, Joy will most likely get stuck with homeschooling duties, cleaning, laundry, packing for trips, and that sort of thing. Not fun, but it's less stressful than being the primary caretaker of several small siblings.

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When Michelle took Jessa to see Ben, JB took the kids out of Pizza. They showed Josie eating pizza with cheese. I wonder if that's the medication we saw then, too? The duggars are definitely the kind of people who just medicate her in order to not change their dairy infested diet.

It's my understanding that ripened cheeses like Cheddar are very low in lactose and aged cheeses have virtually none. It's still not recommended that people with lactose intolerance eat cheese though.

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Is this Anna? I am usually not one to speculate pregnancy.. but there is a noticeable belly that reminds me of a second trimester pregnancy...

Maybe an old pic? Anna has been looking more trim lately, and this looks like the pic was taken when she was preg with Marcus. Her hair looks darker too....

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I'm not sure if you can give Imodium (I think it's called?) to small children. My cousin, however, is lactose intolerant, and she can handle some dairy some of the time when she takes the medication.

Does anyone know of this could be the case with Josie, or can you not give it to children that small?

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So according to the Duggar Tumblr there is a "clean wholesome Duggar forum"


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I am lactose intolerant and have been since I was a small child. Cheese from cows does not really effect me, unless I over indulge. Cheese from goats and sheep has no effect on me whatsoever. But give me ice cream or a glass of milk and well... you might want to avoid being near me for awhile. Super gassy, plus INTENSE debilitating abdominal pain from the gas buildup. I have found that a couple of teaspoons of turmeric mixed with a ton of water will clear up any gas pains. I also have taken the Lactaid pills and know tons of people who have given them to their children. They are available over the counter and are safe for children 4 and older. You just take some before ingesting dairy.

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I'm not lactose intolerant but definitely lactose sensitive. Milk bothers me. Ice cream bothers me. I actually hate cheese unless it's melted mozzarella on pizza (and even then it can be iffy if it's too strong/too much) but generally I can eat that without it bothering me much. It's kind of hit or miss but usually it's okay. Maybe Josie is the same.

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So according to the Duggar Tumblr there is a "clean wholesome Duggar forum"


So is this supposed to be some sort of response to FJ? Freaking Hilarious! I think we have just found a new place for snarkable info/fodder. :lol:

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To me it seems more like how she's sitting is causing the clothes to look like she's bigger than an actual pregnancy belly.

It wasn't so much the way she was sitting that made me think she might be pregnant. It was her face. Her face had really slimmed down a lot last fall but in this picture it looks more like it does when she is pregnant. She just happens to get a puffy face when she is pregnant each time.

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So according to the Duggar Tumblr there is a "clean wholesome Duggar forum"


That is just awful.

Ive been running forums for years, and you do not need to create a forum for every single thing you can think of, half of them will have barely any posts, especially for the Duggars who are less in the spotlight. How often does anything important come up about Justin? How often do any of the kids get a whole thread for themselves on this forum, unless they are courting or have just been born? Sure, every once in a while, someone will ask something about something one kid did in a particular episode, but most of the time, it is about the kids in general (How much homeschooling do they get? Which one do you think will be first to leave the lifestyle? How they behave as a group.). The only ones who would really need their own forum are the ones in relationships, as they are the only ones who are anything more than just part of a group.

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